Dawn Infinity

Chapter 481

Perhaps Roger didn’t notice it, or he didn’t care if he noticed it. In short, Team Shaw and Ah’Xing were a little different, even by others.

When everyone returned to the temporary home, Xiao and Ah’Xing didn’t talk along the way, but the two men looked at each other from time to time. Although both of them were laughing, the surrounding newbie were subconsciously far away. They are.

“Your name is Xiao? I know the Asian style of fame, your last name is Xiao, then what is the name?” Ah’Xing sat down on the sofa and looked like this unintentionally.

Xiaolehehe’s smile, it looks like a little boy, he said: “I seem to have had amnesia before coming in to Reincarnation World. Now I don’t remember what I called Xiao, and even the previous things are Forget it, if I live this time, I will find a way to restore my memory in this infinite Reincarnation World.”

Ah’Xing looked at Xiao for a long time and confirmed that he didn’t seem to lie. He nodded and said nothing, but he definitely had another idea.

To put it bluntly, when Ah’Xing found everyone, he was actually very angry, even with a killing intent, because he knew very well that part of his layout of the world was related to Team. Newbie, to put it simply, he chose Roger and gave up newbie, it’s that simple.

But these words are impossible to tell Roger directly, because Roger has always been like him, and the old teammates in the past, it is like the light, is the benchmark of their dreams, is also the road mark of Daxi, and resurrected old teammates Hope is all in Roger, Roger is absolutely impossible.

So Ah’Xing would rather bear the darkness and the dirtyness, and would never let Roger carry it. If there is a contradiction between Roger and newbie, he will definitely remove all the contradictions for Roger, and he will never know. I don’t know, but now it’s like this, which makes him embarrassed…

Although it is difficult, but before the killing intent, Ah’Xing has many ways to solve it. After all, this group of newbie has no strength. It is amazing that there is a Spiritual-Force Controller that’s all that has Exchange skills, but it is nothing remarkable. The difference in strength is too great. Ah’Xing only needs to support Roger. It is really simple to find a way to hang these newbie.

But as I walked back all the way, Ah’Xing’s killing intent gradually dissipated, and there was a lot of things in my heart. The newbie next to it didn’t say much, but the boy made him interested, knowing his intentions. It’s not directly said, although it’s not very subtle, but ordinary people can’t think that he will abandon newbie, and this boy, or Edwin Van Cleef, can be keenly aware of him. The intention of this is already a lot more than the average person.

Edwin Vancliffe said that basically, in addition to the perceived power, it is almost worth mentioning. Others are almost worth mentioning. Instead, it is a simple sentence that leads Roger to go to the vicinity of the Nerv headquarters. To be clear, their newbie’s life is also in Roger’s responsibility. Maybe Roger didn’t hear it, but he could hear it all. These kinds of things are not simple things, but also make Ah’Xing a love heart. I want to know that the current Team Great-Westland is already dying. It depends on him and Roger. Although the upper level is not lacking, if it is a situation to be detached, it is really bad. If you can make this Xiao If the surnamed teenager grows up…

Ah’Xing thought of this, and carefully looked at this young boy named Xiao, he thought twice, still feel that you can try it, the key is the mentality and reliability of this young family, the heart is the first, followed by the ability, of course. I have to live this EVA world before I can, or I will die if I die. I will take a look at this opportunity to see if this young Shao’s teenager has real material, and it can be seen. How is his heart, if he passes, then he will give him the opportunity…

Ah’Xing’s mind is certain. When I was about to say something, suddenly there was a feeling of guilty coming from it. When it felt like it, let him immediately look at Roger, and then Roger would have looked up and looked at it. It is certainly not the ceiling of the house, but the sky outside the ceiling.


Ah’Xing muttered to himself, his current level of strength, but also touched that side, although there is no Heart-Light, but it is not comparable to ordinary people, sporadic induction is still there, and now what he feels? The fluctuation of the light of the spirit, but unlike the mighty, big Heart-Light of Roger, the fluctuation of the Heart-Light makes people feel the void and the void, I don’t know what language to use, if it really needs to be described, It would be like a Heart-Light from a puppet…

(In EVA’s worldview, Human has a fruit of wisdom, and the apostle has the fruit of life. If Heart-Light is the fruit of life, does it mean that the apostle does not possess consciousness and intelligence… or is the apostle made?)

