Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 293 Reading on the field, crazy ganking

Chapter 293 - Studying on the field, crazy gank

"Brother Yuan, woc, you are my god!!" In the IG team, teammates were also shocked. Leopard Girl's three-point shot against Sirius made them feel incredible.

"Okay, okay, good luck." Yuan Shen said with a smile.

After taking the first blood, go directly back to the city.

The scene could not calm down.

"This is too outrageous! We were stunned when we saw Kuro! This leopard girl, he was blind all the way!" Miller shouted loudly.

"And... Yuanshen's last mark can actually go forward. This person deliberately blocked the extreme distance of Leopard Girl Q so that the damage can be maximized. Otherwise, Syndra might not be able to be killed!" Wawa said.

"It's really scary, you know, how can this person always do such outrageous things!! These three bids, I'm so stupid!" Miller couldn't hide his shock.

In fact, not only him, but everyone who saw this operation at this moment had only two words in their hearts - outrageous!

"That's it, Leopard Girl goes home, feels comfortable, and gets first blood at the beginning, then we won't lose this wave! We'll gain blood!"

"Well, with the money of one blood, Leopard Girl can make a jungle knife in advance. It will be very comfortable in the early stage... Hey, dark seal? This??"

in game.

Leopard Girl gained first blood, and after returning home, she took out a dark seal with four hundred yuan without hesitation.

Also known as - The Killing Ring!

"No, this is the beginning? The Jungle Leopard Girl has released the Dark Seal. Is this to upgrade the Killing Book?" Upon seeing this, the European commentator immediately screamed.

The Killing Ring is a piece of equipment that is rarely used in professional arenas, because if it comes out, people must have the idea to upgrade the Killing Book.

When you upgrade your killing book in a professional game, doesn't that mean you don't treat your opponent as a human being?

"Probably not, but Dark Seal is actually profitable, but Yuanshen must be violent first, so Leopard Girl needs to be a little more violent!" Wanwan's commentator joked.

in game.

The Leopard Girl came out with good equipment and started to draw red in the second half of the jungle normally.

With the bottom lane helping to clear the jungle, Leopard Girl quickly cleared the red buff.

Leopard Girl's jungle clearing speed is definitely one of the best in the entire league.

When Yuan Shen cleared the wild, he also showed everyone what it means to pull the wild without injury. The whole process was AQR and A-level, flowing smoothly, like an artistic painting, with almost no blood loss.

"Yuanshen is such a wild guy, I really admire him."

"I saw it when I played Jax. Yuan Shen has a very unique understanding of jungle control, and his dominance is very strong. This style of play is like a combination of Xiang Guo and Factory Director, and Reached the realm of great success!”

Miller looked at the map and said with a smile: "The Leopard Girls usually use the fast three style of play now. I think Yuanshen's style may be used in this game. That would look better... huh?"

Before Miller finished speaking, he saw that after the Leopard Girl got red, she had no intention of killing other wild monsters.

What kind of quick three play method? Doesn't exist!

Leopard girl just click W! Then the leopard form comes down from Xiaolong Pit W and goes straight to the opposite jungle area!

"Is this an invasion? Hey, it is still an invasion. Let me tell you, how could he keep doing it?" Miller smiled awkwardly, but soon his attention was no longer on it: "The blind monk is still here. In the lower half of the area, we are fighting the Demon Marsh Frog. There are eyes here, are you aware of it?"

in game.

Leopard Girl entered alone, and Yuan Shen also knew that the opponent would definitely keep an eye on him in the jungle. After all, after fighting for so long, it was impossible for the opponent to be unprepared for him.

So he waited for the CD deliberately, and then climbed up from the wall next to him, trying to get around it.

However, this time ROX was obviously smarter. They deployed three fields of view in the jungle because they knew that Leopard Girl was more flexible and could pass through walls at any time.

At this moment, Leopard Girl just came up with W and was immediately spotted by ROX.

"Hey! I found out, ROX is such a thief, there's nothing we can do about it," the commentator said sadly.

But in the game, Leopard Girl did not retreat.

