Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 44: Top of the National Server, No. 1 Crocodile

Chapter 44 - Reach the top of the national server, the first crocodile

Blind monk, follow and dodge.

The slowing effect of the red buff and the slowing effect of the E skill cannot be superimposed.

Rambo's E skill has an even better deceleration effect.

more importantly……

Just as the blind monk jumped over the tower in pursuit, the figure of the Leopard Girl suddenly appeared in the grass.

The E skill milked Rambo, the Q skill hit the blind monk, and the WEQ damage burst out instantly.

The blind monk, who did not flash, was instantly frozen on the spot without even having a chance to run.

"TheShy (Wild Huntress) killed Ani Cake Shop (Blind Sin)!"

The kill prompt appeared, and this wave of gank instantly went from a small profit to a blood loss.

Leopard Girl got the kill, and the blind monk couldn't suppress it in the early stage.

But just when Yuan Shen was about to push his troops into the tower and then retreat, Leopard Girl's next move made Yuan Shen laugh in anger.

The leopard girl with red and blue buffs actually set her target on him.

Even though he knew he was facing TheShy, Yuan Shen couldn't help it.

This style of play is really too hard.

Although the Leopard Girl has red and blue buffs, it is impossible to defeat the crocodile in close combat.

The speed of blood volume decline is obviously faster than that of Leopard Girl.

But even so, TheShy has no intention of being cowardly. As soon as the skill cools down, he immediately pulls away with W and transforms into a human form in seconds. While using the E skill to boost himself, he is also constantly moving A.

Leopard Girl's E skill can not only increase attack speed, but also restore blood.

Moreover, the lower the target's blood volume, the better the treatment effect. A level 1 E, including rune talents, can add nearly a hundred health points.

"You still want to kite me..."

Yuan Shen became serious.

With the red buff slowing down, TheShy thought he had a chance to operate.

Crocodile's E skill has a too long early cooldown time.

Eighteen seconds of cooling down, but it still hasn't improved yet.

If one operation is not good, it may really lead to death.

But Yuan Shen is different.

His crocodile is the only one among the four players on both sides who still retains flash.

The crocodile was always stuck by the leopard girl at a distance of A. Yuan Shen pulled back and forth but could not reach the leopard girl, so he could only be furious.

But when he got close to the soldier, Yuan Shen changed his target.

The Ping A soldier flashed up the moment his anger turned red.

The Q skill Tyrant Strike was launched instantly, and the last hit tied with A, instantly clearing Leopard Girl's health.

"Fancy and fancy..."

Yuan Shen muttered.

TheShy's performance was too reckless and too risky.

"He shouldn't know that I still have flash."

Yuan Shen thought to himself, but even so, TheShy still chose to operate.


Yuan Shen was shocked because he had overlooked something.

On the grass in the river, a red whirlwind rose into the sky!

Rambo is back!

After Rambo was rescued by Leopard Girl before, he directly chose to return to the city.

But now, the brazen teleportation has cut off the crocodile's escape route.

"At this time... it is impossible for Rambo to regain full health."

Yuan Shen was calculating quickly in his mind, and at the same time he kept attacking the soldiers to accumulate anger.

If he were this Rambo, without a few soldiers, facing this kind of endgame, the only equipment option would be straw sandals.

Only the bonus of movement speed can ensure that the crocodile is chased to death.

Coupled with the limited recovery speed of the spring water, Rambo has at most two-thirds of his health.

It works!

Yuan Shen made up his mind.

Now he still has double buffs. Although his health is less than one-third, he still has a chance.

He's gambling.

I bet no one will understand the latest version update.

The hero's mechanism of Crocodile is also the most suitable for counter-killing with residual health.

A crocodile with less than half health can accumulate anger 1.5 times faster than usual!

There is no way to escape but to fight back!

"Don't let me down!"

The Galaxy Magic Machine God's Rambo landed, turned on W and rushed over.

Yuan Shen quickly opened Tab and took a look, feeling reassured.

Sure enough, they are straw sandals!

Seeing Rambo approaching, Yuan Shen walked directly towards the grass.

Card vision.

The only accessory eye on Rambo's body has been inserted into the triangular grass.

This is his only chance.

When he was about to enter the grass, Looper directly activated Huang Wen Q.

Before transmitting, he had already released Q to control the temperature in advance.

The arson feast covers the entire grass, and the crocodiles will be burned wherever they are.

However, at this moment, Yuan Shen first put on the red buff's slowing and burning effects with A, and then immediately handed over an E skill.


Entering the field of view of the grass card is also to delay the cooling time of the E skill!

Looper was determined, and turned back to hand over the electronic harpoon with the E skill, and at the same time turned to the opposite side.

As long as the deceleration is engaged, the crocodile will never be able to escape.


Rambo's E skill is empty!

The crocodile also used a seamless E, but the second E was not to distance itself, but to rush into the grass again! !

The crocodile who came behind Rambo again took action with Ping A, and his anger instantly turned red!

Two flat A plus two E skills, the crocodile has accumulated enough anger!

Red Fury W, bite firmly!

Cold hunting, stun for 1.5 seconds!

The time for Rambo's Q skill is almost up.

