Dawn Infinity

Chapter 44

(ps: I’m still not ill, I can’t sleep well at night, it’s easy to wake up, I woke up early in the morning, I just fell asleep now, I guess 12 points or even 3 points in the afternoon can’t get up, so 12 points and 3 points Updates are advanced to the present, one more time)


A long sigh rang in the dark passage. This is the voice of Chu Hao, and this voice carries endless frustration and weakness, which is a subversion of everyone’s understanding of Chu Hao.

Even those who are exposed to Chu Hao, such as Zhang Heng, know, or can feel the confidence of Chu Hao. Although they always smile and have no strong words, the confidence is so obvious that it is so obvious that Let others have to listen to his words and commands, and the feelings of frustration and incompetence have never appeared on Chu Hao.

Chu Hao only made this sound, and there was no sound in a moment. Everyone only heard the sound of breathing between each other, and the sound of the aftermath outside the iron gate. It seems that some slight embarrassment can still be heard. Other than that, nothing can be heard.

In this darkness, I don’t know how many times have passed. Suddenly, Ares said, “Chu Hao, listen to your instructions and detonate the trap. What should we do now? Is it hidden in this employee channel? Still avoiding The abandoned subway maintenance room on the first floor? Chu Hao?”

“I have already failed. Go to escape. You can do whatever you want. If you are lucky, you should be able to…” Chu Hao’s voice rang again.

Until then, everyone has noticed something wrong, and Ares categorically said: “J, give me your emergency flashlight… No, just open it.”

Then, the whole channel suddenly lit up. Everyone saw that J took out a flashlight and shone it on the wall. Everyone fell to the ground and looked very embarrassed. Chu Hao was lying on the ground. Eyes look at the ceiling without a god.

Ares stood up from the ground and walked up to Chu Hao in the eyes of everyone. He lifted it up and said: “Get up! Chu Hao, tell us what to do next! ?”

“I have failed, what can I do? We can only wait…”

“To shut up!”

Ares screamed fiercely, and he shook his fist with Chu Hao’s collar. The tone was even more harsh than before: “We walked together because we trusted you. We arranged these traps because we trusted you. We came to this second level because we trust you. Now you can throw away your hands and ignore everything? I still have things I want to accomplish, I still have reasons for not dying, I think you have, what about your Rebel Organization? Your revenge? Your elder sister killed by your own hands!? Answer me now! What should we do next!”

Chu Hao’s slightly lost eyes had a bit of a look, but he still smiled bitterly: “Even if I have failed, even if I continue to listen to me, it may lead to death… Will you continue to follow me?”

“That’s just a death!” Ares looked at Chu Hao’s eyes and said seriously: “In our Reincarnation Team, before the Sage is stronger than you, your plan is the most likely to succeed. I dare not say anything about life or death. Follow, but as you said, once the plan begins, we are comrades-in-arms, abandoning comrades-in-arms… I can’t do it!”


Chu Hao smiled and patted Ares’ hand and motioned him to let himself down. After Ares retired, he closed his eyes and calmed for a moment, then he said that he and Zhang Heng had suffered on the third floor. Come out, after everything was finished, he smiled bitterly: “I told Zhang Heng before, my plan has a loophole from the beginning, and this loophole is very huge, there is more than one loophole, in my commentary. Before, I want to ask you all… Next, I plan to follow the people I arranged, please stay, and plan to find another way. If you have lived for 24 hours, you can now go to the first floor along this staff channel. That abandoned room, where I think you are safe for the time being.”

Ares and j naturally have nothing to say, Zhang Heng is also a cool face standing there, the remaining two sisters and Tom are looking back and forth, after a moment, Aikeer suddenly said: “Mr. Chu Hao, this time It must be that people are more powerful. Except for the three of you, we are all newbie rookies, so it is more likely to follow you to live. If you have anything, let us know.”

Chu Hao nodded and waited for a while. After seeing no one left, he continued: “First, let me know that it wasn’t me who told you to start the trap immediately. I heard the sound of Zhang and Zhang Heng in your ear-piece… …that is false, not the words that I and Zhang Heng said.”