The moment the blind monk saw the Leopard Girl, he quickly retreated, preparing to draw away the hatred of the Demon Swamp Frog. The Leopard Girl directly marked him out!

Accurately hit the blind monk!

The blind monk's bloodline dropped a little. When he saw the menacing leopard girl, Peaunt was shocked to find that he was extremely nervous at this moment!

Jax's jungle performance in the last game has already left him with a psychological shadow.

In just twenty minutes, he had walked through Smeb's mental journey for a year.

"Ah? The blind monk is withdrawing now? Won't he come to the bottom lane to help defend the jungle area?"

"This... In fact, Peaunt did nothing wrong this time. Because of this position, his teammates had no time to support him. Leopard Girl has already hit him with Q. I used to give him a set of W. If the blind monk has no skills, he will not be able to fight in the early stage. When the time comes, he will be defeated. Hang on, maybe all the people and monsters will be gone, and both people and money will be lost! "Peaunt is quite decisive this time," Miller said rationally.

"Yes... but in this case, the lower half of Peunt's wild area is gone again! Leopard Girl can directly take over the Demon Swamp Frog. The hatred is not completely spread. A will die after a few hits..." Watou joked.

in game.

Leopard Girl has taken away the toad, and for the old wage earner Peaunt, everything is normal!

But the next moment, Leopard Girl did not fight the three wolves as everyone expected, but walked straight to the opponent's high ground!

Here, the blind monk is returning to the city in fear!

"Hey! What does this...Yuanshen mean? Do you want to chase the blind monk? Can this kill?! The game has just started and he is going to the high ground?"


"Omag, you're crazy! The name Yuanshen is a lunatic!"

in game.

Leopard Girl's behavior of killing someone after robbing the toad was beyond everyone's expectations.

And everyone didn't understand it at first, but when they thought of the weird three-target shot of Sirius before the first blood - everyone suddenly got goosebumps!

"He still wants to chase! He still wants to chase! Omaika, Yuanshen, he has broken my understanding of all junglers. Is there a chance this time?!"

"It seems... there seems to be no chance, but here in Yuanshen, everything is possible. He is a magical oriental player!"

in game.

The Leopard Girl had already arrived at the highland passage in the wilderness, and then she counted the time and fired a shot in the direction of the second tower.

At this moment, the blind monk was returning to the city, and this shot pierced him firmly!

"Ouch! Hit!"

There was jubilation.

But the next moment, the blind monk handed over the W-touching soldier and ran towards the high ground.

This completely eliminated Leopard Girl's desire to kill.

"Peaunt reacted very quickly, so this wave is a bit of a pity. But fortunately, the momentum is coming out!" the doll finished.

Miller said with a dull look on his face: "This... what kind of monster is this!"

It's not surprising that the blind monk escaped, but Leopard Girl's crazy operation of killing people on high ground at the beginning really shocked everyone's attention.

"It can only be said that Yuan Shen's strength is really too strong."

"He has always been confident in his confidence. On ROX's side, the blind monk has left, and he has not come to support the bottom lane. It seems that he has given up on the bottom half of the jungle.

From the beginning to the end, ROX didn't come over in the bottom lane, because it was still early in the laning phase, and IG's performance in the bottom lane was unexpectedly good!

In addition, Leopard Girl is too flexible, which may lead to a lot of lane losses in the bottom lane, so ROX did not act rashly.

in game.

Leopard Girl didn't kill the blind monk, so she could only vent her anger on the three wolves!

At the second level, go to the opposite jungle area to force dodge and kill people to get wild monsters.

Everyone has gradually adapted to such skillful and domineering operations.

After returning home, Leopard Girl immediately went straight to the upper half of the wild area.

After knocking off the blue buff, he stopped where he was and looked at it.

"Can you come?" Yuan Shen took a look and asked.

"He didn't give me a chance!"

TheShy shook his head, Smeb played extremely steadily this time.

"Oh, here I come."

Theshy: "??!"

"Leopard Girl plays blue, and she can take out the other monsters in the upper half of the wild area... This one has a smooth start, with first blood + the three toad wolves on the opposite side. The blind monk does not dare to come and invade the Yuanshen jungle area now.

