Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 259 Seamless double E, eight shots per second!

Chapter 259 - Seamless double E, eight shots per second!

It is normal for professional players to be mixed up.

Just like a car, the engine is equivalent to the carry position, which is the most important core and the cornerstone of the team.

However, if there is no suitable chassis, body, and brakes, then the car will definitely not run fast, let alone win the title of the world's number one.

It's just that the functions they undertake are different.

Regarding IG's lineup, Wei Xiao still has one thing that he has not analyzed in place.

Players who mainly play ADC often find that their equipment is slightly ahead, but they just can't beat the opponent's normally developed top tank.

In other words, when they develop very ordinary, they can deal abnormally high damage to the enemy's collapsed top, as if they are cutting melons and vegetables.

Obviously, the economic gap is the same, why do these two completely different phenomena appear?

The answer is simple.


In the single lane, the level advantage is often more important than the equipment advantage.

The normally developed top must be ahead in level, while the collapsed top may not even be as good as the auxiliary level.

Many times, ADCs cannot beat tanks, not because their equipment is too bad, but because they are behind in level.

When ADCs are at the same level as tank heroes, or even ahead in level, the word tank is simply a joke.

And this joke is happening now.

After making the Bilgewater Scimitar, Lucian's online consumption and endurance are unbeatable. The tree can only hide under the tower, wait for the line of soldiers to push over, and then eat soldiers to develop.

957's handling method is already very stable, but he still couldn't predict what TheShy would do next.

There is no way, in fact, even Yuan Shen couldn't think of how TheShy would play...

The line of soldiers entered the tower, and the tree used EQ to clear the soldiers.

At this moment, Lucian's light-speed combo reappeared, and the full War Fervor when he was replenishing soldiers was perfectly continued. E clicked and then the small scimitar slowed down, Q clicked and W clicked and then the Holy Lance Baptism-

Lucian, who was one level ahead, had a visible trend of blood volume decreasing with each bullet hitting the tree.

Dada da da da!

Holy Light Silver Bullets poured out, and 957 immediately activated the damage reduction effect of his ultimate move [Vortex of Vengeance], but he still couldn't withstand this terrifying output.

Flash and escape?

With TheShy's reaction, he could seamlessly flash and perfectly keep up with the output.

Escape is a dead end. The last wave of single kills has shown how strong Lucian's pursuit ability is.

When he saw Lucian over the tower and used his ultimate to kill him, and he had already begun to withstand the attack of the defensive tower, 957 gritted his teeth and chose to fight.

W flash!

The principle of the W flash of the tree is similar to that of the Q flash of the murloc and the R flash of the stone man. It is a small trick to complete the combo faster and leave the opponent no room for reaction.

In terms of game effect, the tree still flashed W this time, but the button sequence was changed to W flash.

Lucian is a fragile skin after all. The tree controlled him under the tower, and the ultimate damage exploded. If he followed up with a Q, there was a chance to replace him.

But TheShy's reaction speed was so fast that when he saw the tree flash, he immediately flashed out of the tower and pulled [Cold Pursuit] to take the tree out of the tower.

AAAQA, he got another single kill.

When the director's camera was given to the top lane, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but exclaimed: "TheShy's reaction and operation are too smooth! But why is Lucian's output so high?"

The tree and Lucian are both popular choices in the game.

Therefore, the audience and commentators have seen Lucian fighting the tree.

However, what they often see is that Lucian hits the tree with a full set of damage, but it only takes off about one-third of the health of the tree. When have you ever seen Lucian killing the tree like a cardboard dummy?


"I'm afraid I'm playing a fake Lucian."

"This Lucian's damage is super doubled?"

"Turn it off, it's boring."

"Auto-aim + headlock + damage cheat, it's confirmed."

Treatise died again, the kill money was given away, and two waves of soldiers were lost.

But this is not the point.

The point is...

"WE may not be able to defend the upper tower."

Smiling said: "At this point in the game, the damage reduction mechanism of the defense tower has disappeared. The outer towers in the middle and upper lanes are actually similar to the lower tower, and they are all very fragile..."

Shooter-type heroes have a fast tower-pushing speed.

Not to mention that when Treant was pushed, the health of the upper outer tower was not very healthy.

Lucian quickly demolished the upper tower,

Taking the first blood tower alone, 650 yuan of economy...

The director adjusted the economic panel. Just over ten minutes later, the economic difference between the two sides' upper lanes reached 2000.

The team's economic gap directly broke through the 2500 life and death line, reaching a gap of 3000.

