Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 66 Old Gao's Parents Invited Me to Dinner

I couldn't sleep. I flipped through my text with Ding Ge again and again, as if I was checking my secret treasure, looking at the text that Ding Ge sent me, as if I saw a bottle of antidote, or poison, that made me unable to extricate myself from it and fall into it.

No one else could hear the sigh in the dark!


The next day, before I woke up, I heard a rustle outside the bedroom. I got up and found that Old Gao had finished washing up. I said, "It's so early."

"Well, go to Mengmeng's company and see if she's working?"

Old Gao didn't seem to be in a good mood. I think she probably didn't sleep well last night. I asked again, "Is her phone on?"

Old Gao shook his head and said, "Then I'll go."

After Old Gao left, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After eating breakfast outside, I went to the pond. Seeing that Old Gao hadn't been here for two days in a row, old meng was also concerned, "What's going on with Xiaogao? Is something wrong?"

I briefly explained that Old Gao's parents didn't approve of Old Gao and Wang Mengmeng being together. Old Gao took a cigarette and said, "Actually, I can guess."

I was stunned. I didn't expect old meng to say such a thing, as if he could have foreseen all this. I quickly asked, "How did you guess?"

"The richer the family, the harder it is for the child to decide his own marriage. In the past, the feudal society was like this, and the upper class society was even more serious. It's the same now. There are many such examples." Old meng sighed.

I know very few rich people, and I really don't think it's that serious.

However, old meng was also an old man who traveled from one place to another. Naturally, what he said would not be wrong. I thought about what he said and found that what he said made sense. I couldn't refute it.

I thought about it and called Hu Zi again.

He didn't return to my place yesterday. Did he make up with Li Xiaowei?

Hu Zi picked up the phone and told me that the matter had been settled. He was going back to his and Li Xiaowei's place, so he took the clothes from my house.

Hanging up the phone, I smiled and finally heard a good news!

I hope Old Gao can find Wang Mengmeng soon.

However, when I called Old Gao, Old Gao was in a deep depression. He told me that Wang Mengmeng didn't come to work. Her colleague said that she had asked for leave. Old Gao said, "I'm going to Moon city next."

Although Pucheng and Moon city are next to each other, we are really not familiar with Moon city. So, I asked, "Why don't I go with you?"

"No need. I can go by myself. There's nothing you can do to help. Say hello at the pond."

Old Gao didn't say much, so I had to wait at the pond for his news.

But then, I received an exceptionally unexpected call!

An unfamiliar number, I answered the phone, and a woman's voice came from the receiver: "Is it Xing Yun?"

It's me. You are?" I couldn't tell whose voice it was.

"I, your aunt, mother of the plateau."

It was Old Gao's mother. I was shocked. I didn't expect Old Gao's mother to call me! But I have some questions in my heart. How did Mother of Gao Old know my cell phone number?

I quickly said, "Auntie, what's wrong? What's the matter?"

"I haven't seen you for so long. Why didn't you come to our house?" Mother of Gao Old said to me politely.

I smiled and could only say polite things. Mother of Gao Old didn't care, "Your uncle has set up a table at the four seas hotel today. Come over after work tonight."

I was stunned. What did Old gao's parents mean by suddenly inviting me to dinner? It was too expensive not to go to the hotel, so I declined politely, "No auntie, how can this be nice? I'll go home to see you when I'm free."

"Oh, Xing Yun, don't be polite to your aunt. It's already been booked. Come over after work."

"I really don't need it."

"Come on, come on. Auntie also has something she wants to talk to you about." Mother of Gao Old smiled and said, "By the way, don't tell plateau about this. Come by yourself tonight."

I frowned when I heard that something was wrong. Old gao's parents invited me to dinner but Old Gao didn't know. What was this about? Want me to be a spy?

Although I don't know why the two elders are looking for me, I can only agree.

This question was accompanied by a day of work. I thought about it and didn't tell Old Gao about it. It wasn't about keeping my word. Let's go see what Old gao's parents asked me to do first.

After work, I drove straight to the four seas hotel. The four seas hotel was one of the most famous hotels in Pucheng. It was magnificent, high-end and classy. The cars in front of the hotel were one by one. I left my tram in a corner.

He called Mother of Gao Old, and then we met.

Old Gao's parents were there, and today there were only three of us, but the two of us still ordered a small box, but the three of us were still very spacious.

