Dawn Infinity

Chapter 316

Chapter 3: Code Name ! Reincarnation!

In so many reincarnation battles, Chu Hao was keenly aware of a problem, that is, the problem of Reincarnation Team positioning.

A Reincarnation Team can only accommodate 20 Team members at most, even if it is the entire Summoning division, the number can never be compared with the number of people in the world, the army, or the monster, from the Lord of the Rings. This is especially true in the movie I Am Legend.

The definition of Reincarnation Team should be a super-excellent special warfare force, but basically it can’t be compared with the regular troops on the regular battlefield. Of course, you can also say that after entering the movie world, according to the plot, layout, plan, etc. Get the general trend in the movie, and then form the army in the movie world, of course, but this is too restrictive, and not every time, as in I Am Legend, it is almost impossible to achieve, and such Once the layout, the next Horror-Movie World can no longer be used, this army is almost a one-off, which affects too much efficiency.

So… Is it possible for the reincarnation to build the Team itself, and then bring the Team into it when the returnees enter the Reincarnation World battle?

This involves two fundamental big problems. If it can’t be solved, then Chu Hao’s plan will die.

One is the problem of leaking. Once Lord God determines that such behavior is leaking, then the bring in is likely to be instantaneously elected.

The second is the difficulty. If Lord God thinks that such behavior is cheating, then it is very likely that the plot will be directly changed.

This is two fundamental problems. If it can’t be solved, Chu Hao can only dispel this idea, but unfortunately he does not have Authority at hand. Otherwise, he can ask Lord God some key questions according to Authority, so that it can be confirmed. hateful……

But there is no way to solve it, but the solution also requires a lot of Reward Points. That is an expensive item that Chu Hao sees. Rebirth Cross can offset a death. This offset is absolutely offset, that is, no matter how you die, If the condition of death is so good, then the bones will be ash and will be revived once.

Chu Hao’s plan is this, first Exchange Semi-Plane, then bring five real world people into the reincarnation movie world, if the plot becomes more difficult, or if he is eliminate, then you can rely on Rebirth Cross to resurrect, so plan This is terminated, and his Semi-Plane is not useless. It is estimated to be of great use in the future. It is not a waste. It just wastes a Rebirth Cross’s Reward Points that’s all, but it proves that this method is feasible. It is worth it. .

In this case, the preliminary preparation is about to begin now…

Back to Lord-God Space After a few days of rest, Chu Hao once again exchanged the real time for a month, and once again returned to the real world. Of course, this time before returning to the real world, he exchanged 5,000 tons from Lord God. Gold was returned after it was filled with space debris.

The return journey was very easy. The Rebel Organization executives were already familiar with his ecstasy. After he contacted the organization, he quickly went to a base and saw the thinned Li on the second day. Ganglei.

Li Ganglei’s face is deep, his eyes are concave, and the dark circles are so thick that they look like makeup. The whole person doesn’t look much different from the big smoker in the movie and TV. When he sees Chu Hao, he is immediately tearful. The difference rushed up and burst into tears.

“…Is it so busy recently?” Chu Hao felt that his head must be full of sweat, he could only ask with a smile.

Li Ganglei nodded affirmatively: “Have you said that you have increased your liaison with governments? You know how much work has been done? Security, spies, leaks, and even the theft of Meme have occurred. It almost caused the third world great war… if the Meme was stolen successfully.”

Chu Hao suddenly became speechless. After a long time, he said: “Forget it, this matter has to come slowly. When I come back, I will take over your work. I will finish the most important things first… but there are other things. I need you to do it. I can start the process in this month. I can’t relax after I leave.”

Li Ganglei knew that this was a business, and he immediately said in a positive color: “What, listen and listen.”

“I want to set up a unit… Yes, you didn’t get it wrong, it’s not a team, it’s not a war group, but a large-scale army. The initial number of people is guaranteed thousand people. I ask that the organization is mature and most The lower-level soldiers, the Intermediate-Level sergeant, and the superior school officials, all of them are mature systems.”

Li Ganglei immediately sat down and thought carefully. After a long time, she said: “I don’t ask what you want to do with this army. I will ask three questions. One is the source of the soldiers, the other is the logistics support, and the third is Welfare treatment, what other enemies to face, what to do with Quest, etc., no matter what Quest, these three must be guaranteed.”

Chu Hao nodded. When he thought about it, he replied: “I don’t ask for fixed races and races, nor do I need to fix the country. The soldiers can be searched from all the people in all countries of the world. I don’t even ask for qualifications. However, there are a few points. The first one is the world view. There is no need for freedom, no racist, no extremists, such as the Terrorist Organization. Those who are politically brainwashed are also exempted. Of course, those mercenaries are fine. They don’t care if they protect themselves. It doesn’t matter if they are greedy for wealth. Even if they like to kill, it doesn’t matter. They just need to obey my orders. But it’s better to retired soldiers, and because they are in the army for a long time. After retiring, those who are poor because they can’t find a job, or those who are in desperate circumstances are not bad. In short, my request is like this.”

“As for logistics support, I will pay a part, but more depends on the organization to bear. Of course, I am referring to food, firearms, ammunition, etc. I will be prepared for some other extraordinary things.”

“The last item, the welfare issue, first clear the hierarchy, Low-Level soldiers can be equated with the outside of the organization Member, the lower-level non-commissioned officers can be equivalent to 02 to 03 personnel, the school official can be equivalent to 0 to 05Member, also the school Officials and officers can know the core secrets of our organization. Of course, there must be certain tests and certain qualifications. These can be reconsidered.”

