Dawn Infinity

Chapter 43

“Lord God has the Vampire Blood-Lineage Exchange, but the name is Vampire-Race Mutation Blood-Lineage. This kind of Blood-Lineage won’t be afraid of the sun… I think the male protagonist in the movie from Vampire to Human should be This kind of Blood-Lineage, otherwise his blood can’t be used as an antidote, so that the same Vampire creature can be changed back to Human. Of course, it is likely that the male protagonist’s Vampire-Race Mutation Blood-Lineage is still very thin, even in addition to the antidote function. There is no other special ability.”

In the room, Chu Hao stabbed his finger with a dagger and squeezed a little blood to the little girl Subsider, then locked it in the room, and with Zhang Heng began to rush to the road, running He explained to Zhang Heng.

“Now, let me reason about the progress of this world…”

“First, in 2009, when a mining team, or an engineering team discovered something in the underground of the city, I personally estimate that it is the real Vampire. Of course, it can also be called Vampire-Race. It is a kind of creature. As for why it survives underground, it is likely that during the ancient geogeological movement, a part of Human was pressed underneath, just happened to encounter a special geological structure, allowing them to evolve and survive there, so they evolved into another branch of Human. Maybe, of course, these are all speculations…”

“In short, 2009 years, the underground creatures caused the plague to appear, and the first Vampire appeared, and the infection expanded until the 2010 infection was exhausted. In that year, Human’s top and rich people found these infected. The characteristics of the people, such as those I told you before, so they voluntarily changed to Vampire, but also led to the overall Vampire of Human…”

“But it also led to the rarity of Human. Gradually, people who could not buy Human blood because of poverty during this time appeared, they were forced to degenerate into Subsider, but these are just the beginning of that’s all…”

“These Subsiders can only attack Vampire because they can’t take Human blood, which in turn led to the evolution of their Vampire genes. Of course, the Human genes began to degenerate… In fact, they can be seen from the Daybreakers movie. By the end of the movie, the number of Subsiders will increase, and they will attack Vampire…”

Zhang Heng asked: “So?”

“So the city’s sewers may have a powerful Subsider with the ingenuity, even the real Vampire-Race!”

Chu Hao said with a deep face: “In fact, I have ignored some details in the original movie. It is my fault. It is really my fault… In the original movie, whenever important stories, such as male protagonist, find antidote For example, when the movie ended, there was a small bat flying over. Maybe it was just a director’s trick in the movie, but if the movie is turned into a real world, such a small trick is likely to be a huge trap. I even suspect that small. The bat…is the real Vampire-Race, or the most powerful Subsider to restore the mind, the scouts they sent, they are monitoring the world, what are they waiting for…”

“What are you waiting for?” Zhang Heng asked again.

“Wait… transforming this world into a real Vampire-Race world!”

When the voice fell, both Chu Hao and Zhang Heng changed their faces, because there were countless wings slamming around them, and the sounds of the foot running, all the voices gathered to rush to them, God knows that this is dense. There are hundreds of thousands of Subsiders in the voice…


Chu Hao had only had time to say this, and immediately rushed forward to move forward. At the same time, his eyes were already in vain, and Zhang Heng behind him was also blind and two people were not killed. They ran up to the front-facing passage, but they just rushed to the passageway, and they slammed out three huge Subsiders from the passage. They couldn’t help, and Chu Hao, who was running in front, had been slammed by the Subsider. The tumbling slammed into the wall behind him, and Zhang Heng was also hit by two or three meters.


Chu Hao was terrible. His right shoulder was pierced by the sharp fingers of the Subsider, and the blood rushed out. The Subsider pressed him to the wall and first licked his shoulder with his tongue. The blood, followed by a fierce mouth open, bite into his neck.

