Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 47 How Much I Want to Go Back to the Past

At such a young age, I rarely thought about what would happen after I died.

Most of the time, we are always stuck in reality, bothered, thinking about the future, and calculating our lives.

When I was rolling on the river and felt like I was about to report to the king of hell, there was a moment when I suddenly felt an indescribable relief!

What else could he think of when he died?

There's no need to worry about anything anymore, no need to worry about work, no need to worry about love. But how could I leave like this? There are still parents waiting for me to serve at home. I haven't had time to be filial to them. I've made them sad countless times. How can I make them sad? I can't leave the responsibility that I should have taken on to them. Even if I die, I have to fucking live!

I'm not a rapist or a villain. After I die, there will still be friends who cry and cry for me. Old Gao, Hu Zi, Lin Ya, these brothers and friends, how much they want to have a chat with them and have a drink with them!

As I gradually regained consciousness, I felt an indescribable pain all over my body.

At this moment, I suddenly heard some small and suppressed cries.

Who's crying?

I moved my body, but suddenly there was a pain in my body, and I couldn't help but moan. When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a hospital bed.

I don't know how I got here, but it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that I woke up.

I'm still alive!

I looked to the side, and there was no one, so did anyone cry just now? Or is it my illusion?

After a while, my father, my mother, my aunt and Old Gao both walked in. They were so excited that my mother and aunt even cried.

"Mom, aunt, why are you crying?" I forced a smile to comfort my mother.

"Xing Yun, you're finally awake." Old Gao was also very excited, his face twitching, and said to me with some discomfort, "If you can't wake up, how can I explain it to your parents? Me!"

He slapped himself and his eyes turned red.

I was so excited that I quickly said, "What does this have to do with you?"

"Well, I'm awake, aren't I? All right, you guys are all right. Do you know?"

Although she woke up, she still felt a little uncomfortable and weak. After a while, the nurse came and asked me about my condition before leaving.

I drank some water and then closed my eyes to rest.

When I woke up, I found a few strangers around me, and I looked at them in confusion.

"Big brother!" At this moment, a man looked at me.

I don't seem to know this person at all, but I seem to have met him somewhere.

"Big brother, it's us, the two people you saved." At this moment, the woman beside the man also spoke.

"Oh! So it's you two." I immediately realized that it was the man and woman I saved yesterday. No wonder I said they looked familiar. If they didn't say it, I really couldn't remember them.

Seeing that the two of them were fine, I was really happy. I felt that even if I died, it was worth it. One life for two lives.

"Thank you so much, big brother." At this moment, the girl's eyes turned red and she said, "If you hadn't saved us yesterday, I'm afraid we would have died."

"Thank you, big brother." The man said gratefully.

"It's okay. You're welcome." I smiled.

This feeling of being thanked for doing good was actually quite comfortable, especially when he saw that he had actually saved two lives, his heart could not help but feel a little proud.

At this time, some strangers around me were also praising me, making me feel a little embarrassed. I don't know these people, they are some relatives of this man and woman, and this man and woman are also lovers. That day, playing by the river, the woman accidentally fell into the river. The man wanted to save the woman, but he couldn't swim. If I hadn't arrived in time that day, maybe two people would have died.

At this time, it should be the father of a boy or girl. When he walked up, he suddenly took out a paper bag from his pocket. It looked puffy. He put the paper bag in my hand and looked at me gratefully. He said, "Young man, it's really not much to say a thousand or ten thousand thanks. There's something new about our family here. Just take it."

In fact, when I saw the paper bag, I knew that it must be money, and it looked like a lot of money, but I immediately shook my head and said firmly, "No, no, I can't accept this money."

He saved two people voluntarily, how could he be paid for it?

What has it become!

However, the other party's attitude was quite determined, and then my father and mother came over. The two elders had been teachers all their lives, and their attitude was even more determined than mine. No matter what, we can't take this money, or our old meng family's reputation will be ruined.

Seeing my parents so insistent, the other party finally took the money back.

After repeatedly expressing their gratitude, the family finally left.

I don't want my father and mother to be at the hospital. It makes me very uncomfortable. I really don't want them to serve me anymore. I don't want them to run around for me. But both of them were extremely stubborn and refused to leave. At night, Old Gao came back.

I continued to persuade the two of them, since I was sure nothing was going on, and Old Gao was still there to watch over them. The two elders finally went back.

