Dawn Infinity

Chapter 488

Chapter 29: The Time of Promise

There are two categories of Roger’s own Enhancement in Lord God, namely the Enhancement Attribute Gura-Gura no Mi of the One Piece fruit category, and the Dohancement Attribute. There are only two types of Enhancements, but other strengths are derived from Reincarnation World is either his own comprehension.

What Roger didn’t expect was that his Exchange’s Fruit Enhancement Attribute was Gura-Gura no Mi, and after his Heart-Light comprehension, it was also a space-based Heart-Light. According to Ah’Xing’s analysis of Heart-Light. In other words, perhaps this is the idea that he wants to be free and unconstrained to realize his dream, which produces the Heart-Light, ripple of this spatial Attribute.

In addition to the power he had seen inexplicably worshipped, the ultimate move he learned, the strongest strength, his Heart-Light and Gura-Gura no Mi inexplicable fit, this is in addition to Subduing-Mountain Sword In addition, his strongest means, after all, Subduing-Mountain Sword is too restrictive, too expensive, and too many side effects, so this is almost his strongest means.

For this purpose, Roger does not exercise less, and as his strength increases, this exercise is also rewarded enough, such as now…

The whole of Japan, tilted!

This is a phenomenon that is difficult to understand. Physically, Japan is still on the continental plate of the earth. For the whole earth, there is no so-called tilt at the root, because this is an elliptical ball in the universe. For an ellipsoid, can you say that the surface of the sphere is tilted somewhere? This is a meaningless physical logic error.

However, Japan is indeed tilted at this moment. Compared with the plane angle of the whole earth, the Japanese archipelago and the continental shelf that constitutes the Japanese archipelago chain have a horizontal angle of inclination. Although the inclination is not large, the tilt is amazing. At the same time, at least 30% of people in Japan fell to the ground, but the good thing is that this tilt is also tilted together with Japanese buildings, so there is no disaster like a major earthquake, but this also It’s amazing enough, because it’s a kind of tilt from the visual, from the sense of direction, from the sky reference.

So I was afraid that Roger’s fist would stop the apostle from falling from the sky, but the whole Nerv had long been stunned, not to stun Roger’s attack, nor to stun Roger’s punch to stop the apostle, but to stun the whole The world, at least in the eyes of the whole world, is tilted, this… Is this a dream?

“Check, find out! What exactly is the situation just now! Does Roger punch the earth with a punch? No, is the mainland tilting?? Check it out!”

After the city of Gecheng stood firm, he stopped looking at the situation on the battlefield. Instead, he said loudly and seriously, and the staff in the entire combat headquarters were all busy. Everyone was blue, even if they were Working in this Nerv, knowing the apostles, knowing the EVA, and even knowing something more incredible, but this scene is still scaring them, because this has subverted common sense, just Roger punches the whole world All are tilted!

On the battlefield, Zheng Zhen, who is plunging into the squashed situation, is screaming wildly, but he is still involuntarily pressed to the ground, and then fierce, he finds himself being stopped, and then he is stunned. Seeing Roger punching the apostle’s fall, and this punch… tilted the whole world…

“Big, uncle!?”

碇真嗣 The whole person is not good. Although Roger said that he was an apostle and showed an amazing scene, there is always a case in the heart of it, because Roger is a kind of character who likes to make jokes. He is also familiar, so he really hopes… Roger is joking, the scene before it was done by what obstacles, but in front of it, all his hopes were broken, Roger It is the apostle…and it is probably the strongest one in the apostle, because he has tilted the heavens and the earth…

That’s right!

EVA, the apostles, these are very strong, their AT field, and the apostle’s super-regeneration ability, which are enough to make the 21st century civilization world desperate, but Roger is different!

Roger has gone through hundreds of battles. He comes from Lord-God Space. He exchanged the non-technical Enhancement Attribute, survived countless times of life and death, perfected himself, honored himself, and he was not trying to become stronger. And become stronger, he is for more complicated things, Partner, Resurrection Partner, Dreams, for the dreams of others… He has reasons to be unable to die, can not be defeated, just hold this The belief that Roger has reached a certain critical point, compared with him, the apostle or something… is just as ridiculous as a child’s punching…

He, Roger!

It is enough to challenge Team Demon to the Central Province team for the third generation of the most expert!

When Roger punched the apostle and stopped, he still had a big bang to wave his hand. This scene is really good. Once again, the whole person is not good, but he still remembers his duties. Immediately, I tried to get out of the ground, and the EVA control machine once again withstood the apostle, and at the same time, I really shouted loudly: “Ling Bo Li! Asuka!”


“Know, I know, don’t yell, I just…”

It was scared. Asuka didn’t dare to say this, but she was really scared. The uncle, Roger, didn’t, the apostle… Before she reacted fiercely, she couldn’t help but think about what might be wrong. After all, the apostle of Human form, this will be incredible, but at this moment, Asuka no longer dare not believe, because this creature named Roger is too horrible, is this really an apostle? Is this really… is it an apostle that they can match?

Among these thoughts, the EVA zero machine and the EVA No. 2 machine ran to the apostle at the same time. The zero machine immediately helped the first machine to withstand the apostle, while the second machine tacitly took out the weapon and prepared to The apostle’s S2 agency attacked.

“Roger, think of a way to get the S2 organization. You can control the S2 organization and not use it. I used it.” At this time, Ah’Xing’s voice was passed to Roger’s mind.

“Oh oh, no problem.”

Roger took a fist and patted the palm of his hand, and then in the eyes of the three drivers’ alert and horror, the volley floated directly to the apostle. This time the space ripple was concentrated in the range of no more than ten centimeters around the fist. In a punch, the apostle’s AT field seemed to be like a paper paste. The distortion of the space entered the apostle’s body with the punch. With a bang, the apostle was directly hit, and the The wings were wide open, and they were very strange. When they opened, they seemed to be like human figures. They all spoke like songs. All of them stopped after the fists. Even the fall stopped, and the whole apostle stayed in the air.

Once again, the drivers of the three EVAs were once again shocked and stunned again, because it was important, so the three of them felt that the idea had to be repeated three times… they were once again shocked, and even completely I was still at EVA, I didn’t know what was going on in front of me, and they watched it quietly, watching Roger float directly in front of the huge S2 organ of the apostle, and then didn’t know what he did, a space ripple The distortion occurred, and then a red-blooded object of the size of a jewel brooch appeared on Roger’s hand. Then the entire apostle began to wither and then quickly turned into a blood-red liquid, as if the dam collapsed, blood red The liquid burst open and drowned the battle zone…

The apostle annihilated…

But all the people involved in this battle are not happy. It is not so much frustration, or what is the idea of ​​being robbed. It is better to say that they are all scared. In fact, not only they, but all the world’s attention. The forces of the apostles’ battles were almost all scared, except…


“We are waiting for countless years, countless times of repeated restorations, repeated restorations, repeated restorations of the script, and finally… when the promises come, our promises!”

“Yes, we have returned countless times, the script has repeatedly restored the worldview, and the promise of our philosophy has finally arrived…”

“So, let our philosophy, our promises come true! Let us…”

“Become an author!”

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