Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 242 The line between life and death, the chosen one!

Chapter 242 - Life and death, the chosen one!

"The Korean team is very smart. After getting three fire dragons, they began to retreat and defend." Miller analyzed: "They are very clear about the bonus of these three fire dragons. The stronger they are in the later stages, they are eager to drag the team to six items before joining."

Wawa nodded, looking worried, "Yes, everyone of them bought two true eyes when they went out, even Kennen who was in a state of collapse was no exception. They were very willing to invest in the economy in exchange for a safe development space, and made the vision airtight, leaving no chance at all. The team's execution is very high."

Classic Korean operation.

The top laners of both sides led the line in the bottom lane, the ADC cleared the line in the safest middle lane, the jungler and the support roamed looking for opportunities, and the AP cleared the line in the top lane.

The only advantage of the Chinese team is Fiora.

Kennen cannot stop Fiora's solo push...

But the Korean team's countermeasures are very clever. They cleared all the vision of the Chinese team in their lower jungle area. Faker Taliyah moved down after clearing the line to help Kennen clear the line and defend.

Due to the support mechanism of Taliyah's ultimate, the Korean team is not afraid of the opponent taking the opportunity to open the big dragon.

The game fell into a stalemate in the middle stage.

"Damn, this luck is too bad!"

"Yeah, it was so good in the early stage."

"To be honest, it is also their ability to control three small dragons in a row."

An objective and rational fan said.

"Three fire dragons, team battles can't be taken, and solo push can't bring results. Wait for the next game!" said a pessimistic audience.

In the stalemate development stage, there was no head explosion on the scene.

No audience felt bored. The top-level line transfer support of the two teams and the psychological game of various vision competitions made the rhythm very tight. It was not surprising when the game started.

However, this strange peace lasted for ten minutes in a blink of an eye.

"It's going downhill..." Miller sighed as he watched Ruler about to take out the fourth big item.

Five minutes ago, EZ's Magic Cut was fully stacked, and he made Ruined King, and Ice Girl made Zhonya, and the Chinese team's lineup officially entered the power period.

But this power period came too late. With the blessing of three fire dragons, the opponent's output was abnormally explosive, and the chances of winning the frontal team battle were not high.

When it was delayed to the fourth big item, the decline of the hero EZ was revealed.

EZ's output in the late team battle was obviously not as good as Sivir.

Not to mention, this was a little yellow-haired guy who was forced to make Ice Fist.

"It can't be delayed any longer." Yuan Shen judged in his heart.

Even if it takes a little risk, this situation must be broken.

Fiora's development is ahead of the whole field. Ruler still has some time to get a four-piece set, while Fiora's economy is enough to buy the fourth big item, and even the last piece of equipment can be supplemented.

Now Fiora's equipment is Hydra, Triforce, Mercury's Boots, and Bloodthirster.

For the fourth big item, Yuan Shen originally wanted to buy a Resurrection Armor, and finally a Vitality.

But now, he has changed his mind.

Blade of the Ruined King.

Fiora returned to the city and made this equipment that greatly enhanced personal combat power.

The last bit of money was to buy a Zealot.

"Your outfit..." Jack was stunned.

"Well, it's what you think."

Yuan Shen nodded, "I won't fight in a team, I'll just carry it alone!"

Jack also knew that unless Ruler also turned into a pilot and died suddenly, the probability of winning in a team fight now is too small.

But is it possible for Ruler to die suddenly?

It's difficult.

Ruler is a standard Korean ADC, perhaps not as strong as Bang, but only a hair's breadth away.

It's too difficult to expect him to make mistakes.

And it's a very stupid thing to pin the hope of winning the game on the opponent's mistakes.

"It's okay, go carry it, leave it to us in the front." Xiye said seriously.

It's not that nothing good happened in these ten minutes.

Elemental dragons have a mechanism, that is, when one side gathers three small dragons with the same attribute, the small dragons of this attribute will not refresh again.

For example, if the third fire dragon is taken by the Chinese team, the fourth one may refresh the fire dragon again. If the fourth fire dragon is taken by the Chinese team again, the fifth one may also refresh the fire dragon.

However, if the same team takes down three fire dragons, it will be impossible to refresh the fire dragon again.

Therefore, after taking down the key three fire dragons, the Korean team focused on avoiding battle and defending. The two small dragons refreshed in these ten minutes were taken by the Chinese team.

Two earth dragons.

The attributes of this elemental dragon refresh are too good, three fire and two earth.

