Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 256 Scoring twice, extreme operation

Chapter 256 - Score twice, extreme operation

The S6 version is actually a bit similar to the S9 version.

That is a traditional shooter-type hero, whose strength and presence are very low, and plays more of a functional role in the team.

There are a total of 21 shooter heroes in the World Championship, but only seven appeared in the entire S6. Only three are popular, and the remaining four are spare tires.

Jhin, Ice, and EZ are the three most popular ADCs in S6.

What these three ADC heroes have in common is that they are extremely functional. Even if their early equipment is not ready, they can exert stronger combat effectiveness than other ADCs without taking up team resources.

In the middle of the game, the growth curve reaches its highest level, which is in line with the fast-paced trend of the version.

Things revolve around the bottom lane, but the ADC is not the core, but a tool.

This is the current situation of S6.

(S6 World Championship data analysis chart, meaning leading by 2500 economy in 10 minutes, leading by 5200 economy in 20 minutes...the winning rate is 90%)

In this case, let’s be more thorough about the tool properties.

In terms of functionality alone, there are many heroes that are better than shooter heroes.

No one stipulates that the bottom lane must be a shooter hero.

Every road in the world is formed by being traveled by many people.

"Yes, no one stipulates that the bottom lane must be ADCary!"

On the English commentary stage, Maomao quickly came to his senses after a brief period of shock. He looked at the IG lineup with glowing eyes and praised in a very excited tone.

"The LPL competition has always attached great importance to the bottom lane shooter style. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, IG's attempt is too bold. It breaks the long-standing traditional atmosphere of the LPL competition and also breaks the EU stream that has always dominated the game. ”

The male commentator next to him laughed and said, "So you don't like the EU branch?"

"No, no, no, the EU split has its rationality."

Maomao shrugged and said with a carefree smile: "I just think that the hero selection of letting a hundred flowers bloom can make the game more enjoyable. There are always the same few heroes going back and forth, and I am really tired of watching it."

Perhaps because the matter is irrelevant, or perhaps because European and American fans like to see these saucy routines, the barrage in the LPL broadcast room on Mouse Channel is basically full of praise.

However, the domestic commentary and barrages seem to be somewhat lacking in confidence.

Concern leads to chaos.

When teams in other divisions choose cool heroes, they all move to take advantage of others, but when it’s the team’s turn in their own division, don’t panic. It’s a civil war right now, but if this was a foreign war, the barrage would probably be filled with chaos. The cry of "fighting against match-fixing".

Again, when faced with something unknown, most people’s first reaction is to question it.

This itself is also a manifestation of the Dak effect.

No matter what, the lineup has been locked, and with everyone in a mood of anticipation and confusion, the game entered the Summoner's Rift.

Lucian is a hero with strong solo ability. He is not afraid at all even against Jace, let alone a hero like Dashu.

TheShy knows this very well.

Just half a month ago, after being taught three consecutive games by Yuan Shen's Jace, he became a little discouraged and asked about any heroes who could beat Jace.

The results he got surprised him a little.

"Are you stupid if you don't choose Lucian to fight Jace?"

Although it was somewhat inappropriate for the ADC hero to go on the road, after being taught a lesson by Yuan Shen using Lucian several times, even TheShy had to admit it.

So delicious.

Moreover, this ultimate offensive hero also has a very good temper.

However, few people realize just how powerful Lucian is in the solo lane.

Mid laner Lucian's routine will only be developed by professional players in S7 next year, becoming a popular choice on the field.

At the 2017 MSI, it was Xiye's Lucian who killed Faker several times alone, which made Lu Baqiang famous in one fell swoop.

TheShy's talent is chosen to maximize the output of War Zeal, and the starting equipment is Doran Sword.

This talent and outfit were also recommended by Yuan Shen, but when teaching, Yuan Shen seemed to feel a little regretful, and he didn't know why.

"What a pity, now I don't have the talent to steal money, I only have a low-level cloud detector..." Yuan Shen muttered while looking at the loading interface.

"What are you talking about?" Rookie asked curiously.

"I said, Jack is good at this, study hard, and see how Lucian Chenglu plays. I brought it up with my own hands."

Yuan Shen joked: "Let me show you what eight shots per second is, Lucian with three E's without a hitch!"

"That's right, if Brother Yuan comes to fight ADC with his basic skills, what will happen to Jack!"

Shi Senming said with a smile.

"That's also a matter for our C position. What does it have to do with you as an assistant? What are you calling Shi Senming!"

Jack, who had long been accustomed to being teased by his teammates, looked calm. As he spoke, he adjusted the keys and adjusted the little mage's [Distorted Space] to non-intelligent casting.

Whether the little mage is a tool player or not depends 80% on this E skill.

In fact, looking at the numerical value alone, the Little Mage is not weak in the early stage.

QWER has full damage, and its output is not inferior to mainstream AP.