According to the data of the S6 World Championship, IG's chance of winning has now exceeded 90%, reaching 98%.

However, it is still unstable.

"WE collapsed again in the early stage." Wei Xiao sighed and said: "They paid too much attention to protecting the development of the bottom lane and did not provide any help to Brother Tui. IG gave TheShy an advantageous hero matchup but did not target him. This is really..."

Halfway through his words, Wei Xiao suddenly realized WE's difficulties.

Targeting TheShy is a countermeasure that all teams will try to take when facing IG.

Because unlike Yuan Shen, TheShy is really easy to catch.

But it is easy to catch only when Yuan Shen is not present.

During the Olympics, TheShy and Ning were targeted in the jungle.

The countermeasure Ning took was to help TheShy counter squat.

Yuan Shen, on the other hand, will help TheShy as an ward to the greatest extent possible, provide information on the opponent's jungler's movements, and entangle the opponent's jungler...

Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but TheShy still prefers the latter.

What he likes most is 1V1 laning, without interference from the jungle, and then relying on his personal ability and solo skills to win the laning victory.

Moreover, Yuan Shen can also play a greater role, including linking up with Rookie, four packs and two bottom lanes, driving the rhythm of the whole game.

It can be said that in this version where the top lane is like an outsider, TheShy's style of play fits inexplicably.

Coupled with Yuan Shen's consciousness and command, they complement each other even more.

Now that IG participates in S6, its version advantage is even greater than that of S5.

In S5, IG had a world-class top, middle and jungle combination and the world's number one top laner.

But now, no matter which position it is, IG fits the version very well.

The result of TheShy's operation coupled with Yuan Shen's consciousness and command is that TheShy is difficult to be targeted by Gank.

He is stable and fierce, and his anti-gank awareness is amazing. Every time he makes a solo kill, he seems to have calculated the damage and jungle position accurately. If you want to catch him, you can only carefully plan and take him by surprise.

At least, you have to deceive Yuan Shen.

WE has already done this this time.

Condi's blind monk caught the second level and Gank against the rhythm.

Yuan Shen didn't expect this, so he couldn't remind TheShy.

But what is the result?

Condi was directly used by TheShy to show off his development and rhythm in the early stage of the game with strange operations, and was caught by Yuan Shen when he was still gaining experience in the middle.

Yes, even if you plan a carefully planned attack, catching TheShy to death is still a matter of luck. If you are not careful, even the jungler will suffer losses.

IG had such a top order last year.

Yuan Shen is a top laner who has online dominance and is difficult to target.

It may not be possible to restrict him.

But don't target him. After twenty minutes, you will find that you have raised a big devil on the road.

This version drives the midfielder and jungler to create trouble around the bottom lane, and the status of the top laner in the team has declined.

Because the top laner has fewer team resources. If you want to carry, you must take resources. This is common sense.

From this point of view, it is indeed a disguised weakening of the top laner's carry ability.

IG's midfielder and jungler rarely go to the top lane recently. They are all grabbing the bottom lane and causing trouble around the bottom lane.

But, from a deeper perspective...

Does this mean that the top orders of both sides are freed?

When both sides' top laners are outnumbered, if IG gives all the power to TheShy, a hero with a matchup advantage, then...

After thinking about all this, Smile's body aroused goosebumps. He suddenly felt that Riot had made a version change that couldn't be worse.

TheShy's laning strength is already very close to Yuan Shen, and Yuan Shen is in charge...

The current IG jungler can almost be seen as Yuan Shen playing two positions!

No matter how smart the designers are, they are just ordinary people with relatively high IQs. They are not real gods. They cannot truly control this game.

In fact, there are many examples of Riot designers getting slapped in the face due to work mistakes.

Heroes like Ryze and Tetsuo who have been reworked many times are one of them.

The most outrageous thing is that they redid a certain hero from A to B, only to find that it was of no use. After more than a year, they redid B back to A again.

And the name of this hero is LeBlanc, the Fairy Trickster.

The aircraft's revision from S6 to S14 is another vivid example.

As for the return of the brutal power, it is no longer a big deal.

Riot designers unanimously believe that this change has weakened the carry ability of the top laner, suppressed the status of the top laner in disguise, and made IG, which is good at linking up the middle and jungle, no longer so dominant.

Judging from the recent ups and downs of IG, they feel that they have succeeded.

Is that really the case?

Smile held deep doubts in her heart.

IG's previous state has been ups and downs, not necessarily because the top laner has been really weakened, but it may also be because they have not yet found a style of play that suits them.

