Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 26 Fate Arranges, Swinging BP

Chapter 26 - Fateful arrangement, swinging BP

"Good afternoon, viewers, what you are watching is our 2015 LPL League of Legends Professional League Summer Regular Season. I believe everyone enjoyed watching the game just now! After a month's rest, we can clearly feel the strength of the major LPL teams. The strength has improved and it deserves to be called the first division.”

"Yes, IG's play style just now can be said to have made our eyes shine. The appearance rate of the top lane excavator in this version is not high, but the posture when playing always gives people a... How should I say, very reasonable Feel."

"Yeah, you can always come up with some new tricks with your gestures."

The ones responsible for the commentary today are the old pairing of Wawa and Miller, known as the Haier brothers.

"Well, after receiving the news, IG chose to make a substitution. The new player is... top laner?"

The baby was a little surprised. His performance in the game just now was remarkable. Why was he replaced directly?

"Well, everyone is familiar with this new player. He used to be a top laner in OMG, and his big tree in the playoffs also left a deep impression on everyone. This is Yuan's first player after joining IG. a match."

"IG's new lineup. I heard from many friends that IG has prepared new things. I wonder if they will be released today."

Miller looked at the script and smiled.

Ever since Su Xiaoyan's notebook became famous, most of their commentators have prepared a notebook.

At this time, the director also timely switched the game camera to Yuan Shen.

Wearing a pure white shirt from IG, Yuan Shen's bangs on his forehead were already somewhat blocking his eyes. At this time, he was adjusting the positions of his mouse and keyboard, but this scene still left a good impression on many passers-by.

However, unlike the cheers of the live audience, almost all the barrage in the live broadcast room was aimed at Yuan Shen.

“Has IG really allowed such a black sheep to appear?”

"This kind of person can play professionally. Everyone in the LPL should reflect on it."

"What we are saying is that OMG was discarded like worn out shoes, but IG picked it up and treated it as a treasure?"

"Waiting to be defeated by Ka Di, do you really think that LPL top laner can just hang around?"

The game started quickly. In the second game, IG was on the blue side and WE was on the red side.

Because they had planned their tactics in advance, the BAN heroes on both sides were very fast, with almost no hesitation.

IG directly banned Gnar, Skateboard Shoes and Bullhead, while WE banned Clockwork, Tsar, and Enchantress.

From here, we can actually see the gap between the two sides.

IG chose heroes with strong versions, but WE's target was obvious, and that was Rookie.

Xiye is far from Rookie's opponent now, and the core of IG is also Rookie.

"The first choice for IG... is still the Excavator. This hero can be played in the wild. It's not easy for WE to make targeted choices!"

"Have you noticed? IG's BP today is very particular. The first movers are always heroes who can play two positions at the same time. The role of WE's red counter is not reflected at all."

Compared with the doll, Miller's commentary is undoubtedly much more professional. Many viewers have also discovered this, but they have not yet seen the intention of doing so.

In the IG lounge, Su Xiaoluo looked at the BP on the court with complicated eyes.

The longer he spends time with Yuan Shen, the more he feels that he is really a god of card drawing.

What does it mean to know people with a keen eye?

Lean back!

What Yuan Shen brought to IG is far more than a new carry top lane tactical system. The diligent ranking rhythm is also subtly affecting the habits of everyone at IG. Even their posture has been abused too much and they have started to practice more in the Korean server.

More importantly, this is only something Yuan Shen can do as a player.

In addition to his job as a player, Yuan Shen can be an analyst, a coach, or a conductor on the field. Yuan Shen can complete these tasks very well.

It is simply a gift from God to IG.

Su Xiaoluo often feels this way.

First choose those top laners who can appear in double positions or even three positions to avoid being targeted by the opponent's counter. This is what Yuan Shen proposed. After their discussion, they agreed that this new BP idea is very promising.

Yuan Shen calls this BP idea swing BP.

Swing position, this BP concept can be said to be quite unfamiliar in the S5 era.

Especially the LPL, although it is only a few years old, the system is already rigid.

There are only two choices for the top laner, warrior or tank.

The mid laner is either a mage or an assassin.

There must be a long-handed ADC in the bottom lane with protective assistance. This has become an inertial thinking.

Although the NBA also has the concept of a swingman, no one has introduced this concept to e-sports or the LPL.

After all, there are too few heroes who can hit and hit at the same time. The most commonly used hero is a little fishman, which cannot support a new tactical system at all.

But under the influence of Yuan Shen, IG has undergone great changes.

It's not impossible to go solo and go hunting in the wild.

It seems that it is not impossible for the excavator to place an order.

There seems to be no one stopping the Titans from taking three routes...

