Dawn Infinity

Chapter 79

Alien …… Alien!

Chu Hao and J immediately saw what the monster was in front of him. This is Alien. It is almost the ultimate hunting creature, regardless of its form, fighting style, and hunting consciousness. Perfect hunting creatures, when they meet in the near, Human can’t be their opponent, the reaction speed and physical quality are too far apart!

Alien’s most terrifying is its speed, and secondly there is a reaction force that matches its speed. It’s simple to think of Alien as a super giant, the speed and reaction of the moment, plus the more horrible power and attack than Human. The way, as well as its keen danger premonition and sneak attackability, there is no more terrifying hunting creature than Alien in the vicinity and narrow terrain.

Chu Hao understands this too. If he doesn’t have enough defense and his body speed and reaction can’t keep up with Alien’s speed, then Alien may be directly killed in front of him. Because of this, he is seeing this Alien moment. The disc was immediately thrown to the ground while the gun was aimed at Alien.

As Chu Hao made these moves, J rushed to Alien, and from his black exoskeleton arm, a black Bayonet popped from his wrist, and he saw J blocked in the aisle. Central, then a fierce thorn to the Alien.

But I don’t want this Alien to ignore J’s attack. Actually, the single claw dragged the body on the ground and retracted to the darkness of the roadway at a faster speed. The fine friction sounded away quickly, and only the entire passage was left. I have two people, Chu Hao and J.

J. This thorn was directly inserted into the aisle wall. When the pull was pulled, a lot of sparks broke out. When it was recovered, the thorn was still sharp and sharp, and the huge bluestone wall was scratched deeply, until then, he Only then took back the spikes on the hand and turned to the side: “Retired, are we going to pursue?”

Chu Hao was slamming his gun at him and shouting: “Be careful! This is the battlefield…”

When the voice fell, J also heard the blast coming from behind him. He was already shocked and could not do anything else. He could only rush forward, but even so, he could hear it. I saw a bloody flower on his back. J was snorted, and the whole person rushed forward a few meters. At the same time, Chu Hao’s bullets had already hit him. In the sound, the Alien behind J immediately made a roar.

“The power of the Desert-Eagle guns… can only break the outer shell?”

Chu Hao silently, he clearly saw a few bullet holes in Alien, but according to his knowledge of the bullets, it is natural to see that the entrances of these bullet holes are very shallow, almost just pierced the shell, just at all. Can’t kill this Alien, the power of this gun is too small…

J screamed at the same time, and violently turned and rushed to Alien. At the same time, his hands slammed and the two spikes slammed out. This time, Alien did not evade and swooped directly to J, only When the body didn’t arrive, he could see a black shadow from behind him. J only had two sharp spikes in his wrist. In the snoring, his spike was broken and the whole person was repulsed again. A few meters away, it fell directly under Chu Hao’s feet.

“Response…not enough! J didn’t turn on Gene Lock, it’s awful…”

Chu Hao sees J’s counterattack clearly. If you want to say strength, J doesn’t lose much to Alien. After all, it’s already Advanced-Level Internal Force Enhancement. It’s just that the speed of its own power is not increased. Weak, the key is the problem of reaction. Just if J has enough reaction, it can completely bypass Alien’s tail and directly catch Alien’s attack hole. Unfortunately, J’s reaction can only be achieved in front of the defense. If Zhang Heng is here, his bow and arrow can kill Alien, but at the moment…


Chu Hao raised J. No, it can’t be said that it is help. It should be dragged to J and ran to the depths of the aisle. Behind him, the Alien body was accompanied by a compliment. But just after catching the place where Chu Hao put down the metal disc, the disc was immediately bright, and an invisible force pushed Alien, which made it impossible to catch up. Then the metal disc became brighter and brighter. In the meantime, a fierce explosion came and wrapped this Alien in it.

“Abominable, hateful, hateful, hateful…”

J rubbed forward on the ground, and he was pulled and shouted: “Damn! I should have used Internal Force to pour it into my wrist, but it’s awful! Internal Force is running fast! It can’t keep up with the fighting rhythm… …what!”