It’s too late, it’s fast, just when Chu Hao’s arms are pressed, he’s not allowed to move, and when he sees that he will be killed by the Subsider, a fierce arrow pierces the head of the Subsider. Subsider’s head was pierced, and Chu Hao’s arms were fiercely forced, and finally recovered from the suppressed state, but after he took a closer look, Zhang Heng shot the arrow to save him, then he was another Only the Subsider was pressed against the ground, and it was also at stake. When Chu Hao broke free, there was a Subsider looking at his shoulders with blood and a sigh of relief. He rushed over to him.

Chu Hao was extremely embarrassed at the moment, but his eyes were blank and his face was expressionless. He only had time to pull out the dagger from his waist. The Subsider had already rushed to him, but he did not immediately rush. Going forward to attack, on the contrary, a fighting instinct drove him, let him slam back, and rushed directly to the wall where he was pressed, and the whole person ran up the wall at a very fast speed, relying on The inertia rushed about two meters away, and then the foot slammed on the wall.

At the same time, the Subsider had hit the wall, and in a muffled sound, the Subsider seemed to be stunned by the head, and Chu Hao had fallen behind him, and the whole person was still in midair. The dagger had been subconsciously stabbed to the back of the Subsider, and then the force was stirred, and the entire Subsider suddenly burst into a spark.

When it was time to land, Chu Hao slammed the ground with one hand and the whole person turned over and did not stop. The fiercely pressed Zhang Heng, the Subsider who was going to bite Zhang Heng, was also simple. The thorns pierced into the Subsider’s back vest, and then slammed it hard. The Subsider also blew up for the spark, and Zhang Heng underneath it was still a little scared.


Chu Hao pulled Zhang Heng from the ground, and after making such a sound, he did not dare to stop, and he ran ahead, and Zhang Heng did not speak. Both of them knew the seriousness of the situation, and they obviously caught the trap. The Subsider’s traps entice them to go deep into the siege, and at the moment they both have blood, and the taste of the blood will lead to more horrible Subsider…

When the two ran back to the second floor from the third floor, there was a sudden sound in the ear-piece, but it was extremely noisy. As if something was disturbing the sound of the ear-piece, the two did not dare to neglect. Running along the road toward the retreat point, and before and after it, there are a lot of Subsider running sounds, as if there are millions of bats flapping their wings.

Gradually, the two people are getting closer and closer to the retreat, and the sound in the ear-piece is getting clearer and clearer. When they are completely clear, the two are listening to each other, and there is a feeling of hitting the ghost. Because the sound in the ear-piece… is actually the voice of both of them!

Yes, Chu Hao was calmly asking about trap preparations, Zhang Heng complained occasionally, and Ares answered the words they had prepared… but the two of them clearly did not say anything!

“Hey! Don’t start the trap! Everything has changed!”

Chu Hao immediately yelled, but the ear-piece did not pass back his words. On the contrary, the “Chu Hao” inside was still very calm and said that they had returned quickly. Once they saw them, they immediately started to trap. , all this… let Chu Hao and Zhang Heng have a cold heart.

The two did not continue to speak, but accelerated to run toward the retreat point. They just ran across a corner and saw Ares and J standing at the intersection. The Subsider Skeleton had laid down three or four Subsider bodies at the foot. Both Ares and j also had injuries and blood, and when the two appeared, Ares slammed a trap and turned to the big iron gate of the employee channel behind him.

Chu Hao and Zhang Heng only had a look at each other, then from the other end, they saw Tom, Mary, Aikeer running, and the high-explosive grenade bracelet on their hands. Seeing this, the two stopped talking. Followed by the squad into the large iron gate of the staff passage.

After the tight seal of the big iron gate, everyone ran to the first floor passage. It just ran less than ten meters away. Suddenly the whole ground trembled fiercely, everyone was thrown to the ground, and the staff was inside the passage. The electric lights were directly flashed and smashed, and the entire staff channel suddenly fell into the darkness, leaving only the violent breathing of the crowd… and the sudden sound of their minds.

“Complete Side-Story, break the ground… Each Member gets three thousand Reward Points and one Rank-C Side-Story.”

“Quest changes, live a day… or kill an Advanced-Level Subsider!”


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