Judging from the state of this game against WE, maybe...

IG has found its own style of play.

Neither Guan Zeyuan nor PDD noticed that Smile suddenly became silent, and the focus of discussion among the audience now was Lucian's way of dressing up.

"In this wave of return to the city, Lucian directly made dilapidation and small wooden hammer. This should be a black cut. Black cut dilapidation, this outfit idea is so novel." Zeyuan said: "If I remember correctly, now Lucian’s mainstream equipment is Essence Scythe, artillery, and endless crit flow..."


PDD looked thoughtful and said: "However, Lucian was slashed by a fist some time ago, and now the second passive basic attack cannot trigger a critical strike... Hey, thinking about it this way, Destruction is really useful. Lucian can trigger the passive effect of destruction many times. Combined with the armor-breaking effect of Black Cut, it feels very powerful whether it is fighting tanks or squishies in the early and mid-term! It cannot trigger critical hits but can have special attack effects. Lucian has no influence at all."

Lucian has been popular in the S6 Spring Split for a long time. Whether it is against Sivir or Jhin, Lucian can gain a lane advantage.

A big tree attracts the wind, Lucian took a stab some time ago, his ability was weakened in the middle and late stages, and his winning rate plummeted.

There were many people watching the semi-final between IG and WE, such as Imp, who was watching the game while eating KFC in the base.

After seeing TheShy's outfit, Imp was stunned. After just thinking for a while, he immediately knew that Lucian's set of broken black cut style would definitely become popular, and it would most likely replace the critical strike item and become Lucian's. Mainstream style of play.

"Xi Bal'er, as a top laner, have you studied the ADC's equipment and routines???"

Imp was speechless for a while.

After the previous tower was broken, IG's rhythm suddenly accelerated.

With the advantage of the top lane, IG controlled Rift Herald, making Lucian's advancement ability even more unsolvable.

Afterwards, the midfielder and jungler continued to make trouble around the bottom lane. Spiders and crocodiles leaned down whenever they had the chance, forcing WE's midfielder and jungler to lean down as well.

Not going?

Then your ADC is gone.

With all eight players in the bottom half, the top lane was completely freed, and it really became a 1v1 single-player game between Lucian and Dashu...

But with a record of 0/2, two and a half levels behind, and an economy more than two thousand behind, how could Dashu defeat Lucian?

The big tree before was still a piece of paper in front of Lucian, but now that Lucian has been ruined, it has simply become a membrane that can be penetrated by a poke.

Coupled with the minions strengthened by the Canyon Pioneer Buff, the big tree can't even clear the troop line.

How to keep it?

In just two minutes, the second tower on the road was pushed down.

After pushing the second tower, Lucian happened to knock out blue.

TheShy returned to the city and made a black cut, and smoothly ate the blue buff of the mid laner, and controlled Lucian to the top lane.

The mid laner is a crocodile and doesn't need a blue buff.

As for Yuan Shen, he can kill the wild monsters on the opposite side.

Besides, both Yuan Shen and Rookie doted on their younger brother TheShy.

Isn't it just a blue, give it, give it, the worst thing is Condi and Xiye.

If you want the horse to run, there is no reason not to feed the horse.

When the first and second towers were destroyed, there was only one reason why IG chose to let Lucian go on the road.

"TheShy wants to demolish the high ground?" Guan Zeyuan said in disbelief.

"Hey, hey, that's an exaggeration!" PDD also subconsciously denied it.

In professional competitions, after pushing a tower, it is often necessary to start a team to operate and push.

There are too few people who can guide them all the way on their own.

Destroy the highland tower and hit the road to clear the level?

Brother, this is not a rape game.

In professional games, the top laner can kill through the opponent and pass the game all the way. It can be traced back to the ancient times of S3. A certain monkey named Otto used a crocodile to kill Ryze of Gogoing.

But with the S3 version, everyone understands it.

In today's increasingly team-oriented meta, is it basically impossible for this kind of thing to happen...?

"That's not right." Guan Zeyuan suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "It was exactly a year ago in the summer, when IG played EDG, Yuan Shen used a Sword Lady to kill AJ's top lane. , broke two outer towers in a row, and the sword pointed at the high ground. If EDG hadn't fought hard to fight in that game, that sword girl would definitely be able to clear the high ground. "

"It's the same playoffs, the same top laner...what a coincidence??"

Guan Zeyuan just joined the LPL last year and was still a newcomer. He was deeply impressed by that game.

That game happened to be the version before the arrival of the King of Heavy Warriors and the top laner.

