Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 257: Strong flavor, no need for more salt

Chapter 257 - Tasty, no need for more salt


"Slaps in the face always come so suddenly."

"The last one said they were just lucky, so stand up and get beaten."

"Don't believe in evil spirits. TheShy is already the number one Riven and the number one Leopard Girl in the Korean server before she becomes a professional."

"Hehe, I am so happy to be a fan of IG. I will never let you down."

In the barrage, the audience who supported the previous argument about the rhythm immediately stood up and denounced the opposition.

Unfortunately, it is a basic operation for the person who is slapped in the face to pretend to be dead, and only a fool will output against the wind.

"WE is a bit at a loss this time." Analyzed with a smile in the commentary box: "Two flashes from Ueno and one from Lucian. Although they teleported, it was of no avail. Lucian would not support him at all in the early stage. On the contrary, Condi's rhythm exploded ”

Today's version advocates carnivory.

Basically, the first buff in the jungle is red.

Because if you open blue, if you encounter the opposite jungler in the jungle, you will be beaten into a Muggle, and your combat effectiveness will not be at the same level.

Yuan Shen also drew red in this round. When Mr. Kang appeared on the top lane, he happened to move from the upper half of the wild area on the red side to the lower half of the wild area.

As soon as he saw your blind monk showing up on the top lane, Yuan Shen naturally ran to the lower half of WE's wild area to counter the red buff.

This wave is comfortable.

Since Mr. Kang chose counter-rhythm Gank, he must bear the corresponding risks.

Now it seems that WE is completely at a loss.

A wave of gank was carefully planned and cost a lot, but it went bankrupt due to TheShy's strange operation.

I just brushed and brushed, and I had an advantage in the jungle. It was so comfortable.

Mr. Kang's scalp was numb due to the show, and this wave of attacks came on the road. Regardless of success or not, it was a certainty that the blind monk would start with a single Buff. It doesn’t matter if he didn’t get a kill, but he also showed off his flash, and what’s extremely important for the jungler in the early stage… blood volume!

How can the blind monk clear the jungle with only 20% of his health left?

I'm afraid he wasn't killed by a wild monster.

Returning to the city to replenish the state and then coming back out, a rough calculation will take at least thirty seconds.

This time is enough for the opposite jungle spider to kill all the monsters in the lower half of the area.


Upgraded special effects appear on the spider.

When Yuan Shen reached level 4, returned to the city and made a green smite jungle knife, and began to farm his intact lower half of the jungle, Mr. Kang could barely reach level 3, and faced the embarrassment of having no wild to farm. situation.


There was no chance to go on the road. After TheShy returned to the city TP and went online, he bought a real eye, which guaranteed vision, plus the E skill to save his life. The blind monk could only be shown off again when he went on the road.

The bottom lane is not available for the time being. Spider must be wandering in the lower half during this period. If he dares to go to the bottom lane to lead the rhythm, he will bring his teammates with him.

He is not needed in the middle either.

Because this is the only advantageous path for WE. Syndra has long hands and short hands when fighting Crocodile. Xiye has suppressed Rookie for seven or eight last hits.

Xiye's personal ability in the lane is undoubted, and his playing style is fierce. After getting a hero with a strong opponent, it is difficult for even Faker to benefit.

During the Olympics, Xiye also made great progress and learned a lot from Wei Shen.

However, Mr. Kang still went. For no other reason, Xiye asked him to go.

"I'm a little deep on the line. Come and squat for me, and gain some online experience by the way..." Xiye said. With less experience, Syndra can still fight the crocodile, but the blind monk still lags behind in experience and sees spiders. You have to run, and the rhythm of the entire team will be problematic.

After the S6 version, the development of the jungler is related to the rhythm of the entire team and is extremely important.

"Yes." Mr. Kang nodded vigorously, thinking that Brother Xiye was indeed a good brother.

At least before Mr. Kang went whoring and lost contact, the team atmosphere of the WE team was very good. Everyone was devoted to the game and wanted to win the game.

Many people have discussed when WE expanded, and the answers are unanimous.

That was when they won the 2017 Spring Split.

Although many viewers look down on the LPL league champion, in fact, the LPL league champion is very valuable.

Once they win the championship, they will be considered the strongest team in the LPL. Various domestic brands will be endorsed by them, fans will praise them, and they will receive money and honors.

