Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 65 Old Gao's Attitude

I felt a little uneasy and guilty, because I thought if I hadn't told Wang Mengmeng that in the pond, maybe she wouldn't have disappeared all of a sudden.

I thought about it and asked, "Does Wang Mengmeng have any other friends in Pucheng?"

Guzheng shook his head and said slowly, "It should be gone. Wang mengmeng's family is from Moon city, and she doesn't have many friends here. Besides us, she probably knows some colleagues at work."

Moon city and Pucheng are next to each other. It's only been an hour by car. This is the first time I know that Wang Mengmeng is not from Pucheng. I continued, "Will she go to her colleague's house? Or did you go straight back to moon city?"

"No way?" Guzheng frowned and said, "I don't know either."

I sighed.

Guzheng added, "Did Mengmeng happen to be out, so Old Gao didn't find her. Maybe she's back now. Can you call Old Gao again?"

I nodded, but my instincts told me that things weren't that simple. Wang Mengmeng should have avoided Old Gao on purpose, but Wang Mengmeng couldn't be found, and no one knew for sure.

I called Old Gao again, and his voice was still anxious and anxious. I had to comfort him, "Don't worry. Maybe she went out, or maybe she went home on leave."

"No." Old Gao said wearily, "She must be hiding from me!"

I was a little worried about Old Gao, afraid that something would happen to him in this state, so I asked, "Where are you?"

After Old Gao told me the address, I said goodbye to Guzheng and took a taxi to the place Old Gao said.

When I arrived, I saw Old Gao sitting on the side of the road, looking so helpless. The dim yellow streetlight shone on him, and his face was deeply buried in the shadow.

I quickly walked up to him and said, "There's no need to be so negative. Maybe Wang Mengmeng is just feeling a little uncomfortable and wants to be quiet for a few days. Don't be too sensitive!"

Old Gao was silent and did not speak.

I had no choice but to sit next to him, sit down on the side of the road, and continue to say: "You can rest assured that it will be fine, Wang Mengmeng is such an adult, can't disappear."

Old Gao shook his head and smiled bitterly. Looking at the road in front of him, he said helplessly, "Of course she won't disappear. I'm just afraid we'll end up like this!"

"How is that possible?" I continued, "Didn't you promise to fight your parents to the end yesterday? Why are you so upset today? Just talk to Wang Mengmeng when you find her. You can't be a coward at this time!"

Old Gao was silent for a long time again. After a while, he stood up and said to me, "Have a drink with me."

I frowned. Old Gao was drunk yesterday, and he's still drunk today? Can your body take it? I had to persuade him, "Stop drinking. Don't you have to look for Wang Mengmeng?"

Old Gao opened his hands and said in despair, "Where am I going to look for this late at night? If she really wants to hide from me, can I find her?"

Old Gao's words made me not know how to answer them. Old Gao hesitated and said, "Don't worry. I won't drink too much. Mengmeng, I must be looking for him. I'll call her cell phone again and again. I'll go to her office tomorrow. If I can't find her, I'll have to go to Moon city."

"Do you know where wang mengmeng's house is?" I asked.

Old Gao shook his head, then said firmly, "Moon city is not as big as Pucheng. I know every street in Pucheng, and I can flip through Moon city!"

I could feel the power in Old Gao's words, and his words made me feel a little passionate. I can't help but think of how Ding Ge and I fought back against her parents in the past. To this day, I still believe that' two people work together to cut off the gold'!

Although in reality, a lot of love died under the interference of parents!

But I believe in Old Gao, who is also a crazy guy, and then he took a deep breath and said, "I did it once. This time, I won't do it again!"

Since Old Gao said so, I can only accompany him to have a drink, even if it is to boost morale, as long as Old Gao is no longer depressed.

After a while, we found a random restaurant and sat down.

The cold dishes were served. I poured a glass of beer with the old high-end beer. We can't drink like yesterday.

Old Gao was much more negative than I expected, because I thought that with Old Gao's personality, he would not care about his parents' opinions at all. Even if they had any opinions, Old Gao would completely ignore them. But now Old Gao's anger just shows his fear.

I think it's probably the same thing that Fang Qingyu left Old Gao in the dark.

I had a drink with Old Gao, and I asked again, "You didn't make it clear yesterday. Why on earth did your parents not accept Wang Mengmeng?"

