Dawn Infinity

Chapter 482

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“Is evacuated to evacuate?”

The residence of Roger and others is also in the interior of New Tokyo. This evacuation and evacuation order began. They are naturally among them. However, everyone has their own plans and they have not paid attention to it for a while. Although several newbie intend to go to refuge, Xiao’s teenager is only It is mentioned that the SeeLe forces are vast. They have been monitored together with Roger. If they leave with the crowd, the consequences will be unbearable. They will not dare to mention them anymore, and they will stay in the house together with everyone.

Everyone looked out through the window and saw at least hundreds of front-mounted transport helicopters flying outside the window. The technology of this helicopter is higher than reality. In real world, there may be so many air equipment in Japan. But in this world, the center of everything is in Japan, the world’s human and material resources are concentrated. These helicopters are just civilian’s that’s all, the real military strength, the world of Japan is definitely the top three in the world, even with eVa After that, the first in the world is easy.

However, this kind of power is false, and it relies on the power of seeLe organization, the power of eVa, and the power of the apostle to achieve a false power. Once the world extermination crisis disappears, the world will not allow Japan to have such a powerful The force, and this, in fact, was done before Ah’Xing, let this idea burst out in advance.

Ah’Xing looked at the scene outside the window. He was about to say something to Roger. Suddenly he saw Xiao lying there looking out the window. When he felt his heart, he said to Xiao: “Xiao, you think that Nerv will send someone to look for it.” Us? What should we do?”

Xiao Xiaotou smiled and did not hesitate. He said directly: “It is certain to come to us, but to come to us must be our refuge. There may be countless surveillance and care along the way. Even our refuge must have abnormalities. Maybe there is a nuclear bomb buried next to the refuge, so no matter what they say, our reaction is to ignore them, even if they come to us for help, they don’t care. In a word, let them rest assured, we don’t It will be troubled when the apostles come to attack. As for whether they believe it or not, it is up to them.”

Ah’Xing looked at Xiao with appreciation, and then said to Roger: “That’s it, no matter what they say, ask for help, refuge, or even threat, we don’t care, we are here, we are What to do is not what they can manage, nor what they can do. This is our answer.”

Roger, oh, a few times, then what did you say, how did I do it, and Ah’Xing looked at Xiao’s eyes and softened it, but still didn’t say anything, so he sat on the sand waiting With.

At this moment, Roger suddenly looked up and said to the sky: “This Heart-Light is very uncomfortable…”

Ah’Xing was thinking about the next plan, and how to deal with Xiao and other newbie, I heard Roger’s words, and he immediately said, “I just felt a little depressed, this is Heart-Light. Undoubtedly, certainly you don’t feel it clearly. What you mean by this is… The apostle here is not using Heart-Light?”

Roger shook his head. “No, it’s Heart-Light, but it’s a little different. I can’t say what it is, but there is something wrong with it. It’s just feeling space, space hole, pure hollow feeling… You should also have some understanding. The so-called Heart-Light is the deepest light in one’s heart. It is a person’s Spirit, will, Soul, and even the road’s cohesion, so even if there are hundreds of millions of Heart-Lights, there is absolutely no Any two Heart-Lights are exactly the same, this is the most essential light of life, but… I came to this world, I feel the heart-light of eVa, and the Heart-Light of this apostle, all empty. It’s not as simple as a white paper, but as dark as a hollow, like a puppet… but it’s not Heart-Light, but it’s a real Heart-Light, weird, weird.”

Ah’Xing was silent, Roger was always staring at the ceiling above his head, and for a time the people in the room had no words.

At the same time, in the headquarters of nerv, Gecheng Miri and Riko were drinking coffee in a small room. When they were drinking, the lawyer said: “You send someone to tell the group to follow the government to take refuge. Is this appropriate? ”

Gecheng Meili shook his head and nodded again. This said: “I don’t know if it is appropriate, but what about not doing it? Going to the apostle to fight this apostle? I want that’s all, do you really think that (an apostle named Roger can trust? Although it is the only apostle we can meet, but the apostle is an apostle, what I worry most is not that he does not help us, but When we attacked us with the apostles, we were really incompetent.”