"Yuan Shen's matchup suppression power is probably No. 1 in this year's S competition. Let's see... hmm? There is no toad, this wave=Yuanshen seems to have an idea for the top lane!"

"But Smeb has been very cautious on the road and hasn't handed in the E skill, and the blind monk is killing the stone man! I feel like IG is a little anxious this time, eh, it's on!"

in game.

In the laning situation on the top lane, Kennen was slightly suppressed by Jess. This was not because Smeb was weak and was outnumbered, but because it was really easier for Jess to beat Kennen.

Therefore, Smeb also took a look, and happened to see Leopard Girl.

However, Leopard Girl had no intention of hiding. After walking out like this, Kenan immediately stepped back.

Jace W changed form, Q directly hit Kenan's face, hammered down three times, the damage was off the charts!

Kennan hurriedly entered the tower!

But just as he started, he ran directly into Leopard Girl's Q!

"Ouch! Predict Q! Yuanshen predicted Kenan's position!"

In the game, Kennan was directly predicted by Leopard Girl's Q, and the blood line dropped instantly. Then Leopard Girl changed her form and wanted to pounce on her, but the distance was too far, and Kennan had already walked into the defense tower.

Similarly, Kennen's health bar was so depleted by IG's Ueno, and coupled with the discomfort of being tapped by Jace in the previous line, now only half of his health bar is left.

Looks like a good chance!

But there is actually no hope.

"This wave of Yuanshen is so beautiful, but Kennen has already entered the defense tower. The blind monk is also behind him and Smeb is handling it very calmly! In this way, this wave of Yuanshen simply consumes Kennan's health line. The leopard can be seen in the blind monk's position. Women can't resist Yuanshen's wildness, so we can still accept it..."

in game.

Everyone originally thought that this wave of gank had failed, but unexpectedly, the Leopard Girl did not leave immediately, but passed through the triangle grass and went directly around to the other side.

And Jace is also starting to push the line now!

Everyone can see this gap, IG, we still have to seize it!

"Eh!? This isn't right! Leopard Girl? Leopard Girl wants to invade the opposite jungle? No! She wants to trap Kennen! Wow! Do you want to cross over?!"

"This... is too forceful. This wave of blind monks is coming! Then IG may be out of control once it climbs over the tower!"

Everyone in Doll Miller was dumbfounded, and their hearts were in their throats.

At the same time, Leopard Girl and Peaunt, who had just arrived, had also met.

After meeting, Nidalee was obviously stunned for a moment. He did not expect to see Lee Sin.

"It's over. Yuanshen is also a little confused. Can he leave? This position feels too deep! Go straight up! Leopard woman is up? God, this is too fierce? This is in the opponent's jungle!"

In the game.

When Nidalee saw Lee Sin, she was stunned for less than a second, and immediately made a decisive move and threw a javelin backhand.


At the same time, she healed herself and switched to a set of combos in leopard form!

In one go!

Before Lee Sin had time to attack a few times, he was directly hit by Leopard woman and lost half of his health!

At this moment, Jayce also fired an EQ cannon, which went straight through the minions and hit Lee Sin!

Before Peaunt entered the field, his health was only half left!

He quickly retreated and turned to run towards the second tower.

"Run away! Lee Sin ran away! Wow! This wave of IG's top and jungle match is so beautiful! Leopard woman has such high damage!"

The scene was noisy. But there was no time to think about it, because the situation had changed again.

"So what! What do you say? Go for it this time!"

On the front battlefield, Lee Sin retreated. IG's top and jungle are people who do what they say, and the troops have entered the tower.

Without saying a word, Nidalee placed a clamp in the defense tower, and then changed to leopard form. Kennen's skills were not ready now, so he was hit directly!

But Smeb was not panicked at this moment. Although Lee Sin retreated, because the opponent crossed the tower, Nidalee could not resist the tower for a few times.

But he still underestimated the tacit cooperation between TheShy and Yuan Shen and their determination to cross the tower!

Jayce also hammered over from the side, and the two focused on Kennen. Kennen had nowhere to hide, and his health line instantly dropped from half to one-fifth!

