Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 292 God-level prediction, Leopard Woman's debut!

Chapter 292 - God-level prediction, Leopard Girl’s debut!

Madison Square Garden, New York.

A classic game worthy of being recorded in history is about to come to an end.

As the passionate voice of the commentator fell.

in game.

The ROX five-man team was wiped out, and there was no obstacle in front of IG. They crazily pushed down another highland tower, and then pointed directly at the base crystal!

"Break, break, break! Break, break, break!"

"Win! Win! Brothers, Ness!"

"Really or not?! Really! Break it up!"

After a few seconds, the picture freezes.

The color of everyone in ROX finally changed, and they were no longer as plain as water and calm as before.

Smeb held his head in pain and was speechless for a long time.

All members of IG went crazy in an instant, and the voices in the team became a mess!

"Let us shout out the long-awaited words - congratulations to IG! For winning the first BO5 victory in today's semi-finals, ROX is not invincible. They are invincible only because they did not encounter a strong enough opponent!"

Miller was shaking with excitement, and his voice was loud and hoarse: "There are still two games left, and we can get the tickets to Los Angeles, go to Los Angeles, and fight to the end for the LPL!"



"IG! IG!"

"IG come on! IG rushes to the duck!"

No wonder they were so excited.

Although IG has never suffered a defeat along the way, why not ROX? ?

Moreover, ROX defeated RNG and EDG 5-0 in the group stage and quarterfinals!

On the LCK forum, many people have already called ROX the LPL killer.

Moreover, ROX and IG are the only two teams with nine consecutive victories in this world championship.

Meeting in the semi-finals, even the most ardent LPL fans have a little worry in their hearts.

What if IG also loses?

What if the S6 World Championship is the finals where two Korean teams meet?

Hasn’t the first division of LPL become a joke?

But after the first game, everyone was relieved.

IG, it’s still the same IG! !

There is no loyalty to serve the country!

No fist poisonous milk!

Twenty minutes, sweeping ROX!

The bloody nature of the LPL and IG's unique brutal play style have made ROX almost a ***!

In particular, Yuan Shen Jax's unique jungle route and shocking one-two punch made the audience and LPL viewers excited.

Today's game is so fucking awesome!

The ticket price is so worth it!

"The audience is already on fire." In the commentary box, after the excitement of the baby, he was still a little in disbelief: "Twenty minutes flat push ROX! Although it did not break the record, ROX has never encountered such a big player before. The headwind situation!”

"Yes! It was so fast, I didn't even react. ROX has been playing in the LCK for a long time. They have always been in the operation game. There is room for development between them. But IG doesn't give you a chance at all. They will dismantle them as soon as they say it." , Just one wave!" Miller affirmed from the side.

"Don't say there is no chance. If we start a group, won't there be opportunities??"

"The baby was a little choked, but after getting excited, he was speechless for a long time.

Several other explanations are the same, because the mood at this moment cannot be described in words!

This is ROX! This is an unparalleled superpower, defeating RNG and EDG in succession!

The No. 1 seed of LCK, the officially designated No. 2 team in the world! !


IG is number one in the world?

That's okay.

One thing brings down another, my little IG specializes in fighting little tigers!

The crushing field has left everyone in the world confused!

This is a very strange emotion. It feels like everything in today's game is full of absurdity.

This kind of emotion will only appear when there is a huge gap between the results and the psychologically expected results. It is just like winning a billion when buying a lottery ticket for the first time. People are dumbfounded and even go into shock on the spot!

You were so aggressive before the game, but you were pushed to a draw after 20 minutes?

So disappointing.

Some fans of ROX are already shouting "RNM refunds".

"I think we should reflect on the fact that our trust in IG is still not enough. Before the game, many people thought that IG and ROX would only be 60-40 at most. ROX was still capable of fighting, but I didn't expect..." For a long time , Miller said loudly: "The current IG is really strong!"

"IG's status and feel today are so hot!"

"The only young team in the LPL, they did not feel any extra pressure and instead played their own style. As long as they can maintain this momentum in the next games, there will be no problem reaching the finals!"

The doll's eyes were red and he looked excited: "Brother! I have a bold idea now!"

"What do you think?" Miller asked knowingly.

"Now that the game has started, I think we should put aside our previous subjective thoughts. I think it is possible for IG to win 3-0 ROX!" When I thought about this result, I couldn't help myself with excitement: "If I were Saying that if IG can really win ROX three to zero, then..."

