Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 288 Never See Each Other Again

Old Gao's face was still filled with endless pain. The truth of his relationship with Wang Mengmeng was really cruel!

I frowned a little, but that was also what I expected. I always felt that after so much experience, it was really hard for the two of them to let go of everything and walk together.

Old Gao gasped for a moment and continued, "She should never come to Pucheng again!"

I asked again, "What about the pond?"

Old Gao smiled bitterly and said, "She said she gave it to me."

Wang Mengmeng handed the pond to Old Gao? After listening to this, I also sighed for a while. I didn't expect that after a turn, the pond returned to Old Gao's hands.

Before, Old Gao sold the pond, and the money was taken away by Wang Mengmeng. Now, Wang Mengmeng returned the pond to Old Gao, which in fact was to return the money to Old Gao. She told me before that she would return the money to Old Gao, but now it seems that she has done it, and even a little money between the two of them has been cut off.

Maybe it's good for both of them!

"Then what are you going to do?" Hu Zi asked.

Old Gao shook his head in confusion. I'm afraid he didn't expect that one day he would be able to own a pond again.

But that simple happy time, that unforgettable love, was gone forever.

From today onwards, the relationship between Old Gao and Wang Mengmeng was completely over, becoming a reminiscent past.

As for how long the pain in Old Gao's heart would heal, only he himself would know.

The three of us drank like crazy, just like the night Old Gao and his parents quarreled. Hu Zi and Li Xiaowei quarreled. We drank one glass after another. In the end, I felt like my cheeks were so hot that I could steam an egg. All three of us were the same.

Old Gao cried as he drank, and the man did not shed a single tear. This serious man finally seemed to be crushed, leaving a sobbing tear.

And Old Gao said a lot of things.

"Actually, I knew she wouldn't lie to me. She wouldn't leave me without a word. I know. But I never thought that she was qingyu's good friend, and that she would take revenge on me for qingyu. I have been in love so many times in the plateau, only one truly loves each other, but she is only for her. Sometimes it feels like god is teasing us!"

He sometimes cried and laughed, sometimes he looked like a madman, and sometimes he hung his head in a daze.

"But when it comes to who I hurt the most, it must be qingyu. It's true love that hurts, isn't it?"

"I think maybe this is really god's punishment for me. I've hurt too many girls before, so the old genius would do this to me!"

Neither Hu Zi nor I comforted Old Gao, but we drank with him.

Indeed, drinking too much will make you feel bad, but the pain is only for a while. The pain in your heart, however, can not be eliminated for a long time.

In the end, it was no surprise that the three of us drank too much.

Old Gao drank the most, so much that he couldn't stand up on the toilet and was so sick that he almost died!

I think the two of them are really over this time. In the future, Fang Qingyu and Wang Mengmeng, two Moon city girls, will only appear in Old Gao's memories.

At the end of this time, I hope Old Gao can really let go of the past and look forward.


When I woke up in the morning, I still felt a little uncomfortable. I took a moment to clean up the mess that the three of us were in yesterday.

Hu Zi woke up as well. He said to me, "Stop calling Old Gao. Let him have a good sleep."

I nodded.

At this moment, my cell phone suddenly rang.

It was Guzheng.

Guzheng asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm renting a house."

"Oh, I'll rent a house later. I'll call you later. You can go to my place."


Hanging up the phone, I told Hu Zi, and Hu Zi didn't wait for me, so he went back to the hotel alone.

I opened the window of the house to dissipate the smell of alcohol, then sat on the sofa, and I couldn't help but think of Ding Ge.

Since leaving the hospital yesterday, I haven't contacted Ding Ge, and I don't know how she is now.

I was thinking about what Lin Ya said to me in the elevator, but I still didn't know if we were going to make up.

But I didn't dare to call Ding Ge because Ding Ge was mostly resting at home right now. If his parents knew I was calling her, they wouldn't be angry with Ding Ge again.

But I'm really worried about her!

It took an hour for Guzheng to call me and tell me that she had arrived.

I went downstairs and saw Guzheng. She looked extremely haggard and tired. I couldn't help but ask, "Why are you so tired?"

"I just came back from Moon city. Can you not be tired?" Guzheng took another breath and replied.

I frowned. I didn't expect Guzheng to come back from Moon city. I asked again, "How did you get to Moon city?"