Few young people can resist this kind of physical and spiritual wealth.

It was okay to play volleyball on the beach before the game and give G2 a day off. Jokes and jokes about players being suspected of having sex were all made at that time.

At least, they are still simple teenagers who want to win the game.

However, unity is unity, and the backwardness on the scene will not disappear because of this.

Where Mr. Kang was crouching, there was a prosthetic eye that detected all his movements.

This eye position was not made by Rookie, but the view just after the spider came out of the green jungle knife, so Xiye didn't know about it and didn't tell Mr. Kang the news.

On the field, any lag and detail processing will produce a butterfly effect.

There are not many games where the outcome of a game has been changed because of a single ward.

"It's over! This wave of WE is going to suffer!" He glanced at the small map with a smile and immediately realized what this eye position would cause.

"Yuanshen's awareness is really good. Spider gave up on spawning the Gromp and started to approach the middle lane. IG's mid and jungle wanted to kill this blind monk. Can Kangdi smell the danger?"

Mr. Kang did not smell the danger, but was a little excited.

Originally, he just came to get experience and counter-camp, but he found that the opponent's mid single was a little close to him. It seemed that there was a chance to catch him?

Killing Crocodile may be a little difficult, after all, he is thick-skinned, but at least he can use a flash!

WE's mid and jungle think they are hunters, but the audience and commentators with a God's perspective know that they are actually prey.



WE's girls exclaimed, but the decibels were not enough to penetrate the players' noise-isolating headphones.

Crocodile E soldiers diagonally, flashing forward!

Red Rage Enhancement: Cold Hunting, attack with a basic attack, and then follow up with Tyrant Blow (Q), and the second stage of E,

Spider Cocooned, hit the blind monk, and then took the damage.

The blind monk, who was behind in level, could not survive the burst of the enemy mid and jungle, and was killed directly.

The first blood was born, and the head was taken by Spider.

Syndra EQ stunned the crocodile, but it was useless.

"Why is there a ward here?" Mr. Kang looked confused.

"The crocodile has never been to this bush. It was done by the opposing jungler."

Xiye explained after taking a look at Spider's equipment.

Mr. Kang took a deep breath, and a faint worry appeared on his face.

It seemed that he had been unlucky since he failed to catch the top lane.

Spider, who killed the blind monk, turned around and began to control the first elemental dragon. The attributes of the dragon were not bad. It was an earth dragon.

The jungler's development jumped again and again. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that WE's early rhythm was worrying, and someone had to stand up to open a breakthrough.

WE's bottom lane began to look for opportunities.

Ashe + Alistar vs. Little Mage + Thresh. As it was the first time they encountered this kind of bottom lane combination, the WE duo could not figure out the opponent's position in the food chain, and played a little conservatively in the early stage.

However, up to now, Ashe's advantage of long arms has been fully demonstrated, and the consumption ability of Ten Thousand Arrows has allowed WE's bottom lane to gain health advantage and line rights.

This gave WE's bottom lane the idea of ​​a strong attack.

Ben controlled Alistar to use WQ to push up Thresh without warning, so that Ming could not react and interrupt with E. Alistar followed up with a flat attack, triggering Thunder Lord and putting on Ignite. Brother-in-law's Ashe had accumulated passive skills in advance, activated [Shooter's Focus], and a burst of ice arrows in her hand followed up with output.

Ashe held W, ready to use it after Thresh flashed away, so that he could chase.

However, the reaction of IG's bottom lane duo was unexpected.

After being attacked first and Thresh's health was worrying, he actually chose to fight back.

The young mage used [Distorted Space] to trap Ashe and Minotaur. Thresh used a diagonal [Doom Pendulum] to push them both away, and they hit the edge of the magic circle accurately.

If you look closely, you can find that before Thresh used E, Jack pressed the young mage's [Dark Matter]. He believed that Ming could push the opponent to this direction.

This trust and skillful cooperation clearly showed that the two had practiced this combination for a long time.

Bang! !

Dark matter fell from the sky and hit Minotaur and Ashe. The young mage and Thresh's Q skills both hit the brother-in-law's Ashe and set them on fire at the same time.

Ashe's health suddenly reached the dead level, and the brother-in-law quickly flashed to distance himself.

"Hey, what is this..."