Old Gao sat beside me with a bench.

Sitting here, Old Gao began to say to me, "Did you see the person you saved yesterday?"

"See you."

Old Gao gave me a blank look and said seriously, "Do you know how dangerous the situation was yesterday? Damn! You almost died, you know? Is it worth risking your life just for two strangers you don't know?"

"How could I have thought so much?" I smiled bitterly and said, "I think I can save them."

"You're just trying to be strong!" Old Gao cursed. He pointed at me again and said, "I don't know what to say about you. What a fool! What a fool! Idiot!"

Although Old Gao scolded me, I felt warm in my heart.

Then Old Gao said, "Hu Zi and xiao wei came. You were sleeping when they went back. I might have to come over later."

"Why are they running so late? Tell them not to come."

"Come on, the more people come, the better." Old Gao said angrily.

"By the way, Guzheng and Ding Ge have also been here."

Suddenly, when I heard that familiar name, my heart trembled.

I asked in disbelief, "Who? Who did you say came?"

"Guzheng. Ding Ge is here, too, with Lin Ya." Old Gao replied.

"Why is she here?"

I was surprised. I didn't expect Ding Ge to come back!

"You two broke up. You're not enemies anymore." Old Gao said, "I didn't know if you could come back to life. They came to see what happened. Besides, she came with lin ya. Ding Ge can't come. Lin Ya can always come."

I was silent, but I couldn't calm down.

Ding Ge didn't come to the hospital the last time. This time, I thought she wouldn't come either.

Suddenly, I thought of the previous cry. Who was crying by my bed?

Could it be Ding Ge?

I don't think so. She came here with Lin Ya.

That's Guzheng?

After a while, Hu Zi and Li Xiaowei came over, and I couldn't help but smile bitterly. Actually, my body basically didn't hurt, and I was in good spirits. When I brushed past the god of death, I felt like a freshman. I chatted with Hu Zi Li Xiaowei, and they were relieved that I had recovered well.

While we were talking and laughing, another sound of footsteps came.

In front of him was Lin Ya in a red windbreaker, followed by Ding Ge, whom he had not seen for a long time!

I don't know how to describe the feeling of meeting Ding Ge again. That feeling is more complicated than the most difficult final question in the college entrance examination!

How long has it been since we met?

It's been a long time, hasn't it?

Ding Ge looked the same as before, still so beautiful, always so beautiful!

It just seemed that she was much thinner than before, and I suddenly felt a little sorry for her. I felt as if she was not happy, and there was no expression on her face.

To be honest, when I saw Ding Ge coming to see me, I was still very excited. I even felt like crying for no reason!

Her arrival seemed to touch the softest part of my heart again, and I felt the urge to step forward and hold her tightly.

But I can't!

She already has a boyfriend!

The thought of this made me feel like blood was dripping from my heart. She had come to visit her out of kindness and righteousness. After all, we could barely call her' friends'. When Ding Ge and I met, she just nodded slightly to say hello to me.

There were so many people around me, and I just touched her eyes. She didn't say anything. I just smiled and said to her and Lin Ya, "Here we go."

Lin Ya looked at me angrily and said angrily, "Have you discussed with Old Gao? Come and visit him. He will come again after he leaves! Did he treat the hospital as his mother's market? Was it fun? Other people's lives are worth it. Your life is not worth it, is it?"

Lin Ya was still sarcastic, but his tone suddenly became more serious. He yelled at me, "Are you dying, Meng Xingyun?"

"No." I know she said that because she cared about me. Those who don't know may think we have a grudge.

I said to Lin Ya guiltily, "This is a hospital. Can we keep our voices down?"

"I don't know when you've become so helpful. You don't even want to die!" Lin Ya's tone was very impolite, and his heart was surging, looking rather excited.

I frowned and smiled bitterly, "It's not what you think."

"Well, you just woke up. Lie down and rest. There's not much to talk about." Li Xiaowei said, then comforted Lin Ya.

I had to shut my mouth, looking helpless.

She couldn't help but look at Ding Ge, but when she really stood in front of me, she didn't dare.

Although I wanted to hear Ding Ge's voice, Ding Ge didn't say anything. She just stood back a little and just stood there quietly, occasionally glancing at me and then looking away.

Everyone kept talking and laughing. Although I was lying in the hospital bed, I had the illusion of returning to the past.

If possible, how much I want to go back to the past!


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