Unfortunately, the three earth dragons do not exist. The next dragon refresh time will be after 35 minutes, and only the ancient dragon will refresh.

The earth dragon strengthens the ability of Sword Princess to destroy towers and single-handedly, and also strengthens the ability of the Chinese team to rush the big dragon.

However, it is too difficult to rush the Baron when it is difficult to fight in a frontal teamfight.

The Korean team has a good vision. As long as they move towards the Baron, they will be discovered before they start fighting.

In this case, let's be more extreme and make the equipment extremely strong for single-lane.

This is Yuan Shen's idea.

The right equipment selection and perfect timing judgment.

This is also an important reason why Yuan Shen can win so many victories.

When the sword princess who updated the equipment reappeared in the bottom lane, Smeb's face changed.

"Ah Xi, his equipment..."

"Want to win by pushing alone?" Faker noticed this immediately. He was not surprised but happy. He immediately said: "This is an opportunity. His equipment will be very weak in team fights. He can only push alone. Let's find an opportunity to take the dragon! Jinghao, how long can you delay?"

"Okay." Smeb nodded helplessly.

After avoiding the battle until now, it's their turn to exert their strength.

Taliyah, who originally ran down after clearing the line, did not come this time. He rushed directly to the direction of the dragon and prepared to force a team fight.

Before, the dragon was not opened because of the concern that Fiora would teleport to join the team fight, so he wanted to delay it for a while and be more stable. Unexpectedly, Fiora actually made such a self-destructive outfit.

What era is it? Still playing personal heroism?

Do you still think it's the S5 World Championship?

Times have changed!

Kennen stayed at the second tower in the bottom lane tremblingly, waiting for Fiora to bring the line of soldiers over.

It's impossible not to be timid.

Kennen's equipment now only includes Rocket Belt, Ice Staff, Magic Penetration Boots, Explorer's Armguard and Demon Codex.

Smeb's development was very bad this time. His own ADC Sivir was almost making the fourth big item, and his third big item Zhonya's Hourglass was still a little short of money.

Little Kennen without Zhonya, facing such a fat Fiora, he didn't feel safe at all even with the defense tower behind him.

Kennen with Zhonya and without Zhonya are two heroes of completely different levels.

Now Smeb hopes that Explorer's Armguard can have the function of golden body...

"Just two hundred yuan short..."

Smeb sighed, feeling that a penny was a hindrance to a hero.

If possible, he was willing to give up more things and ask his teammates to borrow two hundred yuan.

Unfortunately, he couldn't.

At this moment, Fiora brought the line of soldiers over.

Smeb hurriedly cleared the line of soldiers, but except for the ultimate and E skills, Kennen had no AOE and his ability to clear the line was very average.

If he had known this, he might as well have been AD Kennen.

At least his ability to clear lanes would have been stronger.

Without being able to use E and ultimates casually, he had to clear lanes and defend towers, and also keep a safe distance from Fiora, which required very demanding positioning of the players.

In the past, Smeb was able to defend thanks to the help of the big brother in the middle and the little brother in the support. Now that he was alone in this situation, the pressure on defense suddenly increased a lot.

Smeb felt relieved when he saw his teammates who were trying to rush the big dragon and force a team fight near the dragon.

As soon as the camera came back, Smeb's face changed.

Fiora didn't care and directly approached Kennen with a slash.

Without saying anything, they started fighting.

Yuan Shen's ferocity made Smeb's eyelids jump, and he turned around and ran without hesitation.

Kennen released EQ at the same time, while keeping a distance, and pressed W to stun Fiora on the spot. The defense tower took this opportunity to attack Fiora several times in a row, almost triggering Bloodthirster.

But in this way, Kennen was also driven out of the second tower by Fiora, and he couldn't defend the tower.

But it doesn't matter, Smeb's task is to delay as long as possible.

The speed of the rest of the Korean team rushing the dragon is amazing. Although the fire dragon does not have the bonus to wild monsters like the earth dragon, the increased hero damage is real.

The health of the dragon dropped rapidly, and Faker Taliyah found the right time to block the road with his ultimate move, not allowing the opponent to have the opportunity to come to the front battlefield.

Although the Chinese team has displacement to climb over the wall, once they use the displacement, they have no way to retreat.

They can only rely on Mingkai to grab the dragon.

As a T1-level mid laner in the version, the strategic significance of Taliyah's ultimate move is fully revealed at this moment.

