Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 41 Wandering Mage, Ryze's Tactics

Chapter 41 - Wandering Mage, Ryze Tactics

When I returned to IG, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

The official live broadcast of LPL is showing the game between EDG and Snakes.

"I'm so tired, coward. Why don't you take me with you next time you play a game..."

Zhi Zhi rubbed his old waist and lay on the sofa with a sad look on his face.

He had a hard time guarding the water fountain, especially when he saw Yuan Shen killing people on the field.

"Practice your skills more. When you can beat me, you will be able to compete."

Yuan Shen sat directly on Zhi Zhi's lap and encouraged him.

"Yes, who said the top laner can't play the middle laner? If you can't beat Yuan'er, it's the same if you beat me."

Rookie also followed Yuan Shen and sat on the posture back.

"Stop, stop, stop, you are going to crush me to death!"

Gezi quickly patted Rookie on the back and motioned for him to stand up.

Yuan Shen couldn't care less, but Rookie was so heavy that it almost made him unable to breathe.

He sat up and frowned at Kid who looked regretful.

"No, Ge Yan, you want to sit on me too? Look how fat you are!! If you want to be a coward, just say so."

"How come, we are good brothers."

Kid smiled, but he couldn't hide the regret on his face.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble. After playing QG today, the first game week has been completed perfectly. There are still four days left, so we can make some adjustments."

Shooting Coco flips through the competition calendar.

In the second week, IG's opponents were not very powerful.

To be precise, for the next period of time, IG's opponents will not be very strong.


If nothing else, these five teams will be the bottom five teams in this LPL Summer Split.

Because the gap between their strength and the other seven teams is really huge.

Just because there will be eight spots in the LPL playoffs, one of them can make it into the playoffs.

IG, in the next three game weeks, will not worry because its opponents are too strong.

After dinner, everyone from IG came to the conference room.

This is already a common practice.

There are some things that cannot be said on the field, but in the review after the game, you must speak freely.

"After discussions with the management, Yuan Shen will be IG's starting top order from now on."

As soon as everyone sat down, Su Xiaoluo gave a piece of news that could be called a bombshell.

"I...submit to management's decision."

The smile was a little forced. Although he had expected this day, he was still a little sentimental when he actually heard Su Xiaoluo's announcement.

Although he debuted earlier, in terms of age, he is one month younger than Yuan Shen.

He just looks older.

"If everyone has no objections..."

"I have an opinion!"

Before Su Xiaoluo finished speaking, he heard a voice coming from the corner.

Taking a closer look, Su Xiaoluo was stunned.

"Yuan Shen? You..."

Su Xiaoluo couldn't understand. He mentioned Yuan Shen to the starting position. What opinion could he have?

"I have studied a lot of routines recently. Some heroes are not proficient enough and may need to be played by Brother Hao to be effective."

Yuan Shen took a deep breath and decided to speak out.

"Is it... a routine like Ryze? Or is it a style of play like a rush system."

Fumanduo hesitated.

He only had a rough understanding of the players' hero proficiency, but did not fully grasp it.

Just like the Olaf that Yuan Shen brought out today, if Yuan Shen hadn't used it in previous training games, he wouldn't have known that Yuan Shen had this trump card.

"Ryze is just one aspect. I've seen Brother Hao practice a lot recently. Rookie can also master the skill of blocking minions' attack intervals to flatten the A and consume the opponent. The reverse R flash is also relatively proficient, but this is not enough. We We still need more tactical reserves, otherwise it will be a bit difficult to defeat EDG and LGD.”

Yuan Shen's words made everyone in IG fall into deep thought.

Indeed, what surprised them most about Yuan Shen's arrival was not only Yuan Shen's own strength, but also Yuan Shen's seemingly inexhaustible supply of fantastic ideas.

Many of the routines sounded strange and confusing at first, but I have used them several times in training matches with the second team and the results are really good.

"Okay...then let's not talk about this."

Su Xiaoluo nodded.

In fact, this is not a big deal in the first place.

Whether he starts or not is just in name. When the time comes to play the game, isn't it all based on negotiation?

Seeing that Su Xiaoluo stopped talking, Fumanduo also began to organize a review of today's game.

Mainly criticizing the gesture and Kid's performance today.

Yuan Shen began to think about other things.

His current hero pool is not shallow.

The strongest hero with SS level proficiency: Crocodile.

Heroes with lower S-level proficiency: Ryze, Dashu, Prince, Rambo, and Dragon Girl.

In addition to these six heroes, other versions of heroes and commonly used heroes are the focus of his improvement.

Generally, it is A-level proficiency, which can provide a 10% attribute bonus.

The crocodile is his trump card hero.

In the next period of time, his biggest task is to train Crocodile to the top level of SR. Only then can he truly have a unique hero that is daunting.

As for the tree, Yuan Shen has no idea of ​​going further.

The current version has only been updated to 5.9, and 5.10 will be updated in two days, and Ekko will be officially launched.

The heavy warrior version in memory is getting closer and closer.

He needs to leave enough points to upgrade heroes such as Noxus, Riven, Sword Princess, and Captain to S level.

According to 100 points for each hero, at least 400 points are required.

And now, he only has 80 points.

This does not include the points for improving his basic attributes.

The time is too tight and the gap is too big.

Yuan Shen has no idea of ​​relaxing.

Four days is a rest for others, but for Yuan Shen, it is the best opportunity to seize the ranking training and accumulate points.

Originally, many people in IG wanted to be lazy, but even Yuan Shen, who has performed the best recently, worked so hard, so what reason do they have to relax?

Rookie is a very hardworking person. Now that he has Yuan Shen to accompany him, the two of them often solo and practice laning.

Not only heroes like Jayce and Ryze, but also heroes like Fizz are within their solo range.

"Your reaction is too fast. I can't dodge it at all."

Rookie admired.

"That was in the top lane. I would definitely be stunned by you in other places."

Yuan Shen smiled.

According to Rookie, he is a natural top lane saint.

The idle computer is turned on, with two snake girls who have been upgraded to level 6.

Every time the ultimate skill is cooled down, they have to test their reactions.

Rookie's snake girl ultimate skill has almost never been hit once when released normally in the top lane.

Unless it is a reverse R flash.

Yuan Shen's reaction is really too fast. Every time he either turns or slightly tilts his head to avoid the petrification effect.

However, when he is outside the top lane, Yuan Shen's reaction is not so abnormal.

But compared to the top lane, dodging twice in three times on average is already very abnormal.

I lost 555 of my books after reading them~ Brothers, you can’t afford to waste time reading books. This week is the second round of recommendations. It will be on the shelves in two weeks. Hang in there~

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