Dawn Infinity

Chapter 344

After all, the nuclear bomb was launched. With Human’s existing rocket technology, it can be loaded with multiple warheads. It can be launched outside the atmosphere and then fall almost vertically after entering the preset orbit. This kind of interception is very difficult. Basically, it can be said that The ability to intercept is basically by luck, because the speed of falling is too fast, unless the use of laser weapons, or ordinary conventional weapons are basically impossible to intercept.

The first and foremost thing is Washington, the capital of the United States. The linear distance from the nuclear missile base is the shortest. Soon, the nuclear warhead of the nuclear missile base 10% will fall from the sky, and the speed is astonishing. Even if the US government has already mobilized the current The interceptor missiles were intercepted, but in the end, three nuclear missiles landed in Washington. Fortunately, this nuclear missile base does not have a strategic nuclear missile, so all three are tactical nuclear warheads, but even so, the whole of Washington It was still blasted to the ground in an instant, and the entire explosion volatility continued to the outer continent. The number of casualties was simply uncountable. All those who had not yet had time and who were unwilling to evacuate could basically think that they were all dead…

This scene is seen by all the countries in the world, and the top ten countries in the world, that is, the countries that will be bombed in the capital during the nuclear bomb crisis, the heads of each country are iron blue. Because before that, they still have luck in their hearts. They think that this time may be the US government’s blackmail, or other circumstances, but watching Washington become ashes, it’s too much to say that political blackmail is too much. The stupid heads of state will not take the destruction of their capital, the death of several thousand, millions, or even tens of millions of people as a means. This time… is true!

Then, how to save your own capital, or how to save the lives of the people in your country as much as possible, and what to do next love, this heavy pressure and burden will be transferred from the United States to their side, let them Time is a loss of voice, and I don’t know what to say at all.

“The second nuclear missile arrives in the country…the UK…”

The British Prime Minister immediately stunned a few words. After a long time, he said with a gloomy face: “We will never admit defeat in Britain. The evacuation plan for London has already begun, and our missile defense system has also been opened. We… Our British Empire solemnly submitted a military joint plan to the US government, which will be submitted below. We hope that the British team can enter the United States and enter the The Mist area!”

“We France also hopes…”

“And we Germany…”

The other countries have also spoken in succession. Only Z and a few countries have spoken without a word, and still sit there silently. What the US president was preparing to say, suddenly there was information passed to his information window. He said, “Oh, our future fighters have arrived at the base. If you allow, I hope that they can enter.” In this meeting, after all, they are experts for The Mist World Invader. What do you think?”

The vote started very quickly. Less than a minute before and after the vote, the vote was passed with the overwhelming majority of consent. After less than a minute, Chu Hao and others entered the meeting room with the appearance of a dusty servant. In this Team, there is also a tier robot that has removed the outer skin and completely presented the original form.

There are two strong guards next to the US president. When the group came in, the two men were a little nervous, and the US president was a look of disregard. “You don’t have to be nervous. These people are heroes, thank you. Thank you for coming, thank you for your information. I am the President of the United States in this era.”

“Hello, President.” Chu Hao stepped forward and shook hands with the President of the United States in the tight state of the two guards: “I am the commander of the plan to save the Holocaust, Major-General Chu Hao I am very happy to meet you and the leaders.”

The US president smiled and curiously walked over to tier and then looked back at Chu Hao.

Chu Hao nodded and said safely. He reached out and touched the tier’s mechanical sternum. Then he praised two sounds. Then he went back to the original place and asked: “How many robots can you make in the future?” Compared with the strength of The Mist Invader?”

“…To be honest, the situation is actually very unsatisfactory. Most of the metals needed for this kind of robot come from The Mist world. This is a special kind of metal that needs to be produced in the kind of active energy of The Mist for a long time. Earth There is very little storage in the metal ore, which is gradually emerging after The Mist spread, so the annual output depends on how much the metal is obtained. This is one of them. Second, its combat power is not strong enough to decide. At the point of the battle, perhaps most of the creatures in The Mist have the coercive and even crushing pressure, and are not afraid of life and death, but in the face of the intelligent life of The Mist world, it is only a live target, so unless there is another Progress, otherwise the use of this robot will only end here.” Chu Hao shook his head and said.

“Speaking of this.” The president of the z-state in the video suddenly said: “What kind of world is The Mist world? Do you know more about it in the future? What civilization is there? What? Before we saw a Human woman chasing you, is it really Human?”

Chu Hao said directly: “Yes, it is indeed human nature, or, in terms of appearance, it is not much different from our Human, which is a unique civilization that has always developed with the active energy of The Mist as the main body. In that world, evolution is not the overall technological power, but the world dominated by the development of personal strength. The woman in the world of The Mist is called Cultivator, also known as Sword Cultivator, Sword Immortal, she The laser-like attacks that are issued are not high-tech, but her own power. The intelligent creatures in The Mist are such a type. Of course, it is not that the intelligent life there is such an expert. About the metaphor, the number of battleships that belong to The Mist world, or the type of bomber, will not at least be overwhelming.”

After the words were exported, everyone had some commotion, and it seemed that they were talking to the people next to them, discussing and asking.

At this time, the French Prime Minister suddenly said: “This Major-General Chu Hao, before we saw your battle process all the time, your fighting style seems to be very different from the power?”

Chu Hao is also a military-like unsmiling gesture: “Yes, Mr. Prime, my ability is not entirely an ability. In the future, we have a large-scale battle with the intelligent creatures of The Mist world. With a small chance to capture their personnel, and under our influence, a small number of people decided to abandon the dark cast, we got a lot of knowledge about the use of active energy in the fog from our scientists, based on this knowledge, and then through the system Verification and editing, we get the cultivation method that our Human is suitable, of course, if it is necessary to be Mutant, the body has evolved to the point where it can absorb and use active energy, and we call it Magic, which is also the future. Human, in addition to the ability, is one of the forces that can fight against The Mist world.”

This remark made the people in the room ponder for a long time. After a long time, I don’t know how long the US president said: “We just talked about the fact that countries sent troops to enter the Mist area, although we are not sure whether there is a country. Nuclear binding will be adopted, but at least we have to fulfill the responsibility of our generation, and you are an expert in dealing with The Mist world creatures, I would like to ask your opinion.”

Chu Hao nodded immediately, stepped forward, his hands behind him, the appearance of an authentic veteran, and no soldier could see the slightest flaw, because he was indeed a veteran, and he stood there and said: Our coming Quest is to stop this catastrophe. The cost of coming back from the future is bigger than you think. We have more than a thousand people crossing, and only a few of us survive. This is our belief in life and death! After the information of our scientists and those who have come to the The Mist world, the only way is to carry large-scale nuclear bombs and join the world of The Mist. You must not explode at the entrance and exit. This will make The gap is getting bigger, but you need to bring this large equivalent nuclear bomb into the channel of The Mist and our side to explode, so that the Plane channel will be dissipated! And we hope to send your most elite troops from all over the world. The number does not have to be much, but it must be adapted to the battle in The Mist, adapted to the super-common fighting style. Fighting, fear of military sacrifice, and escorted us into the Plane bomb channel! Finally we made a nuclear bomb! Stop this future catastrophe! “

Some people in the venue were a little moved. The chairman of the country d took off his glasses and looked at Chu Hao with his own eyes. “But this is the case… you either enter the Themist world and never come back, or die. In the passage, you…”


Chu Hao stood up in his chest, his eyes were red, and he was still wearing tears. He said loudly: “For the sake of freedom, in order to survive, I sacrificed thousands of absolute comrades, for all future generations of Human, we…”

“Death without regrets!”

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