After secretly strengthening his fists several times, the little mage's speed of repeating spells became much faster than before.

However, the delay of this hero's E and W skills is too high, and it is difficult to hit the opponent during the laning phase. Only when the E skill hits, the W skill can hit.

In front of a real master, it is equivalent to missing two skills to fight against others, how can it be possible to win?

In the early stage, the extreme weakness in the single lane caused this hero to be unable to appear.

Only in the team battles in the late game, relying on the skills of teammates to force the position, coupled with the stacked magic power, can the little mage play its due role.

In other words, the little mage is actually a hero that needs the cooperation of teammates. The bottom lane with auxiliary cooperation is actually more suitable for the little mage than the single lane.

But because the EU flow of lanes is rampant in major competition areas, no one thought of this.

This time, the director was a bit busy.

Lucian on the top lane, the little mage on the bottom lane...

IG's top and bottom lanes are very novel heroes. The audience wants to see what the laning situation will be. He was busy just cutting the camera.

In the end, the most popular Yuan Shen was given priority.

Yuan Shen and Rookie have used the mid-jungle combination of Desert Spider for the first time.

This combination is somewhat similar to the climbing combination in the previous game, but more direct.

When observing the mid-jungle start, the director also gave the camera to the top lane.

Many people want to see what kind of understanding TheShy, the successor to the "world's No. 1 top laner", will show when he takes the shooter to the top lane.

The first impression of LOL's new drivers on Lucian is...

This guy is obviously a black man, why is he so short?

In fact, when Lucian first came online, he was still a typical black tough guy with a terrifyingly long attack range, a range of 550, a Q skill range of 570, a penetration range of 1100, and a big move of Holy Lance Baptism of 1400 yards. No female ADC in the bottom lane can withstand his output.

Only Draven, Graves and other tough guys can fight.

In order to protect female heroes, Riot cut the range of all Lucian's skills.

Looking at every weakening of Lucian, it is related to length.

TheShy learned Q at level 1.

The current Q has a range of only 550, and the penetration distance is only 900 yards.

957 is very clear about Lucian's length. He is very steady and controls the tree to stay out of Lucian's range. From time to time, he throws a tree son to make up for it, giving Lucian no chance to suppress blood and consume blood.

But the length is not enough, so the skills make up for it.

TheShy learned a lot from Yuan Shen.

And he also discussed it with Jack.

His proficiency in Lucian is completely sufficient.

The skill used by TheShy is that when there are soldiers on the straight line formed by the tree and Lucian, he uses the soldiers to throw Q to consume the health of the tree.

It is called Q through soldiers.

This two-point one-line control is quite difficult, because the delay time of Lucian's Q has also been extended, and many professional players can dodge it by moving.

But for TheShy, it is not a problem at all.

His dynamic vision and reaction are top-notch among all LPL professional players. He can often catch the opponent's hero's stiffness with basic attacks and skills, and then use Q.

At level 1, 957 was penetrated twice by the Holy Light at the extreme distance, losing a lot of blood.

Not only that, if this skill is used well, it can really consume and push the line at the same time.

Lucian, who clears soldiers faster, took the lead to grab the second, learned the E skill in seconds, rushed up, and fired two more A shots, plus a Q skill.

Three Q shots and two basic attacks forced the tree to knock out a bottle of medicine at level 1.

"I give up, I'm so uncomfortable being penetrated."

957 made fun of the hardship and said some dirty words to encourage himself, otherwise the pressure on the line was too great.

It is difficult for top laners who have not personally faced TheShy in the line to understand how great this pressure is...

Many top laners will make mistakes when facing this terrifying pressure, and TheShy will seize the opportunity to create a single kill.

This is especially true when TheShy gets a hero with an advantage in the position.

Until now, 957 couldn't imagine what level Yuan Shen, who was even more powerful than TheShy in the laning phase, was at.

Anyway, when laning against TheShy, 957 felt that as soon as he wanted to go forward to last-hit, he was stared at by a beast, and a piece of meat might be bitten off at any time, hurting his bones and muscles.

He played too fiercely.

However, when seeing TheShy pick Lucian, WE anticipated that this would happen in the top lane, and used the same trick to set up a small routine of catching the top lane at level 2.

Although the mainstream of this version is to gank the bottom lane, it does not mean that you can't gank the top lane. Occasionally, it can still have an unexpected effect.

WE was on the blue side in this game, with the blue buff on the top lane and the red buff on the bottom lane.

If it was the red buff in the bottom jungle area and then ganking the top lane, the road was long and it was obviously too late. TheShy would definitely go to the ward first, and Yuan Shen would definitely be able to react.

So, Mr. Kang gritted his teeth and decided to start the game alone with the blue buff and gank the top lane at level 2.

In order to cooperate with this routine, the jungler in the bottom lane also showed some acting skills. Ashe and Minotaur used their skills in the air, which consumed some mana. They also hung up under the tower for a while before coming back online.

