Dawn Infinity

Chapter 453

Chu Hao did not intend to be a good man in a Plane. This is not what he wants. The main reason why he wants to be the Human Emperor of this world is that if he wants to be in this world, he needs to set it. Only in this way can the world be saved.

First of all, the humane civilization of this world is almost impossible to stand up on its own strength. Even if it rises on its own, it does not know how long it will take. Secondly, if it does not become Human Emperor, Heavenly Dao (that is, those Deity It will definitely be backlash humanity, salvation is also impossible. Finally, he wants to try the communication of Plane.

As we all know, the so-called water is not rot, and if the exchanges between civilizations are limited and prevent mutual annexation, mutual communication will make each other’s civilization develop and progress, just like real world, Human civilization. After entering the global village, mutual exchanges promote each other.

But the premise is that there is not much difference between civilizations. Otherwise, refer to the following Inca empire and Indians, so Chu Hao is not saving the world, but destroying the world. The world’s Civilization’s Truth is estimated to be directly I think it is Invader.

Therefore, he must be a Human Emperor. One is to integrate the world’s remaining humanity and establish a system. The second is to command the heavens and the earth like the Human Emperor in the myth. The third is the power of the world to protect the world. In the communication with the real earth, the fall of the Inca Empire to the Indians, so that can be regarded as salvation.

As for the countries in the real world, how do you think about it… Chu Hao doesn’t think that the countries in the real world dare to turn their faces. Some opinions may be there, but in the Semi-Plane unilaterally controlled by Chu Hao, the real world has the most Can only protest and negotiate, absolutely do not dare to do any stressful behavior, which is caused by monopoly, unless the real world countries do not want to continue to play Plane colonization, otherwise what they can do is to negotiate and compromise.

“The next battle is no longer a problem, and the people sent by my headquarters have already joined me. Therefore, the personnel of the Reincarnation Army Sixth-Division, the seriously injured people can return to the Semi-Plane base for rest, and the bodies of the victims can also be sacrificed. Put in, slightly hurt the person to rest a little, still need to perform maintenance Quest, as for the officers of the military observation team…” Chu Hao said indulgently.

The five major rogue officials of the Army’s Observer Mission looked at each other and the officials of the country said: “We didn’t get any harm during the battle, and we didn’t have to go to the Semi-Plane base to rest.”

Chu Hao suddenly laughed and said: “I think so too, so I have a very important Quest to give to you, that is…”

In the following day, the officers of the Mission began to enter the indigenous aristocracy and the two living kings, with their government officials’ innate talent Attribute, with the Attribute value of the diplomat, to Chu Chu Human Emperor creates opportunities…

Chu Hao went directly to the people. His sage status has long been passed down in this catastrophe. The entire Reincarnation Army is considered by the people to be his vassal and subordinates. This time the catastrophe, in those Following Chu Hao’s narrative to the aristocrats and soldiers of the Vulcan island, it was the conspiracy of the gods, and Chu Hao personally entered the underworld to defeat the gods and save the world.

There is no big mistake in their words, just incomplete that’s all, this is something that even the people who follow to go to the underworld can’t deny it, and they can’t tell Zheng Zha between Chu Hao. The relationship, and Chu Hao “command” Zheng Zha to complete Quest, this is what they saw on the spot, think of it, Zheng Zha may also be one of the followers of the sage Chu Hao, the legend is not without the expert follow the sage .

The history of this world has the legend of the sages, and these legends have become legendary after the precipitation of time. Therefore, the sage Chu Hao saved the world and defeated the gods. This is not an incredible thing. Things, just like other sages, this Chu Hao sage is more powerful, and the great achievements are more magnificent that’s all.

In this case, the sage Chu Hao has replaced the positions occupied by the gods in the ordinary people of the world. Even many people have bowed down since they saw Chu Hao, and many people are in the mouth. The question of the eight tongues, what should they do next, who will let the sages in history know everything, and also guide the people as their historical mission.

“This is just the beginning”

After a large number of people gathered, Chu Hao stood on a high platform with the sound reinforcement equipment carried by the Reincarnation Army. “I defeated the Titan and saved the world, but this is only temporary. In the near future, More giants will emerge, they will bring the world into the blood and hell, they will not count more than the stars in the sky, they are powerful, they are extremely violent, they are not Will accept any captives and surrenders, all of us, you, me, you, you, all of us in their eyes are just food, they will bring the complete destruction of this world”

When the words came out, the people who had seen Chu Hao’s speech and cheered were suddenly stupid with a face, not only them, but even the nobles and even the slightly injured Reincarnation Army soldiers. No, but the heroes of Perseus who followed the return of Hell are silent, because they have heard Zheng Zha say that he only defeated a projection. Of course, they don’t know that the world is no longer there. Another Titan ancestor offered another projection, so they just took it for granted that it didn’t end completely, so Chu Hao’s words, they can’t refute.

At this time, a few people shouted, asking Chu Hao to save them, hoping that Chu Hao would not abandon them, and Chu Hao pressed his hand and said: “I will not abandon you, I will fight with you to the end. Here, I have a proposal, that is, all the surviving Humans, completely united, and then do not distinguish what city you are, what city we are, you are grassland, I am desert, I hope everyone Unite, no matter what your predecessor is, and strive for the continuation of Human, we will no longer distinguish every city-state, but let all our city-states unite and become the last human kingdom, focusing on each strength. Through this catastrophe”

Suddenly, all the people got up. They talked to each other, talked to each other, discussed the feasibility of discussing the words of Chu Hao, and when they said, the last question was also concentrated on one point, that is Who will be the king of this Human Union country? Some people propose a big aristocrat, some people propose a surviving king, and some people propose a General. After all, the next step is to deal with the catastrophe of Demon’s army. In contrast, General seems to be the leader.

“I propose that the sage Chu Hao be our king”

At this time, some people in the public sent such a loud voice: “Someone’s merits can be compared to the sage Chu Hao who saved the world? Can someone’s talents surpass the sage Chu Hao? Some people’s wisdom can surpass the sage Is Chu Hao? Who is best suited to be the one who leads us against the army of Demon? Except for the sage Chu Hao, we don’t agree with anyone becoming our king.”

The words broke out in the crowd, the people looked at each other, slowly, and some people in the crowd shouted the same words, and the number of people saying this was increasing. After all, Chu Hao used to After saving the world once, it is very likely to save another time. Although there is no example of the sage becoming a king in history, the people do not feel that there is any problem in making Chu Hao a king. After all, he is a sage…

The so-called herd mentality, the so-called guiding paradox…

Chu Hao looked at the position of the aristocratic cluster. Some of the middle and lower aristocrats thought that Chu Hao should be the king, and the Advanced-Level aristocrat and the two kings were all blue, but they also took their eyes. Fear, in fact, not fear, not agree with the higher aristocracy, but they have disappeared

Chu Hao is never afraid, nor is he afraid of killing. Even the lives of the people closest to him, even their own lives, can be sacrificed in order to save the will, then they will not want to live without human life? Chu Hao once saw an animation. He had some disdain for the male protagonist. If he was to choose the male protagonist to face the choice, then he would choose to save more people, sacrifice a few people, save more, This… is his choice

Those nobles and nobles will become the first sacrifices to save the world.

Human Emperor, so that you can be arbitrarily arbitrarily, you can integrate everything, you can use the power and killing to save things. The so-called Thunder means, the Bodhisattva is also like this…

This is the Human Emperor for the sky, it is for the emperor.

At least in saving this Plane, when he became the Plane’s Human Emperor, he would never accept any objections to this Plane, he…

Enlightened by all this

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