Ah’Xing gradually figured out, but he immediately said to Roger: “You should not be busy attacking. This time the apostle came from outside the sky and slammed directly into the ground. Now it is still a while from the apostle, Nerv headquarters. It is also definitely in the research method. If you force yourself out now, you will not be grateful, but will make them more vigilant. They will wait and see, and the other party will always contact us.”

Roger nodded and curiously said: “Do you mean that they can’t make it? But isn’t the animation making them the apostle?”

Ah’Xing suddenly said with a smile: “That is an animation, and we are now in the real world. If all is animated, the movie is real, then there will be so many hard battles there? Like you The giant who played against the giant in the attack, actually stepped on the snake dragon, spewed water and spit fire, and played you like a pig. After I came back, I checked the image of the giant mythology in various national civilizations in the world. This giant is very similar to some creatures in the ancient Chinese mythology. It seems that it is called witch. You lose it. I know how the apostle in this EVA world is. I don’t think it is a few EVAs. It can be done, unless it is the first machine to unblock, or it is more likely to be directly handled.”

This is true. Reincarnation World is similar to the movie animations bet, but it is not exactly the same. Many things inside are plausible. This has caused many newbies who have entered Reincarnation World to suffer, even if they are Ah’Xing and Roger. And even the entire Team Great-Westland, because of such differences, suffered heavy casualties, so Ah’Xing said so, Roger also nodded.

At the same time, in the Nerv headquarters, the people here have already been around.

“Three minutes ago, the Mauna Kea Observatory captured the target trajectory and is now transmitting predicted orbital data from the Observatory.”

“The third surveillance satellite captures the target optically and outputs the image to the screen with maximum telephoto distance!”

One of the staff said aloud, while speaking, an image appeared on the main screen. Everyone saw a black ball with a diamond flashing on the screen, and the whole screen was trembling, which was obviously interfered with by the signal.

Standing among the people, it was the battlefield commander Gecheng Miri. She frowns and looked at the image, muttering: “AT force field has even twisted the light, it is terrifying enough… predict the impact location? Forget it, needless to say, it must be us here.”

The person next to him immediately said: “After MAGI calculates again, the chance of hitting Nerv’s headquarters is 99% point 999…”

Suddenly everyone was speechless and silently looked at the black ball on the image…

In a short time, the outer space armed forces that Nerv’s headquarters can mobilize have already set off. The world has been completely changed in 2000 year because of SEELE’s intervention. The progress of science and technology is far more than the normal 2000 years of earth history, until now. In just ten years, the world has already armed with outer space, and also built a base on the moon, which is basically 30 to 50 years higher than the normal Human social technology of the same generation, let alone EVA. Black technology, if it is normal development, this is the ability to use the artifacts of the Heart-Light (Heart-Light).

Just as the outer space armed forces attacked the black ball, all the personnel in the Nerv headquarters also saw their combat data. As they expected, or for a long time, all the conventional and unconventional weapons were almost Ineffective against the apostles, the AT force field isolates all weapons from their damage.

“… So, is it impossible to correct its landing track?” Gecheng Miri said, staring at the simulated battle screen.

Someone next to him said: “This apostle concentrated all of the AT force field, plus its own quality and height, so it went straight down… The apostle’s bombing explosion was about 420,000 meters in diameter, and the geoid was zero. Five thousand kilometers… The entire new Tokyo will be evaporated instantly.”

Ge Chengmei did not say back: “It’s just the new Tokyo. Even the big vertical ditch in the central area will be exposed… Haven’t you contacted the commander yet?”

“Affected by the apostles, the waves over the atmosphere are very unstable and there is almost no possibility of connection…”

Gecheng Miri stood straight, and she looked around at the rest of the audience. This said: “Now must I judge the war independently? Then… contact the Japanese government in the name of Nerv headquarters and issue a special declaration D- On 17, people within the 120 km radius of New Tokyo City immediately took refuge, and then urgently called all EVA drivers into the standby phase, and the base entered the Level 1 combat readiness phase, then…”

Gecheng Miri looked at the law, and then opened his mouth to a mouth shape, but did not say anything.

Only the rhyme saw this type of mouth, and the mouth type has only two words. These two words are the intentions of Gecheng Meili.


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