Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 241 The Crisis of the Three Fire Dragons!

Chapter 241 - The Crisis of Three Fire Dragons!

Kennen is worthless.

This is not a mockery by Yuan Shen, but a fact.

Excluding the factors of first blood and end money, the hero unit is worth 300 gold coins for the first death, 260 gold coins for the second death, and 182 gold coins for the third death, which keeps decreasing, with the lowest being 50 gold coins, which is not even as good as the artillery vehicle in the true sense.

Super soldiers are worth more than you.

Generally speaking, after the opponent's hero dies three times in a row, don't gamble your life to kill him. Not to mention the loss of blood due to being replaced, even if you use your ultimate move or even flash, you will still lose some money.

He is worthless, and you still want to kill him and exchange his life with him. You are cheap and greedy for his body...

This is the fourth time that Kennen has died, and he is worth 110 gold coins.

Not as valuable as the red and blue buffs.

When the hero gets the head, the value will be recalculated immediately.

If this was a Rank game, Yuan Shen would consider crossing the tower to kill Kennen once, and give a head to the opponent. After playing so many Rank games, Yuan Shen is very familiar with some practical tricks and routines for gaining points in the Rank game.

And this set is called "Scientific Pig Raising Method".

But unfortunately, this is a competition. If Fiora dies, it may not lose money economically, but it will lose rhythm.

Of course, if there is a chance to kill Kennen, Yuan Shen will still kill him. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, but it is not worth paying too much for Kennen.

The top lane is completely broken. Fiora blatantly cuts the line of soldiers, leaving Kennen to squat in the autistic bush and think about life.

Before the upper tower is pushed down, Kennen can't think about eating soldiers for the time being.

As for the bottom lane, EZ and Morgana, who were also abandoned by the strategy, are in a much better situation than Kennen. Both of them are not dead, and there is still a chance to eat soldiers and develop. It's just that when the opponent's mid laner disappears, they must quickly retreat to the tower.

After all, the Chinese team gave up voluntarily, while the Korean team was forced to give up.

The gap caused by the front and back positions is that the Chinese team is now leading by more than 1,000 team economy.

In terms of economic distribution, Fiora is ahead by more than 2,000 in a single position.

The abandoned lanes on both sides are all under pressure, just like a bitter daughter-in-law who has finally waited for the time when the first tower is about to be broken.

The Korean team is also ready to take the second fire dragon immediately after pushing down the first tower.

This little dragon cannot be fought for. Before EZ's magic cut is fully stacked, his combat power is slightly insufficient. Spider is not an opponent of Olaf, not to mention the situation of lagging behind in development.

Fiora is not suitable for joining the team at this time. She is still too fragile and can be easily killed.

Here, the Chinese team made a very clever early line change.

After judging that the next tower is about to be broken, Ming left the bottom lane early and went to the upper half of the area, and started to brush the Rift Herald with Mingkai.

The support's early lane change made the Chinese team's rhythm a little faster, and they took the Rift Herald naturally.

If there was no early lane change, the opponent would probably take the little dragon first and then the pioneer.

"I want it all"

Ming's quick lane change awareness was excellent.

After Fiora pushed the upper tower, she came over to pick up the Rift Herald's buff.

But at this moment, the worst news came.

"The third one, or the fire dragon?"

Mingkai was a little speechless. When we were in an advantage, we always gave the wind dragon to Ling Zun, but when the opponent was in an advantage, we gave the fire dragon? Why the hell didn't you give a big dragon here?

This little dragon was like the opponent's illegitimate child, and it was too advantageous to give it, just stuck in the strong period of the opponent's lineup.

If the main venue of the Olympics was not in Rio, he would have suspected that it was tampered with.

The tactical thinking of the Chinese team in this game was very clear, that is, to protect the development of the top lane, and to select two heroes in the bottom lane who are not easy to die, and can also provide functional roles in team battles when the development is behind.

The same is abandoning one of the lanes. Since they have the initiative, the Chinese team has the advantage in rhythm.