At this time, the defense tower was beeping for a long time, and the laser had just been fired!

"There's a chance this time! There's a chance! Nidalee and Jayce's damage is too high, but Lee Sin has come back, and Kennen's E skill is back, so this wave is going to be a big deal! This wave of IG's top and jungle may have to stay here...!"

The outside world follows the situation, and the Sichuan Opera changes its face.

As soon as Wawa finished shouting, he saw Lee Sin coming over, and Kennen in the game finally got his E skill back.

Nidalee is still defending the tower, and her health is also only half left. If she is pulled, she will definitely die!

"Nidalee's blood line drops very quickly--defense tower! Wow! The early defense tower is really the tower daddy! This wave of Nidalee is almost out of blood!"

"Oh, this wave of IG, Yuanshen is too... Hey! Oh my god!"

"Oh my god! What did I see?! How did ROX die?!"

Everyone was stunned when they saw what happened next! .

Smeb was very calm in the face of the crazy tower crossing of IG's top and jungle.

At this time, Nidalee's health was also reduced to only half by the defensive tower. If she was hit by Kennen's Q, whether Kennen would die or not would be a big deal, but Nidalee would definitely die!

This wave of ganks became a way to drag the top laner to the battle!

Because Lee Sin was coming soon.

Smeb directly threw out his Q skill, aiming directly at Nidalee!

But at this moment, or when Kennen's Q just came out, with a gap of less than 0.1 second, Nidalee also moved!

Her reaction nerves reached the extreme at this moment, and she flashed in an instant, flashing directly to the outside of the defensive tower in the opposite direction at an angle!

Almost at the same time, Nidalee just flashed down and fired a Q skill javelin, pointing directly at the direction of the red side's first tower!

But the direction was not Kennen, who was left with low health, but a shadow area!

The next moment, Nidalee's javelin passed by Kennen and shot directly into the shadow area a few hundred yards behind him!

Here, a Lee Sin with less than half health just walked over!

The next moment, he was directly hit by the javelin!

The blood line was cleared! A few seconds later, the red buff burned him to death!

He fell to the ground!

And the half-blood Lee Sin was killed instantly!

"IG-Yuanshen (Wild Huntress) killed ROX-Peaunt (Blind Monk)!!!"


The noisy scene was silent for a second

The next moment--crazy!

"Oh my god! Oh my god! God!"

"Nidalee! Yuanshen! Yuanshen shot Lee Sin to death! He was killed instantly by Nidalee at the extreme distance! This mark! Too cool!"

"He also dodged Kennen's Q! NO!"

Everyone's scalp was undoubtedly numb at this moment, and their brains were blank.

This scene was too shocking. A Lee Sin who was a hundred thousand miles away from Nidalee died just like that!

The previous second, Peaunt was the god of death who came to collect the head, but the next second, he was really dead!

How did he mark it? !

This mark caused a thousand waves!

"Then Kennen! Kennen is gone! Jayce's skills are ready! What should we say about this wave?!"

In the game.

ROX's top and jungle players were all dumbfounded. Kennen saw Nidalee's operation and even forgot for a moment that he had already used Q.

But he is a top professional player after all. After reacting, he didn't even have time to curse. He immediately flashed into the defense tower!

But Nidalee had already circled around the triangle grass next to him, and Jayce turned back confidently.

A few seconds later, Nidalee used the weak vision to stab Kennen to death with another attack.

"Who said he can't use Nidalee!!"

"IG-Yuanshen (Wild Huntress) killed ROX-Smeb (Raging Heart)!"


"Killing spree!"

Double kill, big kill!

"Dead! Kenan is dead too! This wave of Yuanshen is so awesome!" Miller shouted loudly, and the scene was already going crazy!


"IG! IG!"

I remember I couldn't help but say: "Do you think Yuanshen's standard is so accurate?

I was shocked beyond words.

"Then..." Miller gathered his emotions and took a look at the road: "IG, we successfully captured Kenan and killed him, and the blind monk also died together!"

"Yes..." Everyone agreed, but there was silence for a long time, because everyone was still immersed in Leopard Girl's shocking operation just now. You don't need to think about it to know that this operation will definitely be Leopard Girl's textbook-level Tianxiu operation in the future!

