Dawn Infinity

Chapter 454

In the bright face, in the dark, and the resentment of the aristocrats who died, Chu Hao became a leader of more than 100,000 people in the valley, and the first order he issued was for all the people. The elite is concentrated, and the animals in the people are concentrated together, and they are rushed to the nearest city-states that have been turned into ruins, and the various stocks of materials there are recovered.

Of course, there are still a small number of monsters in the wild, so Chu Hao released his second command, and divided a few Teams to destroy the wild monsters, carpet cleaning, led by Zhang Heng Reincarnation Army’s remaining soldiers and officers, then Lin Juntian and Liu Yu are two teams, relying on Liu Yu Summoning’s flying creatures, the team’s speed is quite fast.

Then there is the indigenous Battle Qi owner Team, led by Perseus and Ai, who is not weak in fighting. It is absolutely impossible to clean up the monsters or small groups of monsters.

As for the last team, Zheng Zha is alone. He will be responsible for the large-scale monsters in the wide area to clean up the large-scale monsters. In fact, although he is only one person, the combat power exceeds the collection of the other three teams, and The speed is even faster. It can be said that as long as he is willing, it is possible to clean up all the monsters of the whole world by one person… or the soul, Chu Hao The reason why the Kraken allocates other Teams, he has his own considerations.

The so-called authority and strength, Chu Hao’s understanding, there are two fundamental points, one is the system, the second is the status in this system, of course, this refers to No Magic Plane, that is, the fundamental point is everyone There is not much difference between them, even if there is a gap in the **, it will break the sky. In the absence of weapons, a person who plays ten people with the same age, the same sex, and the same physical condition is terrific, wanting It is impossible to see the situation in which one person fights an army.

Under such circumstances, the so-called authority comes from the status of the system and the system. For example, in ancient times, there was a prefect of the house, and the county magistrate said, is it true that there is no money in the county? ? Doesn’t any of his servants have a county magistrate? Then why is it still being destroyed? This is the existence of the system.

Similarly, when it comes to modern times, why do wealthy giants or organizations can manipulate the political ups and downs of a country? Can you manipulate a country’s summit election? At its root, that is, since modern times, the social system has been transformed into a form of power for money. The rich have natural rights, and the right people are naturally richer. Then under this system, their status is high. There are countless ordinary people, and thus they have the foundation of their strength.

Chu Hao has become the leader of the indigenous people, but Chu Hao knows that this is actually a rootless wood, because at this time the real power is actually aristocrats, the king is only a powerful one among the nobles. Guy, and what he will do will stand directly on the opposite side of all the nobles. He is absolutely impossible to join the ranks of the nobility. He made the Human Emperor to save the world instead of running for the prestige. Blessing, this is the essence of conflict

Therefore, he must show his position at the beginning, let everyone know that he is the most superior in the subtle, he is the leader, at the same time, he also wants to establish a system, one can be based on Human Emperor The system of vertex positions…

Time passed quickly. Under the command of Chu Hao, several troops attacked the Qing Dynasty. Because Luo’s projections had been eliminated, the weak ones of these monsters began to weaken and died, and there was a Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z It was very smooth. In a few days, almost all the monsters near the valley were cleared. At the same time, as Chu Hao had speculated before, although these monsters broke the city and slaughtered Human, they were food and supplies for Human. There is no interest, and there is no idea of ​​setting fire to the light. In the ruins of these broken city-states, there are naturally a large inventory of materials. Under the excavation and handling of the young and strong, the initial materials are enough.

In this case, the role of the valley as a wartime refuge naturally drops drastically. This valley is too small, water problems, garbage problems, housing problems, and future farming problems, etc., and migration is inevitable and necessary. There are too many land to choose from, the original ruins of each city-state, or new land can be, after all, there are too many people who die in this catastrophe, and a lot of fertile land is vacated.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion. With a lot of Human death, Deity’s death, and the death of the monsters that appeared in Luo, looking at Chu Hao’s eyes, the world’s twilight no longer seems to be Death Qi, just like Just as the burning oil lamp has been added to the new oil, the world seems to have recovered a little bit of life.