Two flowers bloom, each showing its own beauty.

Fiora keeps demolishing the second tower, while Kennen throws Q skills not far away to consume, and occasionally uses W to trigger Thunder.

During these darts, Fiora tried to dodge, but it seemed that because she wanted to destroy the tower, she had little room to move, and ended up taking all the damage... The director's perspective was now locked on the dragon pit, not looking at the bottom lane, otherwise there would be comments like "Are you showing off your horse? You move and take all the skills, Magneto?"

After consuming it twice, Smeb suddenly froze.

After Fiora drove Kennen away by carrying the tower, she walked out of the tower and went back to destroy it. She didn't absorb blood during the whole process, and then she was consumed by Kennen twice. Fiora, who didn't wear any tank equipment, had very little health.

Fiora's health...

Seems like she can kill?

After carefully calculating the damage and finding that it was not an illusion, Smeb's heart thumped, as if it was stuck in his throat, and he was so excited that he couldn't breathe.


Smeb swallowed his saliva.

At this moment, Smeb forgot the words that the data analysts and coaching staff had earnestly told him: "Yuanshen has created a situation where he will die many times so far, luring the opponent to attack and setting traps. Don't fall for it."

Fiora's W is a magical skill, but there are only three types of control that cannot be resisted.

Viktor's W, Bujiang's passive, Kennen's passive...

In other words, as long as Kennen's damage is enough, he is not afraid of Fiora's counter-control.

Can I kill Yuanshen alone?

Maybe other top laners can resist this temptation, but Smeb can't.

He really wants to prove himself, he has been longing for this moment for a long time...

He also blamed himself for the defeat in last year's World Championship.

The three top laners in the entire LCK were all beaten by Yuan Shen.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't want to get back at the enemy!

Seeing that the second tower was about to collapse, Smeb moved.

He lost his Q first, and then hit Fiora again, who made a mistake in positioning. Kennen's ER, rocket and belt were all opened, and he suddenly jumped up.


Ten Thousand Thunder Prison Induction!!

At the same time that Kennen jumped up, the last bit of health of the second tower was cut off by Fiora's sword, and it was broken.

Kennen's terrifying burst stunned Fiora in seconds, leaving her no chance to use W to block damage!


Bloodhand's only passive [Savior's Spirit Blade] was triggered!

The white shield was not thick, and the value of Bloodhand's shield was 75% of the extra health. However, due to Fiora's extremely enhanced single-lane equipment, she didn't have any health equipment this time, so the passive effect of [Savior's Spirit Blade] was not strong.

The damage calculated by Smeb naturally included Bloodhand's shield.

Fiora's health suddenly melted, leaving only a little blood.


"So, is my toughness within your consideration?"

Yuan Shen smiled.

Strak's Fury: When [Savior's Spirit Blade] is triggered, the size and strength are increased, providing a larger size, +30% toughness, and lasting for 8 seconds.

Yuan Shen tapped the keyboard with his fingertips, and Fiora, who was out of control in advance, set a big move on Kennen.


Unparalleled Challenge!!

AEA Hydra QA, Z-shaped shaking movement, four flaws in one second.

One second, just one second, no more, no less, all the flaws were shattered.

The blood recovery of the four flaws allowed Fiora, who was about to be killed instantly, to recover to 70% of her health in an instant.

And Kennen, who was sucked dry, turned into a shriveled corpse.

"..."Looking at the gray screen, Smeb finally woke up from the state above.

He knew that he was trapped again.

I can kill Yuanshen alone! !

Since every time someone has this idea, they are killed by Yuanshen in various extreme ways when they implement it, Yuanshen has maintained the achievement of 1v1Solo without defeat in the professional arena.

Many players of many teams have named this feeling as the biggest illusion in the professional arena.

After Faker became a team player, he was killed because of distraction.

But Yuanshen would not.

His concentration is always online.

... Wake up, don't go, that is Yuanshen's trap.

The coaching staff has also advised him earnestly countless times.

Smeb hugged his head in frustration and lay on the table with a red nose.

Another wave of enemy soldiers came in the bottom lane. After Fiora cleaned it up, it was full of blood, as if the battle just now was fake.

As the saying goes, never trust the health bar of Noxians, and never fight Demacians...

But the double bloodsucking of Hydra + Ruined King made Fiora's health bar as false and deceptive as Noxians.

Fiona, which country are you from?

With such a fearless mood of self-mockery, Yuan Shen did not choose to TP to support the dragon.