First, he gained a health advantage in the laning phase, and then the Minotaur took the lead and gained an advantage. The brother-in-law never expected that he would not be able to beat the opponent in this wave and was almost killed. He was shocked and sweated.


"Why is the W of this little mage so painful!?"

Although the little mage is unpopular, the brother-in-law still knows how high the damage of the little mage's W is.

The little mage on the opposite side obviously exceeds the damage of a normal little mage.


"Main W." Ben gave the answer.

The little mage in the single lane will not be able to focus on W, but on Q and E.

In a one-on-one situation, it is too difficult for the little mage to hit people with W, which is far inferior to the consumption ability of the main Q and the advantage of stacking magic power in last hits.

But if the little mage is put in the double lane, the way of adding points is completely different.

With the assistance of teammates...or hard control supports like Thresh, Minotaur, and Leona, the little mage can completely ensure the hit rate of W. He can focus on W and Q, or focus on W and E. The former's point addition method focuses on online consumption and development, while the latter's point addition method focuses on cooperating with teammates in the early stage of fighting.

In fact, in addition to Alistar, Poppy and Ziggs are the most suitable heroes to cooperate with LeBron's E skill.

Thresh is a test of proficiency.

In LOL, the harder the skill is to hit, the higher the damage is.

LeBron's W belongs to this category.

Compared with assassin heroes such as Zed and LeBron, LeBron's burst may lose, but compared with traditional shooter heroes... and Ashe, the burst damage of both sides is not at the same level.

In S8 (Spring Season), S9, when unconventional bottom lanes such as Mage Core, Yasuo and Irelia were popular, most LPL teams were still playing traditional shooter bottom lanes, which can be said to be a proof of confidence and pride, or it can be said to be complacent.

Which one it is depends on the results and honors.

However, if you ask which ADC player in LPL is good at playing core, Jack definitely has a place.

The only one who can compete with him is Sima Laozei.

Jack has always been a player with a very high adaptability of hero pool and play style. Whether it is a late-stage ADC such as Kog'Maw and Caitlyn, or a functional ADC such as Jhin and EZ, he can play it, and his level can be maintained above the first-line level.

He can also play magic heroes. He has outstanding performances in heroes such as Karthus, Syndra, Ziggs, etc.

He also has a signature Draven, which can be used as a trump card.

I can only say that he is great, no need to say more.

When IG chatted privately, Yuan Shen praised Jack many times.

Although Jack has this or that kind of shortcomings, he can adapt to many systems. With the assistance of Ming, he is not afraid of anyone on the line, and can carry against the weaker bottom lane.

This is enough for the S6 version.

After the hard training of the devil, Jack's little mage played well, and his skill connection and team battle positioning were very skillful and clear.

After IG received the information that the brother-in-law had handed in his flash, they immediately prepared for the next wave of attack.

Four encircled two.

Relying on the advantages of equipment and level, Yuan Shen helped Rookie to push the line of soldiers and roam after gaining the vision dominance in the enemy's lower jungle, and the two arrived at WE's bottom lane together.

The black technology combination of Xiaofa and Thresh showed their power again.

After pushing the line into the tower, the little mage flashed directly into a twisted space, and covered the Minotaur who realized the danger and wanted to retreat with ice.

The twisted space skill is not easy to hit when released alone, but it is unreasonable in terms of the ability to block the movement.

Especially when the laning is against ADCs without displacement such as Ashe, Jhin, and Kog'Maw, the effect is particularly obvious.

The brother-in-law who didn't flash now hoped that his support was Morgana or Tam.

Ben was already thinking about whether to sell the ADC. After hesitating for only a second, the Minotaur flashed away...

The Minotaur who has not reached level 6 is not very tanky. If he stays, not to mention protecting the ADC, he will die and give away another kill.

The barrage audience saw the Minotaur selling the ADC, and they all called the scumbag support, the ruthless old bull.

But in fact, WE's decision to sell the ADC was very wise and critical.

After Ashe died, IG's mid, bottom and jungle gathered to push the tower, trying to get the first blood tower.

Of course WE was unwilling to give it, the first blood tower was too important in this version. After WE's mid and jungle were a step slower to arrive at the bottom lane, they cooperated with the Minotaur and the three of them forcibly defended the first blood tower.

If the Minotaur died in the previous wave, the first blood tower would definitely fall.

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