Occupying the initiative in rhythm, they developed to the mid-term. When Fiora had three sets, their lineup was very unstoppable. The invincible Fiora led the team alone, and the four people in the front were guaranteed to clear the line, counterattack, and start a team fight. It can be said to be the most perfect 4+1 system lineup.

With Yuan Shen's ability, it is not a problem to lead the line and fight the four-one split push.

But the opponent happened to swipe three fire dragons.

With the blessing of the three fire dragons, the opponent's output in the mid-term can be called explosive. Fiora 1v1 is still unstoppable, but the Chinese team may not be able to withstand the frontal team battle. No matter how strong the counterattack ability is, it is likely to be killed by hard damage, resulting in the collapse of the four-one split system.

This is a luck factor in addition to calculation, strength and tactics.

Complaints are complaints, but Mingkai knows that this is a normal phenomenon.

Last year, EDG won the Spring Split thanks to Deft's several critical hits in the last group fight. Without those critical hits, they would not have won the Spring Split, nor the subsequent MSI championship.

Luck is also part of strength.


"The next dragon cannot be released."

Yes, even if it is against the will, the next group fight must be taken.

"Then I will make Ice Fist." Jack said. In this version, EZ can use Tri-Phase or Ice Fist. The former has higher output, and the latter has stronger functionality. With his temperament, he naturally prefers EZ with Magic Cut Tri-Phase, but now he has to choose Ice Fist for the sake of the team's rhythm.

Jack's ability to make up for development is also well-known.

In fact, when he was abandoned, the difference between him and Ruler in last-hitting has always been at an acceptable level, and now he is only ten or so behind.

Letting Jack develop alone, Ming began to roam with the factory manager and build vision.

The tactical significance of selecting Elise has been perfectly played out. Now, no matter how much he develops, it is unlikely to catch up with Olaf.

Mingkai simply implemented the idea of ​​hunger strike and continued to make trouble.

With Kennen worthless, they set their sights on Faker in the middle lane.

It is now the mid-game, and the opponent's jungler and support are also building vision, so there is little chance of ganking Taliyah.

However, through this period of research, Mingkai discovered a weakness of Peanut that is not a weakness.

LCK junglers, everyone has a green jungle knife.

But Peaunt is an outlier. He doesn't like to be a green jungle knife.

Compared with the green jungle knife that tends to control the map and build vision, Peanut prefers the red punishment jungle knife that increases the jungler's combat power, and secondly, the blue punishment jungle knife that has a stronger ability to catch people.

This habit is the same as Kakao's in the spring season last year.

It's just that Peanut's is a personal habit, while Kakao is forced to do so.

There must be a second big brother in the team to drive the rhythm.

As a tool man, who can you rely on to be the C?

Zzitai or the child?

Peanut's habit is definitely not a disadvantage in the Rox team, because the Tiger Tooth team itself has an extremely fierce attack in the early stage and is extremely keen on fighting. They are the only team in the LCK team that is least like an LCK team.

As the name suggests, Rox Tiger is a tiger.

But in this Korean team today, in a team with standard LCK ideas in the middle, bottom and support, Peaunt's habit has become a weakness.

In S7, everyone thought that SKT, which defeated RNG and advanced to the finals, would become an unprecedented three-peat champion.

But SKT was lagging, and it was a bit too hard. It was crushed by 3 to 0 and did not recover for a whole year in S8.

Because the push stick was too famous, many people who didn't know the truth attributed SKT's defeat to Bang, saying that he made Faker cry.

In fact, Bang's condition was not at his peak that year, but he was still a world-class ADC player. SKT was able to enter the World Championship thanks to Bang's outstanding performance.

The reason why people were impressed by his mistake of pushing the stick was not only because it was the deciding game, but also because it was inconsistent with the robot impression that Bang always gave people.

Just like a good person who always does good things, once he does a bad thing, he will be condemned immediately.

The real problem of SKT that year was the top and jungle.

Huni is not mentioned. He is just a little expert in bullying. He gives people a strong illusion, but when he meets a real top single, he will break at the touch.

