Dawn Infinity

Chapter 157

“…It’s basically safe to get here.” Ali drove in accordance with the pre-arranged route, and finally came to a material warehouse, drove the car into the parking area in the warehouse, and then moved away from the parking area. The door of one room was opened, and the room was actually a large room with bright lights. The facilities inside were intact, and there were many first-aid supplies. Obviously, this is the relief room arranged by Chu Hao and others.

As soon as everyone arrived at the refuge, Chu Hao immediately took the shocked Ares and said to Sarah Connor: “I need Terminator T800 to help me with the surgery. The Terminator computer program has a series of procedures such as human anatomy. But I can’t order him. In the program, he only listens to your son John Connor.”

John Connor was extremely intelligent. He didn’t wait for his mother to speak. He immediately said to the Terminator: “Do you have surgery? Help him, don’t let him die…”

Terminator is a poker face, with no expression, cold and cold. After listening to the words, he went straight to Ares and looked at his wound. After a while, he said: “The large intestine has broken, the internal bleeding is very serious, and a lot of surgical equipment is needed. And the blood source that matches his body’s blood, or he will die within seven minutes to ten minutes.”

Chu Hao heard that it was relaxed. At the time of preparing this refuge, it was already considered that someone would be injured, so both the surgical equipment and the blood stock are ready, although he will also have a variety of surgical skills, but relatively speaking Less than a professional, and in some ways, Terminator is also one of the surgical professionals.

In this way, in the prepared operation room, Terminator and Shu Hao performed surgery on Ares. It must be said that if the robot’s Terminator is used for doctors’ surgery, it is really better than people, especially It is the scalpel movement that is accurate to the millimeter during surgery, and the precise judgment every second is the place where the mechanical computer is stronger than Human.

After dozens of minutes, when Ares was quietly pushed out of the operating room, everyone in the room was relaxed, especially Sarah Connor. Her mind was completely different from the beginning, and the Terminator was seen again after more than a decade. And I also saw T1000, which is more exaggerated than the Terminator, and these self-proclaimed super-future warriors. Her mind has completely believed what Chu Hao said, and is more eager to get more information from Chu Hao, even, she I also hope to keep this group of future fighters as the first and most powerful team for her son to become the leader of the Human Army in the future.

Chu Hao naturally has something to say to her, although the real protagonist is John Connor, but as John Connor’s mother, now Sarah Connor is the commander, and whether it is his knowledge, or its There is no better preparation for the future. There is no more suitable person than her. Chu Hao has already thought about redeeming the world, so it is natural to talk to her.

So the two sides hit it off, and after Chu Hao removed the surgical gown, after a simple grooming, he led everyone to eat simple food, sat at a table with Sarah Connor, and began to talk to her.

“…Accurately speaking, in fact, we are not from your future, but from the future of the future. It may be somewhat difficult to understand. Then let me talk about the future that you should have.”

Chu Hao, while eating a light meal, said: “In this world, it was supposed to develop the Skynet system in 1997. When Skynet first dispatched a Terminator robot to chase you, the robotic wreck was originally obtained by the government. However, the government has not announced it to the world. Instead, they have slandered you as a mentally ill in order to conceal the fact that the Terminator robot exists. This is why you are detained, and the government relies on the wreckage of the Terminator robot. Chip and mechanical organization to make the Skynet system successful, and in the original history, 1997 will generate Terminator Day, also known as Judgment Day, due to the birth of Skynet.”

Sarah Connor looked at the Terminator, and Terminator said: “Yes, in my chip information record, 1997 is indeed the Judgment day.”

Sarah Connor pondered: “The government needs people to study even if there are chips and Terminator wrecks. Then if we kill the people who study Skynet in advance, then destroy the Terminator’s chips and wrecks, so… …”

Chu Hao smiled and said: “This is what I want to say, the future history we come from… In our history, you really destroyed the chip and the Terminator wreck, but this only delayed the birth of Skynet. Time, in fact, after that, Skynet was still researched by the government, and still gave it complete control over Human’s weapon system, and then Skynet had intelligence in a very short time, while Skynet controlled US nuclear missile launches. To Russia, and then, the Russian missile counterattack, Judgment day is here, this is our history.”

Sarah Connor was a bit stunned, not talking about her, so was John Connor next to her, and the Terminator, although her expression was the same, her eyes flashed red and seemed to be calculating, so, a moment later Sarah Connor Suddenly sighed and said: “I know that the future is not 10%, it can be changed, but I did not expect to change this. At the end, Skynet will still be born, Judgment day will come… We did Everything, what’s the point?”


Chu Hao immediately said: “If it doesn’t make sense, then what are we going back to?! Our goal is to save the world, that is, to redeem the world. In fact, we can clearly tell the two, our primary Quest is not Protecting you, of course, as the future Human leader, and the father of the Human leader who sent us, John Connor is really important and one of our main Quests, but our primary Quest is to change the world and change that future. !”

“Re-introduction, we are the future of the future, and we can think of it as the future. When John Connor has died in the Skynet robot army, his son will inherit his will in the future of the Human army and exist as the most elite Team. Team, I am the Captain of this Team, you can call us the Super Future Team. In the future, the T800, T1000, TX and other robots that die in our hands, don’t know how many, as long as You can cooperate with us, then believe in us, even if we fight hard but we don’t want to live, we must also completely reverse the tragic future!”

Chu Hao’s remarks were chop nails and sever Iron, and many of the people present were stunned, not just Sarah Connor, but even their own…

“…Captain’s God Level swindling technique is really more and more exquisite, and it has to reach the point of perfection.”

Zhang Heng and Lu Zixue rushed back to the refuge in an hour or two. This didn’t delay too much time, and the refuge was not detected by T1000, so everything progressed as smoothly as Chu Hao said. I heard that Ares is out of danger, and the mood is naturally good. However, after listening to Ali’s simple narrative of Chu Hao’s remarks, Zhang Heng feels that the corner of his mouth seems to have started cramping, and in the end he can only say it. Such a sentence comes.

Lu Zixue was stunned by the side. She pulled Zhang Heng’s sleeves and said: “Your Captain will not always be such a big swindling? Then he let us break, and said that we will find us… …this won’t be swindling too?”

Zhang Heng’s mouth began to twitch again. He pulled Lu Zixue and said: “Captain’s swindling is not right… Hey, sometimes right, but basically trustworthy Captain, basically trustworthy… or Time to trust, hehe…”

“It’s not good to say bad things in the back.”

Just when Zhang Heng spoke, Chu Hao came out of the door. He smiled and satisfactorily watching Zhang Heng and Lu Zixue return to the team. This said: “With Lu Zixue, Zhang Heng, your stable play. The problem has finally been solved. I will not be afraid that you will suddenly be funny in the battle.”

Zhang Heng immediately said: “Hey, figure out, when will I be funny in the battle!? And I have nothing to do with this woman, don’t take me and her…”

Zhang Heng voice has not fallen, Lu Zixue has smiled and pulled out the pistol, and said in a word after Zhang Heng’s head: “If you have the ability to say something, it has nothing to do with me, please.”

“…I am joking, sorry…”

Chu Hao smiled and looked at Zhang Heng’s whitish face. After a long time, he said, “Okay, take a good rest today, eat enough, and start the Second-Stage action tomorrow. Up…”

“The raid research institute, at the same time holding a press conference…”

“We want to make all the truth public!”

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