From beginning to end, the crocodile only took damage for almost 0.5 seconds.

Flat A!

Draw A again!

After the dizziness was lifted, Rambo drew the A with his backhand and also threw out the second E skill.

This electronic harpoon hit.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

The half-blood blade in the crocodile's hand was spinning rapidly, and the converted Q skill was enough to kill Rambo on the spot even without the blessing of anger.

Four times of piercing back and forth with A and E skills, combined with the damage of Red Fury W and Red Fury Q, in just two seconds, a Rambo with two-thirds of his health was instantly killed on the spot.


TheShy, who was still observing the spring water, directly raised a question mark.

He also plays Rambo.

In his opinion, Rambo must be killed this time.

But even if he didn't kill him, why was he still dead?

In Jack's live broadcast room, the barrage exploded instantly!

Because he was not in a good state due to being hit by Titan's Q before, when the top lane was fighting, Jack was still on the way to the top line.

Because of this, the scene of the crocodile killing Leopard Girl and Rambo was almost seen by viewers in the live broadcast room from beginning to end.


"Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast!!"

"This is Brother Crocodile!! That's why he's called a crocodile!!"

"Wo Ri, who is this? PDD and Shenchao were nothing more than that back then, right?"

"Rambo's Q has almost no damage, but the two E cards have invincible vision!"

"Anchor, please lie down. With a top order like this, what else do you need to do?"

Even though Jack knew that the top laner was Yuan Shen, he was a little dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Jackey, Love (Glory Executioner): "Awesome, Brother Qi!"

Jack was the first to give the compliment.

Praising your teammates and having fun with them is also an essential part of the road to success.

Although I don’t know why Yuan Shen’s group name card is called Yuan Shen Kai, it does not affect him from calling Yuan Shen Brother Qi.

This is the name of their small group, and not many people know it.

The No. 1 Crocodile in Southeast Asia (Desert Butcher): “As long as you have hands.”

The four words Yuan Shen casually typed instantly made the audience in the live broadcast room feel suffocated.

Grandma, it tastes so strong!

Yuan Shen was very happy.

After completing the operation just now, he seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart.

Crocodile, this hero, many combos and playing methods that he had never thought of before suddenly appeared in his mind.

Even all future changes in Crocodile's version, equipment routines, and laning play styles all appeared in his memory.

From the Kurogiri Jukyu to the Blue Dragon Blade Kurogiri to the mythical version of Thirst for Blood, we have it all!

On the system panel, a wild and domineering crocodile avatar appeared on the SR hero interface.

It’s also golden!

Golden legend! !

This revision of Crocodile did not take long.

Yuan Shen doesn't know how many people have studied it, but Looper certainly hasn't.

The current crocodile can instantly create two enhanced skills from scratch.

This was completely unimaginable before.

"This crocodile... can't be controlled."

TheShy knows it all.

The top lane tyrant in the early and mid-term got two kills, and Rambo had no time to play anymore.

It can even be said that most of the rankings in this game are already G.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

A talented top orderer can also play a very big role in the early and mid-term.

As long as the crocodile holds on to the teleporter, they must take the crocodile into consideration whether they capture or control the dragon.

Originally, Dopa chose a hero who favors rhythm. If the bottom lane fails to develop, it will really be over.

The subsequent process also fully illustrates this point.

The people on the blue side also understand very well, after all, they are all players with high scores in the national server.

Jack in the bottom lane has no intention of pressing the line, and the midfielder is trying his best to protect the bottom lane.

Even if there are cards that can provide support at any time, it is difficult for the red side to forcefully cross the tower with the protection of the blind monk.

The result of being free on the road was that within fourteen minutes, the second tower on the road was destroyed.

At twenty-three minutes, after forcibly taking over a wave of teams and being beaten two-for-five by the blue side, the red side initiated a surrender.


Looking at the scores appearing on the screen, Yuan Shen stretched.

If there is no surprise, he is now number one in the national server.

Before, I had always aimed to be number one in the national server, but after I achieved this achievement, I no longer had any extra thoughts in my mind.

Compared with SR's crocodile proficiency, being number one in the national server is really not something worth showing off.

He is the best crocodile in the world! !

"Hey, congratulations to the host for unlocking the first honor in the national server. The upper limit of attributes has been increased to 91. I hope the host will continue to work hard."


Yuan Shen's heart moved.

For attributes of 90-100, one thousand points are required for each improvement point, and enough honor is required to unlock it.

Because the price/performance ratio is too low, he hasn't improved his basic attributes for a long time.

With the two characteristics of top laner's light and top laner dominance, plus the percentage bonus of hero proficiency, although his basic attributes are only 80+, it is enough on the field.

"Number one in the national server? So fast?"

Seeing the score on Yuan Shen's screen, the IG players who had just finished a training match were stunned.

"It's Crocodile again. You really love this hero."

Zizi couldn't help but sigh.

No one knows how strong Yuan Shen's Crocodile is better than him.

No matter what hero he plays, facing Yuan Shen's Crocodile, there is only one outcome.



There is no way to win.

If Yuan Shen played other heroes and left him a glimmer of hope, then when Yuan Shen played Crocodile, he really couldn't find any chance.

The level gap is too big.

Please read~

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