Dawn Infinity

Chapter 483

Readx(); “…this way.”

Ah’Xing is lying on the hammock, looking at the sky like this.

After the retreat order was issued, there were nerv personnel who came up and asked them to follow the evacuation. However, this group of people must have been ordered and spoke very politely. When Roger and others refused, they simply left without any embarrassment. Entangled.

“Simple temptations, don’t care.” Xiao sat next to Ah’Xing and ate the pudding.

At this moment, everyone has come to the top floor of the house and look directly at the sky. Of course, in addition to Roger and Ah’Xing, the rest of the people do not know what the two are watching, maybe Xiao can guess something. But he is shutting up.

Ah’Xing muttered to himself, and said, “Yes, it’s temptation. After all, Roger’s alleged apostle, the only one, or the only apostle they know to be able to communicate with Human, is so important. This is not only an apostle, but also a key to unlocking the current unfinished end, so this temptation is definitely the idea of ​​Gecheng Meili. In other words, the nerv headquarters has not yet contacted Wuyuantang.”

“Sure, I contacted Wuyuantang, so now we are not so stable. After all, in this new theatrical version, Wuyuantang’s identity is actually the biggest hidden content.” Xiao smiled and ate. The pudding spoke.

“Yeah, Wuyuantang…”

Ah’Xing and Xiao are like you, I have a conversation, and most of the people around me don’t understand. They just think that Ah’Xing and Xiao’s words are very good, although they are still unknown. Feel sharp. “There has changed.”

Just then, Roger suddenly spoke.

Ah’Xing suddenly sat up and looked at the sky. His eyes flashed in the blink of an eye. After a long time, he shook his head and said: “No, no, I still can’t see… What is the situation?”

Roger said without saying back: “As Xiao said, this apostolic attack has changed. It does not fall directly from the sky as in the animation. Instead, it is flying towards the moon.”

After the nerv staff had come, Xiao suddenly proposed that everyone would come to the top balcony of the house. He said that it is very likely that the apostle would not fall directly like the original plot. As for the situation, it is necessary. It was confirmed at the time, and Roger could see the apostle directly through the sensor of Heart-Light and the way of space, so everyone listened to Xiao’s suggestion and came directly to the balcony.

“Going to the moon?” Ah’Xing suddenly frowned. He tapped his forehead with his fingers. After a long time, he said, “Is it going to the moon to merge?” But this is unlikely. Smoke is another purpose, and the purpose of the apostle is not the same, at least in this new theatrical version. He is not intended to destroy Human and the world. If it is not a confluence, is it to go to the lunar base to destroy the important facilities of seeLe… ”

At this time, Xiao also stopped the action of eating pudding, but pulled out a few of his own hair. He blew it hard. This said: “No, it’s not right… I think it is accelerating.”


Ah’Xing and the rest of the people said in unison.

“Well, speed up…”

Xiao used his fingers to make a circle in the sky: “Accelerate with the gravity of the moon and the earth, then maximize the speed and then fall. In this case, the power is far beyond the animation several times or even dozens of times, dozens of times. This is not the case that three eVa can withstand it. If this is the case, then the apostle is likely to go to the moon.”

“How, how could it be… No, there is a possibility.” Ah’Xing almost stunned. When he was halfway, he snorted and said: “There is a possibility that something you said… Is it a temptation?” ”

Xiaodun laughed again and smiled like a child. “Yes, it’s just a test.”

“It turned out to be… temptation.”

Ah’Xing lay down on the hammock again, he muttered and meditated, and the conversation between the two had made Roger inexplicable and irritated, and he asked awkwardly: “What a dumb fan, in the end What is the temptation? The apostle tempted to attack the earth? Or is this the same thing that Gecheng Miri arranged?”

Ah’Xing whitened Roger and said: “Who is the city of Gecheng Meili? If she has such a great energy, she has already destroyed the entire apostle and the apostle behind it. It is a power to know that her life is not good with the apostles.” … It is true that the apostles are tempted, but more accurately, perhaps seeLe is testing us…”

“seeLe?” Many people are asking strangely and repeatedly.

