Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 104: Unstoppable Ryze, the King of Thunder and Lightning!

Chapter 104 - Unstoppable Ryze, the Thunder King!

RW started by controlling the Tsar, stepped back to avoid the Tsar's ultimate move, and then began a dazzling operation.

The keyboard was clattering, and the Tsar was controlled and couldn't move!

Crocodile appeared from the shadows, and the second stage of E passed through the soldiers and came to the Tsar.

AWAQ took action and killed the Tsar who was almost full of blood on the spot!

There was no power to resist!

Strong control plus strong output, the Tsar didn't even have a chance to give up the flash!

The scene of the game was instantly in an uproar! !


"What is this?"

"Is Ryze doing military boxing??"

"What the hell, won't his hands cramp??"

"Magic machine gun?? This??"

Whether it was the LPL live broadcast room or the LCK live broadcast room, they all exploded!

This set of Ryze's combos was the first time to appear on the stage of the World Championship!

And his user was Rookie! !

The output of the crocodile just now was not high.

The crocodile without anger only dealt two attacks and QW damage.

The second stage of E was almost all used to hurry on the road.

The main output was Rookie's Ryze!

In a flash, no one could see what happened, and the almost full-blooded Tsar was killed by Ryze on the spot.


"To be honest, I didn't understand the sequence of Ryze's combos at all. I can only wait and watch the director's replay later."

Miller and Wawa were stunned, even Xiaoxiao couldn't react.

He only had one thought in his mind now.

Who the hell said that Ryze was nerfed to the sewer? ?

What the hell is called sewer?

Ryze, who only has lunch box and goddess tears, can still be played like this? ?

The director quickly gave a replay, and under the four-times slow-motion lens, people could see the sequence of Ryze's combos in this wave.


It is clear, but...

People are even more confused.

It has been more than half a year since Ryze was reworked, and ten versions have passed!

When it was first revised, because he was too weak in the early stage and his arms were too short, he was more afraid of aggressive warriors like Knife Girl and Crocodile in the top lane, and afraid of mages with long arms and burst in the middle, so no one used him.

Only when the opponent's mid laner chooses a short-armed development mage, or the top laner chooses a tank-type hero, Ryze has a chance to appear.

"I remember very clearly that the core of Ryze's skill set is the passive skill, Arcane Specialization. Every time a skill is used, a layer of passive will be stacked. If no skill is used after 12 seconds, the number of layers will be reset. When the passive reaches five layers, it will enter overload mode. Ryze immediately gains a layer of shield based on the maximum mana. At the same time, in overload mode, every time Ryze uses a skill, he can reduce the cooldown of his other skills by the same amount as the cooldown of Q."

Miller's professionalism is still relatively high. Although his words sound complicated, the EDG team still roughly understands what he wants to express.

"You mean, if the CD of Q is four seconds and the CD of W is ten seconds, then every time you use a skill, you can reduce the CD by four seconds, including the ultimate?" Wawa swallowed.

"That's right, the passive effect of Ryze's ultimate is to get a 10%/20%/30 cooldown reduction. When the ultimate is activated, there are double bonuses of movement speed and spell lifesteal. When the ultimate and overload mode are activated, Ryze is an immortal thunder king..."

Miller spoke faster and faster, and his eyes lit up.

He understood, he understood everything!

Ryze was nerfed before, and the numbers were nerfed.

But the core mechanism has never changed!

Everyone thinks Ryze was nerfed, but IG found a new way to play Ryze!

Throughout the summer season, Ryze was not unpopular, and he was considered T1 in major regions.

But in the world championship, Rookie was the first to use Ryze as a mid-lane hero!

The perfect play style and equipment ideas completely pulled a hero from the sewer to the T0 level!

Even, not inferior to Gangplank and Iron Man!

"Future opponents will have to ban one more Ryze when facing IG."

Wawa felt horrible just thinking about it.

Iron Man and Gangplank have already occupied two ban positions, and if there is one more Ryze, will it still be fun?

"The most terrifying thing is that he also connected the basic attack during the combo..."

Xiaoxiao couldn't help but complain.

He hated why he retired so early.

If there was a mid laner like Rookie, the S2 World Championship would definitely not be just the quarterfinals!


On the field, as soon as the Tsar died, Crocodile Ryze took the spider out of the jungle and directly set his target on the middle lane tower.

At this time, the defensive tower did not have an additional defense mechanism, and three people could quickly demolish it with concentrated fire.

Score's barrel was already in place, but facing three people, he didn't even have the courage to defend the tower.

Ryze, Crocodile, Elise, all of them have control skills. Once they are connected to the control, the Tsar just now will be his future!

"It's unstoppable. IG's top, mid and jungle rhythm is completely up. I thought this lineup would be strong in the early and mid-terms, and only Ryze could hold the field in the late stage. I didn't expect Ryze to explode!" Xiaoxiao spoke quickly.

"Once KT loses in the middle tower, there is basically no chance of fighting. Kakao is very familiar with using the dragon to grab the buff to counter the jungle. Next, IG should start to make trouble around the bottom lane."

Miller made his decision.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Ryze teleported onto the road to guard the tower, and the stunted swordswoman didn't even dare to look at him.

In order to compete with the crocodiles, I also made cloth-armored shoes on Sunday.

But against Ryze, cloth-armored shoes had almost no effect.

The crocodile, which has already made a black cut, has completely entered a strong period.

After taking the second dragon, IG directly targeted the bottom lane.

Even if KT retreated early, Braum flashed R and forced two flashes.

In twelve minutes, KT's bottom tower was defeated.

Three outer towers, two small dragons, and three human heads.

The economic gap has exceeded the 4,000 mark!

Due to frequent kills and team economy, as well as a lot of monsters and other lane troops' economies, Crocodile's development has not stagnated at all.

Even though Sword Girl had worked very hard to repair the tower sword, and even secretly ate the stone beetle, she still couldn't catch up with the growth of the crocodile.

At thirteen minutes, Tiamat added a black cut and added mercury shoes.

The crocodile is already invincible.

Without three people coming, it would be impossible to kill the crocodile.

It has to be an output C position like the Wheel Mama Czar.

But IG didn't give them any chance at all.

Braum guarded Lucian and stayed in the middle tower, and spiders showed up in the wild area from time to time.

The troops on the upper and lower lanes were continuously pushed forward by Ryze and Crocodile, threatening the second tower.

One, three, one points!

The Czar and Sword Lady cannot defend Ryze and Crocodile in a single matchup.

This forces KT's Nosuke to support everywhere, and the mid laner is often left with only the wheel mother using QW to slowly clear the line.

"Slow death."

The doll concluded.

Compared with the four-one point push, the one-three-one method is more suitable for balance games or small advantage games. It can divide the battlefield into two 1V1 and 3V3, or the quick support of side heroes can create a 4V3 situation.

In addition, the split push method on both sides can greatly reduce the risk of the advancing party, and the enemy's forces will be more dispersed.

Although IG chooses 4-1 point push most of the time, 1-3-1 point push is also not unfamiliar.

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