Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 21 Nearly perfect team battle ability

Chapter 21 - Nearly perfect team fighting ability

IG's situation was very good, and Su Xiaoluo and Fumanduo, who were watching the game from behind, were also relieved.

Especially Su Xiaoluo. To be honest, he was not satisfied when he saw Dashu playing like this at first.

Because Dashu, a hero, does not need an advantage online. As long as he develops steadily, it doesn't matter whether he is evenly matched or has a small disadvantage. He is still very strong in team battles.

Frequent exchanges of blood and frequent transfer of skills to push the lane can certainly take advantage of the situation, but it is very unstable and can easily become the target of the opponent.

What is scene advantage?

They have the lane power and the initiative, but they can't get kills or widen the economic gap. Even with last-hit suppression, they can't play a decisive role in team battles.

It's a fantasy for a big tree to kill a horse alone. When playing in a group, you have one more red crystal or cloth armor than your opponent. What's the use? has no meaning?

But once the line is pressed too deep and frequent blood exchanges are caught and killed several times, the disadvantage will expand. Without basic equipment, the tree's tankiness will be seriously insufficient. In team battles, there is no output and tankiness, and it is not as useful as an auxiliary...

But as time went on, they finally understood Yuan Shen's good intentions.

The blood volume on the top road is not enough, the state is not good, and Brother A's troops also have problems with the troop line, so naturally he will often call Leopard Girl to come on the road.

And almost every time Yuan Shen was aware of the Leopard Girl's arrival.

Sometimes it’s reminders from teammates, sometimes it’s the layout of the wards.

In short, Leopard Girl came to the road to gank several times, but failed, and instead wasted a lot of time.

This period of time was also fully utilized by Kakao, helping Zhongxia slowly pick up the rhythm.

Even Kid's last hit suppressed Imp.

This situation was beyond everyone's expectations.

And more importantly, because they can hear the exchanges between the five IG players, they can better understand what role Yuan Shen played in this training match.

The posture on the side gradually fell into deep thought, and he understood something.

When Yuan Shen was playing that kind of operational hero, he spoke very little because he was too focused on the lane.

But when playing a big tree, because there is not much pressure on the line and there are not many operations, there is more time to assist in commanding.

Generally speaking, the command in the team is handled by the jungler or support, because these two positions can take into account the overall situation.

However, IG's situation is special. Kakao in the jungle has difficulty communicating, and Keke in the auxiliary position has a poor overall view. Therefore, Keke is basically in charge, and Rookie is in charge. In the mid-term team battle, Rookie is in charge.

But now, because Yuan Shen takes on the responsibility of commanding, whether it is shooting Keke or Rookie, they can focus more on the laning...

In other words, Yuan Shen seems to be more suitable for IG than him.

Whether in terms of hero proficiency or tactical system adaptability, Yuan Shen is stronger than him...

This is very distressing.

He has shed blood for IG, and he has made contributions for IG!

When he and PDD were hit in the face with a mineral water bottle on stage, he also had a share.

Later, he gave up the mid lane position for Rookie and transitioned to the top lane.

But now, can't he even keep his position as the starting top laner?

Do we have to live next to a water fountain and spend the rest of our lives? ?

Ge Ge shook his head violently.


This kind of life is not what he wants. He is still young and he can still rush!

Even if he is a substitute, he must train hard and study hard, and there will be people who want to change jobs when the time comes.

There are two learning goals in front of us.

Zhi Ge's eyes kept wandering between Yuan Shen and Rookie, and he secretly made up his mind.

Lao Deng, blast the gold coins! !

Although Chris wanted to call out GG several times, they persisted at Fumando's request.

In the trial training, there is no way to only focus on the laning and not the team battle.

And Chris also wants to see how IG's new top laner's teamfighting skills are.

However, Yuan Shen's performance in team battles is also remarkable.

Don’t think that tank heroes don’t have any operations, many details still need to be in place.

Although a tanky top laner like Dashu can run rampant with his rough skin and thick flesh, it would be embarrassing to say that he has no operational details. Even the most fleshy hero can't do it when five people are focused on the fire. Can't survive more than ten seconds.

In many teamfight highlights from professional competitions, why are those tank heroes so tanky and even have full health after the teamfight?

This definitely does not rely on mindless resistance to damage, but on pulling, positioning, and threatening the output environment of the opponent's C position.

For example, TheShy's Stone Man can force the opponent to flash three times by holding on to his ultimate move, and the opponent's ADC is always afraid to output.

Team battles are always the best place to test a tank’s ability to judge the situation.

Whether this damage must be taken, who will be left with the key control in this wave, when to activate the ultimate move, whether this wave of team battles should cut the back row or protect one's own back row, and whether one's current skill status and blood volume should be directly increased. Still waiting for the skill CD, every difference in judgment will affect the outcome of this wave of team battles and the output method of your own C position.

And every choice can have an impact on the situation.

Fumanduo became more and more satisfied as he watched from behind. Yuan Shen's team battle positioning has definitely been studied.

He didn't know whether this was the training of the OMG coach or Yuan Shen's own research.

But now he just wants to thank OMG for sending Yuan Shen here.

On the big screen, Yuan Shen was able to help Kid block LGD's offensive at the right place every time, and even made Imp's big mouth dare not output in the presence of Lulu. He never hesitated when it was time to rush, justice, glory and homeland The guard transforms the tree into a ruthless team-fighting machine. In many cases, it can draw away the blood after perfectly absorbing the injury, without giving the opponent a chance to trade heads.

Whether it is the timing of starting a group, the release of control skills, or the protection of one's own team, they are all impeccable.

Every top laner in the LPL counts, and it is impossible to do better than Yuan Shen in this situation.

In this training match, LGD played GG at the 23rd minute.

"Very good, this performance surprised me a bit."

Fumanduo's words reassured Yuan Shen, and Kid and Rookie even expressed their satisfaction with Yuan Shen.

"You don't know. When playing in a group, I don't have to worry about the opponent's position at all. I just close my eyes and output. This protective ability is so good. Liu Zhihao, you should learn from it."

Kid yelled loudly, looking a little annoyed at the side.

"I can win this one, but the big tree can't compare..."

Even he could only say one word of admiration for Yuan Shen's big tree.

Yuan Shen's research on this hero has indeed reached a certain level, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is a great jinchūriki.

Yuan Shen should have been happy to have been recognized by his teammates, but he felt something different.

If it were before, he would have been happy just to play, no matter what he played.

But when you kill too many people with warriors in Rank, and then use big trees on the field, it actually feels boring.

Please read~

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