Old Gao poured the wine and took another big gulp before saying, "I told you, it's really not Wang Mengmeng's fault. But no matter who I bring home, they won't agree!"

"Why?" I don't quite understand what Old Gao said.

Old Gao smiled sadly and said, "Why? Because they only think for themselves, that is to say, I can't make my own decisions about my marriage, and I have to serve their interests, understand? I can only marry the woman they want me to marry, not the woman I love."

When I heard what Old Gao said, I was shocked.

I didn't expect this to be the reason Old Gao was talking about! I can't help but feel ridiculous. What era is this? Is it still popular for parents to arrange marriage?

Am I too young?

When Ding Ge's parents didn't accept it, I thought I couldn't make Ding Ge happy. If it were someone else, maybe they would accept it too. But it sounds like Old Gao is going to be a lot worse. I never thought it would be like this.

"That's... Unbelievable." I can't believe it at all. Are there parents who treat their children this way?

"Don't you believe me? But the truth is!" Old Gao said unconvinced, "Now you understand why I'm so angry? When you find yourself being used as a tool by them, you feel bad too."

Well, I don't want to make any comments at this time, because I also think Old Gao's parents have gone too far.

But there was nothing I could do. I could only have another drink with my brother.

"They have spoken. As long as they come and live, I will not marry Wang Mengmeng into the family, not even think about it!" Old Gao smiled, but the smile was bitter. "They also said that as long as I don't break up with Wang Mengmeng, I won't be given another penny!"

"Do you know? They were especially against me when I contracted the pond, but they still gave me some money, thinking that I was done playing with fresh energy, and that I was still not doing my job. But I work hard to feed and fish in the pond every day. We are making money now, aren't we? But in their eyes, my achievements were nothing. Really, really not even a fart."

Old Gao got a little excited again and drained the wine in one gulp.

I had to persuade him, "Drink slowly."

"I know they don't care about the money at all, but as parents, they don't even have that kind of support and encouragement for their son. It doesn't matter. I won't give them any more money in the future. I want them to see it. Without their help, I can still make the pond sound and colorful. I want them to see it!"

"Okay, let's do our work and show them." I can only echo Old Gao's emotions.

Sure enough, Old Gao didn't drink much. After paying the bill, the two of us went home, but Old Gao was still in a low mood. He kept calling Wang Mengmeng in the car, but the phone was still not connected.

Old Gao's pain was written on her face, but she kept it in her heart.

Old Gao couldn't get through, so he texted wang mengchu one after another tirelessly.

At this moment, I remembered the text message between Ding Ge and me. I didn't reply to ding ge's text message. Would it be disrespectful?

Forget it. Ding Ge's words were not a question anyway, and it would make sense if he didn't answer.

I comforted myself like this.

However, in the end, she couldn't resist sending her a text message saying that she had just had a drink with Old Gao. After sending it, he began to wait uncontrollably, and soon Ding Ge replied to a text message.

Oh, then you guys drink.

Actually, I wanted to tell Ding Ge that we had finished our drinks and were almost home by now, but I didn't think about it.

However, a few seconds later, another text message arrived.

Be careful not to drink too much.

The concern that I hadn't seen for a long time seemed to touch the softness of my heart at once. For a moment, my chest became especially surging, and I couldn't help but tremble.

I glanced out the window, not wanting anyone to see my weakness.

Finally, I sent Ding Ge another text message.

Got it.

Then, she didn't return.


Back home, Old Gao sat in the living room, his phone connected to the charger, his eyes staring at the phone screen. I said, "Okay, go to bed early."

"You go to bed. I'll make do on the sofa today." Then Old Gao looked up at me and said, "It's too hot."

I paused and said, "Okay, go to bed early. Don't think so much."

Then I went back to the bedroom and lay down on the bed, my body in a big shape, so tired that I didn't want to move at all. I just wanted to lie like this, lying down all the time.

Insomnia again!

Did Ding Ge, who had sent me so many messages, fall asleep peacefully? Did Hu Zi and Li Xiaowei make up? Where the hell is Wang Mengmeng? Is Old Gao as sleepless as I am?

How many people can accompany you to sleep at night?

But even if other people suffer from insomnia, it's not company.

Insomnia is lonely, it's one person's!

Loneliness is a person's carnival, but insomnia can never be carnival, it can only be a person's long night of suffering!

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