Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 43 Version omen, smooth and flowing

Chapter 43 - Version Omen, Flowing Like Water

The lineups of both sides were quickly determined.

Blue side: Crocodile, Lee Sin, Ekko, Draven, Thresh

Red side: Rumble, Nidalee, Card, Lucian, Titan

Yuan Shen took a deep breath after choosing the Wild Bite skin.

He has been too diligent in ranking recently, and his neck occasionally hurts.

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But in return, Crocodile's proficiency continues to rise.

Although the system does not give a detailed quantification, his Crocodile proficiency is already high, and every slight improvement can be felt very clearly.

Some time ago, Crocodile underwent a small rework, and the skills did not change much, but the rage mechanism was changed.

In general, the rage of A soldiers has increased less, and the health of Q soldiers has decreased.

And the rage of A heroes has increased more, and the health of Q heroes has increased more.

The ability of Crocodile on the line has been greatly enhanced, and the burst and combo are stronger. When the ultimate move is activated during the team fight, it is almost possible to have no lack of rage.

The rework of Crocodile also made Yuan Shen slowly smell the direction of Riot's version changes.

The status of the top lane warrior will definitely be gradually improved.

Two minutes into the game, the soldiers officially contacted and the laning began.

Yuan Shen is very familiar with the opponent.

M3 top laner, last year's world champion, Looper.

Speaking of which, Yuan Shen still likes Looper very much.

In Yuan Shen's heart, the most perfect top lane template is Looper.

I don't know how Zzitai learned alchemy by watching Looper's video.

As one of the heroes that top laners must practice, Looper's proficiency is not bad.

However, Yuan Shen is also proficient.

In Yuan Shen's opinion, Looper's Rambo details are very well done, distance, temperature, are impeccable.

Rambo's core mechanism is temperature control. The release of skills in the yellow temperature state has an additional 50% damage bonus.

However, Yuan Shen, who is also proficient in Rambo, was not scared at all.

Rambo's Q skill looks very imposing, but the damage is actually not high.

The full damage of the first-level Q is just over 100 points, and this is not counting the magic resistance reduction.

If all are counted, the actual damage is less than 70 points.

Even for Huang Wen, it is only about 100 points.

Moreover, it is very difficult to take full damage from Rambo's Q.

While selling blood to push the line, Yuan Shen has been controlling his movement, always stuck on the edge of Rambo's Q skill, in and out.

With the blood recovery of Doran's Blade and the recovery of Q skill, the loss is not very large.

This amount of blood is exchanged for line rights and initiative.

The more Yuan Shen plays crocodile, the more he can understand one thing.

That is how difficult it is for professional players to bring out a hero on the field.

If you want to master a hero, you can't do it without hundreds of Rank games.

Many people have a lot of heroes in Rank, but only a few heroes in the game, turning into Jinchūriki.

It's not that the players have become timid, but they know that their skills are not good enough and are far from being proficient.

Even ordinary players have to deduct words to ask teammates not to practice heroes in the promotion game.

Sometimes, changing a hero will instantly make your level drop from world-class to the bottom of the league. This is a fact.

Speaking of hero understanding, it does not mean that you know his skills and combos.

Take the new hero Ekko as an example. If you rank super once, you say you have mastered it?


Even for professional players, practicing a hero requires at least hundreds of rank training games.

The situation of each game cannot be the same, and the opponents faced are also different.

How to play against various heroes, how to resist pressure in a disadvantageous situation, how to expand the advantage and snowball in an advantageous situation, how to deal with team battles, and even changes in the opponent's lineup, everything will be different.

Only when a hero adapts to various situations can it be said to be proficient.

And only when it reaches the proficiency level in the eyes of professional players can it be brought to the field and not become a breakthrough.

You know, some players may not even be able to practice a hero in a season...

Yuan Shen is pushing the line hard, and the blind monk also understands it very well, and directly signals to prepare for a quick three-way gank.

Rambo military training package, this is the consensus of all junglers in LPL.

Aggressive pressure on the line is just Rambo taking advantage of the irresponsible consumption mechanism of the Q skill to retreat.

Pressure is not for a single kill, but for better development.

Rambo is essentially a team battle hero. If he is really targeted, he can't escape with just the acceleration of W.

In the top lane, Yuan Shen has the advantage.

But the "good news" has come from the middle lane.

TheShy's Nidalee, in cooperation with Dopa's card, directly played Ekko's double summon.

Flash and teleport, neither of them was saved.

Not dying is the greatest luck.

Seeing the position of the blind monk, Yuan Shen also began to lay out.

There are not many cases where the crocodile can take advantage of Rambo in the first three levels.

But this does not mean anything. Once the line of soldiers enters the tower, Rambo will not be much worse than him in development after finishing the tower knife.

It is normal to suppress the opponent in the line when you get a strong hero.

But if you can't get a single kill, that is the scene advantage, not the winning advantage.

The blind monk took the double buff and upgraded to level 3, and rushed directly to the top lane.

Because of a gank in the middle lane, Nidalee was a little slower than Lee Sin.

The blind monk who arrived at the top lane first started the attack.

If it was a game, Looper might have given up the line and retreated.

But this was Rank.

Seeing that the crocodile was still pushing the line slowly, Looper sent a signal to request assistance, and then calculated the time for the Leopard Girl to arrive at the top lane.

However, the sudden attack of the crocodile made Looper stunned for a moment.

Just when he used the E skill to replenish the soldiers and moved slightly forward, the crocodile suddenly jumped.

The first part of the E skill passed through the soldiers and released the second part of the E without any pause, and came behind Rambo.

Seamless E, one of the basic combos of the crocodile.

Flowing like clouds and water, rushing forward.

Until this time, Rambo's E just hit the soldiers.

The avatar of the blind monk has appeared in the field of vision.

Almost without any hesitation, Looper was ready to give up the flash.

But the crocodile's hand speed was faster!

Red Fury W bit Rambo tightly, and the strengthened W skill cold hunting stun Rambo for a full 1.5 seconds.

With super high damage and control, even the blind monk of the factory manager can hit the target with Q steadily.

While Tianyinbo was sliding, the crocodile had already dealt a full set of damage.

WAQA, Rambo's health instantly dropped to an extremely dangerous level.

Lee Sin's second stage Q echoed close to the face, and AEA was launched instantly.

When the stun time was about to end, the second stage E was launched.

Breaking bones and slowing down!

Control seamlessly connected!

But Rambo, who had already escaped from the stun state, reacted very quickly and threw out the E skill to slow down Lee Sin, while opening the W shield and flashing to pull away.


Yuan Shen just had this thought in his mind, and he saw Lee Sin's next move, and his eyes went dark.

Today is enough for 100,000 words to be pushed on the smart push~ Brothers, go for it

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