Dawn Infinity

Chapter 343

“…Human will die 70% on the nuclear Judgment Day, and the remaining 30% will also die 80% in the subsequent expansion of The Mist. All Humans only have about 5% of the total population, and they are hiding in the rest of the world. It can be said that the demise of Human is only between the day and night.

In the helicopter gunship, Chu Hao talked to the screen smoothly, while speaking did not hesitate to pause, natural, occasionally with sigh, helplessness, sadness, anger, this is not the so-called deception and swindling, but the real The play is like life, and life is like a play.

At this time, an old man on the screen was asked to ask: “Captain, you mean that the future situation of Human is like this? There are no weapons, no base, no production resources, technology basically abandons the loss clean, no army, even To face the situation that is divided across the world, do you mean that Human has started a counterattack against The Mist world under such circumstances?”


Chu Hao looked affirmatively: “Maybe this sounds incredible, but let me continue…. First of all, The Mist is not completely vaporized, it is an active energy, maybe When it appeared, Human did not have any problems or changes in its days, tens of days, or even months, but when The Mist world spread, the hidden Human in its years or even decades, even There are also new generations that survived in The Mist, including me… We all have Mutation on Human speciality because of the stimulation of this active energy. If we really want to use something to describe it, some are similar to undestroyed. Before, the x-men of the era shot, these energies are strange, and there are many more suitable for combat. My and my Team Members are basically the owners of these capabilities. This is the basis of our Human counterattack. Of course. There is also a need for an opportunity. This opportunity is the awakening of the future savior’s ability. Billy… is the future savior, and his ability is space transfer. As well as the production and maintenance of the door space. “

These words suddenly made everyone on the screen amazed and embarrassed. Many of them were old soldiers. Naturally, when they had only a full population of Human 5%, there was no stable base, no production resources, no technical weapons. Human without the army, in that case, may only be slowly eroded, and finally kill the genus, but if Chu Hao said, Human began to evolve because of the active energy of The Mist, producing many similarities. X-war-like Mutant, the ability, then may still be able to survive for some days, but after all, it is impossible to escape the civilization and turn into a barbaric race until Chu Hao mentions the future savior, has space transfer, and space door production With the special Mutant that maintains the ability, many talents suddenly realize that if there is such a person with such a possibility, then Humans divided all over the world can basically ignore the distance gap, and this person can quickly gather many Humans, because space The existence of the door, then where can not be the base? Into the attack, retreat can be defended, hiding the enemy can not detect the points, can be said that the innate is invincible, unless the creatures of The Mist world can directly destroy the entire planet, otherwise the big counterattack is really a matter of time.

Although the light is not enough to completely dispel the concerns and unbelief of the people on the screen, the statement about the active energy of the fog is delivered to the relevant research team as quickly as possible, and the research team actually spread from The Mist. When the world creatures began to invade, they began to gather scientific research forces from all over the United States to explore the problem. However, because the time is too short, there is no breakthrough. The only thing that is known is that these different world creatures are very similar to those on the earth. There are creatures, but they are either magnified many times, or they have added new special capabilities. In short, they are thousands of times more powerful than the original earth creatures. That’s all, I heard that The Mist has active energy, and instead I started to increase my research on The Mist.

I have to mention that Human’s current technology is not developed enough, and it is far from the future of ultra-high-tech. But the cornerstone of scientific development is already there. At least the three laws of scientific development are there, so it is specific to The Mist’s active energy research quickly got the exact news. The Mist does have an active energy that is unknown to Human, but this energy is different from all the known energy of Human, and its characteristics are abnormal, although it can be found that it does exist. However, all its characteristics are unknown, and it is impossible to explore at present.

But that’s enough. When Chu Hao and others arrived at an unknown deep mountain base, the intelligence of the research team was already communicated to the relevant upper level. As a result, the current high level of government trust for Chu Hao and others is much more. It can be said that they have basically believed that they are future warriors, but there is still a little final doubt that’s all.

At this moment, at the nuclear missile base far away from the base, the personnel of the special operations team have already arrived at the base, and they have already given all the points of the base to the occupation, and directly shut down the central computer and Any external information channel, together with the various missile launching energy inside the base, is also closed. At this time, the crisis of nuclear missiles is justified, but the countdown has continued, with no change at all. If not, the personnel of the special operations team will still be guarded here to prevent any unexpected changes.

But everyone knows it. In the depths of the earth, a metal bead sneaked into the nuclear missile base at a very fast speed under the pulling of the metal wire. Together with those metal partitions, the metal beads could not be blocked. Minutes, and on the contrary, all metal creations seem to be delighted by the arrival of this bead, and finally, this bead has been sneaked into the core of the central computer along the metal, and gradually, close to the chip… …

The silent explosion of the bang, it is seen that the beads and the chip become one, and become a light group. Then, the whole central computer is rapidly changing and twisted, and various metal creations connected to the central computer are also twisted along with this change. The more intense, in just ten seconds, the entire nuclear missile base can clearly see the changes from the outside, it will see a fierce bulge in the entire nuclear missile base, and the changes are more and more intense, and in the end is a The huge creatures of the no-face-like people stand on the spot, and a large number of unknown metal creations fill their bodies. They can even see one nuclear missile in them. It is such a huge monster with hundreds of meters tall. on the spot.

The personnel inside the nuclear missile base died immediately. The personnel outside the nuclear missile base were also devastated. If nothing happened, they were all staying. For a time, they did not know what the situation was at the moment, and there were very few people who kept it. Reasonable, immediately reported the shock of this nuclear missile base through the existing contact system.

At the base hidden by the president, the information was quickly reported to the president, and it was also reported to the governments of the countries and the future warrior Team represented by Chu Hao. Chu Hao said that when he got the information, he immediately said “This is the Cultivation technology of The Mist World. It can temporarily transform a non-viable metal into a living body. Oops! Hurry off the nuclear bomb! The nuclear bomb is about to launch!”

The future warriors have already basically recognized the countries. Therefore, after their words are spoken, the top officials of all countries put their words in their minds. Basically, the army began to mobilize urgently. In particular, the missile defense systems of various countries have directly entered. The wartime system, and through satellite observation, when the countdown time is up, sure enough, the huge unknown metal creature, its nuclear missile on the body began to ignite and launch, and launched to each set location.

Nuclear Judgment Day … close at hand!

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