The heart beats wildly uncontrollably.

Miller answered with sweating profusely: "Then IG will become the second team to play against three Korean teams in the World Championship."

"Who is the first one?" I remember being a little confused.

"The first one was last year's IG! Idiot!"

The doll smiled happily.

"Last year's IG blocked KT from the quarterfinals, and the quarterfinals defeated KOO. In the final, SKT won the championship 3-2! But this year's IG blocked SSG from the quarterfinals, and the top four defeated ROX in the finals. Again……"

"Okay, okay, it's only one to zero, be careful and don't give in!"

Miller quickly stopped his partner from continuing.

If we keep talking, IG will really win the championship for the second time in a row!

Outside, the entire network is already buzzing with excitement, and the audience in the LPL division is extremely excited.

The game has been going on so far, purely based on probability, IG is very likely to advance to the finals!

In last year's World Championship finals, IG faced SKT.

This year, it’s the same script!

LPL, has a chance to win again.

Moreover, IG has the opportunity to complete an unprecedented second consecutive championship!

Countless old LPL fans are crying with excitement at this moment. The second game has not even started yet, and they are already full of expectations for IG!

At this moment, IG's support rate soared from 60% before the start of the game to 80%!

After IG proved its strength, audiences around the world were looking forward to the second consecutive championship team and the birth of the IG dynasty!

The heat completely exploded. The LPL competition area, which had been depressed since yesterday, at this moment, released this depression ten times or a hundred times!

#IG1:0ROX# has soared up the hot search list, and together with it is #jaxjungle#!

There is no need to say more about Jax’s jungler in this game. Anyone who has watched the game will understand what is going on.

This "self-created suffocation and cannibalization" jungle gameplay, just as everyone expected, became popular!

It was so popular that after today, official staff recorded in the background that at the end of the second game of B05, Jax's selection rate increased directly from the previous 47% to 89%!

And among this 89%, 88.5% of people play the jungle position!

Everyone is playing, those in lower ranks are playing, and those in higher ranks are practicing. Even the major professional teams and junglers around the world are studying it carefully and imitating it!

The name of Yuanshen is resounding all over the world again!

Jax in this game has indeed shocked countless people.

Especially the exquisite and extremely weird style of play has made many people's eyes light up, as if it has opened the door to a new world!

Against the top jungler in LCK, he defeated level 6 in 20 minutes!

This kind of jungle clearing efficiency and terrifying ability to compress the opponent's development is definitely the first time in history!

When a new style of play appears, it will always set off endless waves. What's more, in this match point game in the highly anticipated semi-finals, Jax's superb performance has already fascinated countless people. It's the LPL division, and it has more audiences around the world!

It’s especially serious in Europe and the United States, because the competition area here advocates more imaginative black technology. Jax’s gameplay is definitely a hard-core black technology!

This simple and crude invasion and encroachment made countless people scream.

Yuan Shen's reputation abroad is not small to begin with.

After the transition to jungle, more people felt regretful.

It feels like a talented top laner has died.

But after the game, people were surprised to find out.

How old are you? ?

Why is it always you? ?

Last year's World Championship was a mess, and Jax destroyed Smeb's Sword Queen in one game.

This year, a new way to clear the jungle has been developed? !

So crazy!

Just after the game, G2 sent a tweet, @IGClub: "The ferocious Eastern Lion is creating a legend. Yuanshen's performance is amazing. I think you can prepare to auction him in advance. The market this year will definitely be better." Can be sold at a good price! ”


The first half of the sentence is still like a personal statement, but the second half starts to work directly.

In addition, domestically, Yuan Shen has once again dominated the screen. The benefits of this frequent "screen dominance mode" are obvious.

As far as today is concerned, it is estimated that there is no one online who does not know the news that IG won, and there is no one who does not know Yuan Shen!

After the game, Miller, a well-known LPL commentator, briefly and rudely expressed his thoughts on Yuan Shen’s choice for this game on Weibo, as well as his excitement for IG’s victory in the game.

"Yuanshen's game broke my previous understanding of junglers. This person is really too strong!"

Wawa said: "One to zero, sweep in twenty minutes! Just one last shot! Come on IG!"

Other LPL staff, hosts, commentators, and official Weibo, collectively went crazy!

IG1:0ROX, still with this crushing attitude.

What follows is a carnival!