“In addition to the hierarchy, I can open up the supply of money. Let me say that if I am not afraid of the economic collapse of the real world, I can bring you one thousand tons or even 10,000 tons of gold every time, or diamonds can be The military benefits, you can let the following professionals agree, I only ask for at least three times higher than the current highest welfare military soldiers in the world. Simply put, the problem that can be solved with gold and money is not a problem. I said so, do you understand?”

“Of course, ordinary soldiers have a good solution, and the non-commissioned officers can solve it, but the problem of the senior-level school official will not be solved. If this is the case, whether it is the incumbent officer in some countries or retired. Old school officials, I hope that you can dig them as much as possible, but for them, money is no longer a big problem, and I need them to loyally execute any orders I have issued, so I will Take out the rewards… How do you say that you have increased your life?”

Li Ganglei asked in a wrong way: “What do you mean? What does it mean to increase life expectancy?”

Chu Hao said directly: “For example, give them a bottle of medicine, drink it or give them an age of ten, twenty, thirty, or even fifty, so I just said that age is not a problem, even if You have found me a general administrator who is over 90 years old. As long as they are qualified and proficient in various war strategies, I can also make them younger. In addition to this life expectancy, there are more extra benefits, such as Eliminate the terminal illness, not only for them, but also with their loved ones. Yes, that life-increasing life can also be used for their loved ones. This is also a reward for military or military awards, such as completing a war I specified, and finally winning. , then will issue some medals, these medals can be used with my Exchange Reward Points, how many Reward Points can increase the lifespan, or treat the disease, which can be used not only on them, but also on their loved ones. In this way, they can guarantee their loyalty, at least with the possibility of cooperation, right?”

Li Ganglei was stunned and he murmured: “Is there really such a life-saving agent!?”

Chu Hao glared at him and said: “Reassured, have your share, if you need it, I will get it for you if you want to go bankrupt. You don’t have to worry about it, or you can talk about business first, in addition to the above benefits, this army. There will also be different benefits. For example, the army of the hundred thousand people will be divided into ten divisions. Each division will take a different number. Then the teacher will perform well, the battle will be tenacious, and the sacrifice will not be completed. Quest, the teacher will give a new type of weapon, I am not referring to modern technology weapons, such as laser rifles, such as Gauss rifles, even driving robots, or spacecraft I can get, so It is possible to distinguish the strength of the army and introduce a sense of honor and identity. Then those who are not qualified will gradually eliminate the cancellation number. After that, the strongest division can be reorganized, for example, to expand it to 20,000 and 30,000. And so on, to improve combat effectiveness, at the same time, in this hundred thousand people, I hope that the division of labor must be clear, I want to have all kinds of arms, from the air force, navy, land , mechanical, even flying aerospace, spaceships, all have to have, and it is best to introduce the training mechanism of our Rebel Organization, or at least some soldiers introduced, these people must have some experience against Meme or Phantom, All in all, I hope that the army of this hundred thousand people, as long as the equipment is in place, they are afraid that the aliens will give me a fight!”

Li Ganglei was completely immersed in thinking at this time. After a long time, she said: “Then I said a few difficult points. The first one is the financial problem. In fact, although you say that there are so many gold, you can also get it. However, the current flow of funds for the Rebel Organization is not sufficient. The organization is sufficient, but it is necessary to bear the burden of the thousand people, and it is not enough…”

The voice was not finished yet. Chu Hao waved with one hand and the wall in this room was covered with pieces of gold bricks, each weighing 500 grams, and Chu Hao said: “I have five thousand. Tons of gold, if you need to come back this month and return immediately after returning, and give you 10,000 tons of gold, what’s the problem?”

Li Ganglei was already a little numb, and he touched the gold and smirked: “It won’t be Magic Spell? Are you all muddy as soon as you leave?”

Chu Hao shrugged and didn’t answer, and Li Ganglei also relaxed and said: “Money is solved, followed by security. First, we are not the Terrorist Organization. Those soldiers are likely to worry about joining the cult or the Terrorist Organization. The recruitment of the best talents, followed by the formation of such a large-scale army, I am worried about what actions will be taken in those countries, even for us to hostile or use force, how to solve this?”

“C organization threat theory and the transcendentality of the Rebel Organization.”

Chu Hao immediately said: “The first is to describe the threats of c organizations to countries, and some of our sealed information can also be decrypted. Let those countries look at the terror of c organization, the devastating threat of Meme, we used to keep confidential, now The situation needs, can be decrypted, and secondly, it means that the Rebel Organization is the only force that can compete with the C organization. Our technology is higher than them. How much power we have, these can not be solved, after this month, I will go back. Will come again, one is to give gold, the other is to leave some life-long drugs, you can draw political figures or the official school officials as appropriate, and finally send some video materials, you can use this information to tell those political figures, These worlds are the worlds destroyed by the c organization, and our Rebel Organization can fight across the world. The world’s Rebel Organization is just a branch that’s all, which will let those countries get rid of luck, because then, even if we are raided by them Destroy, the Rebel Organization headquarters will also destroy them, will let him With scruples. “

Li Ganglei snorted: “Will you not do the special effects video? It won’t… is it true? Cross Plane, fight across the world?”

Chu Hao didn’t talk, just nodded, and Li Ganglei meditated. After a long time, he said: “So… this call for the hunting of the soldiers of the thousand soldiers?”

“Code Name! Reincarnation!”

“Reincarnation Army !”

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