Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 258 New version of line switching ideas

Chapter 258 - New version of lane-changing ideas

Seeing that the enemy mid and jungle had just shown their heads in the bottom lane to guard the first blood tower and would not arrive in the top lane for at least half a minute, TheShy started to kill again.

After gaining the advantage, TheShy did not hide his desire to attack at all.

Although Yuan Shen would command him, he would mostly provide information and suggestions to the opposing jungler. Only in team battles for key resources would he force him to do something.

In most cases, Yuan Shen would let him play freely.

This feeling made TheShy very comfortable.

Lucian has always been positioned as the ADC in the double lane. Few professional players nowadays can realize how terrifying Lucian's single-kill ability is in the single lane, and the time when Lucian is most likely to have a single kill in the single lane is often the wave when he reaches level 6 and has the ultimate.

There are still three soldiers left before Lucian can reach level 6.

If TheShy directly kills the enemy to grab level 6, 957 is not stupid and will definitely retreat. He must be caught off guard.

Lucian approached the river, pretending to provide vision, so that 957 could not help but move forward a few steps, hoping to take the opportunity to get some last hits.

But at this moment, less than a second after entering the blind spot, Lucian suddenly turned back and moved, shortening the distance between the two.

Cold pursuit!

E skill rushed forward, and two bullets shot out.

If you play Lucian, if you wait for both bullets of Holy Light Silver Bullet to be fired before taking the next skill, you will find that the combo is as slow as a turtle.

In fact, as long as the animation effect of the first bullet being fired appears, the second bullet will inevitably be fired.

Lucian players with high proficiency have amazingly fast combo speeds.

TheShy's dynamic vision and reaction can allow him to manipulate many combos close to the theoretical limit.

What's more, he is a peak TheShy who is only 17 years old and has no hand injuries!

Lucian is no exception, and he shoots directly with E and Q.

No one noticed that the Q skill hit three back-row soldiers, reducing their health.

Then, a Fervent Bullet with a tricky angle was thrown out, not only hitting the tree at the maximum distance, but also clearing the three back-row soldiers with low health, allowing Lucian to reach level 6.

Fervent Bullet will add a mark to the enemy, which can be triggered as long as the general attack or skill hits, allowing Lucian to gain 60 points of movement speed.

With the 60-point movement speed bonus, TheShy learned the ultimate skill in seconds and released Holy Lance Baptism in seconds, while sweeping and closing the distance between him and the tree.

957 tried to dodge Holy Lance Baptism by swaying left and right, but with Lucian's speed advantage, with TheShy's reaction and positioning, it was impossible for him to dodge it. He didn't miss any bullets and filled it up directly!

The first-level Holy Lance Baptism has a full damage of 400.

Like the little mage's W, the more difficult the skill is to hit, the more terrifying the damage will be once it hits.

The baptism of the Holy Lance is over, and two bullets are fired.

Lucian triggers the passive general attack, and each time he hits an enemy hero, the cooldown of the E skill will be reduced by two seconds.

Level 1 E, basic cooldown is 18 seconds, 10% cooldown reduction in Lucian's rune, reduced by 1.8 seconds, six bullets, reduced by 12 seconds, the ultimate skill takes three seconds to sweep, and the E skill is just cooled down.

Another cold pursuit closes the distance, two general attacks A out, and then A one shot, wait for two seconds, and the extreme distance of the body is thrown out, completing the single kill!

This wave of single kills shocked many people.

It's not that TheShy can kill the opponent's top laner alone, but that Lucian, the hero, is shocked by the pursuit ability and damage ability in the single lane.

You know, before this wave of fighting, the tree was almost full of blood!

In the state of almost full blood, who would have thought that he would die?

Unless 957 is integrated with the defensive tower, not last-hitting or developing, there is no reason for the tree to be cowardly and not leave the tower.

Is the top lane Lucian so strong? Can he kill the tree directly with full damage? ?

