Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 204: Ueno and Osaka work together to encircle and suppress the Wolf King

Chapter 204 - Top and jungle cooperate to siege Wolf King

Top single Nightmare is actually not weak at all.

The counterattack of W combined with the melee control of E skill can make NOC suppress most mainstream top singles. The Q skill not only increases attack but also provides long-range Poke and pursuit capabilities. The passive can also ensure the clearing of soldiers and the endurance of the line.

There are also flaws, that is, short legs, high mana consumption, and too fragile body. It is easy to overturn when playing against heroes with strong early single kill ability such as Riven and Olaf.

This hero cannot be called a T1-level top single, but when laning against certain specific heroes, the effect produced can exceed the T1 level.

While Yuan Shen was brushing the jungle, he was also observing the laning of the top lane.

Top single Nightmare, this is the killer move he and TheShy studied together.

The key detail is that you can't rush to attack soldiers at level 1.

Nightmare's passive Shadow Blade will cause 120% AOE damage in the next general attack every ten seconds, and will heal his own health every time a target is hit.

Every time Nightmare attacks normally, the passive cooldown will be reduced by one second.

This passive is a great weapon for jungle sustainment.

However, it is best not to trigger the passive frequently in the early game, as it is easy to cause the lane to be pushed, giving the opposing jungler a chance to gank.

MMD doesn't want to push the lane either.

Karsa is not the kind of jungler who likes to gank, but Yuan Shen is!

In terms of laning alone, he is not afraid of TheShy, but when the fight starts, Yuan Shen can always support him first, which makes him very annoyed.

The top lane seems to be fighting one against two, and one person is facing two top top laners.

What the hell is this.

The top laners on both sides wandered around the line of soldiers, waiting for the first wave of melee soldiers to kill.

When the health of the three melee soldiers was about the same, Nightmare and Poppy went forward at the same time, ready to take the line of soldiers.

Poppy's Q skill just came out of the hand-raising action, and TheShy immediately clicked the W skill and released it instantly.

Dark shelter!

The passive of level 1 W can provide 20% attack speed. If the enemy's skills can be successfully blocked, the passive effect will be doubled and last for five seconds.

Nightmare's W successfully blocked Poppy's Q.

Then, the general attack with Shadow Blade was launched, and three melee soldiers were taken down with a swish, and Poppy was also hit.

With an ultra-high attack speed of 40%, A attacked twice more, and Thunder was directly triggered.

One-third of Poppy's health disappeared just like that.

On the other hand, after blocking the damage of Poppy's Q, Nightmare's health did not drop much at all, and the next passive Shadow Blade could restore it to full.

"That's it!"

Yuan Shen praised secretly.

Poppy's only output skill is Q, which has two stages of damage, high basic damage, and additional health percentage damage.

But no matter how high the damage is, it is meaningless if you can't hit the enemy.

The hand-raising action is too obvious and cannot be canceled. It is easy to be blocked by Nightmare's W, which will increase Nightmare's attack speed advantage.

Poppy's W skill can speed up and interrupt the charge.

The problem is that Nightmare doesn't benefit from the charge at all.

A Q skill can speed up Poppy, and then use Poppy's E skill, which is too advantageous for blood exchange.

As for Poppy's E skill, old Poppy players will not count this hero in the laning ability, because in a 1V1 laning, whether the opponent can be successfully wall-banged depends entirely on whether the opponent cooperates.

The laning in the top lane already has a great advantage.

Poppy has no Q, and TheShy plays more aggressively, walking on the shadow of his own Q skill. Nightmare not only has a speed bonus, but also an attack power bonus.

The full-level Q skill can even increase 55 points of attack power. Although it is not as good as Noxus's blood fury, it does not need to stack the bleeding effect, and the benefit is also more than the bonus of a storm sword.

"MMD is not as good as Ziv."

Yuan Shen observed for a while and came to the conclusion.

TheShy got the hero with an advantage in the position, and he was relieved.

TheShy's style of play will not miss any opportunity to suppress the health line, showing the suppression power to the fullest.

To be frank, TheShy's advantage in suppression power is stronger than when he played top lane.

Because TheShy only needs to consider the laning, unlike him, he has to consider more.

Not only do you have to counter-camp and place wards, but you also have to brush the jungle and control the dragon...

Compared with Ziv last year, MMD has too many useless operations, and his basic skills in laning are not good. He is a standard blue-collar top laner.

Soon, MMD's Poppy was suppressed under the tower, and his health was very low.

With this health, even if the jungler came to help him catch, it is very likely to be traded one for one.

There is even a risk of being crossed over the tower.

"Egg, hold on!"

Karsa glanced at the top lane and encouraged his teammates: "Keep a good vision, if the opponent dares to cross the tower, I will go to counter-camp."

However, what he didn't expect was that IG had already started.

"According to Karsa's usual jungle route... he should be here now."

Yuan Shen clicked a signal, marking the location of the blue side's Frog.

Flash Wolves performed very well in this MSI, and Yuan Shen also put a lot of effort into studying Karsa.

On the blue side, when choosing the hero Olaf, he had already figured out Karsa's jungle route and vision control position rules.

In such a short period of time, it is difficult to change the habit of farming.