Because IG represents not only themselves, but also LPL! If IG can win two more games in a row, then their dream of a second consecutive championship will be fully revealed in front of them! !

The dream of a year-round Grand Slam will also come true!

All kinds of explosive heat followed the victory, leaving some room for buffering in the tense game.

The same is true for IG now.

But in addition to excitement, there is also endless pressure and anxiety

In the lounge, everyone is also making final preparations.

They have no time to see the outside world now, because the game is not over yet. They have just won one game, and it is far from time to cheer and celebrate.

There are two more games.

If they win, they will go directly to Los Angeles, and if they lose, their indomitable momentum will definitely be affected.

"Come on, let go and play!"

In the lounge, the highest-level official director and photographer are shooting, and they are also excited at this moment.

Principal Wang has come to the lounge. Hearing the director's notice, he didn't say anything, but patted the shoulders of the five IG starters one by one.

"We must win, we strive for 3-0, and go to Los Angeles together!"

"If we really win the second consecutive championship, I will guarantee your jobs for the rest of your lives!"

"Oh, the principal is generous!"

"The principal is mighty!"

"Okay, go!"

The IG people nodded and stepped onto the main stage.

The second game has begun!

The IG people put their moods in order and went to the competition stage with water cups together.

The outside world was clearly enthusiastic, but for some reason, all the IG people walking in the long corridor could not hear any sound.

Win, don't be overjoyed, lose, don't be panic, those who have thunder in their chest and calm face can be worshipped as generals!

Today's IG has reached this level!

"Is ROX strong? Strong, but we are stronger!" Xiao Ming waved his fist to cheer himself up, and then smiled awkwardly at the surprised eyes of other IG people.

In fact, some things don't need to be said, everyone can feel it.

As long as the mentality is not a problem, it is not difficult to defeat ROX.

What opponents have IG not encountered along the way?

But when have they ever been afraid?

"ROX should be the one with the most pressure now. Okay, let's go... eh?" Rookie, as the eldest brother, said a greeting and was about to walk out of the corridor, but he didn't expect that at this time, Xiaoyu suddenly ran over from the side, kissed Rookie on the face, and then whispered: "Come on!"

Finally, he ran away shyly.

Over there, Yu Shuang and several other LPL hosts and commentators were staring with eyes wide open, their faces full of astonishment, and they all laughed randomly.

The IG people were collectively petrified.


"Ah? No, I want to play Braum."

"What's wrong?"

"Because Braum's heart is the strongest muscle, it won't be easily injured..."



"Welcome back! This is the second game of the BO5 of the 2016 League of Legends World Finals semi-finals!"

In the commentary booth, Wawa Miller remembered that the three people appeared, and the long-silent scene suddenly rang out with cheers.

"At present, IG is leading by one to zero. ROX still chose the red side in this game. If they are on the blue side, BP will be more difficult!!"

"That's right, if the combination of Dragon King and Policewoman cannot be obtained, ROX's strength will be greatly reduced!"

After Wawa finished speaking, the scene cheered again.

Several commentators were also driven by this atmosphere.

"Yes, this is IG! I think we should all accept and adapt to this fact now! IG is really strong. I have been optimistic about them since the LPL League. Lucian single line, rock climbing combination, jungle core system, and even Dragon King Policewoman were also created by them."

"Not only that, there is also an earlier double shooter system. I can only say that IG is the best team at understanding the version and then creating a set of tactical systems that suits their own team style."

"I have never seen such a team." Wawa was surprised.

"I don't know if you have noticed that Yuan Shen has changed significantly after entering the World Championship. It's like he didn't play the game seriously in the LPL. It's really too fierce."

"This is a real big game player! It feels like he will be stronger at every stage. The Jax in the last game was really terrible!" Miller said.

"Yuan Shen's performance in the last game, no, it should be said that his performance in the S game this year was really like God's help. Just now we checked Weibo and found that many people outside have started playing Jax as a jungler. This kind of influence is really terrifying." Wawa said.

At this moment, cheers filled the venue, and IG's cheers suddenly became countless times louder, as if to overturn the roof.

The camera was given to the players' seats, and all IG players were seated!

"~We are in high spirits now!" Miller also felt a surge of blood boiling: "As long as we maintain this momentum, I think our chances of winning are really great!"

"At the beginning, the momentum is strong, then the second is weak, and the third is exhausted. IG's momentum is about to rise. Everything is difficult at the beginning. I think for the mentality of their players, they all have a certain advantage!"