"Phew! I found that the position where Yuanshen flashed just now was in the opposite direction. He should have deliberately pulled it to the extreme distance... The damage was too high, otherwise the blind monk would not have been directly stabbed to death by the blood line."

At this moment, the replay came. This operation is definitely the most classic operation. The director specially played it with VR stereoscopic images.

After watching it again, the shock in everyone's hearts not only did not diminish, but became more intense.


When I was about to say something, the screen changed! The shots have been given to hit the road.

There's a fight again!

Both Kenan and the blind monk died. IG went to the wild but none of them went home!

Leopard Girl swiped a few stone men that the blind monk had not had time to take away, and then came to the stone man grass and squatted down.

The next second, SmebTP came down!

"IG, Yuanshen didn't leave! So Smeb doesn't know about this! He thought that Yuanshen would definitely leave after so little blood... But no! One of Yuanshen's styles is - not playing according to the routine!"

"What about this wave...?"

in game.

Smeb landed, and Jace had already QE out in advance.

"Is this person crazy? Can he kill me like this?" Smeb was shown to be a bad person on the wave, but he still had the ability to judge the situation.

It's just that he had just been hit by Jace's EQ, and the next second, he saw a silver-white javelin also emerging from the shadows of his side of the field of vision! It stabbed him hard on the back!

Another extreme distance javelin!

As soon as Kennen's TP landed, half of his health line was instantly gone!


"Oh, what kind of harm is this, Smeb is stupid!"

Seeing this scene at the scene, there was also a commotion.

"Then this wave... we have it?

"Up, Jace is in good condition, just fight the tower!

in game.

Jace resisted the tower, and in his W hammer form, he directly hit Kennen on the face. He hit AAA three times, triggering thunder, and the damage exploded!

Leopard Girl was taking the medicine, and her bloodline was no longer as bad as before. With Jace fighting the tower, he didn't have anything to worry about. He used W to bring out two sets of skills.

Jace and Leopard Girl, who happened to be the kind of magical heroes with seven skills, took turns to greet Smeb in two consecutive sets. As soon as Smeb landed, he was gone again!

"IG-Yuanshen (Wild Huntress) killed ROX-Smeb (Raging Heart)!!!"


Rampage! .

"Dead! Smeb is gone!"

"That night, Smeb recalled the fear of being punished by the big devil on the road!"

In the game, as this wave of Smebs landed and turned into boxes, the scene exploded again!

"It's military training! This wave of IG's cooperation in the jungle is too confusing!" Miller said loudly,

"This is really military training. Smeb is stunned. I just came down, why did he die again?~"

At the scene, Smeb died twice in one minute. The director specially showed the camera and saw that Smeb's face already looked a little autistic -.


Now that the LPL audience saw this, they immediately screamed:

Ordinary people wouldn't do this, but Smeb's hatred was too deep before!

Now that Yuanshen is training like this, everyone feels comfortable.

"The only pity is that Jess used the Q skill to avoid being stunned by the tower just now when he resisted the tower and used Kennen's Q skill to avoid being stunned. Otherwise, this wave would have been perfect..."

Jace was resisting the tower just now, and Kennen struggled a bit before dying, trying to stun Jace and replace him. Theshy was forced to dodge and dodge, allowing Yuan Shen to take away the head.

"It's okay, now IG just wants Leopard Girl to be fat! This Leopard Girl now has four heads!"

The doll looked at the big screen: "The dark seals have stacked up to six levels! And not only have people been captured in these two waves, Kennan's flash has disappeared! Moreover, the red and blue on the blind monk in the last wave have become Leopard Girl's. Ah, the refill was successful!”

in game.

After this wave, Leopard Girl's record has reached a terrifying 4-0, and at this time, the game time is less than five minutes!

One head per minute on average?

"It's time to kill. This Yuanshen is really starting to kill... I can't forget that wave of operations just now. This person is a pure operation monster. He is different from other junglers. Other junglers are different. It depends on the current situation, he is different, he is a jungler who relies on manipulation to catch people!" Miller shook his head and sighed.