Except for Chu Hao and Zhang Heng, the rest of the people suddenly became a big man. Everyone looked at Chu Hao with unbelievable eyes, and also looked at Zhang Heng, and after getting the cool confirmation of Zhang Heng, Everyone has doubts in their hearts… It is indeed the voice of Chu Hao and Zhang Heng, and the trap plan is indeed a success. Why did Chu Hao say that he failed? And the voice that pretends to Chu Hao and Zhang Heng…who is it! ?

“The topic is here, let me first talk about my biggest vulnerability… Lord God.”

Chu Hao bitter with a smile : “About Lord God’s guess, I have already told you before, including you newbie, I also mentioned, my personal speculation is that Lord-God Space is similar to the existence of the arena The battlefield of death and survival, the more you win, the closer you are to freedom, and as you increase the number of victories, the number of weapon armor that you can get will increase and your strength will increase, but again, this The biggest loophole is… Will the monsters that fight against us with enhanced strength be enhanced?”

“The reason is very simple. A group of unarmed people fight a lion or a group of wild wolves. Whether it is Human death or Human victory, such a fierce battle will be wonderful. If a group is armed to the teeth, take ak47, or take it in hand. The military of the laser gun, fighting a lion or a group of wild wolves, this scene is not called a fight, this is called an animal slaughterhouse!”

Having said that, Ares suddenly started talking: “This is what you mentioned, so we will kill an alien octopus alien in Skyline and get 1500Reward Points, and kill a Low-Level Subsider here. 100Reward Points, this is the limit of Lord God. The greater the danger, the higher the reward, you mentioned it, and explained it to us.”

“Yeah, I explained…” Chu Hao continued to smile with a smile: “But I am also wrong… This may be the so-called black light, just because I explained to you that the Reduced Points are reduced, the greater the danger, the more rewards High, so I just forgot and ignored this most obvious and biggest loophole. That is the definition of the arena. The people who built the arena don’t care whether the slave can get a knife. The sword, even a full body, a handsome horse, the Master of the Race Field will not care, so your Reward Points will be reduced and serious, and you will not be able to meet the purpose of the Lord God builder, just like the definition of the arena. same……”

“The definition of the arena…” Everyone murmured these words. After a while, the sisters suddenly turned white and seemed to think of something.

“Yeah, the definition of the arena is just like the existence of Lord-God Space…” Chu Hao sneered at himself, and he continued to say: “That is to let us fight the monsters that rival our strength.” Both life and death will bring wonderful things, not the so-called Reward Points reduction can be solved… If we are armed with cold weapons, then there may be a group of lions in the arena, even a tyrannosaurus, if we With a simple hot weapon in hand, Alien or Predator may appear in the arena. If we hold the future high-tech weapons, the Phattom, the curse, or the alien spaceship may be there…”

“Not just the reduction of Reward Points!”

Chu Hao shouted loudly: “But as we continue to brush, Lord God will begin to change the story, something other than the original plot, how many points we brush, there will be more dangerous creatures and scenes. It’s the biggest one I’ve missed! The story of Lord God has changed!”

Everyone was silent, and Zhang Heng suddenly interjected: “What you mean is that we just simulated the voices of our two people and guided the trap. Is Lord God in your mouth doing a ghost?”

“No.” Chu Hao smiled and shook his head. “This is the second point I have to say. The hidden plot of the original film has changed, and it is also the source of Lord God’s plot change…”

“In this Daybreakers, the biggest hidden story is actually the source of the mysterious plague. The plague appeared several times in the original movie, but it has not been explained several times, and the third-floor laboratory data we obtained from us shows that In the original movie, whenever a major story appears, the little bats that fly will fly, then all the clues will be aligned, and the truth and the answer will come out…”

“To calculate us, the Vampire-Race, which simulates our voice, is to use the power of ours to break the ground and then get out of trouble, and then…”

“Take this Vampire world with the Human gene…”

“To be the world of Vampire-Race!!”


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