Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 103: A comeback, a hidden dragon in the abyss

Chapter 103 - Make a comeback, a hidden dragon in the abyss

Sure enough, when the crocodile, who followed the line of soldiers, met, he seamlessly used E to approach the sword girl, and at the same time used QA.

Sunday was startled, but there was no movement of the spider in the field of vision. The crocodile was not angry and exchanged blood like this, and even used the E skill. What was he trying to do? ?

He naturally did not think that this crocodile was a loser. Those who thought so were losers.

He thought that the crocodile wanted to force a blood exchange with the advantage of equipment.

The crocodile had the Q skill to recover, and the endurance ability in the line was much stronger than that of the sword girl.

But now, he was not completely unable to fight.

He used a flat attack, and the E skill deadly stab slowed down and continued to chase.

The Q skill broke the flaw, and the moment the crocodile W shot, he directly used the W skill.

The counterattack was successful!

Continue to play two normal attacks, suppressing the crocodile's blood volume to about half blood, and Sunday was satisfied and ready to leave.

However, the figure of the spider that appeared behind him directly broke Sunday's defense!

The smile still remained on his face, and Spider was stuck in the line of soldiers waiting for the cooldown of Crocodile's skills.

The soldiers entered the tower again, and as Spider's cocoon hit, a set of skills and Crocodile killed him again under the tower.

Spider, who had been defending the tower, flew away from the hatred of the defense tower, and Fiora didn't even have the chance to replace one person.

The head was taken by Kakao.

Fiora died again, and this time there was no teleport.

"It collapsed... IG's military training tactics are already very mature. Even if someone can withstand Yuan's attack, they can't stop Kakao from doing this!"

"It is said that there must be Bengi within ten steps of Faker. I think Yuan also has such treatment..."

Miller and Wawa couldn't help but sigh.

This is the treatment of the team's ace.

The jungler is not a fool. How could he not know which road to catch to win?

Strong teammates should laugh out loud in their dreams, right?

But the problem is that some people force the jungler to gank by relying on tactics, instead of using their own strength to convince the jungler and make the jungler willing to be their dog.

Of course, you can't say this to the outside world.

You still have to call the jungler dad, and it's okay to call the old father.

"Emotional Value"

Unlike the barrage in the LCK live broadcast room, the barrage in the LPL live broadcast room is full of peace and ridicule.

Bragging when the wind is favorable and mmp when the wind is unfavorable are the basic operations of netizens.

"This time against Desert Spider, brothers clicked and divided it!"

"It's really one against two in the top lane!"

"I feel sorry for Sunday, hahahahahahaha, I laughed to death, Gragas squatted for a long time and did nothing, and he died twice when Spider came twice."

"Is the first top laner in LCK at this level??"

Unlike the audience in the live broadcast room, the commentators still have some understanding of the game.

"These two waves of ganking are actually very risky. Once Fiora opens W or gives up Flash, it will be difficult to succeed in ganking." Miller said.

"That's right, Fiora has displacement and counter-control, and her ability to prevent ganks is actually very strong, but when facing the combination of Spider and Crocodile, only one person can control it first, and she can't survive even under the tower."

"He died once, and then died again when teleporting to the top lane. Is Crocodile going to be disconnected now?"

Xiaoxiao is looking forward to it.

When in China, Yuan Shen often played an advantage in the top lane and then disconnected, completely cutting off the opportunity to fight and develop.

I didn't expect that he would still be like this in the World Championship!

It must be said that as a former professional player, Xiaoxiao still has some understanding of the game.

Crocodile directly crossed the tower and started to disconnect the line of soldiers. With the AOE effect of Tiamat and the recovery of the Q skill, Crocodile's disconnection was not very harmful.

And Spider began to invade the upper jungle.

Rookie in the middle lane cleared the line of soldiers and started to roam.

Mid-lane Ryze is actually not common.

In the summer season, the most common position for the hero Ryze was the top lane.

There are long-handed mages such as Tsar Syndra in the middle lane, and there is actually not much room for Ryze to play.

However, after several version nerfs, Tsar Syndra's laning ability has declined.

And Ryze has the possibility of appearing in the middle lane.

Of course, the biggest reason for him to enter the world stage is that he has a set of unsolvable combos.

"Here it comes, IG's familiar top, mid and jungle linkage!"

"KT is under great pressure. Has it reached the point of being autistic and hanging up in the bush?"

"Crocodile has reached level 6, and Spider and Fiora are both level 5. They really can't go, but in this case, IG's bottom lane will be under great pressure."

Wawa analyzed.

Originally, Jack chose Lucian, and he should have played an advantage in the laning phase, but the barrel kept going down, which put too much pressure on him.

Fortunately, the opponent was a wheel mother Thresh, and the jungler was still a barrel. With the protection of Braum, he didn't worry about being crossed over the tower.

But he would still fall behind in last-hitting.

Arrow is known as the emperor of missing last-hitting, which means that he can last-hit at will in the late stage, but his basic skills in the early stage are still very solid.

But it's all worth it.

KT's strongest top laner was completely silenced!

Moreover, this situation is almost impossible to break.

Crocodile and Spider are at their strongest during this time period.

Gragas coming here will not help, but will instead expand the disadvantage of the top lane to the jungler.

The same goes for the mid laner, Ryze is holding the teleport, ready to support the top lane at any time.

No economy, no experience, AFK under the tower.

This is the situation on Sunday.

The most disgusting thing is that Spider occasionally shows up in the upper half of the map to deter others.

The gap in the top lane is still slowly widening.

Seeing that the top lane can't open up the situation, Score can only change his target like IG's previous opponents.

However, he came to the bottom lane several times, but didn't achieve much effect.

IG's bottom lane is so stable that it makes people sick!

They would rather give up some dangerous last hits than give him a chance to gank.

Even Lucian used his ultimate to clear the line, just to block the line of soldiers outside the tower.

For ADC, missing a hit is almost unacceptable.

But Jack changed abruptly.

Now he is a bit like Liang Xiaosan in S4. In team battles, he can output crazy damage under the big brother's crotch and deal tons of damage. That's enough.

This is undoubtedly very suitable for the world championship version.

Ten minutes later, the top lane tower was destroyed.

Seeing the soldiers finally approaching, Ssumday's eyes were filled with tears.

Although there was no lane change, his development was even worse than in the lane change game.

Crocodile had disappeared from view, probably going back to the city to replenish his equipment.

The second dragon was about to spawn, and Crocodile would not come in a short time.

If he gave up the dragon, he could still take the opportunity to replenish his development.

Sunday cheered up and stared at the soldiers in front of him.

To make a comeback, start by replenishing every knife!

However, Nagne's voice suddenly came from the headset.

The camera turned, and Ryze suddenly attacked without warning and flashed forward!

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