We have an advantage psychologically, and now it is ROX that is under great pressure... Of course! Still can't be underestimated, the No. 1 seed team of LCK, don't take it lightly! I think all of us, including the audience, should be calm now... Isn't there a saying that goes, happiness leads to sorrow..."

"Hey, why do you say such unlucky words? I'll say it clearly, IG will win!"

Miller has reached the director's notice, and smiled: "In short, let go and play, don't be stressed! When dealing with ROX, it turns out that we must not be timid, just go for it! Only by defeating them can we win the game!"

"Yes, the players in front are still preparing. Before that, the representatives of the two teams, the focus of our discussion just now, Smeb and Yuanshen, also have something to say to everyone. Please watch the big screen!"

After the words fell, the director shot was shown to the big screen.

ROX top laner Smeb appears.

This pre-game trash talk was obviously recorded before the game started, and was probably planned to be played at the end.

Smeb smiled and told the camera: "I think this year's IG is not as strong as last year. I will prove that Yuanshen's transition to jungle is a wrong choice."

“As for TheShy and Yuanshen, they are both very good IG players, but our team’s Peaunt is also a very aggressive jungler. I think Peaunt is far better than Yuanshen, and TheShy, I don’t think he is my opponent. He is still young and I will teach him to respect his seniors.”

After finishing these two paragraphs, the audience was already laughing out loud.

What a great player. Peaunt was almost beaten to death in the last game. He was the worst jungler in the history of S-game.

Even Ming Kai was not suppressed by his opponent to level six!

Many people think that a herbivorous jungler like Mingkai meets a carnivorous jungler like Peunt is the ultimate matchup.

Unexpectedly, when a carnivorous jungler meets a more powerful carnivorous jungler, it will be the real ultimate matchup!

"ROX is still very confident... Smeb said this very arrogantly. It seems that he is still worried about Yuan Shen's transition to the jungle!"

"That's for sure. There will be no chance for revenge in the future. Although the Olympics gave him the opportunity, he will not use it..."

"Then let's see how IG responds."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Shen sat in the interview room, faced the camera, and said very briefly without any fancy words: "ROX is better than last year's KOO, but I think that's it, the top road can no longer give me too much of a challenge. , I feel that I can do my best in the jungle position, and I will prove on this stage who is the real number one jungler in the world!”

“Oh oh oh!”

The audience immediately went crazy when they heard Yuan Shen's words!

Just! Just be tough!

But it’s this Gang, it’s so damn cool!

Moreover, with this proof, why does it feel like a certain leader is about to break through the defense! !

Facts have proved that Yuan Shen did it. IG crushed ROX not by anything but hard power!

The commentator was also moved by Yuan Shen's words, and that's it!

"Yuanshen is also very confident. Moreover, I believe that ROX now knows his strength. So, the players in front are ready. Let us look forward to the next game together!"

"Just like what Yuanshen said, we will see the real results in the competition!!"

After saying this, the screen turned and came to the BP interface.

In the second game, IG is on the blue side and ROX is on the red side.

IG's bans are relatively conventional, Spider, Ice, and Karma.

Ice is Pray's signature, and it caused them a lot of trouble in the last game.

And ROX is much more real, banning Dragon King, Lucian, and Jax.

"Let's ban people on both sides as usual," Miller said.

"'s quite routine. ROX chose to ban Jax and released all other junglers. But that's fine. I don't think banning heroes for Yuan Shen is a good thing. His hero pool is too deep. , Jace, EZ, and Blind Monk Barrel can all be played..."

"Syndra and Leopard Girl have been released! Let's see what IG wants to grab first for these two versions of OP heroes," Miller said with a smile.

"I think it's Syndra. Yuan Shen rarely plays Leopard Girl, and TheShy is the one who gets it. Rookie, a hero like Syndra, has too much advantage in the middle."

"Then IG is going to grab the jungler? Leopard Girl... just locked it?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, IG, who was in the blue side, grabbed the Leopard Girl!

The IG fans at the scene immediately screamed like crazy.

"Huh?? Leopard Girl? IG is going to the jungle again??"

In the ROX player box, Smeb couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

“The other side really wants to change??”

"It's very possible that we don't have data on Yuanshen's use of Leopard Girl."

Nofe shook his head. IG's Leopard Girl has been selected many times, but TheShy is the one playing each time.

Yuan Shen has never used it before! !

