Dawn Infinity

Chapter 41

“…Failed, this trap layout failed completely, because the informant sneaked out, completely failed… a total of seventy people died, including fourteen elite members, four members inside, and two very serious failures. The Rebel Organization in the Czech Republic is completely paralyzed…”

“…failed, the island of Azores can be completely abandoned, the base there has been completely infected with t virus, the trap plan has completely failed, the death toll…”

“…failed, the Arctic contingent gave up support, the entire contingent Member confirmed Ghost, the trap plan failed completely, and the contingent was killed…”

“Enough, don’t say it, the layout failed… He is more painful than us. In all of us, he… is the most important thing for the Partner. His feelings are much richer than us, so… say no more……”

“But, Ling… I know that he is the most painful and most uncomfortable, but if he fails, it is a failure. This is irrefutable…”

“Li, you!”

“Chu Hao? What happened to you?”

A man’s whisper awakened Chu Hao. He discovered that he had just gone out of his mind. His mind seemed to recall the days when he was on Earth. He was just awakened by Zhang Heng.

“No, I just thought of some past events…” Chu Hao screamed and smiled and said to Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng was a bit strange and continued to ask: “Oh? What is the past? Have you ever been to the depths of the sewer?”

Chu Hao did not continue to answer, but turned away the topic: “Speaking of the sewer…Zhang Heng, you know? I used to check the world’s information online and found some interesting things.”

Zhang Heng was immediately attracted to his attention and immediately asked, “Oh? What’s interesting? Tell me about it?”

(Sure enough… even the super curious character is the same…)

Chu Hao smiled and said: “The Vampire of this world comes from a big plague. One day in 2009, a big plague broke out suddenly. The source of the plague seems to be the city we are in. It is infected. The plague will be timid and fearful of silver, some similar to rabies, but the infected person has the ingenuity and will inhale blood, be infected by Vampire, and become Vampire.”

Zhang Heng listened with gusto, and he quickly asked: “Well? Then what happened?”

“Because the plague came very suddenly, and the infected people did not become Zombie. On the contrary, they were no different from normal Human except that they could not see the sun, and they could rejuvenate and immunize almost all. The disease, in this case, the scope of the plague that has been exhausted continues to spread under the indulgence of the top executives, especially those who are terminally ill and old and dying, and with the cooperation of these seniors, the public opinion Under the hype, the entire Human society quickly changed to Vampire society in more than two years, nearly three years. As the film began, Human had the opportunity to be assimilated in the first two years. It is a period of peaceful assimilation. If Vampire spreads in the early days because of the plague, then the later stage spread because of the high-level officials until the formation of the current Vampire society.”

Chu Hao laughed, but his smile was a slight ridicule. He continued: “In fact, there is nothing in the whole movie that I understand. What is the early plague? What is its source?” And…something I haven’t told the rest of the people, I have inquired about other Vampire cities on the Internet and found that the sewers in those cities are normal, and the police forces in those cities regularly clean up the Subsider in the sewers. Only the city is different… The sewers are different, the military policies are different, and it can be seen from the movies. Even after most of the citizens became Subsiders, they only cleaned up these citizens, and the sewers had a large number of early Subsiders. But it has not been cleaned up, and even the world’s largest blood supply institution has been built in the city. Why?”

Zhang Heng heard it one by one, he curiously asked: “Why? Why?”

Chu Hao smiled and spread the karate: “I don’t know, so this brush score is one of them. The completion of Quest is the second, the third point… I want to find out what is in the sewer, that mysterious What is the source of the plague, I want to know.”

Zhang Heng thought about it, suddenly asked: “Why, why did you choose me? I am really curious about this. Don’t use me as a killer. In fact, that j, and the Ares, they are either Whose skills are better than me, and you are Mage, you need melee or meat shield, I use a bow, our combination is natural, so why did you choose me?”

“Because of your luck.”

