Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 42: Achieving No. 1 in National Server

Chapter 42 - Impact on the No. 1 in the national server

In the eyes of all IG people, Yuan Shen has worked very hard.

They don't even know why Yuan Shen is working so hard.

But in Yuan Shen's opinion, this is not enough.

There is only one reason why he is so hard and tired.

That is IG's bottom lane, which is really too bad.

Rookie and Kakao have the strength of quasi-first-line players, but Keshe Keke and Kid are even worse than he imagined.

The bottom lane against QG was suppressed, which Yuan Shen didn't expect.

This is just a QG, and the bottom lane is not so aggressive.

If it were EDG, LGD, or even SKT, their bottom lane would collapse directly.

Therefore, he must become stronger!

Today's S5 will be the last version where individual strength is king, and it will also be the last version where one can lead the team to victory.

After the S5 World Championship, League of Legends will gradually become more integrated and more team-oriented.

He must seize the last chance.

Outside the door, listening to the conversation between Yuan Shen and Rookie, Fu Manduo held a thermos cup in his hand, his eyes deep.

He could not forget the first day Yuan Shen joined IG.

He had been secretly observing Yuan Shen.

At the beginning, when he saw Yuan Shen's crazy rank, he thought it was just a show. After a few days, he would be like other players, watching girl groups dancing, taking girls to fried fish to gain points, doing online dating, doing live broadcasts...

It is still very easy to make money with the golden signboard of professional players.

But when Yuan Shen persisted, he found that he was wrong.

And he was wrong in a ridiculous way!

He used to think that everyone in IG trained hard.

But after watching Yuan Shen's training in those days, he realized it.

What hard training, it's all fake!

He watched Yuan Shen five times a day, all playing ranked.

When Kakao was dragged by Zzitai to watch Li Caitan's short movie and ask for translation, Yuan Shen was in ranked.

When Kid was brushing the second dimension, Yuan Shen was in ranked.

Even at night, when many people were practicing their ancestral crafts in the dormitory, Yuan Shen was still playing ranked games!

He has been in the circle for several years, and he has never seen someone like Yuan Shen who is both talented and hardworking!

Including when he was in SKT in S3.

In SKT at that time, Piglet and Faker were two people with extremely distinct personalities. At that time, Faker was obviously a debater-type personality, and he was born to conflict with Piglet, who was a protagonist-type personality. This made their ideas often conflict, and they both wanted to be the core of the team.

But under the protection and tolerance of Kkoma, Da Mu, Bengi and his four big brothers, SKT handled the conflict between the two very well.

The good side of Faker's personality can also continue to grow, while the bad side is suppressed and not allowed to emerge.

At that time, Faker had a fast reaction speed and was very creative. He often did not consider the team or the later stage. He just wanted to rely on his own strength to operate, to break the opponent, and lead the team to victory.

At that time, Faker was the trump card of the team, but not the leader. He did not need to command. He only needed to work hard and show himself as much as possible.

Fu Manduo thinks Yuan Shen is a bit like Faker in S3, and even has something more than Faker at that time.

That is diligence and hard work.

Comparing the debut environment of the two, it is not difficult to find that Faker is much luckier than Yuan Shen.

He doesn't know how much grievance Yuan Shen suffered when he debuted in OMG.

But in his opinion, there is only one reason why Yuan Shen is active and wants to do more for the team as much as possible, that is, because he is afraid of being abandoned.

So Yuan Shen is trying to show his value, both on the court and off the court.

Yuan Shen on the court works hard to carry, and Yuan Shen off the court helps teammates practice new heroes and new routines...

Such people are the most distressing.

If it is a mediocre person, it's fine, but Yuan Shen can be said to be impeccable whether it is team play, laning or overall view.

Although sometimes still a little immature, it is already very precious.

Just like Faker in S3, leading the version and era, leading all players, and entering the next level in advance.

Even when the team was at a disadvantage, Yuan Shen's performance was the most eye-catching.

"Yi Jin, Yuan Shen, you should also pay attention to rest."

Fu Manduo pushed the door open and entered, smiling and chubby. If his hair was not still black, he really looked like Coach Anxi in S.D.

"I'll go to bed later. Coach, you didn't rest either."

Yuan Shen didn't know what Fu Manduo had been thinking about for a long time outside the training room just now.

But even if he knew, he would only smile helplessly.


There was no game the next day.

And usually at this time, IG would take the initiative to find some opponents to arrange training games.

"Let's go to the training game later, Yuan Shen, you should have a good rest."

Fu Manduo patted Yuan Shen on the shoulder.

This has nothing to do with rotation, nor is it suppressing Yuan Shen, but the opponent is too weak.

Their training opponent today is KING.

Training with such an opponent will not learn anything.

Yuan Shen is also very happy.

There are no points for training matches. It is better to play more ranked games with this time.

In nearly a month, his crocodile proficiency is gradually improving.

Yuan Shen has a hunch that in two days at most, his crocodile proficiency will be raised to SR, becoming his first full-level hero.

Now Yuan Shen is not very obsessed with ranking. If it is not for improving hero proficiency and points, pure Rank has no appeal to him.

He knows most of the top five or even top ten players in the current national server.

He is currently ranked second, second only to Dopa, with a difference of about 50 points.

TheShy is ranked third, Xiangguo is ranked fourth, Ning Wang and Xiao Ming are ranked fifth and sixth, and Jack is ranked seventh.

At present, with this score, many people are looking forward to him being able to defeat Dopa and regain the first place in the national server.

After all, the first place in the national server has always been held by a Korean, which is not good.

It’s not that no one has challenged this position, but with TheShy escorting him, Dopa’s position is not as stable as Mount Tai, but it is not easy to challenge.

From 1000 points at the beginning to 1100 points, the top three points in the national server have reached more than 1600 points. It is a bit embarrassing to say that the overall level has risen, but the competition is indeed much more intense.

Because he did not open a live broadcast, Yuan Shen did not reveal that "the first crocodile in Southeast Asia" is his real identity.

At present, in addition to these people from IG, only the people in the "Ionia Seven Wolves" group know his national server account.

Eight o'clock in the evening, prime time.

Even if Yuan Shen has a high score, the speed of entering the queue is not too slow.

Zhanqi TV, Jack's live broadcast room.

"This lineup is so strong."

"The anchor can lie down again, the top laner is Crocodile brother."

"New news, the opponent is Dopa and TheShy, can the anchor win?"

In front of the camera, an ADC with a big head looked at the barrage and laughed out loud.

"What's wrong with Dopa? It's not like I haven't played before, at worst I can just give up!"

Jack will not easily reveal Yuan Shen's identity.

Unless he gets Yuan Shen's permission.

Although he didn't know what the use of doing this was, since Yuan Shen specifically mentioned it, he wouldn't betray his brother.

I guess he wanted to keep a trump card.

Now, whether it's the national server or the Korean server, there are very few professional players who practice tactics and heroes in the ranking. They are afraid of being discovered by their opponents, so they hide it.

Please read~

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