Dawn Infinity

Chapter 315

Universe Knight’s Enhancement is very expensive, Initial-Level requires double-level Side-Story, and the number of reward stores is 7,000. For tier, Reward Points is estimated to be enough, but Side-Story is obviously not enough. So in the end, Chu Hao gave it the addition, which was barely enough for the Universe Knight’s Initial-Level Enhancement.

Each time is ten minutes, the specific battle… very strong!

In the oversized basement designed by Chu Hao, tier conducted a combat test, but the result was a surprise for Chu Hao. It was such an expensive Enhancement that the combat power was indeed very large.

The first is speed. When it changes to Universe Knight, the speed has been greatly improved, and the figure has changed. It is no longer a robot like Human, but a pure robot. The height is about three meters. It can compress and eject a large amount of gas from the footsteps and the back of the waist to improve the movement speed and flexibility. At the same time, it has short-term air-sustainability and can fly at a maximum altitude of 20 meters. Basically, it is more flexible than him. The t800 state is ten times more powerful.

The second is combat effectiveness. Ten minutes is actually just a figure. It’s not ten minutes. It depends on the Universe Knight energy reserve. For example, when it is empty, it will consume a lot of energy, and the use of weapons will also consume energy. Minutes are only determined according to the normal weapons battle. If you change to the Universe Knight, you will not move, and there is no consumption, then you can basically maintain about 30 minutes.

After the Enhancement, there is a diamond-shaped crystal on the chest of the tier. This diamond-shaped crystal will absorb free energy from the space, such as heat, light energy, kinetic energy, and even the radiant energy of the universe. It does not need any filling energy, almost every day. It can be filled once, and when it is full, when it changes to Universe Knight, it absorbs energy from this diamond to maintain state and fight.

The Universe Knight’s fighting style is melee and remote combination. In normal combat, a long gun with a length of more than three meters is used. This long gun uses an unknown alloy. The hardness is very large and there is almost no possibility of damage. At the same time, this long gun It can also be converted into battles and turned into a metal whip with a length of more than ten meters. Whether it is a long gun form or a whip form, the surface of this weapon will have a layer of Universe Knight energy attachment, which can guarantee its power and penetration.

Finally, it is the Grand Knight’s big move, anti-material gun, power… Unfortunately, the Initial-Level Universe Knight does not have this kind of weapon Enhancement, it has to be used after the a-level Universe Knight Enhancement, originally Chu Hao is quite Looking forward to saying…

In any case, tier’s combat power suddenly rose, and even became the team of Zhang Heng, Nian Xikong, the strength of Team North-Iceland, this consumption is really worth, and now tier is still a robot, as long as the core chip is not damaged, then he There will be no danger to life, which will allow him to charge, and Team’s pressure will drop dramatically. This kind of Enhancement is really worth it.

After worrying about the Enhancement of tier, the rest of the Enhancement does not need to worry about him, at least not too much worry, in which Bilis borrowed two Rank-C Side-Story from Nian Xikong to complete the Enhancement of Initial-Level Witch Attribute. At the same time, she also exchanged the Witch-type flying broom, which is the first member of Team to enter the flight era.

Witch Attribute is also a set of Evolution Entityment Attributes, similar to Magic Network Physique Enhancement, but Mage is more biased to assist, such as using some weird things to create some strange potions, such as using skin, shavings The key to cursing or viewing others is that there is a set of tools that only Witch can use, including crystal balls, including cards, including flying broom, which is the reinforcement Attribute of Bilis.

As for Zhang Heng, it’s finally a dream… no Exchange to Golden Saint-Clothes, because Reward Points and Side-Story are not enough… This makes him look ugly for the next few days, a group owes others He looks like tens of thousands.

As for Tom, Exchange has the Shadow-Walker’s Next-Step Enhancement, called Shadow-Stalker. Now, in addition to the same shadow, he can now lurk into movable shadows, such as people or objects or animals. In the shadow, at the same time, he can create a dark, energy weapon called Shadow Blade, which can attack the spiritual body and have penetrating damage to most substances. By this step, Tom’s combat power is also big. The magnitude has risen, and it is no longer a simple reconnaissance or evasion.

Then there is Ozzie, who has two skills in the Spirit Controller series, one called Spirit True-Words, which can be set to a word. When he reads the word, he gives the other person the gap with his Spiritual Force. Shocking, shock time is possible from an instant to a long time, and does not require the other party to hear his voice, only the other party can be within his scope of Spiritual-Force Scan, of course, for Spiritual Force far more than his life If used, the result is likely to be a direct backlash, which can lead to his coma or even death.

