Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 20 The first big tree of LPL

Chapter 20 - The first tree in LPL

In the second game, the BP of both sides was still very fast.

Finally, with the last hero of LGD locked, the lineups of both sides were also confirmed.

IG: Tree, Lee Sin, Leblanc, Annie, Thresh.

LGD: Centaur, Nidalee, Tsar, Kog'Maw, Lulu.

"I'm going to F4."

After Yuan Shen finished speaking, he went straight to the lower jungle area, and the other IG players had no objection.

This is a standard tree opening routine. Learn the E skill at level 1 and rush all the way to the F4 bush. You can throw three tree sons in the bush before the soldiers arrive. Since the tree son lasts for 40 seconds, after the wild monsters are refreshed, the mid laner can activate F4 and use the tree sons to quickly clean up the three birds, so as to achieve the effect of a wave of soldiers to two, and gain the upper hand in the line.

And punishing the centaur top lane is also the mainstream of the version. After the S5 preseason introduced the special buff of punishing wild monsters, punishing the top lane became popular.

Especially heroes like Centaur and Dragon Lady, who can use punishment to kill the frog at level 1 and then return to the city to teleport to the line, will be ahead in terms of experience and economy. They only need the experience of two minions to reach level 2.

The matchup of these two heroes is also a classic combination in the spring season.

Centaur, Treant, and Gnar are also the top three top laners with the highest appearance rate in the LPL spring season.

Two minutes after the start of the game, Yuan Shen rushed to the top lane with the experience of three birds, while Centaur was still killing frogs.

Yuan Shen, who arrived at the line first, crossed the line of soldiers and came to the front of the red side's soldiers, gathered all the red side's soldiers together, and used the bushes to continuously pull the hatred of the soldiers.

This operation made Fu Manduo's eyes light up.

As a champion support, he is very familiar with blocking the line.

Especially when the line is changed, the support will use his body to actively block the line, which can make the opponent's top laner miserable, and even not get the experience of a soldier.

When they want to advance, they can also use this technique to gather a large wave of soldiers into the enemy tower and take down a tower in one go.

After killing the toad, he returned to the city to replenish his status and teleported directly to the defense tower. Acorn also paid attention to the details.

In the current version, the cooldown time for teleporting to the defense tower is four minutes, which is one minute faster than the cooldown time for teleporting soldiers.

The tree that ate three birds and the Centaur with the Gift of Fungus Buff on the toad who single-killed were officially on the line.

This buff can give the Centaur an anti-injury effect, similar to the small anti-armor, and can also be regarded as the thorn halo of Diablo II or the old deer in World of Warcraft.

However, before the second wave of soldiers came online, Acorn found something wrong.

Why is the confluence point of this soldier line so strange?

The number of soldiers on his side is obviously more than that of the opponent.

With the arrival of the second wave of soldiers, the difference in the number of soldiers on both sides has become larger.

Moreover, this tree occasionally throws a tree son to blow up the soldiers, allowing the red side's soldiers to maintain a slight advantage.

The soldier line is controlled again? ?

Acorn was dumbfounded.

Unlike the last training match, both the tree and the Centaur in this game are version heroes.

The advantage of Centaur is that he can use the two skills Q and W to push the line + reply in the early stage. Even if he is at a disadvantage, he can use the Home Guard and E skills to speed up the return to the line, and he will not be unplayable even if he collapses.

Needless to say, the stable control and good tankiness of the tree are enough to make him stay in the top lane as stable as a mountain.

When it comes to team fights, the Centaur teleports around and uses E to cooperate with the Home Guard, and can even hit the effect of a thousand damage. At worst, he can use the ultimate to start a team fight.

The tree uses the ultimate vortex of revenge to increase the tankiness of the whole team and act as a front row.

But this kind of thing that has been mastered since the first level of laning is the first time Acorn has encountered it.

No tree has ever done this before...

Carefully and slowly controlling the line of soldiers back, Yuan Shen directly sent a signal for assistance and started to hang up.

Just right, not too much and not too little.

If the number of red soldiers is too large, the Centaur can force the line of soldiers to the tower and then return to the city for supplies. If the number is too small, the soldiers on the side will have the upper hand.

Just keep the current state, it's just right.

"OK, wait!"

Kakao was a little dissatisfied when he saw the signal from the top lane.

Although the tree has stable control, the price he paid is also obvious, that is, the damage is extremely insufficient.

Generally, junglers are reluctant to go to gank, not to mention exposing their position, but also not easy to catch and kill.

But if the opponent pushes the line too deep, it will be different.

There is no problem for the bottom lane duo to develop peacefully, and Rookie in the middle lane can also take the initiative.

This game seems to rely on the top, middle and jungle to exert their strength again?

Kakao has a strange feeling in his heart.

It seems that everything has changed after changing the top lane.

"It's going to be a big deal, Nidalee is still in the bottom lane, and Tsar can't move."

Chris, who looked at the overall situation, was scalp numb.

When did IG become so difficult to deal with?

The Tsar in the middle lane seems to have long arms, and should be able to have the upper hand against the LeBlanc, but in fact it is not the case at all.

If Tsar only uses normal attacks to attack soldiers, the speed of pushing the line is not much different from that of LeBlanc.

Using skills to push the line can certainly control the line, but Leblanc can attack during the vacuum period of Tsar's skills and reduce Tsar's health.

After several more exchanges, Tsar will not even be qualified to last hit.

In the top lane, although Taobao Quan has tried his best, he is still a step late.

Although the output ability of the tree in the late stage is very low, the basic damage of the skills in the early stage is still there. Centaur has no equipment support and the tankiness is also average.

The stable control of the tree plus the output of the blind monk can just kill the Centaur without flash on the spot.


Kid's voice is very loud. In the game with the advantage of the top and jungle, his pressure is not so great.

When fighting in a team, it will be more difficult for the opponent to break through the defense line formed by his teammates, so it will not pose a big threat to him.

After going online again, Yuan Shen already has the advantage of equipment and experience, and he almost exerts 120% of his strength.

Centaur can't even touch the line of soldiers. Once the skill is used to push the line, the tree will directly W up, and refresh the blood sucking with the passive, and the blood exchange is not inferior to the Centaur.

Brother A, who has been unable to successfully stack the Q skill to reduce the CD, has been repelled by the tree's Q several times when he tried to fight to the end. He watched the tree hide behind the minions and wait for the next round of passive refresh to exchange blood.

Behind in last-hitting and economy, Brother A was almost vomiting blood.

"It's worthy of being a first-class tree in LPL..."

Chris' eyes were full of admiration, and he also had some guesses about this top laner who was trying out for IG.

Yuan Shen's "Borrow 22 seconds from the sky" in the spring game left a deep impression on him.

If the LPL tree has three levels, then the first level can be called the tree of life, the second level can be the tree of the era, and the third level is the tree of eternity.

And Yuan Shen's attainments in the hero of the tree have reached the pinnacle, far exceeding the level of the eternal tree, reaching the level of the world tree...

Please read~

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