The law also asks, she also knows this thing. After all, nerv has never been attacked by two apostles at the same time, and the policy of nerv from the beginning is actually directed at a single apostle. In fact, she also has doubts in this respect. Why is the nerv executive so sure that only one apostle will be attacked at a time? However, she is a smart person, so some questions should be asked, some problems will be hidden in my heart, otherwise, she can not live so long.

After finishing the words, Gecheng Miri hesitated for a while and continued to say: “But it has not tasted the apostle and the meaning of those people. After all, this is the only apostle who can communicate. In any case, it is extremely important, just waiting for the commander. After returning from the moon, you can talk to Roger in detail, maybe our future is still in this Roger.”

The coffee of the law has already been finished, she will say with a smile : “The premise is not to be hostile to our nerv, right?”

Gecheng Miri did not answer, but in fact, the two high-intelligence women in the room knew that it was virtual to say that they were not hostile to nerv. Don’t imagine nerv so good. The inside story is so hard to imagine, what eVa What apostle, what a second collision, which may be true, but most of the things must have insider, they are not three-year-old children, how could they not know this? However, it is Mingzhe who protects that’s all.

As for Roger, the importance of this apostle does not have to be said at all. More importantly, this is not only the importance of nerv, but also the importance of these people. It is important to know that now is the nerv family. The situation, the situation in the world, how can they not understand the intelligence of the people like them, let’s not say nerv first, or what the purpose of the background seeLe is, say the existence of this eVa, which itself represents the highest force in the world. The existence, almost completely not afraid of any of Human’s current weapons, in addition to relying on energy and the driver itself has weaknesses, can be said to be almost invincible existence, such eVa is concentrated in the hands of nerv, other countries are even made The eVa model was also damaged for one reason or another. It was because it was too obvious, so even the insiders of nerv also had doubts about nerv, and this doubt is still increasing.

At the end of this conversation between Gecheng Miri and Riko, the radio sounded in the whole base. The voice of the broadcast came out of the order issued by Gecheng Miri. The entire New Tokyo people retreated. So far, the whole mobilization has been mobilized. Japan’s 80% military force, in a short period of time, the entire New Tokyo people have basically withdrawn, and until then, the real combat meeting began.

“…this battle, I ask you to catch it with your hands!”

“Hey?? Hold it by hand!?”

When Gecheng Miri uttered her battle plan, the first person who screamed was Asuka. She raised her hand in surprise and spoke with a gesture of grasping.

Gecheng Miri nodded and said: “Yes, catch the apostle from the sky. This requires you to open the eTa’s aT field to the maximum. This is the only way to think about it, because the target’s aT field will be Twisting the light, any attack from the outside can’t be accurately hit, and it adds quality from the sky. Any attempt to intercept is also useless, so… hold it by hand.”

The three drivers couldn’t speak for a while. In the next eVa commissioning and driver entry, Gecheng Miri still talked about the details of the battle.

“…because of the target landing problem, and the maximum action and interception position of eVa, this action requires three eVa attacks at the same time, covering one-third of the land position. When the apostle falls, you three eVa At the same time running, according to the target’s whereabouts, on the one hand, the computer will automatically correct the apostle’s placement, but you also have to judge its own point…”

At this moment, suddenly, the personnel of the Intelligence Section shouted loudly: “The latest data from the lunar probe has been transmitted to the screen…”

Everyone quickly looked at the screen, and on the screen, a set of virtual images appeared. The blue light spot representing the apostle actually left its original position, not falling toward the earth, but facing the earth and the moon. Move away.

“This is the predicted image for the next twelve hours… a twenty-four hour forecast image… a forty-eight hour forecast image…”

On the virtual image, the apostle began to wrap around the moon and the earth with great emphasis, and the gravity of the earth and the moon continued to increase, and then… after about forty-eight hours, it slammed into the earth. It’s down…

“Block… can’t stop…”

The Trinity computer of the nerv headquarters calculated the results almost instantaneously. The great power formed by the apostle’s addition, even the three eVa full force aT force field, no, even 30 eVa full force aT force field , absolutely…

Can’t stop it! !

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