Dawn Infinity

Chapter 487

Chapter 28: Participating in the battle

Three EVAs have been ejected to the ground, and three EVAs have already set the running preparations, just waiting for the order to be issued, then the driver will operate the EVA and start running at full speed.

This is Miri’s combat plan. Just like in the animation, she asked the three EVAs to pick up the apostles from the sky. This requires three EVAs to run from the apostle’s landing and find EVA accurately. The straight point, this is possible to reach the possibility of catching the EVA by hand.

Of course, this plan and the animation have appeared the same. If it is not a protagonist life, no matter how you think it is unlikely to be able to withstand the apostles falling like a comet, know that the apostle not only borrowed the power of gravity acceleration from the sky, even It also uses the AT force field to accelerate. This speed may not be reflected in the animation, but it definitely exceeds the comet that has fallen from the sky. EVA even has an AT force field to increase the speed, but the speed of running. The speed of chasing the flight is simply what the protagonist dare to do. It has the same effect as a pistol.

These doubts were originally thoughts of Ah’Xing and others. The animation can be used anyway, any rendering of random animation, protagonist Destiny, or the producer’s golden finger. Anyway, how do you come, but real The world can be different, indeed, the real world also has so-called luck or Destiny or something, but the real world is a realized logic system. You can’t say that a pistol is used to fly a plane with a pistol, let alone a pistol that may appear in the animation. Playing satellites.

However, at this time, this doubt saw three EVA attacks on the scene, which really solved a large part, that is, the characteristics of the AT force field. According to Roger, the AT force field is not a naturally formed Heart-Light. Although it’s really Heart-Light, this Heart-Light feature is very strange. Although Roger can’t say anything strange, this kind of Heart-Light is definitely affirmative, and Ah’Xing and Xiao are Guess, the AT field may not be perfect, so it is necessary to complete the animation, and in the third part of the theatrical version, the reason for the apostle’s smoked and 碇真嗣 two people driving the same EVA.

At this time, three EVAs came to the ground and disconnected the power connection of the wires. Although the three EVAs were in different directions depending on the area to which they belong, it is very strange that the three EVAs are in accordance with certain rules. Naturally, concentrate on a certain point.

“Attractive… Incomplete Heart-Light, the same attraction in the case of the same source.” Roger saw it and said it directly.

Both Ah’Xing and Xiao Wenyan were thoughtful, but they didn’t talk. They all relied on Spiritual-Force Scan to watch the three EVAs running there. From the sky, a huge Fireball looked very much. Obviously, and this huge Fireball is still growing, as if Judgment Day is coming, it is at the top.

EVA ran on the ground like this. The speed of the three EVAs was getting faster and faster. When the Fireball was as big as the sun, the speed of the three EVAs had reached the speed of sound, even surpassing the speed of sound. The state of the three EVAs when the sound barrier was broken was too much, and the people who saw it would not be mistaken.

“It’s amazing… Is this powerful after Fourth-Step has Heart-Light?” Xiao was a bit stunned. He looked at the three EVAs in the picture and broke the speed of the sound. After running, the hurricane was blown up. The buildings have been scraped, and even the vehicles are flying. This kind of powerful light can be felt with the naked eye. This is not the power that manpower can fight.

Ah’Xing was grinning. Because of his emphasis on Xiao, he said: “This is not the power of the ordinary Fourth-Step Heart-Light. In fact, the three EVA Heart-Lights are not complete, external The manifestation is all AT force field, not to say that there is no Heart-Light of AT force field, but Heart-Light is the most essential, basic and true existence of life, just like it is absolutely impossible to have two identical leaves. Similarly, Heart-Light will not be absolutely the same, if there is, there may only be one reason… This identical Heart-Light comes from the same creature, and the three EVA Heart-Lights are very powerful. Even to some extent, the extent of Intermediate Fourth-Step has been reached, perhaps because…”

Having said that, Ah’Xing is slightly uncertain, looking at Roger, and Roger said directly: “Yes, their Heart-Light is so powerful because of this Heart-Light. Master is very big… yes, there is Advanced Fourth-Step.”

