Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 19 IG's new tactics, Yuan Shen's ambition

Chapter 19 -IG's new tactics, Yuan Shen's ambition

"An almost perfect wave of tower crossing and killing."

Fumanduo blew the wolfberry water in his hand, quite satisfied.

Su Xiaoluo reached out and touched Coach Fumanduo's chin, closed his mouth, and then said: "Brother A won't let you win... This flash is too low-level."

"No, it's that Yuan Shen's offensive nodes and rhythm are too well grasped, and his hand speed is so fast..."

Zhizi couldn't help smacking his lips, turning his head to look at the Huangpu River outside the window, his eyes were deep, as if he saw himself when he was young.

If there was no sister who was ten years older than him, perhaps his peak period could have lasted for a long time...

If the spring breeze has pity on people, can you allow me to be young again.

All the thoughts finally turned into a long sigh.

And the situation on the field was also quietly changing.

The bottom lane was stably suppressed, and Rookie's attack in the middle lane became more and more powerful, and for a while, Wei Shen was beaten to a point where he couldn't resist.

The most important thing is...

"The top lane is unplayable!"

Coach Fumanduo is very clear-sighted.

As the champion support of S3, his grasp of the situation is absolutely world-class.

With 400 gold for the first blood plus the experience of killing and half a wave of soldiers, Ryze is no longer playable.

Long-handed development heroes are easier to play if they drag on, but once they are killed, they will explode.

The game is only four minutes, and the top lane is already behind by one level of experience plus 600 gold.

If it is a big tree or something, it will be fine, but the one who got the advantage is a Wushuang Sword Princess who is famous for snowballing advantages!

And, from the small details, it can be seen from the first wave of operations that Yuan Shen is definitely proficient in Sword Princess.

The Sword Princess who returned to the line directly bought a Doran's Blade and a long sword.


No longer needed.

With the passive recovery, it is enough.

Fiora's base attack power is 58 points, runes are 10 points, Doran's Blade and two long swords are 30 points in total, plus the 20 points of attack power of the second-level W passive, and the growth attack power is 3 points/level.

A level 4 Fiora has reached 130 points of attack power!

In the entire League of Legends, only Fiora can achieve this level.

Output is everything for Fiora.

Fight to support the war, and kill all around!

With output, there is economy and recovery.

This setting leads to many shortcomings and weaknesses of Fiora, but it also creates the characteristics of Fiora's advantages that are almost unsolvable.

Now Fiora, with a full set of output, can completely kill a Ryze with only a crystal bottle and a red crystal.

Acorn does not want to replenish armor, but if Ryze replenishes armor, this game really has no chance of turning over.

Ryze's first small item is usually a lunch box or a goddess's tear, and then an archangel or a staff of time. These two development equipments have already slowed down the rhythm. If a cloth armor is replenished, the formation time will be delayed by at least five minutes.

So, he chose the red crystal, and then teleported out to hang up...

The soldier line is controlled, how to play?

The jungler has finished clearing the upper half and went to the bottom lane. If he goes up to eat the soldiers, he will be hit by Fiora.

The style of LPL is to sacrifice the top laner, and the middle and bottom double C cores, even if he is the top top laner in LPL.

Even if he chose a hero like Ryze, Taobao Quan still chose to focus on ganking in the middle and bottom lanes.

Be patient, the soldier line will always be pushed back...

Brother A sighed and comforted himself.

However, along with the soldier line came a level 6 Fiora.

"This line can't be eaten..."

Brother A retreated silently.

A level 6 Fiora, it is not difficult to kill him by crossing the tower, he can only retreat to the second tower.

But in this way...

"Okay, no need to fight."

Chris patted Brother A's chair and asked everyone in LGD to stop the game.

"This time it's my problem, Acorn, don't think too much."

Chris took the initiative to comfort him, and Wei Shen beside him also breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt very frustrated in this training match.

Rookie seemed to have taken a shot of chicken blood and completely suppressed him, and the bottom lane did not play much advantage.

"Kid is too wretched. He chose a wheel mother to keep guarding the tower and clearing the line. It was not easy to cross the tower, and Kakao kept protecting them."

Taobao Quan was also helpless.

Even if they continued this training match, their chances of winning were not great.

The most important reason was that Brother A's top lane was broken.

"Let Flame play in the next game. It seems that IG is trying out a new top laner. Strange, where did they find such a person..."

Chris made a personnel change, but he still had doubts in his heart.

He knew the level of Zzitai very well. Even if he was a burst, he could not play such a move.

It was clearly a change of person, a very offensive person.

And such a top laner...

He had no impression.

In addition to the previous Gogoing and PDD, there was no one in the LPL who could be so offensive.

"Let me, do it again."

Acorn's firm gaze made Chris stunned in place, and after a long while he stammered: "Okay..."



Kid raised his hands and shouted, his face flushed with excitement, and those who didn't know him would think he was a big Uzi.

"EDG beat LGD three to two, and beat SKT three to two, which means LGD = SKT. We are one to one with LGD, which means we = SKT. There is nothing wrong!"

She Keke also smiled.

He is the oldest among the IG players. He was born in 1992 and is now twenty-four years old. He looks like a younger brother to these IG players.

"Yes, this equation is invincible. We can also win the Spring Championship in the LCK!"

Faced with the inflated remarks from She Keke and others, Rookie smiled and said nothing.

It's not because he has grown too, but because he was the ONG League champion before coming to IG.

"There is still a problem. Kid, you must always keep in mind your mission, last damage, resist pressure, and grow. When the team battle comes, try your best to output with the help of the upper, middle and jungle. Even if you die, you must output enough. Create a harvest opportunity for the middle and top, understand?”

Coach Fumanduo came over and began to arrange the content of the next training match.

"Hmm... In the next game, Yuan Shen should play Big Tree or Gnar. Centaur can also be used. After all, it is a version of the hero. We have seen your performance in OMG before, but we still need to make some adjustments to make you more suitable. IG’s rhythm, do you understand?”

Yuan Shen nodded and said nothing more.

Fumanduo had already explained IG's two tactical systems to him thoroughly before.

One set has top, middle and jungle as the core, and the other set plays traditional double C.

However, what if his big tree, people and horses are better at playing than in posture?

What if he fits IG's tactical system better than his stance?

If you say you don't want the starting position, you'd be lying.

As long as he has enough playing opportunities, he will be able to score more points and become stronger!

Therefore, how to get as many playing opportunities as possible is the top priority.

IG's starting top lane position, he is bound to win it!

This will be his only chance. If he misses it, he will have to wait another half year.

Please read~

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