Dawn Infinity

Chapter 42

Is Vampire a Human?

What other movie novel games, Chu Hao can’t guarantee, but if it is Vampire in this Daybreakers, then Chu Hao is sure that its 80% may be Human.

First of all, the Vampire in Daybreakers is all converted from Human, and it also has Human consciousness and memory. At the same time, Vampire in the movie can be changed back to Human by soaking in the sun, so whether it is from the body gene or Spirit. Consciously, it is absolutely ok to think of Vampire as Human. Although I don’t know if this Level 1 Magic Charm Person is for ** or Spirit, it should be able to charm Vampire in Daybreakers.

The key now is another, you can charm Vampire, but… can you charm Subsider?

In Daybreakers, Subsider is almost another creature compared to Vampire, which is almost Human. Their ** has been completely deformed, and memory and consciousness have begun to lack. Even humanity has begun to disappear, so Chu Hao is really not sure if he can charm the Subsider.

When Charm Person Magic was used, both Chu Hao and Zhang Heng were stared wide-eyed. I wanted to take a closer look at the performance of this Subsider, and just after Zhang Heng relaxed the suppression of this little Subsider, this small Subsider didn’t immediately run away or attack immediately. Even the slight trembling stopped a little, just standing there and looking at the two with the ugly face.


Chu Hao and Zhang Heng looked at each other and looked at each other with surprises, but now they are not busy with surprises. They see that the two people together pull the lock of the wheel that has been rusted, and the two people take it out. After eating the milk, the door was finally slowly opened, and suddenly there was a more intense rot from the inside.

After Zhang Heng used emergency flashlights to confirm that there were no creatures inside, the two talents took the small Subsider into the room and closed the door. Until then, the two talents were finally relaxed.

The entire room is about 2778 square meters, and the interior is dark. However, when Zhang Heng used emergency flashlights, he did see the presence of electric lights in the room. After he identified the direction, he used the level again. 0 Magic Spell Restoration Spell, but this time after the use of Magic Spell, his breathing was a little short.

(Sure enough, I now use Level 1 Magic up to twice, or 6 Level 0 Magic Spell. I have used Level 1 Magic twice today. Arcane-Energy in my body is running out and I continue to use it. Will I take my life or Spiritual Force?)

Just when Chu Hao was so contemplative, the repaired light bulb slammed up and illuminated the whole room. Here… it was filled with a lot of experimental equipment and various specimens, and there was a huge on the ground. The bat bones, the entire skeleton has been completely corrupted for the bones.

Chu Hao and Zhang Heng glanced at each other. Now Chu Hao went to a table to get some paper and documents. After looking for a moment, he carefully looked at the documents, and Zhang Heng took his The thin metal bow began to look up all around, only the small Subsider stood there, but his eyes were always watching the huge bats on the ground.

In this way, after the two people and a small Subsider were quiet for about ten minutes, Chu Hao said fiercely: “Ares, can you hear? j, can you hear? I am Chu Hao… Damn, signal… ”

Zhang Heng looked strangely at Chu Hao who spoke to the ear-piece. He was surprised to find the appearance of Chu Hao’s face. He quickly asked: “What’s wrong? What happened?” Going to Chu Hao and starting to look at the documents on the table.

“…2010 3 month 14 day, the plague has been exhausted, and a new round of antidote experiments continues…”

“…2010 4 month 7 day, the experimental team was split, the antidote experiment was a group, the virus was harmful, and the underground race explored a group…”

“…2010 5 month 2 day, the antidote team was strictly stopped all experiments, forced to split into other groups, I am the only insister, of course, forced to dismiss all work, so I have to retreat here Continuing the experiment, I have seen no sunshine, my daughter is the same, no, never…”

“…2010 years… forget it, time has no meaning for me and my daughter. Under the virus infection, we will not age… The results of today’s experiment are still invalidated. The virus is not a conventional virus, but a symbiotic gene. The fragment, when infected with Human, will bind to the Human gene fragment, and there is no possibility of isolating the gene fragment. The experiment continues…”

“…Human’s blood can effectively prevent the gene fragment from continuing to erode Human’s original gene, and the current experimental goal will be to completely stop the gene fragment without letting it continue to erode deeper…”

“…the experiment failed…”

“…The long-term inability to smoke Human blood will lead to increased erosion and eventually degeneration. The government seems to call this degenerate a Subsider. It is a proper name, lost consciousness and consciousness, no longer as a symbol of Human, and will eventually change. What is it? I… seems to be changing like this…”

“… sucked Human blood, it is a sweet taste. In fact, after my experiments, this is not the feeling that the taste conveys to me, but the feeling of the Human gene in my body. This is the Human gene. Struggling in itself, trying to resist the Vampire gene fragment…”

“…Is it found that Subsider appears in the sewer, because it can’t buy expensive Human blood, and it slowly degenerates? It’s sad…”

“…start experimenting with Subsider and parsing the gene fragments in it…”

“…a really amazing change! With the gradual transformation of the Human gene into the Vampire gene, the Subsider has become more powerful, and the gene fragments are getting closer to the source of the plague… the Human gene fragment of the underground.”

“…Subsider started the second round of experiments and showed it from various experiments. Subsider has a great enthusiasm for Human blood. This enthusiasm even surpasses its instinct for life, even if it puts Human blood in the sun, Subsider As long as you find it, you will go forward, even if you eat a little before you burn it. Is this the Vampire gene in the body, or is it… the residual Human gene is forcing them to do this? The experiment continues… ”

“…Subsider begins the third round of experiments and I will give the Subsider the blood of the Subsider, forcing the Vampire gene to grow extremely…”

“…Day, we…we are all wrong! Vampire, we are not really Vampire at all, we are at most only infected with Human. If we find the right words from those Vampire novels, we are at most blood slaves… only Subsider starts to suck on the blood of the Subsider, and the Vampire gene in the body will overwhelm the Human gene. When the Human gene disappears completely, the Subsider will have no interest in Human blood. They will only be interested in Subsider or Vampire blood! …that will bring them closer to the real Vampire! We are all wrong…”

“…Experiment… After being completely subdivided into Vampire’s Subsider, everyone, who claims to be Vampire, will be transformed into a Subsider, and the Human gene in the body will disappear in the shortest time…”

“…I found out, Subsider restores God Sage, he talks politely to me, and even invites me to enjoy the Subsider that they are hunting. His form is very close to the source of the plague, and the bottom is Human, no, Should that be the real Vampire?”

“…the more powerful the Subsider, the more going to the bottom, they want to smoke more pure Vampire blood, they want the blood of the plague source, of course, they don’t mind sucking some of our blood, just like The Vampire on the ground sees Human as a farm animal. They…we also regard us as animals. It’s ironic…”

“…I was bitten by him. He said it was first time. No, I don’t want to become such a monster. Even now, at least I am still human. I don’t want to… Daughter, live, at least you have to live. I will give you this unsuccessful immunization, even if it becomes a Subsider, and I hope you don’t forget that you are Human…”

Zhang Heng also read the documents. He looked up at Chu Hao and found that Chu Hao’s face was standing there, facing the little Subsider who was afraid of his face.

“This is… his daughter?” Zhang Heng asked strangely.

“Should be…” After Chu Hao said this, he closed his eyes and silently, until a few minutes later, he opened his eyes again.

“It turned out to be…”

Chu Hao frowned and said with a smile: “So, all the clues are aligned…”

“I have been wrong from the source!”


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