Dawn Infinity

Chapter 80

“That is the Rune disc of Mage Hand. Of course, Mage Hand is just Level 0 Magic Spell. It is impossible to have the power to isolate creatures like Alien, but a Mage Hand can’t, ten? One hundred? ?”

Chu Hao and J ran together in this aisle and ran Chu Hao and said: “This disc is made of dense silver material, one thousand Reward Points per kilogram, and then through the direct disk processing of Lord God at Lord God. There are more than 300 Mage Hand Spell-Matrix inscribed in it, and it is set with a 100 Reward Points Energy Crystal-Stone. If I use Arcane-Energy control, it is equivalent to the instant reel Mage Hand. However, if you use Energy Crystal-Stone to throw it out, it will be a protective cover with a large external thrust in a short period of time. If the load exceeds it, it will become a grenade with great power.”

J subconsciously turned back. Indeed, the rock wall just collapsed down. The power is indeed very large. Of course, it is also analogous to the high-explosive grenade. Even if the power is bigger, it will not be much bigger. .

“Of course, it doesn’t matter what it is.” Chu Hao chuckled, he added: “But there are five such discs in my arms, and one of them is the Energy Crystal-Stone of Exchange’s 1000Reward Points, which is powerful. It’s not ten times superimposed, but ten times multiplied by ten, and the power is a hundred times that of the previous one! In other words… it’s really irritating Lao Tzu, and it’s a big deal to throw this disc directly into this ruin. Maybe it’s good luck, the explosion killed Alien Queen Mother first, and then we will return to the Lord-God Space before we kill us…”

J was shocked. He immediately looked at Chu Hao’s expression. It was just that the channel was dark and dark. He couldn’t see what Chu Hao was, but it was crazy. It was a hundred times more powerful. Explosion grenade, this is the nuclear bomb grenade, right? And… Is this really Chu Hao’s decision?

At this moment, Chu Hao suddenly stopped and took a breath, and J stopped after a few meters, and J immediately asked: “Are you serious? Chu, you really want to use that 1000Reward Points Energy Crystal-Stone’s disc to try your luck?”

“Break the egg.”

Chu Hao said directly: “I am bragging about B, you also believe? Also 1000Reward Points’ Energy Crystal-Stone, this disc is made up of 250 grams of dense silver, and can only load 100Reward Points’ Energy Crystal-Stone, And the inside is only engraved with the superimposed Spell-Matrix. After that, every additional layer, Lord God’s cost will be three times more expensive, and it is incremental. I don’t have so many Reward Points. Squandering, such a disc is worth more than 800 Reward Points. I have two such discs all over the body, and the rest are still ordinary silver plates that are not inscribed.”

“In normal use, you can rely on Energy Crystal-Stone to maintain Spell-Matrix consumption, but I only need to use the Spell-Matrix to use it, which is equivalent to the Parallel Spell that does not consume Arcane-Energy in my body. The scrolls will only detonate in an emergency. Do you really have more money for me to burn? Also 1000Reward Points, this cow B has blown up.”

J suddenly looked cold sweat, he said slyly: “What happened? Why did you suddenly brag and joking?”

Chu Hao chuckled, his eyes looked at a wall, but there was nothing there, but he just kept staring at it and said: “The Spiritual-Force Scan has been monitoring us, at least we have been monitoring us. …Do you remember the things in Skyline? There is a Spiritual-Force Controller in Team China, which I mentioned to you later.”

J immediately nodded: “I know, it is an Enhancement using Spiritual Force. We have seen it in Exchange afterwards. Everyone can exchange the skills of those skills. The Spiritual Force requirements are very high, so you guessed maybe It’s that some people have special physiques that just match the ability to use Exchange.”

Chu Hao pointed to his own brain: “Yes, my organization has a self-hypnosis study. This self-hypnosis can be slightly countered by the Spiritual Force, but it is useless for the Spiritual-Force Scan. The only good place. So, once the Spiritual-Force Scan is approaching, I can feel more or less, and just now I felt Spiritual-Force Scan.”

J’s face immediately gloomy. He followed Chu Hao and walked away and said, “Spiritual-Force Scan…Predator’s? Alien Queen Mother’s, or…Tom, three of them, or those newbie of?”