Controlling the troll to bypass the field of vision, Yuan Shen began to attack Olaf's upper half of the jungle.

TheShy, who controls the line, is also vaguely leaning on the edge of the river, and can support it at any time.

Sure enough, Olaf was standing on the side closer to the top lane, brushing the jungle, with about two-thirds of his health.

After Yuan Shen saw it, he opened a W and rushed forward to start fighting.

In the frozen field of the maxed-level W skill, the troll can gain 40% movement speed bonus, 80% attack speed, and gain 20% additional healing effect from all treatment and recovery methods.

Although there is only level one W now, the improvement in fighting ability is still considerable.

The Q skill, Sharp Teeth Bite, can reduce the enemy's attack power by 10 points and increase your own attack power by 20 points.

This is only the first level Q skill.

In the early stage, the troll is not afraid of Olaf at all.

"NOC is coming! Quinn's support speed must be faster, and IG's top, middle and jungle linkage is to activate Karsa in the early stage against the core rhythm of the Dead Flash Wolf!"

The doll slammed the table and understood everything, he understood everything!

The voice chat in the FW team has become a mess.

"Haoxuan, let's go, he is faster than me!"

This is the voice of MMD.

"Quinn is also faster than me. Isn't this person even needed to support the army line??"

This is Maple's voice.

The top two Lightning Wolves sent danger signals to the jungler.

The blood-red exclamation marks almost formed a line on the map.

"Gan!! Don't send so many signals!!"

Karsa was a little dissatisfied.

What's the use of just getting the signal? Come on, you people! !

However, he himself also knew that this wave of confrontation was impossible to win, so he immediately wanted to move up the road and rely on the tower.

However, the troll blocked his retreat with a pillar.

The giant ice rod with slowing speed can delay him for at least four seconds.

Moreover, the troll is still stuck in his position, performing skillful melee combat and moving A.

Although the collision volume of heroes is small, it still exists. Only with the green cross or some special heroes will the collision volume be completely ignored.

This blocking position will allow Olaf to go around a little more and take at least two more basic attacks.

Yuan Shen mastered this skill as early as last year.

The simplest way to break the situation is to flash across the wall directly.

The problem is that since S6 sprint has been strengthened, the cooldown has been adjusted from 210 seconds to 240 seconds, and the movement speed bonus has also been adjusted from 27% to 28% to 42%. After reaching the maximum movement speed after two seconds, Olaf's jungler will no longer be able to move. The band flashed.

Karsa directly pressed sprint, but he still wanted to struggle.

The summoner skill of sprint can also provide the hero with the effect of ignoring the collision volume.

However, at this moment, TheShy flashed directly over the wall and came to the upper half of the blue area. His Q skill was ready to hit Olaf, and his E skill was mounted, which will cause a fear effect after two seconds.

Thunder was triggered, and Olaf's health dropped drastically.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm coming!"

MMD Poppy arrived to support and flashed across the wall with a bang, trying to knock the nightmare wall onto the troll's pillar, interrupt Nightmare's E skill, and allow Olaf to distance himself from Nightmare.

However, almost at the same time, Nightmare opened the blue shield, which offset Poppy's heroic charge.

While the attack speed surged, Olaf was also terrified.

The troll's Q skill has a built-in slowdown effect. Although it only lasts for one second, it is enough.

Coupled with the slowing effect of the red buff, Nightmare continued to attack, and Olaf's health was quickly cleared to zero.

"IG-Yuanshen (King of Trolls) killed FW-Karsa (Berserker)!!!"

"First Blood!!"

first drop of blood!

"Nice Chenglu!!"

Yuan Shen was very happy. This wave of Poppy flashed across the wall in his blind vision, and TheShy actually reacted.

He spoke with his mouth without any slowness in his hands.

Poppy, there's danger too!

Originally, if Poppy Bidong stunned Nightmare, it would not only interrupt Nightmare's E, but also allow Olaf to escape.

Poppy can also use Q to slow down Nightmare and use W to escape.

Both people can walk, perfectly resolving the crisis.

However, after the confident E skill was blocked, the Q skill in Poppy's EQ combo was also empty.

It was obviously aimed at Troll and Nightmare, but one of them walked to the left and the other twisted to the right. Poppy's Q skill hit an empty space between them!

After handing in all the skills, Poppy, whose health status was already very poor, stared at his cute eyes and looked at the nightmares and trolls surrounding him.

"This man is playing with a hammer..."

Yuan Shen muttered, and TheShy on the side pressed S, took a look at the army line on the road, and decided to take Bobby's head later to make him suffer even more losses.

He was very puzzled by Yuan Shen's words.

"Poppy, isn't he the one who plays with hammers?"

Jokes aside, IG's jungle suppression strategy has begun to bear fruit.

That's right, what Yuan Shen prepared for the Flash Wolves was to interrupt their offensive rhythm in the early stage.

Karsa, the Wolf King, is the core rhythm initiator of Flash Wolves. He is also their strongest point and their most critical point.

And there is only one thing IG needs to do, that is to target Karsa, use the strength of the online players to be stronger than Flash Wolves, and eat Karsa hard!

And to do this, the development of the troll must be ahead of Olaf!

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