Because the battlefield over there had already had a result.

The enemy took the dragon.

Grabbing the dragon depends on luck for 5 points and skill for 5 points, but Spider's lower level infinitely magnified the skill factor, because the damage of punishment was not as good as the opponent.

Not only that, Spider who failed to grab the dragon was killed, and the auxiliary Morgana was also left behind by Olaf's sprint + Ragnarok...

The Korean team was already demolishing their middle lane.

Fortunately, the middle tower of Yuan Shen's side was still there and would not be killed in a wave.

Fiora went back to defend the tower, but it was useless.

He could only point his sword at the high ground! !

Before Spider and Morgana were resurrected, the Korean team pushed forward all the way, successively pulling out the middle tower, the middle tower, the middle highland tower, and the middle crystal.

They didn't go back to deal with Fiora right away. In their opinion, no matter how fast a single-lane hero could destroy a tower, it would not be as fast as the four of them who were pushing forward with the Baron buff.

At most, they would lose a bottom lane crystal, which was a win anyway.


Fiora's tower-destroying speed was shocking.

Fiora with two Earth Dragons and pure DPS equipment actually destroyed all the way to the front tower!

The attack speed of Ruined King and Yellow Fork made Fiora's tower-destroying speed very fast.

The rest of the Korean team hurried back to defend, but they still didn't have time to save the front tower.

Seeing that there was only one lonely front tower left in the main crystal fort, the Korean team was silent and realized the serious danger.

Fiora's tower-destroying speed was too amazing.

Two Earth Dragons and the ultimate single-lane hero, coupled with the ultimate single-lane equipment.

Fiora's power was beyond their imagination.

Even if they didn't have the Baron buff to speed up their return to the city, and Fiora's soldiers were not enough, the last front tower would not be easy to defend.

Before, there were two towers and highland towers as obstacles, but now there is no obstacle. If we give this sword girl ten seconds, she can definitely destroy their house.

Ten seconds, or even less.

Even if Faker helps defend as before, it is possible that a small mistake of not supporting in time will lead to a complete loss.

The Korean team can't afford to take the risk.


"While the Baron Buff is still effective, we must end the game quickly."

Faker's words were unanimously recognized. Although Smeb looked bleak, he still nodded firmly.

At this critical moment, there is no time for them to blame others and blame them harshly. If it has nothing to do with the outcome, we will leave it all until after the game.

The Korean team began to deal with the bottom lane troops and tried to advance in the bottom lane.

Yuan Shen chose to join the team this time when he returned home, because he knew that the advantage of the bottom lane troops could not be given up. This was his only chance of victory as a solo player.

The high attributes of the super soldiers are not inferior to those of the minions with the Baron Buff, and with Sword Princess joining the team, after being unable to push in for a minute, the Korean team immediately gave up its plan to fight the opponent in the bottom lane and switched to They also have super soldiers in the middle.

Super Soldier + Baron Buff.

Yanque's ultimate move is road closure and demolition, and Sivir's super clearing and pushing abilities...

"This wave..."

"It's hard to hold on to."

A solemn atmosphere filled the hearts of the Chinese team players.

What was before them was a multiple-choice question.

First, five people stood guard and delayed the time of the dragon buff.


"I'm going to demolish the house." Yuan Shen said: "With this equipment, I can't fight in a group, so I can only carry it alone."

When Yuan Shen came out with this equipment, he did not expect that this would be the case now. He is not a god, so naturally he cannot predict the future.

Xiye still showed a serious expression and said, "As I said before, give it to us head on."

Yuan Shen smiled and did not say any cruel words. Actions speak for themselves.

He didn't have enough money to make the yellow cross into a larger piece. After thinking about it, he sold the yellow cross and replaced it with a mercury ribbon. He drank a bottle of witchcraft mixture and spent it all.

Sorcery Flask, which does extra real damage to buildings.

It's not much, but it's better than nothing.

As for fighting Kennen, there is not much difference whether there is a mixture of anger or not.

If the opponent has two people guarding him, it is impossible for the Korean team to push forward.

It may even be pushed back.

Is everything settled? Sword Girl picked up her sword and rushed to the bottom lane.

"As expected, he continued to choose to split the belt."

Faker's voice was very deep, and his voice became a little hoarse due to three consecutive high-intensity commands.

"Jinghao, it's up to you... No, please! You must hold on!"

"I...I try my best."

Smeb bit his lip in response.