When Yuan Shen first proposed this BP idea, both Fu Manduo and Su Xiaoluo were very surprised. This BP idea was really too advanced.

But after several experiments with the second team, everyone had to admit that it smells really good.

They would never have thought that in future versions, there would be a double-auxiliary bottom lane of Gem Qin Nu, Airplane Lucian could play the mid lane, and Crocodile Titan Sword Demon could also play the mid lane.

Even in the near future, there will be weird combinations such as skateboard shoes and Kenan, iron men and Japanese women in the bottom lane.

On the court, selections for both sides were still in progress.

In the second and third moves, WE won the powerful tank top and jungle combination of man, horse and wine barrel.

As for IG's second and third moves, they chose Verus and Morgana.

"This bottom lane combination looks very weak..."

The baby rubbed his chin in a contemplative manner and analyzed the BP of both parties.

WE, on the other hand, decisively won the combination of Lucian and Titan.

There is no doubt about Lucian's early combat effectiveness. Apart from Draven, the only ones left in the ADC are planes and Lucian.

And Titan is full of control, whether it is Q or R, it is a great threat to Verus who has no displacement.

As for Morgana, although her E can block her control, once her E skill is used, she will most likely become the target of the opponent's fire.

The two sides' bot lane combination is at least a 6-4 open situation.

"I have some questions about IG's bottom lane selection..."

Before the baby's words were finished, I saw IG's last two choices to make a direct appearance.

Wheel mom and...

"Fight for a better tomorrow!"

Future Guardian - Jace! !

"Fuck, Jess!!"

"No, can you choose this?"

"When will LPL top laner be able to play Jayce? Are you worthy?"

"The old man who provided the keys at the door was smiling. How many keys should he provide?"


"Not a buddy?"

In the commentary box, Wawa and Miller looked at each other, and both saw a hint of disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Jace, this hero hasn't appeared on the top lane for a long time!"

"That's right. During the Spring Finals, EDG's mid laner Pawn won the game twice with Jayce. The last time IG selected Jayce, it was for mid laner Rookie, but..."

As WE selected Victor for the last time, the heroes on the field also began to exchange, and the lineups of both sides were completely displayed in front of the audience.

"IG Blue Party:

Top laner Yuan: Future Guardian-Jace

Jungler Kakao: Void Burrower-Rek'Sai

Mid laner Rookie: Arrow of Punishment-Verus

Bottom lane Kidkid: Goddess of War-Sivir

Auxiliary Kitties: Fallen Angel-Morgana

WE red side:

Top laner Aluka: Shadow of War-Hecarim

Jungle Spirit: Barrel-Gragas

Mid laner Xiye: Mechanical Pioneer-Victor

Bottom lane Mystic: Paladin Ranger-Lucian

Assistant Conan: Deep Sea Titan-Nautilus. "

"This lineup..."

Wawa didn't know how to explain it. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

“First, he used his unique BP skills to give his bottom lane an advantage, and then the mid laner also used the armor-piercing mid laner Verus, which has become popular in the rankings recently. The top laner also used the armor-piercing mid laner Verus, which has not been seen for a long time. Top laner Jace..."

Miller frowned, glanced down and suddenly said: "There is news from the background. The hero Jace played ten times in the S5 Spring Split, all in the mid lane position. In the S4 Summer Split, he played four times, all in the mid lane. The mid laner position, and during the S4 Spring Split, he played six times, one of which was selected by Nami player, and the other five times..."

Miller turned to look at his partner, swallowed, and continued: "They are all selected by IG, and the last time he appeared in the top lane position was on May 24, 2014, which was one year ago. Today, the second game between OMG and IG, the person who selected this hero is also very familiar to everyone, that is IG’s former top laner..."


The doll was silent.

Such a choice was made on the same day. He didn't believe it if he said it had no other meaning.

But what does this mean?

He also saw the message from the backstage that PDD chose Jess and lost the game.

Record, 1-5-4.

The person facing him at that time was OMG's eldest brother.

But OMG and IG are both related to Yuan Shen.

Somehow, an invisible thread seems to connect everything together.

New books for newcomers, the general writing style is like this, it may be a bit verbose, I will try my best to write more in the new book issue (within the editor's permission), the new book issue has a word limit every day, unless the master can write tens of thousands of new books per day, because it is too early If it reaches 200,000 words, it will be placed on the new book list, and the results will be very poor.

Four thousand to five thousand are updated every day. After it is put on the shelves, it is guaranteed to be 10,000 per day. The better the performance, the more diligent it will be in updating. It is very important to follow up. It is related to whether there are new recommendations and new exposures. So ~ thank you for your support, please keep reading. , even if you don’t have time, you can just turn to the last page, thank you!

Kowtow vigorously, bang!

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