Chu Hao said calmly: “Your bad luck luck, in some ways, is also invincible luck. As far as I know, in order to make more money, you will even pick up some very dangerous Quests, such as That airport killing is one of them, but even if these dangerously terrifying Quests, you have never been in danger in Quest, at most your Quest is not successful that’s all, otherwise I am looking for you to steal the password suitcase Because of that company, but the peripheral company of the c organization, my organization has long been unaware of how many elite agents are trapped inside, only you are lucky enough to go in and out, nothing, I am afraid that only you will be so… ”

“c, c organization?!”

Zhang Heng screamed loudly. He shook his fingers and pointed at Chu Hao. “C organization! You actually know the c organization! You are knitting! It is the Quest that you actually gave me the Quest? Yes, Right… and the organization is right, you are the Member of the Rebel Organization? Mom, I am still alive, involved in your two organizations, I am still alive…”

Chu Hao looked at Zhang Heng fiercely. He said immediately after a slight thought: “Yes, you took my Quest… You know the organization and the Rebel Organization… Yes, you and I are from the same world. ……”

The voices of both of them were very loud. When Chu Hao finished speaking, the two men changed their faces at the same time and looked at somewhere not far away. Then the two looked at each other and ran to the front crossing. In the past, and not far away, four or five huge bat shadows have already rushed over.

“We are all Reincarnation Team Members now. The previous things are not busy now. The next time we talk a little, we are in Quest.” Chu Hao said to Zhang Heng while running.

Zhang Heng is also a cautious one. He nodded again and again: “Right right, we are still in Quest… but you confirm, are these Subsiders not attracted by my bad luck?”

“……how could I know……”

Chu Hao replied while he was groaning, but at the same time, he slammed his footsteps, and Zhang Heng behind him was the same, because in front of them, there was also a running sound, and the sound was heard. It seems to be more than the Subsider behind him.

Zhang Heng sighed and was about to take out the longbow on his shoulder. Chu Hao pulled him and said: “No, now all the traps have not been arranged. Once we are engaged with the Subsider, other Subsider will inevitably Come quickly, our Quest is to delay as much as possible… go here, down the channel!”

Zhang Heng looked at the dark down channel at the intersection. He looked back and forth before his face was bitter. He finally could only helplessly follow Chu Hao and headed for the downward passage.

The two quickly advanced in this way, and soon came to the deeper underground. Seriously speaking, this should be the third floor of the underground. It has become darker, the street lights on the wall are dim, and even many lights have been blacked out. The lights are flashing, and the entire third layer is arguably dark.

After Chu Hao took Zhang Heng to the third floor, he looked around and closed his eyes for two or three seconds and then immediately ran in a certain direction.

Zhang Heng has been behind Chu Hao. He curiously asked: “You seem to have a destination? Is it?”

Chu Hao replied as he ran: “There are some room areas in the sewer that are relatively large. It should be the previous object storage room, or the staff lounge. I care about these rooms or areas. I want to take a look, of course, there. It may also be a Subsider gathering place… How? Are you afraid? I know Zhang Heng is not afraid of it.”

Zhang Heng’s face was slightly red, and immediately said in a cool voice: “That is natural, I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of what Subsider, you lead the way, I follow!”

(Character… It’s really the same…)

In this way, the two ran in tandem, but in a short while before, they encountered several Subsiders. This time they were helpless. After Zhang Heng shot a Subsider, he relied on Chu Hao’s Level 0 Magic Spell Forbidding. -Light Spell opened these Subsiders, and until then, the two had come to a rusted door… and a small Subsider hanging upside down on the ceiling of the gate, look like that It seems that the eleven-year-old child has transformed.

Just as Zhang Heng was going to shoot the Subsider, Chu Hao immediately stopped him, and Zhang Heng also found something wrong, because the Subsider found out that after two people, obviously did not rush to attack them, but it was shaking The body squeezed toward the door, but it seemed to be afraid of them, and it was obvious that the Subsider was very thin and had a bone mark on his body, as if it were a layer of skin wrapped around a bone, and it had many bite marks on it. Almost all over the body.

“Control it… give me five seconds!”

Chu Hao only had time to say this to Zhang Heng, and then he closed his eyes and looked at it. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already blank and he pointed to Zhang Heng with his bow. Subsider only.

“Charm Person !”


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