The anxious situation on the field made the entire venue very noisy. Some people were shouting for cheers, some stood up from the auditorium and waved flags to cheer, and some were discussing who the winner of this game would be.

"After a full minute of the Baron Buff, the Korean team started to push the high ground. Isn't Sword Girl back yet?" Wawa said nervously.

"Maybe they want to fight! Yuan Shen wants to take the lead to the end!" Wang Duoduo shouted loudly: "Kenan is back, they want to send Kenan to hold Sword Girl back, and at the same time end the game with a frontal wave!!! ! Now both sides want to end the game, and this wave will determine the final winner!"

Miller was sweating with shock and staring intently at the screen.

When Jian Ji pushed her troops to the high ground, the Korean team also brought the Baron Buff super soldiers to the front of the Chinese team's front tooth tower.

The director's game level is very high, and he also understands the determination of the two teams to fight against the odds and adjusts the split-screen mode.

On the upper right, the South Korean team led the army to attack the front tooth tower of the Chinese team.

On the lower left, Yuanshen is alone and pointing his sword at the high ground.

The moment the split screen appeared, everyone's hearts were tugged hard, and goosebumps aroused on their skin.

"The team is starting!" The doll stared at the top right and shouted: "Karma RE accelerated collectively, Wheel Mom started the team, Olaf rushed in like crazy, can you hold on to this wave!? Ice Girl Mogan Na flashed into the crowd and fired R, limiting the opponent's entry into the back row! "

Miller stared at the lower left: "The Sword Girl also came up and rushed in with Kennan's ultimate move! Mercury was stunned instantly and continued to pursue. Kennan escaped in a flash. Yuan Shen followed without hesitation and could kill ...Oops, it’s Jin Shen! Smeb is still stalling!”

"Jack was cut to death! But before he died, he replaced Olaf, Ming also died, and Xiye and the factory director are still stalling!!" Wang Duoduo shouted.

The moment he saw Kenan turn into a golden man, Yuan Shen gave up his plan of waiting for two seconds without hesitation, turned around and Q soldiers, and brought his troops into the range of the front tooth tower.

Smeb's brain was spinning rapidly. He had already pushed to the limit. After the golden body was over, it was pointless for Kenan to bother the Sword Lady. The other side would never pay attention to him and would just demolish her.

With his current blood volume, if he doesn't return to the spring water to replenish his health, Sword Queen can kill him with one Q.

There's no way to stop it!

Rather than this, it's better to...

"Kenan is TP! TP is on the frontal battlefield!" Wang Duoduo reminded loudly.

Before Kennen landed, everyone in SKT had already killed Ice Girl, the main force who was clearing the line and guarding the tower.

As soon as Smeb landed, he activated his E skill to increase his attack speed and frantically demolished the incisor tower.

On one side are Rock Bird, Sivir, Kalma, and Kennen.

On the other side, only Sword Girl was left.

The ten people on the field racked their brains in this wave, played the best role of their respective heroes, and made the most correct decision.

At this moment, whether it was the team voices of the players, the commentary booths in each competition area, or the audience at the scene and in front of the screen, no matter what language, they were all expressing the same meaning, and the voices were noisy but uniform.

"Dismantle, dismantle, dismantle!!! Quickly dismantle, quickly dismantle---!!"

"Tear it down for me--!!!"

My heart beat rapidly, I held my breath unconsciously, and my pupils reflected the game screen.

Yuan Shen could hear the overlapping shouts of tens of thousands of people in the Maracana Stadium, the cheers that almost overturned the soundproof headphones.

Time became unusually slow at this moment...

It is said that when professional racing drivers drift, because every drift is a matter of life and death, under the condition of high concentrations of adrenaline, the brain's thinking will accelerate and time will slow down... Is this how it feels?

While thinking about this question, Yuan Shen manipulated the sword princess to demolish the house, AE reset the general attack, AQ canceled the back swing, and the Hydra canceled the back swing. The full potential of the hero Wushuang Sword Princess was brought into play.


The large screen in the upper right suddenly enlarged, and the Huaxia team's crystal main fort had less than 100 health left. At the moment when it was about to be demolished, the time of the entire Summoner's Rift suddenly froze.

Immediately, the camera quickly swept from the upper right to the lower left, and a bright light of a crystal explosion came into view.

The light faded, revealing the ruins of the base, and...

The red-haired woman wearing the Blue and White Porcelain series champion skin, holding a sword and singing a elegy!

"Others have tried, but only I succeeded!"


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