The second skill is called Spirit Phantom. This is an advanced skill. Now he only exchanges to Spirit Phantom. After that, he can continue Exchange to Spirit Exploding-Phantom. The ordinary Spirit Phantom can shape a character according to his Spiritual Force. The more concentrated and powerful his Spiritual Force is, the more realistic the character will be and the longer it will last. When advanced to Spirit Exploding-Phantom, the virtual character he created will be shaped once he is killed. The Spiritual Force instantly recoils the enemy Spiritual Force, subjecting it to the Spiritual Force backlash, which is equivalent to the Spiritual Force explosion. It is a multi-purpose capability. According to Chu Hao, this capability can even determine a Team Battle or a The ending of the movie world.

The entire Team, except for Stry, the rest of the Exchange has ended, and Stry is still outside of Team. He does not know what the Enhancement is, and he has nothing to say, as if it is all normal…

After the entire Team is completed, only Chu Hao has nothing to enhance himself, and he has no Exchange. He also has his own considerations. Although he can continue the Enhancement Magic skills, he thinks that what he should do now is to continue. The application of Rune’s general and narrow sense is very big. If he can develop a staged result, then the strength will really improve a lot, and the Enhancement of those Magic, slow again. Slow proficiency, it is better to conduct in-depth research on the current level.

On the other hand, he also has a lot of Reward Points and Side-Story for Exchange to buy a very expensive thing… Semi-Plane!

Even the cheapest Semi-Plane is very expensive, because the difference between Semi-Plane and his space debris is that there is sunshine, air, gravity, water, and even plants in the Semi-Plane. And of course, he doesn’t know where Sun-Plane’s sunshine comes from, but it doesn’t matter, isn’t it? A living semi-Plane, ranging in size from a few hundred meters, to several kilometers, to tens of thousands of meters, and even an island, a continent-sized Semi-Plane, its value is really difficult to estimate.

It is also related to one of his ideas, a guess, and a plan.

In fact, this speculation has long been there, and that is the guess of the meaning of Lord God.

Everything has its own meaning, even if it is the supreme power of the Lord God, even the detachment of the sense, the god or the devil, it should have its meaning, even if they want to see Human The case of death or struggling is fun, which is considered to be its existence.

But obviously, the meaning of Lord God is not the same. Otherwise, you can completely virtualize a scene, then throw Human and a lot of monsters into it, set the Enhancement Attribute to be dropable, or hide the location. Look for it, or hide Lord God there, kill how many monsters get rewards, and then directly in Exchange, so you can definitely see more deaths and struggles.

The facts are another story. The Reincarnation Team Member travels through various movie worlds, fighting against villains in various movie worlds, fighting demons, saving a large number of Humans and even the world in disguise before returning to Lord-God Space. Here, I gave the Reincarnation Team Member ten days of rest, while also giving hope for evolution, and there are options to return to the real world and Exchange, all of which indicate that Lord God is not using the Reincarnation Team Member as a consumption. Product, as a music, this is completely different from the speculation of the god.

Chu Hao also guessed that the existence of Lord God is likely to be of a human nature, that is, what is beneficial to Human will be completed by the Reincarnation Team Member, and the movie world is actually the numerous Human Plane of the multi-universe Plane. Then the Lord God is probably a very powerful person, such as a future person, or a different world.

But this speculation was shattered in The Lord of the Rings, because in Plane, what they did was not of a charismatic nature, but to help Dwarf, if there was a strong in The Lord of the Rings The Dwarf empire, which obviously does not benefit the race of Human, so the speculation of the nature of the human nature declared the end.

So what is the meaning of Lord God? Chu Hao is confused again about this speculation, but he still sees that Lord God is not trying to express them, or to play with them, or to take them for fun, but to really treat them as Quest. The main force, the soldiers, or part of the strength of Lord God, why would you divide so many Reincarnation Teams? This is obviously the reason for this.

That being the case, the stronger the Reincarnation Team, the better it will be for the Lord’s Lord God. At the same time, the more successful the Quest can be and the more dangerous Side-Story, which is also true for Lord God. The more favorable it is… then his plan is only possible, and you don’t have to worry about Lord God directly eliminating him…

That is……

Real world Specially trained army, equipped with high-tech weapons or Magic weapons of Lord-God Space Exchange, participate in the reincarnation!

The Plane battle plan he envisioned!

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