Under such circumstances, the green grass in the wild began to grow, the trees began to grow, and the wild fruit began to appear. All this was a situation that the people had not seen for a long time. In this atmosphere, the King of the Savior Chu Hao The title quickly replaced the title of the sage Chu Hao.

The place where the last gathering point is set up is the intersection of the original three city-states. There is a river crossing the land, and it is close to the seaport, the land is fertile, there are forests nearby, and the plains have various advantages. The reason why this land is possessed has not been developed in the past. The reason is that the three city-states all claimed the ownership of the land and warned each other. Instead, they did not develop this land. At this time, there is no such problem. Anyway, everything is After re-introducing the beginning, this land has a greater potential.

After that, Chu Hao divided the nobility and did not recognize the ownership of the land and people by the original nobility. There were two rules for the separation. The first one was the credit in the previous catastrophe, no matter how many monsters were killed or saved. The number of people, the second is based on the number of only and the number of Battle Qi, after the evaluation is divided.

It is not Chu Hao who likes the aristocracy to collect power, but the rules of this world civilization. If he does not want to engage in a Red Revolution, then after reducing the power of the nobility and reducing the number of nobility, it is better to first seal the nobility.

As a result, some of the original aristocrats have not been sealed, because in the previous catastrophe, there were also some court-like aristocrats who only saved their lives, and did not fight for the people, not only failed, but because they killed The people who block the road are negatively divided. Of course, quite a few of the original aristocrats have been re-divided into nobles because they have both Battle Qi and family knowledge, and they have a people’s foundation, and before the catastrophe, they The people under the protection are also fighting hard.

As a result, there was a split at the aristocratic level, and two months after the selection of the gathering place, on the seventh day of the aristocratic division, a riot and court murder began, and the original nobility who was not sealed was attempting to poison. Killing Chu Hao, but also tangled a little of their former subordinates to riot, but in the Central Province team, and the Reincarnation Army also mostly completed the rest, at the moment of Quest, they are like a farce, being Chu Hao After declaring that they were the same party of Demon, trying to kill the Savior and destroying the world, all of them were torn into pieces by the angry people, and although the rest were sealed, the land was far less under the jurisdiction of the people. In the former nobles, they could only look at it all with chills. Looking at Zheng Zha, for a demonstration, throwing a mountain like a tossing ball to the sea, far away… can’t see the traces of falling…

This is a magical world. In addition to the status of the system, the authority comes from Wei Li, and the greatest Wei Zheng Zha agrees that Chu Hao is the superior. Then all the power will be ants. Meaning, so it is unwilling, the nobles are not idiots, they can only agree with it, and sincerely agree with it… if they don’t want to die…

In this way, in the third month of the choice of the gathering place, the first batch of short-term crops began to harvest, and after recovering a little bit of energy from the world, it seems to want to compensate for the previous depression, this time the harvest is simply At the harvest level, the hearts of the people who have been fearful have finally been put down, and the name of Chu Hao has once again become the Scorpio, the Savior, the King, the Most Virtuous Sage, etc…

The new city is also fully constructed. After all, there is Battle Qi in the world, and there is Chu Hao’s Magic and Zheng Zha. So three months ago, a magnificent new city was built in this land. On the hub, the surrounding countryside is densely covered, and more than 100,000 people are buried in this land to recuperate.

It was only then that Chu Hao announced that he would be crowned…and not crowned as a king, but under the “strong demands” of the four souls (including Vulcan), the crowning of the human Emperor…

On that day, all the nobles, the gentry, and almost all the survivors were gathered in this new city. In the city named by Chu Hao as the city of Human, the only thing since the history of the ceremony was The Emperor of God, the king of God, Zeus himself, Human Emperor

“Remember, you can resist, I don’t mind waiting for the birth of a new creature, but if you want to continue to be Deity in the sky and continue to enjoy the faith, then obey the swearing vows you made with me, that is Deity can’t violate it. Oath.”