And Peanut is a bit of a pity. His personal strength was still very strong in S7, but he was not suitable for SKT. What the SKT system needs is actually a jungler who is good at vision, resource control, line protection, and strict execution of team orders.

Does it look familiar?

Normal, because it is the type of jungler Mingkai is talking about.

In fact, Peaunt lost his spirituality and wasted his peak period because of the year he stayed in SKT. He gradually became a small brusher.

This style of play is both Peaunt's disadvantage and advantage.

Without the help of the jungler, it is impossible to achieve an airtight level by relying on the support alone to do vision. The team's vision will inevitably have loopholes, which is a disadvantage.

The red punishment jungle knife greatly enhances the hero's single-challenge ability. With the same economy and the same hero, the green one will inevitably not be able to beat the red one. Matching with Peaunt's first-class operation and offensiveness, the jungle area has a strong dominance, which is an advantage.

Mingkai targeted his disadvantages.

Vision loophole

Mingkai began to scan according to the peanut eye position studied in the previous US-South Korea duel video, and walked on a route with the lowest probability of vision in theory.

For first-line junglers, blocking vision is a basic professional quality. Mingkai, who is not good at operation, is a leader in this way.

Then, Faker's Taliyah entered the hunting range of the Spider Queen.

"Come on, come on, there are no wards here, there's a chance!" Ming Kai said immediately,

"I can follow." Xiye sent a red signal, indicating that Ming Kai was clear

"Wait for me, wait for me." Ming came immediately.

In order to wait for Morgana to be ready, Spider stood in the blind spot for ten seconds. Every second could be discovered, which made Ming Kai's heart beat faster and very nervous.

Lissandra threw out [Glacier Path], and the icy claws moved forward, causing Taliyah to retreat in a panic.

However, Taliyah, who had been moving irregularly, suddenly retreated, as if disorder had become order, and the predicted position of the movement was instantly clear.

Ice Queen took the initiative and forced the movement, which was the first step.

Immediately, a golden light flashed, and Spider flashed and raised his hand!



The unexpected control skill made Faker stay for a moment before using Purification.

Although this moment was less than a second, it became the life and death line of Taliyah.

Before Ice Claws reached Taliyah, Xiye immediately triggered the second stage of E to move, and then flashed to the ultimate move, freezing Taliyah.

Spider ascended from the sky and landed on Taliyah, and the two used all their skills.

However, due to the poor development of the spider, the damage was a little worse. The rock bird was not killed immediately. The blood volume was very warm, and it did not necessarily look like it would die.

Assistant Karma happened to be nearby, and the kind-hearted CoreJJ immediately flashed over to add a shield to Yanque, which supported the health and gave Faker room to escape.

Seeing this, Mingkai and Xiye were not surprised but happy.

Buy one get one free!

The "safety" waiting before had a miraculous effect at this moment. Morgana, who rushed to the battlefield, flashed her ultimate move and left both Rock Bird and Karma behind with two soul shackles!

When Olaf heard the news and rushed to the middle road, he only saw two corpses.


Peanut frowned and said nothing.

The Korean audience in the live broadcast room may be scolding the mid laner and support. That's because few viewers can see the game from the macro perspective of the entire team, but Xiaohuahua knows that this wave also has its own problems, and he did not help the mid laner to make up for it. vision.

"Clearlove...hum, interesting man."

The corners of Little Peanut's mouth curled up.

Although the opponent was an old man, it aroused his fighting spirit.

However, to be honest, this wave of rhythm is very painful.

Zhongfu was killed, and everyone else on the Chinese team, except the top laner, immediately moved forward as a team.

One tower in the middle road was destroyed.

Without the first tower in the middle, it will be more difficult to have vision near the middle. In addition, the opposite mid laner Ice Girl took two kills, and the equipment will have an advantage in the future.

If the winning rate for the next dragon battle was 70-30, now it is 50-50.


Mingkai and Xiye were very happy.

However, this joy did not last long.