WE did a great job in this wave of cooperation. The entire IG team was unaware of it, and Yuan Shen didn't expect it either.

As mentioned before, there are only three ways to judge whether you help the jungler to start the game without vision.

Health, time to go online, and mana.

Among these three methods, only mana is the most accurate.

Helping the jungler to start the game, the efficiency of using skills is the highest.

So, when 957's big tree, who had been timidly beaten, suddenly flashed W up, and at the same time, a blind monk came out from the jungle next to him, TheShy was confused and refused.

"They are all acting!" TheShy muttered while starting to operate.

The tree's WQ stable control, the blind monk hit a Q from a long distance, directly triggered the second stage of Q, followed by a normal attack, triggered the Thunder Lord and then the Thunder Break.

The tree WAQ, the blind monk QQAEA.

After taking damage from the opponent's jungle, Lucian's health suddenly dropped from full health to 30%.

After getting rid of the control, TheShy slid away and ran towards the defense tower.

Mr. Kang carefully saved [Broken Bones] until now, which slowed down Lucian again. Lee Sin caught up and attacked again.

Immediately, he followed Lucian all the time, neither using skills nor taking normal attacks, just following him.

Obviously, Lee Sin was waiting for the cooldown of the next Q.

As long as Lee Sin's next Q hits, Lucian will definitely die.

And if Mr. Kang throws Q close to the face, there will be no room for movement unless Mr. Kang throws it wrong.

This is a psychological game.

Lee Sin and Lucian both have flash. If Lee Sin uses Q first, Lucian will definitely flash to avoid it. If Lucian uses flash first, Lee Sin can also flash close to the face with Q to ensure it hits.

The bet is both psychological and reactive!

Lucian ran away all the way, and when he was about to approach the defense tower, Lee Sin's Q was cooled down.

It is very simple to calculate Lee Sin's cooldown. Mr. Kang believes that TheShy must have known this information, after all, he used to play jungle.

Even if he forgot, Yuan Shen would definitely remind him.

And with TheShy's reaction, seeing his own starting action, he must have time to press the flash.


Blind Monk raised his leg and kicked.

It was a normal attack!

Lucian's health dropped, but he still didn't give up the flash. Instead, he took advantage of this opportunity to pull a short distance and walked into the range of the defensive tower.

"Damn, this didn't scare him out of flash? Is this man's heart made of iron?"

Mr. Kang cursed in surprise, and then he followed up with the Q skill without hesitation.

It's not a loss to force Lucian's flash out, and then rely on flash to catch him again in the next wave. This is Mr. Kang's idea.

However, something unexpected happened again.

His Sky Sound Wave actually hit...


There must be something wrong with the abnormality. Mr. Kang was surprised that this Q could hit.

After all, TheShy's reaction speed has always been famous in the professional circle.


In his mind, the scene of Kled flashing away his second Q damage in the last game flashed by.

That should be a coincidence, right?

As countless scenes emerged in his mind, Mr. Kang decisively activated the second Q.

However, that incredible scene appeared again.

The moment Lee Sin kicked in front of Lucian, TheShy flashed again and avoided the damage of the second Q.

Lucian turned around and fired a Q, and with the output of the defensive tower, Lee Sin was in danger. Lee Sin's original health was not very good. In order to ensure the success of this wave of ganks, he learned Q when he opened the wild monsters alone at level 1.

Everyone knows how much damage Lee Sin has to do when he clears the jungle without learning W.

Under no circumstances, Mr. Kang used flash to leave the tower.

"Ohhhhhh——! God, this is unbelievable!"

On the English stage, Mao Mao shouted in surprise: "TheShy reproduced that magical operation and told everyone with facts that this is not accidental, this is the reaction, my strength!"

The slap in the face came too fast, like a tornado.

On the LPL commentary seat, Ze Yuan and Wei Xiao, who had previously expressed their opposition, were both embarrassed.

"See, I said this is not accidental." PDD proved his point, even if the one who was shown off was the WE he supported, he was in a good mood.

"I surrender, TheShy's reaction is too outrageous, it really feels like Yuan Shen last year." PDD shook his head and sighed.

"Too inhuman." Guan Zeyuan also looked convinced. He joined the LPL commentary team last year, but was not reused. Instead, he accumulated experience as a newcomer. He began to appear in the commentary seat of important games this year.

Newcomers always have a bit of rebellious psychology. Yuan Shen, who has been praised by the old commentators, wanted to express different opinions and show his presence... Arguing is human nature. Everyone has a part of arguing in their bones.

But now I am really convinced.

This time, flashing to dodge the second stage of Q is more difficult than the last time, because the distance between Lee Sin and Lucian is shorter than the distance between Lee Sin and Kled in the last game, so the reaction time is naturally shorter.

Under more difficult conditions, he dodged the damage of the second stage of Q again. This is really not a coincidence.

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