“Yes.” Ah’Xing said with his eyes closed: “Whether it’s the old eVa or the new theatrical version, the relationship between seeLe and the apostles is entangled, and in many details, it’s almost plain to say it. , seeLe and the apostles are just a group, the most obvious is that the boss eVa and the new theatrical version have both the eVa level 3 parasitized by the apostles, and the eVa level 3 arrangement, base orientation, and The role that seeLe plays in it is almost exactly what seeLe did… This is not to say, I ask you, Roger, Heart-Light is something that every life has and possesses?”

Roger nodded affirmatively: “Yes, Heart-Light is the deepest part of a person’s consciousness. The deepest part of Soul, the deepest part of the soul, the barrier of the heart, the flame of the heart, the light of the heart, every life as long as It is life, then it must have Heart-Light, just a lot of life, no, the vast majority of life’s Heart-Light is hidden in the darkest part of the mind, consciousness, Soul, does not appear, can not be used, just maintain one The only existence of the individual of life is that’s all.”

“The nature is really like that.” Ah’Xing still closed his eyes. He continued: “Roger, you know, I gradually touched the edge of Heart-Light, but Heart Demon also came at the same time, so I looked for a lot of philosophy. Books in religion, realities and humanities. Among them, there are some words similar to depicting Heart-Light in the Buddhist scriptures. The so-called nature is true. Everyone has a spiritual mountain. If it comes from the mountains, this is the estimate. Heart-Light, of course, this is just my understanding, the words are far away, and it should be known here, even if it is a normal Human, but also has Heart-Light, which is also reflected in the old eVa. At the end of the animation, Asuka has Heart-Light. Although it was used by eVa, she really began to express the power of Heart-Light, but in the world view of eVa, she always understood this. One thing, that is, after the creation of the world, Human has the fruits of wisdom, and the apostle has the fruit of life, so only the apostle has a force field, but Human does not However, in the plot, there is another reminder and a clear statement that Heart-Light is a human mental barrier. Human itself has Heart-Light. In the old version of Human Completion, the biggest function is to open the hearts of all Human. The barrier, that is, all Human has the Heart-Light, although it is the only one at the same time, but it also indirectly shows that one of the purposes of seeLe is to let the ordinary Human have Heart-Light…”

“And then?” Roger was completely ignorant of his appearance and expression. He asked sillyly: “What does this have to do with what you say, seeLe temptation?”

Ah’Xing sighed and he opened his eyes and said: “It has been said before that seeLe and the apostles are inextricably linked, so to some extent assume that all apostles are made by seeLe, or controlled. It’s entirely possible, and then you’ve shown the power of Heart-Light before, and you’re not controlled by them, and you declare the apostle, then what happens?”

“Our tricks were dismantled? Then being besieged?” Roger touched his head and asked again silly.

“I am jealous of you…” Ah’Xing said that some of the hate is not steel. “If all these assumptions are true, then a situation will happen! That is, seeLe knows that there is a normal Human with Heart-Light!! Understand! They know that you are not an apostle, but you have Heart-Light, which is what seeLe has been pursuing and dreaming of! But they are not sure whether the power you have is the real Heart-Light, so There will be temptations in this field, they hope that you will show your strength!”

“Oh, oh, I understand!” Roger chuckled, and looked at the sky: “I just let me break this apostle?”

Ah’Xing sighed. “No, we still don’t want to act. Although we don’t know how seeLe thinks, but this temptation is so obvious, then we will brake with silence and do nothing. Just see if seeLe really dare to destroy the world.”

But Xiao is at this time said with a smile: “Why don’t you act? Since seeLe has already fallen, we certainly have to act. Well, let’s go directly to Gecheng Miri, then tell her, let us enter Ultimate. Creed is alright.”

When the words were exported, Ah’Xing was completely stunned, and the rest of them replied after listening to Ah’Xing’s analysis. They didn’t feel that this could be acted upon, maybe a pair of Gecheng Miri said In these words, Gecheng Meili sent three eVa directly to attack them. After all, they showed their identity as apostles. The apostle is close to Ultimate Creed. Is this clearly the third collision?

“No! Xiao is right!”

Ah’Xing suddenly screamed loudly: “You are really a genius! You are right! We are going to find Gecheng Miri! Then tell her, we are going to Ultimate Creed! I will see, the apostle in heaven. In the end, is it necessary to fall down immediately, or to accelerate and then fall, haha…”

“I really look forward to seeLe’s reaction!”

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