Zeus blackened his face and echoed the words of Chu Hao. The so-called vow of the Styx was Deity’s oath with his Godhead, Divine Fire, Divinity and pointing to the Great Styx. Once it violated, it would be deprived. The above three, and then by the past many beliefs into the astral, it is more than 10,000 times more cruel than the direct fall, but the form is stronger than the people, behind Zheng Zha Li and Chu Hao, pinching his fists to see if nothing happened When they were, in addition to Vulcan’s face snickering, the other three Deity were only able to stand up and obey the Human Emperor, except for the orders that endanger their lives.

When Zeus would flash the crown of the Divinity diamond with a huge ray of light, a diamond that condensed three Deity’s massive Divinity powers, and after wearing it on Chu Hao’s head, almost all of the people in the room were cheering because they believed that Human resisted. The war of Deity was that Human won.

“I command, Zeus, from then on, to manage the thunder of heaven, to master the most powerful attack in the world, you must fight for the safety of this world, you must resist foreign malicious invasion, you are the guardian of this world.”

“I command, Hades, you master the death of the underworld and the reincarnation. It is purely dead and cruel. Anyone can reincarnate, but before this, the wicked must repay all the sins of their living, and the good man is Before the reincarnation, you will be entertained in your country. There are flowers everywhere, there are endless wines and delicious food, which is what the good people have changed.”

“I ordered, Athena, you are the new god of war and the arbitrator, whether it is a man or a woman, praying to you before the war, you will guard it, you will resist the injustice, you will be a good person, a weak person, suffer from injustice Arbitrate, then try those who are unfair and get retribution for them.”

“I command that this world will be maintained, and the world will be separated from the edge of extinction. I promise in the name of Human Emperor that I will save the world.”

“The new Deity will also be born. Before the birth, the priesthood will be self-represented by Heavenly Dao. It will be raining, combing the mountains and rivers, retribution and death, guarding the world, starting from Sri Lanka. At the same time, the humanitarian Heavenly Dao will be diverted. From then on, all Deity will Can’t be true to the world, the humanity believes in Deity, and Deity is not allowed to disturb the humanity, each serving its own role, so that Jedi Tiantong”

Let everyone, all Deity, together with Chu Hao and Zheng Zha, did not expect that as Chu Hao’s words fell and the whole world shook, it was not an earthquake-like shock, more like the whole world responded. In the eyes of the three Deity’s strange horror, they actually took off and then disappeared into the eyes of all Humans. Only the three big stars in the sky flashed. This is not what they did, but it seems to be The world is acting in accordance with Chu Hao’s orders.

After all this, Zhang Heng, Liu Yu, Lin Juntian, and a stone house in the city that stood in the square but was not noticed by anyone, disappeared. Only Chu Hao sat in Human Emperor. On the seat, next to it is the Zen Zha, which is full of energy.

“It seems that Quest is finished.” Zheng Zha regretted scratching his head. He smiled and said to Chu Hao: “It’s time to be separated. I am here, solemnly suggesting to you… no matter what we take with the team. When we arrived at the team contract, let us join the two teams. How about?”

Chu Hao was a little shocked by all this, and just now, he felt joy from the world of Plane, felt the vitality, and felt some information. He knew that Quest was indeed completed, and this is what the world forced him to leave. After a short time, he will return to Lord-God Space, and Zheng Zha…buts it all with his own power.

“Well, I agree.” Chu Hao looked at Zheng Zha, and was grateful in his heart. He was speechless and powerful. He went on to say, “So… let us fight for the confluence of the two teams. I will wait for it.” ”

Zheng Zha smiled heartily, he patted Chu Hao’s shoulder, then smiled and disappeared into Chu Hao’s face…

The edge of the gathering is scattered, and goodbye that day, I believe it will not be far away…

Chu Hao took his own heart and looked at the people cheering in front of him. He smelled the fresher taste of the world, and the blood red in the distant world was gradually weakened.

He also smiled.

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