"Yes... let's see, IG is now... this??"

The doll was stunned, looking at everything that happened in the field, and screamed uncontrollably: "Isn't it? Isn't it?!"


Yuanshen! Still coming! Does he still want to arrest him? ! "This wave of catching Smeb to death has already killed him twice in a minute. Moreover, Leopard Girl has already harvested three heads since she came on the road. It's time to go home and change equipment.

But I never expected that the leopard girl who had captured Smeb to death again did not leave yet. Instead, she went to brush a river crab, and then her vision was stuck, and she came directly to the famous "autistic grass" on the road.

When she was about to enter the grass, Leopard Girl used the displacement of W to jump in.

If you walk directly into this location, there is a small chance that you will be seen by the defense tower.

Yuan Shen doesn't want to take any risks.

"Ouch! Yuanshen, this person has started! He has started to be unreasonable. What is this? If Smeb is caught to death again, it will be completely impossible to play on the road! He has lost a lot of lines now!"

The commentator said this, and his tone became unbearably excited.

"Have you noticed? Smeb is resurrected..." After Miller finished speaking, he frowned and said: "But, if Yuanshen does this, isn't he afraid that Peaunt will attack him in the jungle?"

"Peaunt didn't go. They thought the Leopard Girl had returned to the city and the blind monk didn't dare to invade. Now that he didn't go, then ROX hasn't realized that this wave is coming?!"

in game.

Smeb had already reached the second tower on the upper road and hurriedly passed by the bushes where Yuan Shen was hiding without any reaction!

He never imagined that the opponent would be so crazy and crazy, and then he would be arrested like this!

When he walked into a tower and saw Jace exploding, he felt something was wrong.

The next second, I saw the small map of the second tower on the road, and a leopard girl jumped out like a devil!

Smeb: "??!"


"Axi! Why is he still torturing me like this when he has already gone to the jungle?" Smeb's mentality instantly collapsed when he saw Leopard Girl.

"Smeb is also stupid. Then this wave...the army line has arrived, Leopard Girl. Hey, hey, it's too much, brother, what are you doing?"

in game.

As soon as Leopard Girl came out, the troop line also arrived. Then Leopard Girl consciously started to cut off the troop line. Theshy looked full of questions.

"This wave goes directly over, there can't be any wires." Yuan Shen said clearly.

TheShy also knew that he was telling the truth, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"Leopard Girl is disconnected, so Kenan is completely gone. Now Smeb is only at level three... Jace is already at level four, and Leopard Girl is almost at level five!"

After Leopard Girl cut off the line, her own line of troops had also entered the tower. She and TheShy directly attacked from the front and back, leaving no room for Smeb to escape.

A few seconds later, Leopard Girl didn't even need to enter the tower. She just Qed two targets in a row outside the tower. With Jace's QE, Smeb was directly targeted.

This humiliating killing left audiences around the world speechless.

A few seconds later, the Leopard Girl made another target and Smeb fell to the ground.

"IG-Yuanshen (Wild Huntress) killed ROX-Smeb (Raging Heart)!"


Dominate the game!

Five heads!

At the same time, a white light flashed on his body and he was upgraded!

Relying on killing people, I reached level six!

"Axi, is it really okay for IG to do this? Everyone is playing in peace, and they are killing like this. I think it goes against the foundation of fair competition!" The LCK commentator couldn't stand it any longer.

"They are still stronger. ROX's mentality has not adjusted in this game. They are a little too nervous..."

"It's broken. It's completely broken on the road..." Seeing this scene, several LPL commentators didn't know what to say. Their moods were even a bit complicated. Miller shook his head directly.

"This is autistic!" The corners of the baby's mouth raised uncontrollably, and he couldn't hold it in any longer!

in game.

Leopard Girl finally returned home this time. Although her wild area may have been countered by the blind monk, this loss is nothing compared to catching Beng all the way.

Besides, does this count as a loss for him?

Yuan Shen raised his eyebrows, and then opened the store. Without hesitation, he took out a piece of equipment that at this point in time would be enough to make all players around the world revel in it.

Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll!

Also known as - The Book of Murder!

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