After the rock bird was resurrected and went out, he found a good angle and directly used his ultimate move to rush towards the middle. He crouched down Olaf and started sprinting. The two of them killed the ice girl whose flash and ultimate move were cooling down.

Faker also showed off a wave of predictions based on the landing point of Ice Girl's E skill, which made the scene burst into cheers.

too fast.

Shangbo had just handed over the dead rock bird with two moves, and immediately launched a counterattack in the center and field.

No one expected that the Korean team would counterattack so quickly.

Among the countless ways to die in League of Legends, dying right out of the gate is the worst among them.

Because if you die this time, you won't be able to buy any equipment at all, and even replenishing your status won't count.

It not only loses the economy, but also loses the rhythm.

Mingkai is studying Little Peanut, why isn't Little Peanut studying him?

Calculating that Mingkai would definitely come to the middle to make up the line, Olaf crouched down on the route where the spider was most likely to pass.

Seven seconds later, when he saw the figure that made his heart skip a beat, Little Peanut showed a confident smile that could make female fans scream.

"Mr. Ming, in exactly seven seconds, I knew you would come..."

Throw against the current!


Fierce and sensible combos and attacks.

There is no way to escape without flashing spiders.

Spider dies.

"He was plotting against me..."

Ming Kai was in a daze for a moment, puffed up his cheeks, and showed his signature smile.

The next moment, Peaunt said exactly the same words as one minute ago.

"Interesting junior.".

Yuan Shen: "..."

Looking at Ming Kai who was talking to himself, as if he was communicating mentally with someone across the distance, Yuan Shen sighed.

Even if time and space are broken, the world line changes, and even the stage of encounter is different, will this still be the result? ?

The midfielders on both sides each brought a wave of rhythm, tit for tat.

Just like martial arts masters with similar strength fighting against each other, if you launch an attack, I can immediately seize the flaw in your attack and counterattack. The ultimate moves and flashes used by Ice Girl and Spider to kill Rock Bird were flaws.

After Olaf killed the spider alone, he was opposing F4. At this moment, Kennen received another bad news.

After Jian Ji got the Rift Herald Buff, the Korean team had to make a wave of line changes, switching the duo to the top lane, and Kennen to the bottom lane.

Because, if he didn't do this, facing the fat Sword Princess, Kenan wouldn't even be able to defend the second tower.

The Korean team could only use the numerical advantage of the duo to suppress Jian Ji's single belt.

Peaunt quickly cut the screen to the bottom lane and found Kenan's body lying on the bottom tower.

"Brother Jinghao, this..."

"Oh my, I accidentally ate Morgana Q."

Smeb said weakly.

Morgana's Q skill flies very slowly. Many people think that based on the reaction of professional players, they will not be able to use the Q skill. But that's not the case. Morgana's appearance rate on the field is not low, and her Q skill's hit rate is not low either.

Surprise, force out of position, stuck angle... There are ways to make professional players take Q.

But only Smeb knew that the last wave of Morgana's Q on the opposite side was completely lucky. He was in a trance when he just moved, so he was imprisoned.

He pinched his brows in annoyance, trying to concentrate.

Jack was very happy at first after taking the head, but when he looked at the economy, he immediately became depressed: "Damn it, this Kenan is worthless, you won't even give me a hundred dollars!"

"Be content! I have just enough money, so go back and make the ice fist." Xiao Ming said: "Xiaolong, it will be refreshed soon!"

The fire dragon is about to be born.

Both sides knew this well and took it as a signal. After handling the military lines, they returned to the city to resupply key equipment.

There is no tank in the strict sense against this one, so Yuan Shen did not follow the outfit idea of ​​Hydra Black Cut, but the rich and handsome outfit of the three phases of Hydra.

The equipment of Gaofushuai is of high quality, but also very expensive. Even if Yuan Shen is naturally fat, it is just enough to make Hydra and Tri-phase at this point in time. He does not have any Doran series equipment, and his shoes are still straw sandals.

This equipment is a bit too reluctant to fight in a team.

Fiora should at least make a blood hand to support the tank and fault tolerance rate, so that she can have the capital to participate in the team.