"Syndra, grab it. You can't get two OP heroes for IG. The opponent may have to use Enchantress. Kuro, you must withstand the pressure."

Nofe spoke quickly, and with his second hand, he directly locked onto Jhin.

IG, on the other hand, locked up Enchantress and Jace without any hesitation.

"Wow, Rookie is very confident. His signature is out. In this crucial game that may determine the ticket for Los Angeles, he is still confident to play the Enchantress!"

"IG's momentum is very strong now!! Jess is also very good at grabbing this one. Whether it is Yuan Shen's Jess or TheShy's Jess, they are very reassuring, and this hero can also swing in the jungle and cooperate with the female policeman to destroy The tower is too fast!”

On the BP interface, ROX immediately locked Zyra and Kennen after pondering for a moment.

IG will take the policewoman Nami here.

Five-hand selection, all confirmed!

ROX's last move was reserved for the jungle position.

“Now it is difficult for ROX to determine IG’s lane. Jayce can play both top and jungle. As for Nidalee…”

“TheShy has played top lane Nidalee before, but it was in Rank. The Fervent Nidalee has high damage.”

“It depends on what ROX chooses.”

ROX’s last choice took a long time.

BP interface.

IG’s lineup has been revealed.

Top lane Jayce, jungle Nidalee, mid lane Leblanc, bottom lane Caitlyn Nami!

“IG is a pure Poke flow! Their top, mid and jungle Poke abilities are all very strong!” Smeb said quickly.

Jayce, Caitlyn and Leblanc, this combination can’t be described as fierce.

It is a combination that kills like crazy when they have an advantage, and becomes autistic when they are killed when they don’t have an advantage!

“Catlyne’s arms are also very long, but their lineup has no teamfighting point at all!! This…” Nofe didn’t know how to comment.

“Blind Monk, we can’t be too passive in the jungle.”

Pray made a decision.

In the last game, they were at a huge disadvantage in the lane. Except for the top laner, the other two lanes could hardly provide any protection for the jungle, which allowed Yuan Shen to invade the jungle recklessly.

In this game, they chose Syndra in the middle lane and Jhin and Zyra in the bottom lane, both of which can quickly support the jungle.

In the jungle, as long as a hero who can compete with Nidalee can be selected, it is easy to gain an advantage.

With the final hero of ROX determined, the lineups of both sides were soon presented to the audience.

IG Blue Side VS Red Side ROX

Top Lane TheShy: Jayce VS Kennen: Smeb

Jungler Yuanshen: Nidalee VS Lee Sin: Peaunt

Mid Lane Rookie: LeBlanc VS Syndra: Kuro

Bottom Lane JackeyLove: Policewoman VS Jhin: Pray

Support Ming: Nami VS Zyra: Gorilla ”

Until the last twenty seconds, IG's lineup did not change.

And this also made Smeb feel relieved.

Yuan Shen, didn't come!

He didn't lie to me!

But while I was grateful, I felt a little regretful.

Am I no longer worthy of being his opponent now??

Also, when did he practice Nidalee??

Unknowingly, he had been left far behind by Yuan Shen.

I couldn't even see his back.

Yuan Shen surpassed him on another track.

"Yuan Shen's Nidalee!! This is the first time I've seen it!! "

"IG also used a big move at such a critical moment!"

"Come on IG!! "

In the competition room.

Although IG wore soundproof headphones, they could still vaguely hear the crazy cheers from the scene.

"Brothers, go, go!" Yuan Shen said.

"Los Angeles, we're going to Los Angeles!"

"Just do it!"

"Come and invade.

In the game.

As soon as the game started, all IG players gathered and rushed towards ROX's lower jungle area.

Their lineup was very strong in the early stage, so they immediately decided to invade.

ROX also reacted quickly and squatted in the grass in the lower river and waited quietly.

"This wave... both sides seem to have to fight a level 1 group, as if they were not affected by the previous game?"

Outsiders were a little surprised to see this scene.

Generally speaking, the more critical the game is, the more cautious everyone will be, and it is rare to fight a level 1 group in such a game.

After all, the tolerance rate of the level 1 group is too low!

"That's not right... ROX was obviously conscious in this wave, what do you mean? Did IG find it? Leopard Girl! Leopard Girl is too far forward!"

In the game.

IG just walked to the middle river and was about to enter the opposite blue buff jungle area when they saw a Jyra suddenly coming out of the bush.