Chu Hao shook his head and said: “newbie can basically be thrown away. Spiritual-Force Scan Although I have encountered it in the real world, the user of the Spiritual-Force Scan, whose organization is not normal, can basically be analogized to Lord-God Space, in addition, even if there are some special functions that we have discovered, the Spiritual Force can never exceed the body’s ten meters. At least my organization searches the vast majority of the world’s databases. I haven’t found such a person, so a very small probability event can be disguised as zero probability, and newbie basically doesn’t have to be discussed…”

“There are three parties left, one of Tom’s three, Predator Group, Queen Mother, and Spiritual-Force Scan may appear on all three sides, but on the other side, there is no need to consider…”

J was shocked and looked at Chu Hao. “This is Spiritual-Force Scan. If it’s three of Tom, they are at least like locusts to one rope, but if they are Predator and Alien Queen Mother, they know. Where are we, are we still living?”

“What is the difference?”

Chu Hao chuckled, his eyes flashed a decisive road: “Tom three people can’t find it, and we don’t know what their Enhancement skills are, we can’t find newbie, because we don’t know where the terrain is. No, I don’t know where their location is, and we can’t find Alien and Predator either. The reason is this…”

“So there is no difference, I said… this time Horror-Movie World is a planless situation. Since we are already in a planless situation, we can’t make our enemies work, Spiritual-Force Scan Is it the only thing that can make a strategic layout? The only pity is that people or creatures with Spiritual-Force Scan don’t know that I can sense Spiritual-Force Scan, so now we have to do…”

“It’s all for everyone, all creatures are incomprehensible! Remember the fingers that I pressed on you when I met Alien? If it’s a Spiritual-Force Scan, then this little trick can be Seeing, this is my layout, the only layout in the planless situation, in order to pull everyone into the planless situation! To the end…”

Chu Hao has a fierce fist: “Let us win by strength! Who wants to live more, who doesn’t want to die, who is more desperate, then, that is the one who can really live!”

At the same time, Mary and Aikeer have already used the Spiritual-Force Scan to know the advantages of the surrounding terrain and organs, and to get rid of the Que Hand, who has been following them. Anyway, it is just an ordinary person that’s all, nothing enhances, really. When you encounter a monster, you may be sure who protects it. It may be a bad thing to get together, so under the command of Mary, it is easy to get rid of it.

At this moment, the two stopped in a small room opened by an organ. There were many sacrificial rituals and sacrifices in the room. There were many bones and things. It seemed to be a place for ritual rituals. It is still safe here.

At this moment, Mary walked anxiously and walked and said: “What is going on, why is the Predator not available from Spiritual-Force Scan? Why is this? In this way, can we not safely go to the ground? And the Momo code that Chu Hao pressed on J before, I also translated it… What is called a disc placed at the entrance to the ruins, why didn’t we see him placing anything? Elder sister couldn’t scan it. ?”

Aikeer paled and shook his head. “No, this relic seems to have a natural suppression of the Spiritual-Force Scan. I can’t scan that far. If I use a straight line scan instead of an area scan, then I do. You can scan to the ruins, but you can’t know if it’s all scanned. After all, it’s a straight line. If you use the area scan, we are too far away from the ruins…”

Mary smirked at the forehead, and she walked back and forth and muttered: “Spiritual-Force Scan, according to the amount of your Spiritual Force, you can control the Spiritual Range. You can control this group of Spiritual Ranges come in a variety of shapes, or they form a circular volume range centered on you. Everything in this range can be printed directly into your mind, or it can be bound into a line that can scan farther distances, but I can only feel the contents of the Spirit line, this is probably a scan… Damn, elder sister, not me, you didn’t have much Enhancement, how many Spiritual Force? You have to give some Reward Points to Tom, he What counts? Poor hanging silk, and that disgusting look at our **, if you want a meat shield, you will not care about him. You can see such a person?”

Aikeer lowered his head and his face was paler, just whispered: “I’m sorry, I am just…”

“Just what? Useless waste! How do I have an elder sister like you? The gene is not good, even the brain is not good!” Mary said more and more, and finally almost wanted to jump up, but for a long time After that, he was still exhaled and walked back to the original place. He walked back and forth and said: “Forget it, now you are useless. Who makes you my elder sister? It seems that Chu Hao buried any traps in the remains of the gate, although not Know how likely it is, but don’t go to the trap as much as possible. Moreover, we can’t scan the Predator, and go to the relics, it is likely to die directly… Confluence, with Chu Hao, Zhang Heng, Ares They converge, I will give up this game, and I will always have the chance to kill them next time…”

“elder sister! I am the strongest! In the Super Genius College, in Reincarnation World, I must be the strongest!”

After that, Mary turned and walked toward the other side of the room, and what she didn’t see was that behind her, Aikeer’s sinful eyes and her hands clasped her nails deep into the flesh. Blood dropped to the ground by drop…

(Yeah, you are always the strongest, just like the final exam, always the strongest… the strongest step on the elder sister, or…)

(The strongest framed by the elder sister? hehe…)


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