"If I don't go to Moon city, I won't even see Mengmeng. Of course I have to go."

I think maybe Wang Mengmeng really won't come to Pucheng again!

I couldn't help but ask worriedly, "How's Wang Mengmeng?"

"What else can we do? Her eyes were swollen from crying. Guzheng asked again," where's Old Gao?"

"Hey, I drank too much. I'm still asleep." I sighed and replied.

Guzheng's lips were open, and she seemed to have a lot to say, but when she came to her mouth, she sighed deeply and said, "Go back to my room first. It's too tiring to stand. I need to rest."

I nodded and the two of them went upstairs, but Guzheng could not help but say, "I really feel sorry for Old Gao and Mengmeng. I feel sad."

"What can we do about it? The more we fall in love, the deeper our relationship is. We can do nothing but regret."

"I think we can help them." Guzheng didn't seem to want to see Old Gao and Wang Mengmeng end up in such pain.

"How?" I frowned and asked.

Guzheng took out the key and opened the door. She sat down on the sofa, exhausted, and took a few deep breaths before saying, "We can help them reconcile. Do more homework for them. After all, the past is over. They can start all over again."

I thought about it for a while, shook my head and said, "I think we should forget it."


"Because Old Gao and Wang Mengmeng have already made their decision, I think as friends, we should respect their decision."

"But they clearly still love each other!" Guzheng said with great regret.

"What can that do? It was because they loved each other that they made such a choice."

Guzheng looked at me with some incomprehension. She was silent for a moment. After a while, she looked at the wall as if she had realized something. She said with emotion, "For two people who were deeply in love, the best ending is never to see each other?"

I thought about what Guzheng said and nodded. I'm afraid this is really the best ending.

Guzheng looked at me with a strange light in her eyes. She twisted her head and sighed again.

I thought about it and said to Guzheng, "By the way, Guzheng, the thing you told me last time..."

"What is it?" Maybe Guzheng was too tired to forget such important things.

"That's what you said about our engagement." I was a little embarrassed and scratched my head.

"Ah?" Guzheng was stunned.

I looked at her and said, "As long as you don't let me in, I can promise you!"

"Ah?" Guzheng cried out in surprise again. Perhaps she didn't expect me to agree.

I also found it unbelievable, because I wanted to reject Guzheng before this, but ever since I found out about Fang Qingyu, I didn't think it was a big deal to agree to Guzheng.

Because I really don't want to owe anyone else!

Guzheng helped me so many times, and I just wanted to help her once.

Guzheng was in shock for a long time. After a while, he smiled, then pulled his hair down and said to me, "Well, no need for Xing Yun. This is over."

"What?" I asked, a little confused.

Last time, Guzheng was worried about this, but now he solved it?

I asked again, "What did you tell your parents?"

"You don't have to worry about that. It's settled anyway." Guzheng looked at me with a frown and said, "Why do you look so unhappy? Are you in love with me and really want to get engaged to me?"

Seeing how Guzheng could still joke around, I thought maybe things had really been resolved. Of course, this was the best!

Guzheng asked me again, "How's Ding Ge?"

"I don't know." I shook my head.

Guzheng sighed again, rubbed his temples and said, "There are so many things going on lately."

I feel the same way!

Guzheng seemed to have something to say to me. She hesitated for a moment and said, "Xing Yun, I heard about yesterday."

I nodded, speechless.

I know what Guzheng wants to say.

"Actually, you don't have to feel so guilty. Just like you comforted me, Ding Ge's injury can't be blamed on my head. How did you get yourself involved? My logic, your logic are all wrong. You can't look at one thing one-sidedly."

I did comfort Guzheng like this, but things were completely different between us.

Guzheng continued, "Can you stop imagining things? You are a good person, a very kind person, you are much better than many people I know. Although you have such and such shortcomings, you are definitely a good person! Do you understand?"

Listening to Guzheng, my heart warmed up, but I didn't know what to say.

It was a fact that Fang Qingyu's incident really affected me.

I smiled at Guzheng and said, "Don't worry, Guzheng. I'm fine."

Guzheng wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

Neither of them spoke for a while. Just then, my phone rang, and the name on the phone was a familiar person who hadn't called for a long time.

It's Lin Ya. She finally called me!

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