There was already some food on the table, and I sat down in fear at Old gao's parents's warm reception.

I smiled and said, "Uncle, aunt, you don't have to spend so much money. If you want me to do something, just let me know."

"It's nothing. How about working at the pond? Are you tired?" Mother of Gao Old asked me with a smile.

"Not tired."

"Plateau didn't bully you, did it?"

"No, how could he bully me?"

"Hey, you know plateau. You've been spoiled by your uncle and me since childhood. If it weren't for your good friends, he wouldn't know how wild he would be." Mother of Gao Old began to shift the topic to Old Gao.

I casually said, "He's changed a lot now. I told him yesterday, how can I still be angry with your father and your mother when I'm so grown up? How old are you? Auntie, I have been trying to persuade him to apologize to you for the past two days, but... He is really angry, so let him stay with me for two days, so as not to make you angry again. Don't take it to heart with him."

"Hey!" Mother of Gao Old sighed and said, "This child, because of a girl who had a big fight with the two of us, said that he would never come into this house again."

At this moment, Old Gao's father also interjected, "Hmph, this child, I see what he has left without us!"

"Uncle, calm down." I made a toast to Old Gao's father.

Mother of Gao Old sighed again with a sad look on her face. She said to me, "Actually, your uncle came with me this time to ask you to persuade the plateau to separate him from that girl."

Although I could more or less predict what would happen when I came here, I was still a little shocked and uncomfortable when I heard Mother of Gao Old's words.

At first, I felt terrible because Ding Ge's parents looked down on me. Now they want me to break up Old Gao and Wang Mengmeng. How could I do that?

But they were elders after all, so I could only smile and say, "Auntie. It's not that I don't want to talk to him. You know his temper. He can't talk to me at all. Yesterday, I told him to drink less. He was almost in a hurry with me!"

"This child!" Mother of Gao Old said in a scolding tone, then added, "Now we don't listen at all. If you say so, he will definitely listen. Uncle and aunt really have to ask you for help today."

Old Gao's father also raised his glass, and I quickly raised my own glass. The two of them touched again.

"I'll try." I could only answer perfunctorily. I looked at Old gao's parents's expression, thought for a moment, and said, "This time, I think plateau has a deep affection for that girl. I think it's very difficult! But... I think that girl is not bad either. She likes Old Gao a lot. She's a quiet girl."

"They are not suitable." Mother of Gao Old replied with obvious displeasure.

On the one hand, they gave an inappropriate definition. Oh, I don't know if they were thinking it over or too hasty!

"To be honest with you, Xing Yun." Mother of Gao Old added, "Wang Mengmeng's family is too ordinary to help the plateau. What does he need now? A girl who is in the right family and will help his career in the future. We are his parents, and we can't hurt him!"

Old Gao's father took a sip of wine alone.

"Your uncle and I are not unreasonable. Xing Yun, your uncle and I are both experienced people, and we know what kind of people are best suited for the plateau. What marriage is, it is the most important thing is the right family, this will not change at any time. You see, your uncle and I don't have to force him to marry any girl. There are a lot of girls here, and we'll let him choose."

Then Mother of Gao Old brought up the names of their daughters and some names. But their names were far less famous than their parents' titles and identities.

"You say, this makes him look casual. It's not hard for us to do it for him if he doesn't like it, but there are so many people who can meet his eyes." Mother of Gao Old thought he was reasonable and considerate of Old Gao.

However, I don't agree with what Mother of Gao Old said.

I smiled awkwardly. I didn't want to contradict Old Gao's parents. I could only say gently, "Old Gao may not like blind dates. He's more suitable for free love."

"It's a free relationship to be in this relationship." Mother of Gao Old obviously disagreed with me. "What's wrong with blind dates? In the past, there were so many arranged marriages between parents that they had never even met before they got married. Didn't they all live a good life? But now that there are more free relationships, isn't the divorce rate going up as well? That's why I'm not necessarily the best person to talk about."

Mother of Gao Old was right, but I still didn't agree with what she said. Generally speaking, the divorce rate may have been low in the past, but I think it has something to do with the environment and education level. There were many unhappy marriages in the past, but many chose to compromise and tolerate. Now that everyone is open-minded, especially for women, some things are not willing to endure.

The high divorce rate is a fact, but free love is definitely better than arranged marriage, this is also undeniable!

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