At this point in time, it is far from the time for Fiora to exert her strength.

To be more precise, the entire lineup of the Chinese team has not entered the period of exerting strength to fight in a team.

But the threat of three fire dragons is too great, and they have to fight even if they don't want to.

Both sides dispatched troops and generals. Because they were afraid that the opponent would kill the little dragon in seconds, Fiora did not rely on TP to go alone, but went directly to the front. All ten people gathered in the river in the lower half of the area, throwing skills to consume and test each other. This little dragon group may become a turning point in the game, and no one dared to be careless.

"Wow, the situation is so tense. Neither side wants to give up the dragon, but neither side dares to start. It has been a stalemate here for 30 seconds!" Wawa said nervously.

Miller nodded, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Hey, Yuan Shen has made a move here. Fiora walked to the middle lane and started pushing the line. Do you want to put pressure on the enemy's line?"

After quickly pushing the line, Fiora immediately returned to the dragon pit.

The soldiers in the middle lane began to demolish the middle two towers.

The speed of the soldiers pushing the tower is not fast, but a little bit makes a lot. If the stalemate continues, Fiora can eat the economy and grind the health of the tower. The anxious Korean team took the lead in rushing the dragon.

The dragon's breath splashed, coupled with the enemy's Poke, the blood of the damage-bearing Aolafu continued to decrease.

Before, this was the reason why both sides did not want to start the dragon first.

The damage of the dragon itself is not low. The most important thing is that once you start to fight the dragon, your range of movement is fixed, and it is easy to be affected by the opponent's skills.

"I'm going!"

Seeing that the Fire Dragon's HP was about to reach the kill line, Xiye didn't say much and started the fight directly.

Ice Claws pushed out——

Ice Girl's E was not thrown out directly, but thrown into the wall.

Wall E, when Ice Girl's E skill is released in the wall, it can use the mechanism of blocking the terrain to complete the displacement beyond the length of the E skill.

This skill of Ice Girl was first created by Wei Shen. He left many classic operations and memes in LOL. Otherwise, there would not be so many fans who hope that he will return to LOL after switching to the PUBG professional circle.

And Xiye learned this trick.

Ice Girl entered the field perfectly!

She entered, but Ice Girl's flash was still on cooldown, leaving Xiye with a limited number of targets for the ultimate move to imprison.

Taliyah has purification, Annie has E, and Olaf has a big move.

Only Karma and Kennen can use it. Comparing the top lane and the support, it goes without saying who to choose.

So, Xiye froze Smeb.

The Chinese team rushed forward and followed up with the output.

Kennen, who was at a disadvantage, could not withstand the damage and was killed in one second before he could even last a second.

But the Ice Girl, who had no ultimate and golden body, was also killed in one second by the Korean team.

The Ice Girl without flash and ultimate was so awkward in teamfights. Only the Ice Girl with Zhonya's hourglass could have the capital to fight in a teamfight.

The Ice Girl hero, unless it was against an AD hero, would only add the golden body with the third big item.

Again, it was far from the time for the Chinese team to join the teamfight. If it weren't for the luck factor of the three fire dragons, they would still be in the development stage.

This was originally an unplanned teamfight.

But Xiye's move to kill Kennen in one second also gave Yuan Shen the opportunity to enter the field.

Kennen's development collapsed, but the hero mechanism was there. He had AOE damage and stable teamfight control. There was a Kennen playing as a dog next to the ADC. Yuan Shen cut in and was likely to be counter-controlled and then killed in one second by concentrated fire.

While Olaf and Taliyah were handing their skills to their teammates, Yuan Shen seized the opportunity to enter the field and flashed through the air to kill Ruler.

After Bang and Pray, another LCK ADC victim was born.

Sivir was embarrassed to face Fiora, because her magic shield was useless in front of Fiora. Even if it blocked the skill damage of Q, it could not block the damage of the flaw being shattered by Q.

Moreover, the magic shield could not block Fiora's ultimate.