“I think so too.” Ah’Xing nodded. He said to Xiao: “In the animation of EVA, the new theatrical version is not discussed. The old version of the animation has a Human completion plan, and the last big Lingli If there is no Advanced Fourth-Step in this creature, then I don’t believe it. I just hope that the world we have experienced this time does not need to encounter this creature.”

There is a saying that Ah’Xing didn’t say that it is that this creature may not be Advanced Fourth-Step… To be honest, he knows that this time the world is a welfare warrior world, and then after watching EVA animation, he is whole People are not good, it is not the story of how much depression, this is not within his consideration, but he is watching the old version of the animation, when he saw the last huge giant Ling Li appeared, he did not know The singing voice in the animation, in the end is the dubbing soundtrack, or… the song of this huge Ling Bo Li, if the latter, then the world’s hidden water Plane is too deep…

Perhaps… The purpose of the SEELE organization is not to create artificial Heart-Light, but to have greater ambitions. They are likely to want to create artificial Saints…

The most obvious evidence is that even if there is only one EVA first machine, when it is awakened, the strength is estimated to be Advanced Fourth-Step. If an EVA first machine has the strength of Advanced Fourth-Step, then the real one. What is the strength of this full version of Heart-Light? If it is really Saint…

Ah’Xing shook his head and he thought about the number of participants in the world. It is reasonable to say that Saint Level creatures are unlikely to occur. Generally speaking, if there is a Saint Level creature, then there must be several The Reincarnation Team is involved, or the Central Province team is pulled over. Lord God is unlikely to have a Quest of the death of death. This common sense is impossible to change…

Just when Ah’Xing thought about it, the Fireball in the air exploded and turned into a huge colorful eyeball, and then the eyeball slammed into a pair of huge wings, just like this. Falling from the sky, at least about a kilometer from the ground, but the huge wind pressure has fallen to the ground, the first is the trash can, then the tree and the car, and then the building below it, are rolled up by this wind pressure Crack, the speed of the landing of this huge creature is too fast, and the ground is crushed by a huge wind pressure or even a pit.

At this moment, a huge purple human figure rushed directly beyond the speed of the sonic speed to the bottom of the huge creature, and then the giant human figure was lifted up, and the AT force field visible to the naked eye erupted from it. But at a glance, the huge creatures ran into this huge human figure.

For a moment, Roger said fiercely: “No! Can’t stop! The apostle’s acceleration was too much!”

In this sentence, Ah’Xing and Xiao looked at Roger at the same time. Seeing that Roger was a little irritated, he smiled and said: “How, what?”

The barely fell, everyone trembled fiercely. Except for Ah’Xing and Roger, everyone else fell to the ground. The whole ground was trembled fiercely. The surrounding walls even had cracks. Seeing this, Ah’Xing directly Roger said: “I am not going to help the first machine! Otherwise we are all dead!”

Roger screamed something I wanted to go, not afraid of what you stopped, and then there was a space twist around him, and the next moment, he disappeared on the spot, appearing next to the first machine and the apostle, In the huge EVA and the apostles, Roger is as small as an ant, and now the EVA first machine is crazy, and the other two EVAs are at least a few hundred meters away, and the first machine is already halfway. The above body was pressed into the soil, and the remaining body was being pushed in at a very fast speed. This is not the first machine that was pressed into the ground. The first machine used the AT force field. A large part of the great power of the apostle was offset by the AT force site, and a large part of it was transferred to the ground by the AT force field. The first machine was pressed down to the ground, meaning that the building under the ground did not know how much damage. If it is completely pushed into the ground, it means… the entire Nerv headquarters is declared ruined!

At this time, Roger, the size of EVA and the apostle as if it were an ant, punched the apostle’s AT force field, and touched the part of the AT force field from the fist. The space ripple broke out, and the AT force field broke. No, not only the AT force field is broken, the whole…

Whole Japan!


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