Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 25 The two ancient heroes appear on the stage!

Chapter 25 - The Ancient Two Heroes, on stage!

Yuan Shen is generally very satisfied with the pace of life in IG, at least it is much better than the extremely depressing environment of OMG.

After running every morning, he comes back to prepare for breakfast.

Although IG's breakfast is not planned by nutritionists like LCK, it is generally very healthy.

Professional players are most taboo to eat other things casually, especially before the start of important games.

For example, during the game, they suddenly have a stomachache and perform very badly, and the starters without substitutes have stomachaches and gastroenteritis and have to be hospitalized. Such things should be avoided as much as possible.

At 11:30 in the morning, professional training officially began.

The first thing to be carried out is custom training.

Calculate the skill CD and approximate damage of commonly used heroes in different versions under different equipment.

Online players use different heroes to line up against each other, practice last-hitting, and practice laning.

Jungle players use different heroes to practice the order, speed, and vision control of jungle clearing.

Cultivate the habit of players to remember the enemy's ward position, the disappearance time of the ward, and the CD of summoner skills.

Throwing skills at each other to practice positioning and simulate the operation of the line-changing game.

There are endless ways to practice, and the boring single-player training will continue until lunch time.

In the afternoon, it is usually the time for training games, which is the most important thing for professional players outside of official games. They can try new routines and new tactics, and sometimes they will consolidate their mature playing methods. It is very normal to have both losses and wins.

They will not rest until dinner.

After dinner, it is time to review the game.

Everyone will find out the problems and put forward opinions together. In the evening, they will have free activities. Generally, they will choose to make up for the live broadcast time until they go to bed at one or two in the morning.

All the major LPL teams have similar regulations, such as standing when eating, otherwise they will sit on the gaming chair for most of the day, and they will easily get sick after a long time.

Secondly, everyone has a rank score requirement. If they drop the king, they will be fined, and if they are higher than 1000 points, they will be rewarded.

But even with a reward and punishment mechanism, it is inevitable that some people will slack off and think about being lazy after a long time.

But after Yuan Shen joined, everything changed.

"Fuck! You're not going to die?"

Looking at Yuan Shen, who escaped from the defense tower with only a dozen drops of blood left, Zizi, whose head was covered with white stripes, was furious.

"Why are you so anxious? Look up and look at the words on the wall."

Yuan Shen smiled. He had been pestering Zizi to play Solo and simulate laning during this period.

At the beginning, Zizi could still fight back a little, but the more he fought, the greater his advantage became.

According to Yuan Shen's estimation, with about half a month of practice, his crocodile proficiency would be able to reach the SR level.

However, Zizi could no longer give him pressure, and the effect of training was also declining.

It's just that Zizi is getting more and more like what he remembered, and I don't know if it's a premature transformation...


Zizi took a long breath, raised his head and stared at the words on the wall.

"If you're not good, practice more. If you can't afford it, don't play."

This is what Yuan Shen hung behind his computer. They had an agreement that whoever loses would hang behind the computer of the other as an incentive.

But he never won once.

"Don't use Crocodile next time. Why do you practice this hero if he can't play in the game?"

Zizi decided to ban Yuan Shen's Crocodile directly. There was no way. He really couldn't beat him.

"It's hard to say. If I can beat you, I can beat most of the top laners in LPL. It seems that there is still a chance to play."

Yuan Shen touched his chin and was also thinking about this problem.

Known: Crocodile was very strong in the S5 World Championship, and his own Crocodile was also very strong.

So, should I expose this trump card in advance...

Or should I keep it forever?

Some things he can say now, but some things have not been revised yet, and he doesn't know how they will develop.

"That's right..."

Zizi leaned back in his chair with satisfaction, as if he was squeezed dry and didn't even want to move his fingers.

It's a pity that I couldn't satisfy Master Yuan Shen this time.


On the opening day of the LPL Summer Season, the IG team still maintained their normal living habits, but they played a few more ranked games after breakfast to keep their hands, and then set off to the competition venue.

During official matches, lunch is usually skipped. If you are full, you will feel sleepy. Many people have this experience.

After breakfast at 10 o'clock in the morning, it is time to play the game in the afternoon. This is the time when people are most focused in the day. Although this is a bit unhealthy, there is nothing you can do.

Others do this, and you don't want to lose at the starting line, right?

Sitting on the IG bus, Yuan Shen also felt a little emotional.

Once after a game, he went to be interviewed. After the interview, he found out that his teammates had left long ago. He called the manager and found out that his teammates went to celebrate together. They didn't wait for him because of traffic jams.

That time, Yuan Shen ate instant noodles by himself in the base. In the dinner picture posted on the OMG official blog, Uzi and Wushuang occupied the C position. Fans and management were also very happy.

But they didn't notice that there was one person missing in the dinner picture...

"What are you thinking about? There should be a lot of fans today. Just don't be so nervous that your hands shake."

Kid looked old-fashioned, and his fat hands were placed on Yuan Shen's shoulders. He could still feel some slight tremors.

"The two heroes from ancient times, I finally met them today."

Yuan Shen smiled. On the way to Wukesong Stadium, many people were holding IG's cheering flags and had IG's team logo printed on their faces.

Of course, there were also many fans of WE.

Today's LPL does not have any home and away system, otherwise he might have gone to Qujiang, Xi'an.

The venue for the summer season is the Shanghai Fengyun E-sports Arena, located on Luban Road in Luwan District, which can accommodate 2,000 spectators.

Yuan Shen has also studied the five players of WE many times.

Top laner Aluka, known as Kadi, the Asian dance king, is good at Sion. He joined the PE team as a top laner in 2013. He lost to OMG in the spring finals and won the runner-up. He won the championship in the summer season, but because of the competition system, PE did not enter the S4 World Championship. Later, the PE team was disbanded for some reason. Aluka officially returned to WE and will serve as the top unit to fill the vacancy after the retirement of the top laner king Strawberry.

The jungler, Spirit, is known as the jungle king and a Korean jungler. However, in Yuan Shen's impression, Spirit is most famous for abortion, cheating, and cheating... Compared with the negative training attitude, the fight with Joker is nothing.

Mid laner Xiye, bottom lane Mystic, the core double C of WE2.0, the pioneer of the double C conservation law.

In addition, there are Styz and Conan, who are also famous players.

For this opening game, Yuan Shen does not feel much pressure.

Although WE's strength has increased after returning from IEM, the core problem is still there, and there is basically no chance of winning against IG.

In the first game, Zzitai still started.

In the 33rd minute, IG won the game without suspense. Zzitai's excavator played aggressively against Aluka's people, and cooperated with Kakao to completely suppress WE's top and jungle.

Rookie's Clockwork didn't give Xiye's Kassadin too many opportunities to develop. He was ahead of Xiye by 30 minutes and 100 knives. He was 3,000 gold ahead of his opponent. He was far ahead...

"Get ready. You can play in the next game. Don't be too stressed. Trust your teammates."

Fumanduo patted Yuan Shen on the back. He had been observing Yuan Shen's performance.

Yuan Shen didn't show any abnormality when the team arranged Zzitai to start. Instead, he kept writing and drawing with a notebook. He looked focused and didn't know what he was writing.

Fumanduo was confident that he would not make a mistake. He saw the desire for the stage and the strong desire to win in Yuan Shen's eyes.

This is what a player lacks the most and is the most rare.

"Are you really ready? Yuan Shen..."

The voice of coach Fumanduo came from the side, and Yuan Shen couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Please read~There is another chapter before 8 pm

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