"Turtle, my Riven may not be able to kill the tree even with three sets of skills, isn't it too exaggerated?"

"Don't panic, Riot's designer said he knows, and should nerf Irelia in the next version."

"Don't panic, Lucian got a sea view room on the ban position."

"Is it okay to buy a house on the ban position, Xiu'er, is it you?"

"How did he die?" Xiye asked casually.

"The hero on the opposite side is on a single lane, and the kill line is full of health. I think it's outrageous." 957 showed a helpless look on his face and explained with his hands spread out.

After a few minutes of laning on the top lane, TheShy probably suppressed him by twelve or thirteen knives, gaining some economic advantages, but because he was caught by Lee Sin before and teleported, Lucian's equipment was still only the Doran's Blade for the starting equipment.

With the same equipment and the same level, Maokai is still full of health...

Let alone 957, no matter which top laner comes, they will never think they will die.

TheShy's precise operation and clear combo ideas are one thing, but Lucian's strength in the single lane is evident.

After 957 finished explaining, no one in WE blamed him.

Now that we are still in the game, we must not be too harsh on our teammates. Even if we play badly, we have to finish the game.

In Summoner's Rift, with Lee Sin giving away the first blood in the middle lane, the bottom lane killing Ashe, and the single kill in the top lane, the head ratio is already 3 to 0.

The game was only seven minutes old, and the economic gap between the two sides was already 1,500.

In IG's data modeling, the life-and-death line of 2,500 economic gap in ten minutes, which would lead to a 90% chance of failure, is not far away.

In the next three minutes, it is very important for WE to hold on to the economic gap.

Although the WE players did not know these data, they already felt that the situation was a bit difficult to play.

Except for the small advantage of Syndra's last-hitting by Xiye in the middle lane, the rest of the lines were at a disadvantage.

However, compared with the miserable situation of being beaten 8-0 by IG in ten minutes and 5,000 economic gap, WE handled this game relatively well.

Here, I have to praise Homme's decisive BP decision.

Although the mid-jungle combination of Crocodile + Spider was only developed this season, it has been a classic top-jungle combination since a long time ago. After moving it to the middle lane, the core idea remains unchanged, and the moves are the same.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are known to the world, so WE is naturally prepared.

The rock climbing combination is a brand new version that no one has ever played before, and it is the Nine Yang Magic Art that came out of nowhere.

Moreover, even if it is also a combination of mid-jungle hard control combo, the rock climbing combination is much stronger than the desert spider in terms of stability and ability to support the side lanes. The jungle rock sparrow can even take on the function of carry in the late stage, and its growth curve is much better than that of the two heroes, crocodile and spider, who are late-stage heroes.

The rock climbing combination is obviously not the kind of gambling dog combination that is weak in the late stage, nor is it a black technology routine that can only be used once and cannot be used when the opponent is prepared.

The rock climbing combination developed by IG will probably become a popular choice for the version for a long time to come, becoming the mainstream, and many teams will follow suit.

The BP strategy of all teams will also change accordingly.

Homme saw the strength and core of the rock climbing combination, and decisively banned the rock sparrow, without being stubborn at all.

Old viewers who often watch professional games, after seeing the magical BP of so many teams, will definitely agree that the quality of not being stubborn is how important it is for coaches.

The mid-jungle combination changed from Pantheon Taliyah to Spider Crocodile, and the attack power undoubtedly dropped a level.

The decline in IG's team attack power gave WE the opportunity to stabilize the situation.

After Syndra took the first blue buff, the damage of her skills increased. One set of skills could clear a wave of soldiers, and she started to move down as soon as she cleared the line.

"Very smart." Yuan Shen muttered, "Xiye has grown a lot compared to before."

The stage of the World Championship is a valuable experience for every player.

Just like Rookie, last year's World Championship undoubtedly made him evolve.

Not only is his laning strength stronger, but he has also developed the characteristics of roaming support.