Ruler used the ultimate in seconds, flashed decisively to pull away, and attacked Fiora with a backhand under the protection of Karma.

But the next moment, the unparalleled challenge was hung.

The target of the ultimate was not Sivir, but Karma next to him.

"We've been trapped!" Ruler and Corejj realized this at the same time.

Flashing Q showed a killing intent, forcing Lulu's flash and ultimate, but instantly switched the target to Karma.

Since the Ice Girl's flash was not turned well, Karma's flash was certainly not good either.

From the beginning to the end, Karma was Yuan Shen's real target.

AE Hydra, Triple Phase, Ultimate, and Break Flaws triple acceleration, Fiora quickly moved around, took Sivir's damage, and madly broke the flaws.

Karma's health dropped rapidly, Ruler gave up the treatment to help his own support increase health to speed up, CoreJJ kept moving around to delay time.

Karma's [Unwavering (W)] chain had long been hung on Fiora. If the chain is not broken within the time limit, it will cause a confinement effect.

Karma's main support is Q and secondary is E, and if she has R, she chooses R... Based on Karma's level, it can be inferred that W is most likely only learned level 1.


"The time for the imprisonment to take effect is two seconds later!" Yuan Shen calculated silently.

Accurate time, Laurent's Heart Eye Knife!

The waist is a bow, and the sword is a shield! !

"Try again!"

Fiona's frivolous words made CoreJJ blush with anger.

On the field, Fiora blocked and rebounded the control effect, and the invisible sword energy hit accurately!

Karma was stunned on the spot by the counterattack!

Fiora swung her sword and slashed, clearing Karma's last health bar, and rushed directly to the wheel mother with a slash.

Ruler moved in detail, first leaving the range of the blood recovery array, and then stuck to the wall and stood with the sword.

After bearing the damage of Sivir for so long, Fiora's health was very low. Even if she stayed in the blood recovery array for a while, it was less than half of her health now.

Fiora, who has no ultimate and less than half health, may not be able to fight against Sivir who is full of health.

"Critical hit..." Ruler kept praying while concentrating on the operation.

Every time a critical hit is triggered, Sivir's chance of winning increases.

The ADC's belief critical hit is the only way to save the current situation.

However, luck did not favor Ruler this time. The long sword in Fiona's hand flashed with sword light, and she quickly attacked twice.

Deadly stab---

The second critical hit directly took Sivir away.

Fiora broke into the back of the enemy lineup and killed two people.

However, Yuan Shen was not happy.

Because, in another battlefield at the same time, bad news came.

The enemy's mid and jungle Taliyah and Olaf were killed by Jack, but before they died, they also exchanged Spider and Morgana.

Two against three, but it was a two-for-two.

Considering the disadvantages of the bottom lane and jungle, this loss is acceptable.

But this is not the point.

The point is...

"I lost the fight for punishment."

Mingkai gritted his teeth, his face was ugly, and he blamed himself.

Although the opponent was wiped out by a 3-for-5 team fight, they took the crucial third fire dragon.

"Don't blame you, the level is lower than Olaf, and the opponent also used E punishment."

Jack smiled and comforted.

"Yeah, it's just three fire dragons, it's not a base explosion, it's not a big problem."

This unplanned team fight was able to wipe out the opponent, entirely because Xiye played too well, directly letting Kennen lie down without using any skills, creating an opportunity for Yuan Shen to enter the field.

Otherwise, if the fight was normal, the Huaxia team, which had not yet reached the power period, would have a 50-50 chance of winning.

Unexpectedly, they won the team fight, but lost the fire dragon.

What Jack said was not a big problem, it was just words to comfort his teammates.

In fact, the impact of these three fire dragons was very large.

With the support of three fire dragons, the output of the Korean team has risen to a higher level, and the later the game goes, the stronger their teamfighting ability will be... By then, even if the Chinese team's lineup enters the power period, how much effect their four-one system can play is still to be discussed.

The scale of luck, this game is on the side of the Korean team.

Of course, it's not all luck. Peaunt controlled three dragons in succession, proving his strong dominance in the jungle.

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