The E skill controlled Leopard Girl, and the next moment, the other ROX players in the bush also came out!

If we talk about who is the most hateful among IG, Yuanshen is the second, and no one dares to say he is the first!

ROX obviously has a long-standing grudge against Yuan Shen. When they saw that Nidalee was lifted, everyone went crazy and rushed to him!

In an instant, Nidalee's health was mostly gone.

They had no choice but to retreat.

At the same time, the other IG members rushed over without hesitation and started fighting with ROX!

"Ouch! Yuanshen! Yuanshen was controlled, but IG didn't retreat and started fighting!!"

"Can Nidalee leave? With such a small amount of health... Eh?!"

"Something is wrong with this wave!"

In the game.

IG took the initiative to attack, but was ambushed by ROX.

Nidalee was lifted up by Jella and focused on, and her health was only two-fifths left in an instant.

Seeing that she was about to die, the other IG members rushed over, and the policewoman directly handed over her treatment and lifted Nidalee.

Taking advantage of this time, Nidalee twisted left and right!

Syndra's Q and Kennen's Q all missed!

"Ouch! Yuanshen's positioning, Caitlyn gave in for treatment! Then the Leopard Girl shouldn't die this time!"

"IG is still fighting, both sides are very aggressive, still fighting! Nami Q'd Jhin, wow!"

In the game.

Leopard Girl moved to avoid ROX's two key skills, and then immediately retreated behind her teammates.

IG and ROX have inevitably started to fight.

Both sides were at level one at the moment, but the fight was extremely bloody.

Pray was very unwilling to see the leopard girl running away with a trace of blood. She pressed closer and wanted to chase her, but she didn't expect to be directly controlled by Xiao Ming.

Leopard Girl successfully escaped and escaped from danger, arriving at a very safe location.

Immediately afterwards, the Leopard Girl also turned around and looked at the ROX people below through the wall!

Everyone in ROX's bloodline was also declining, but everyone in IG was not feeling well either.

The outbreak of the first-level team was very sudden, but at this moment, the ten players on the field also showed the basic skills that professional players should have.

They were only at the first level, and they were looking for their opponents very purposefully throughout the whole process. They did not attack randomly, avoid skills, seduce, consume, and rush in. A wave of first-level groups unexpectedly turned into a late-stage group. Battle feeling!

The global audience who watched it exclaimed loudly.

However, for things like the first-level group, unless you successfully kill the opponent first, it will be difficult to get another kill.

Leopard Girl's wave was a good opportunity, but unfortunately the rest of IG and Yuan Shen reacted too quickly. IG and ROX struggled for a while, and after finding no results, they immediately started to retreat with a tacit understanding.

But even so, when they left, the two sides still pointed at each other, highlighting one's temper.

"Withdraw, everyone has withdrawn, the military line has come out, everyone has to go home to replenish their health this time!"

"Oh My God!! Both sides are so fierce! The duel between ROX and IG is truly unprecedented in history. Both sides don't know how to write the word "compromise"!

All competition areas around the world are shaking their heads and sighing at this moment.

"In this case, the first-level team fight between the two sides was fierce, but no practical benefits were gained!" Wawa said regretfully.

"We suffered a loss this time. The policewoman has no treatment, which is very hurtful. Originally, our bottom lane was weaker than the opponent in the early stage, and now it is even more difficult to play." Miller regretted.

"But in order to save the Leopard Girl, and IG's bottom lane performance was really good just now, I was fooled by Yuanshen's positioning, this person's reaction is really fast... Then this wave is okay, it is just a treatment, there will be no consequences Serious consequences!"

"Everyone go home, the first level group is over!"

in game.

The two sides had distanced themselves and began to return to the city.

Leopard Girl also stood in the middle defense tower and returned to the city, but just two seconds after reading the message, he canceled the return to the city, then walked around and walked directly towards the opposite middle tower.

At this moment, in a tower in the middle of the red square, Syndra, who still had more than half of his health left, was reading a message to return to the city, with four seconds left.

Kuro's positioning is also very coquettish. Among the ten players in the first-level group just now, he maintained the best health line and only lost a little.

"Huh? Won't Yuanshen return to the city? Are you going to harass them? This... is not profitable! Then you may miss the spawning time of wild monsters. What does this mean?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little confused.

This is not profitable!

"Then... Yuanshen is getting angry? Is he just going to mess with you? But this wave of leopard girls is too far away, so there may not be enough time, and the distance... eh?!"

in game.