At that time, the top laner's dominance had already been increased by the version.


This year, it’s not the top order version.

Looking at Yuan Jihua Lucian, who was walking towards the enemy's high ground with his two guns in hand, Guan Zeyuan swallowed subconsciously, feeling nervous yet expectant.

Ruined, black cut, attack speed boots.

With less than twenty minutes of game time, Lucian’s equipment is unsolvable.

In comparison, Dashu's equipment was extremely shabby.

Doran Ring, Cloth Armor Shoes, Catalytic Divine Stone, Glacier Armor...even Dashu couldn't hold back the first big item he had to make [Glory of Justice].

"The gap between rich and poor is too exaggerated."

"Two heads plus a blood tower weighed down more than fifty knives."

"Oh my god, when did Brother Leg ever get beaten so badly?"

After the first blood tower was broken, a few minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the audience realized that the gap on the top lane had widened further, and Lucian's advantage snowballed bigger and bigger.

In the impression of WE fans, the status of the brother-in-law in the bottom lane fluctuates. Sometimes he can beat the first-line ADC, and sometimes he may be suppressed by the second-line ADC. He is famous for his mental knife. When Mr. Kang has no rhythm, he can only rely on grabbing the dragon with one hand to revive the situation.

Xiye, the mid laner, also slowly grew up step by step, and only officially took over the team's carry position after returning from the Olympics.

Only on the road is the most stable point since WE was reorganized, so 957 is affectionately called the leg brother by fans because he is really stable.


In the spring split, because Ben and his brother-in-law got along better, WE chose to play two Korean players in the bottom lane, occupying Khan's playing position.

Before the summer split, he was spotted by the LCK division and directly chose to return to China to play.

Therefore, it is rare for WE fans to see 957 being beaten so badly. The previous one using Gnar and being defeated by TheShy Kled by jumping over the tower was already amazing enough. Unexpectedly, this one was even more exaggerated, even the second tower was defeated. Being unplugged.

The most outrageous thing is, does this Lucian really want to clear the high ground?

"I can't defend it alone." 957 glanced at Lucian's Rift Herald Buff, which still lasted for half a minute, and said with a dark face.

At this time, IG is still putting pressure on WE's bottom lane. Crocodile and Spider will go to the bottom lane if they have nothing to do. They also deliberately appear in WE's field of vision. It's not important whether they can do things or not, but they can force you. It just means that the middle and junglers come to the lower half to fight.

Come, let's go on the road together.

When making the top lane a 1v1 solo lane, see who loses and who gains.

The upper and lower wings are under pressure at the same time, and WE can only choose one of them.

Which one is more important, the highland tower or the bottom outer tower?

It's a problem that all primary school students know, how could WE not know it? They decisively abandoned the car to save Shuai, and replaced Han Bing and Niutou on the road.

rob Peter to pay Paul.

The first tower in the bottom lane and Xiaolong gave way directly, and then even the first tower in the middle lane was directly defeated by the four-person IG teaming up to advance.

All three outer towers were lost, and the economic difference suddenly reached 6,000, of which two-thirds of the advantage was directly or indirectly brought about by the top order.

TheShy, who has the advantage of being a hero, has become the key point of this game.

However, in this way, WE has indeed curbed Lucian's tendency to demolish the high ground.

Without the outer tower, sometimes it is a good thing for the disadvantaged side.

Because, if the outer tower is there, you have to go and guard under the tower, otherwise you won't get any line economy.

On the contrary, if the outer tower is completely destroyed, although the economy is at a disadvantage, the range of activities of the five people will also be reduced. In other words, the defense line will be shortened, and the five people on the defensive side can support each other faster, forming a deterrent force between them.

Take the current WE situation as an example. It takes at least 24 seconds for the first tower to support the high ground on the top road, but it only takes about ten seconds for the second tower to support the high ground.

Viewers who watch high-end game live broadcasts often hear words like "Let's put this tower away, it's better to be more defensive."

Under what circumstances should towers be deployed, and when should defensive towers be defended? This is also part of the game operation.

Brother-in-law Han Bing defends, Sindra clears the line in the middle, Dashu defends down, and Nosuke keeps wandering in the defense line to provide vision and deter IG.

"WE has barely stabilized the situation now." He said with a smile: "But again, IG's lineup is not afraid of delaying you at all. Look at Jack's little mage, it has already accumulated 200 points in twenty minutes. Extra magic power, this is more than three useless sticks..."

"Hey, TheShy is a bit naughty here, I still want to order the tower!" Guan Zeyuan said in surprise.

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