Chu Hao ran around while dragging, only a moment later: “J, have you heard of Gene Lock?”

J silenced and said: “I heard you mentioned that you and Zhang Heng seem to have opened Gene Lock? It seems to improve the reaction speed and improve the fighting instinct, but that did not have Exchange at Lord God, so I did not… …”

Chu Hao said as he ran: “That is the power that everyone should have. In reality, there are also many people who have opened up. Specifically, you concentrate on what you see, take all your attention, all the spirits, all Everything is concentrated in the battle ahead, except that there is no other thing in the battle, even life and death seem to be abandoned. In this case, you will open Gene Lock yourself, but I can only say so much because this Things don’t tell you how to do it, but you feel how to do it yourself… In a word, experience life and death, if you want to live, then work hard!”

J is silent, not talking…

At the same time, at the other end of the distance, Zhang Heng, who was accompanying Ares to see the ground structure, stood up fiercely, and his ears swayed softly: “I heard the gunshots, coming from the sound. Listen, it should be the voice of Desert-Eagle… Chu Hao, they are in trouble!”

Ares also refused to continue to check the ground, he stood up fiercely: “Go! This Team is not Chu Hao, only he can find a solution to the current dilemma, I…”

But before he could finish the sentence, he saw Zhang Heng rushing to him. Before he had time to react, Zhang Heng had already thrown him down, rolling him down a few meters away. At the position of Ares, a Alien who had fallen from the sky had already stepped on it. Just when Zhang Heng and Ares were both planning to stand up, the Alien had swooped over to the two, but had not yet fluttered. Nearly, the tiny Skeleton next to him had been holding the bone shield in front of Alien, but he saw a bone knife on Alien, but only a white mark was cut, but nothing hurt.

Alien seemed to be puzzled by this Skeleton. It slammed down, seemed to be looking at something, and then saw the tail behind it slamming out, directly on the body of Skeleton, a loud bang, this little Skeleton actually smashed it directly.

“Damn, it really is that the body is not strong…”

Ares stood up at this moment and saw Skeleton smashed. He couldn’t help but scream and planned to use Skeleton Summoning on the corpses next to him, but Zhang Heng pulled his arm coolly.

“These bodies don’t give force… so what about Alien’s body?”

Zhang Heng a cool smile, then he saw him cool and slowly lifted the long bow in his hand, pulled open, an arrow between the fingers, and the bow body is also facing Alien, while his mouth is solemn The slogan: “Snail… your mother!”

Alien will manage Zhang Heng’s cool, directly rushing up, the deadly tail once again stabbed Zhang Heng, its speed is simply amazing, Zhang Heng only had time to snoring, now dare not dare What is cool, pick up the bow and roll it lazily, and the tail sweeps over his head, only half a second, he will be beaten twice, or stabbed.

After Zhang Heng rolled away, Ares was facing Alien, and Alien had no eyes, and he used the horrible face to face Ares. The distance between them was more than twenty centimeters before and after. Ares blinked, he looked With this horrible face and the saliva in the mouth and the horrible tongue, there is no time for him to feel so close to death. At this time, only the tongue needs to be stabbed, then he will immediately Really dead…

(No, don’t die, I don’t want to die, I still have nothing to do, I want to resurrect her… I want to ask her the truth, I want to ask her…)

(Why leave me!)

Ares only had time to scream, and he saw a black shadow coming in front of him. He couldn’t care about anything else. He only used one hand to block his face, and his head slammed back. At this moment, it seemed to have As many evasive schemes got into his mind, his reaction speed was amazing. The whole person was kicking on Alien while he was leaning back. He jumped back with this power, but Alien The tongue was faster, and a bang had pierced his arm and stopped just a few centimeters from his head…

“Bullet-Time? Double speed!”


An arrow shot fiercely and directly penetrated Alien’s head, and the arrow did not stop at all. It even shot directly at the wall, and even the wall penetrated, and after the hole in the wall However, it was a man and a woman, two Europeans and Americans, standing there with a shocked look.

They…not Reincarnation Team Member!


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