Xiye used Syndra's strength to stabilize his own lower jungle area, allowing Mr. Kang to have room to develop so that he would not be counter-destroyed by Spider, and then the mid-jungle worked together to protect the lower area from being crossed.

This decision cannot be said to be very clever.

However, when a player stands up and takes the banner and commands the entire team when the team is at a disadvantage, he is already very general-like.

Because, this is to take the pressure of the entire team on yourself.

If you lose, then you have to bear the biggest blame.

I don’t know how many players are afraid of this kind of pressure, afraid of taking the blame, and choose to be invisible and choose to mess around in the key game.

WE’s mid and jungle are desperate to protect the bottom, invest a lot of energy, and have wards to completely stabilize the situation.

“If it were Pantheon and Taliyah, it would probably not be stable.”

Smile commented on the commentary seat: “Taliyah and Pantheon’s ultimates, the support speed, can completely create a time difference, and kill all the people before your mid and jungle come.

“But Crocodile and Spider can’t, others fly over, they walk over, and their mobility is not at the same level. If you forcefully cross the tower to kill Brother-in-law, there is a high probability that he will be harvested by Xiye, raising a big devil in the middle lane.

"If Syndra gets fat, she can kill people with her ultimate skill without thinking, and she will scatter flowers. She is very powerful in team battles."

"You are worthy of being the king. Your analysis and comments are very wonderful."

Guan Zeyuan licked her first, then said: "However, unlike the last game, IG doesn't seem to be in a hurry to attack. After Yuan Shen controlled the little dragon, he went back to the jungle to brush the jungle. It seems that he is not in a hurry to find an opportunity."

"Why is that?"

Wei Xiao was about to speak when a shocking scene appeared on the scene.

The brother-in-law was last-hitting under the tower. There was little space for movement. He made a mistake in his movement and accidentally got hit by a [Dark Matter].


A meteorite fell from the sky, and then Han Bing lost nearly 40% of his health!

The audience was shocked.

"This is the reason."

Smiling said: "What lineup did IG choose in the last game? Kled, Taliyah, Pantheon, Lucian, Thresh. This lineup is very strong in the early and mid-term, but relatively weak in the late stage, with only T2 level strength."

"But what about this game?"

"As we all know, the late-term ability of the hero Little Mage is very strong. Not to mention the output ability of the human nuclear bomb, in the full cooldown state, an E is used every few seconds, and the control ability is very strong."

"IG's mid-to-late-term ability is not weak at all, why rush?"

Wei Xiao paused and continued: "Moreover, IG's lineup is also wonderful in another point. The little mage goes down and replaces the ADC position, which will lead to the lack of physical continuous output in team battles. If the opponent stacks magic resistance equipment, it will be difficult to fight. But they are very smart and moved the shooter to the top lane and let TheShy play.

"At the same time, the responsibility of the front tank that the top laner should have borne was transferred to the middle lane.

"Seeing the lane division of IG's lineup, you will find it outrageous and too non-mainstream, but if you only look at the hero combination, you will find that this lineup is actually perfect. They have everything a scientific and reasonable team battle lineup needs.

"The top laner has become a physical output position, the middle laner has become a tank warrior, and the AP mage has moved to the bottom lane. The lane division is strange, but the lineup is not strange at all. They just adjusted their positions in the team and adjusted the responsibilities they need to bear. "

Wei Xiao couldn't help but sigh after saying this.

"The difference between the bottom lane and the top lane is just the difference between the little dragon and the vanguard. AP mages and warriors, two positions that can play more combat effectiveness in the early stage, are obviously better at controlling dragons than shooters, which need time to develop. "

"What advantage can crocodile have against the big tree? Lucian can't do anything to the ice and the tauren when he goes down, not to mention the little mage, who will be beaten by Syndra. But in a new environment, each hero avoids his natural enemy and perfectly plays the characteristics of the hero. "

"This is the new version of the line change!"

PDD also suddenly realized.

He is also a top crocodile player. In this situation, facing the big tree, he knows that he can't do anything.

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