Not far away, I saw the Leopard Girl walking out. She looked directly at the red tower in the middle of the road from an angle, and in the dim fog of war, she threw a long javelin!

The silver-white javelin, as if carrying a tracking engine, pierced through the fog and landed directly on Syndra, who was about to return to the city!


Most of Syndra's blood dropped instantly!

Leopard Girl's Q at the extreme distance, even if it is only one level, the damage is horrific!

"Ouch! I won! This bid! I won the bid!"

The scene was filled with excitement, and the doll shouted loudly: "Blind Vision, Leopard Girl has arrived!"

"In this case, Kuro feels uncomfortable. His return to the city is interrupted, but he can step back and continue his return to the city!"

"Well, Leopard Girl should She hasn't left yet? What does this mean?!"

in game.

Kuro was interrupted by Leopard Girl's javelin and returned to the city. He was surprised for a moment. He knew that the opponent wanted to disgust him, so he didn't make too much trouble. He retreated a little and continued to return to the city.

As a result, not long after, just as he was about to return to the city, a silver-white javelin, as if repeating the first operation, came through the air again.


At this time, Sindra's bloodline was reduced to less than half!


"Leopard Girl! Leopard Girl hasn't left yet? Yuanshen! What does he mean?! Hit again! Second shot in the blind field, hit again!"

The whole audience was completely stunned...

At first, everyone thought that Leopard Girl just wanted to harass Syndra when she returned to the city.

After all, Syndra's bloodline is very healthy, and she can't touch her under her own defense tower, let alone kill her.

But at this moment, after the Leopard Girl hit the first shot, she took a few steps back. After six seconds, the second shot was shot again at a tricky angle, at the extreme distance, and the blind sight target was hit!

The whole audience was stunned!

The javelin appeared from the wall, and there was no time to react!

"Yuanshen hasn't left yet! He wants to explode! Doesn't he want to harass the other side back to the city? From the beginning to the end, he wants to kill this Syndra?! Oh my God!"

The doll man was dumbfounded.

in game.

Kuro has come back to his senses. His first feeling is that he is very angry. Everyone is at level 1. If I am forced to the second tower by you, wouldn’t it be embarrassing?

Billions of viewers around the world are watching, and as a professional player, Kuro absolutely does not think that the opponent can see through the fog of war. The previous few waves were all predictions. He does not believe that Nidalee can continue to predict!

Once and twice, but not three or four times!

Syndra retreated again. Kuro was very strong in his heart, but he was timid in his actions. He walked to the back of the first tower. If he didn’t have time to waste now, he would even want to go directly to the second tower to return to the city...

“Yuanshen! We are here, but it’s still blind vision. Kuro’s position is very good this time, then?”

“Is there a chance? Ah? This is crazy!”

In the game.

Nidalee has turned around and walked a few steps forward, and then.

Cooldown is over, and the next moment, a Q is shot out!

Silver javelin appears!

At this moment, the silver-white javelin seems to exude a strong bloody smell.

Blood burst out at this moment, and the spear pierced through the fog of war.

Still the precise angle, blind vision prediction!

The extreme distance made full use of the Q mechanism of the Leopard Woman, and the damage was pulled to the extreme!


Syndra, who had deliberately found a good position to return to the city, had her health emptied in an instant!

Falling to the ground!

"IG-Yuanshen (Wild Huntress) killed ROX-Kuro (Dark Leader)!!!"

"First Blood!"

First blood!

"Oh oh oh!

"First blood! First blood! Leopard Woman marked it! Marked it again! Oh my God!"

"Yuanshen showed us a wave of amazing operations at the beginning of the game! ”

In the game.

Sindra was in a healthy state at level 1, but was killed by Nidalee's three marks.

The audience around the world was stunned!

What's this?

No one expected the result of this level 1 team fight to be like this. Everyone thought it would end with IG losing a little, but they didn't expect Nidalee to do this!

In the game.

Kuro was also dumbfounded, and after a long while he burst out with a swear word: "Ah! Is this guy sick? ! How can he Q so accurately? ! !"

"Brother, why don't you retreat a little further back to the city..."

Peaunt asked.

"If it were you, would you go a little further?"

Peaunt was speechless. He could understand Kuro's pain. After all, in the last game, he had been arranged by Yuan Shen for the whole game.

But...this way, he felt uncomfortable again! !

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