Chapter 45 - Fighting against OMG

"No.1 in the national server, I was one of them back then."

Kid fell into memories, he was one of the top three players in the national server back then.

"Who is not No.1 in the national server! There must be someone who is not No.1 in the national server, right?"

Zizi slammed the table, who was not a genius boy back then?

"I am not..."

Rookie raised his hand weakly.

"But I was No.1 in the Korean server last year."

Yuan Shen was silent.

Whether he admits it or not, No.1 in the Korean server is indeed more valuable than No.1 in the national server.

What is the double championship zone?

LPL is just the double runner-up.

MSI champion, is there a skin?

If there is no skin, just say it.

"How does it feel to be No.1 in the national server? Interview."

She Keke pulled a chair and raised the mouse to prepare for an interview with Yuan Shen.

"No feeling, it will come naturally, as long as the winning rate is positive and no points are added, it will always go up if you play more."

Hearing Yuan Shen's words, everyone in IG couldn't help but curl their lips.

What are you talking about? We are all family members, so why do you say that?


Yuan Shen was silent for a while, then turned to look at Su Xiaoluo.

"Manager, there are two good seedlings you can pay attention to. One is TheShy who plays duo with Dopa, and the other is JackeyLove. I guess you have paid attention to these two people, but their potential is definitely greater than you think. I am very optimistic about them."

After Yuan Shen finished speaking, Kid's face on the side suddenly became extremely complicated.

TheShy either plays top or jungle, anyway, it has nothing to do with him.

But JackeyLove...

That is a famous genius ADC in the national server!

Yuan Shen despises me.

Kid came to this conclusion almost without turning around.

No, his relationship with Yuan Shen is not good enough.

Keep mixing noodles, mix hard!

If you want to capture a man's heart, you must capture his stomach!

Kid made up his mind in his heart.


Days without games are always unusually boring.

And with the arrival of the second game week, IG's third regular season is about to begin.

On May 31, IG played against UP.

The opponents this week were not very strong, and IG did not take them too seriously.

When playing against UP, even with Zzitai on the field, IG still won the game with a 2-0 advantage.

On June 1, against VG, IG chose Yuan Shen to play.

In two consecutive games, Yuan Shen, with Gnar and Irelia, once again defeated VG's new domestic top laner in a single line under IG's "top lane core" tactical system, and dominated the game.

IG's mid-jungle rhythm also completely suppressed VG's mid-jungle. The two games combined took less than an hour.

Speed ​​pass!

IG, which won two games in a row, ranked first in the team list with 10 points.

And the opponents in the next game were also not strong.

RNG, M3, KING...

IG undoubtedly won a wave of consecutive victories, and took the lead with an impressive score of 19 points.

With the momentum of the winning streak, even EDG and LGD began to pay attention to IG.

“The first series in China? Not interested.”

Looking at the message sent by Jack, Yuan Shen shook his head.

He is very familiar with Xiaomo’s first series in China, and many celebrities have appeared in it.

What is the first male blade, Xuanwu Xuanyue Blade. The first Draven, Vincent. The first Jayce, Nanling Flower God...

There are many firsts in China, some are well-deserved, some are very controversial, but every time a new issue is released, the popularity will soar.

In Yuan Shen’s opinion, if he wants to do this, many of the first titles in China will have to be replaced.

At least he is very confident about heroes such as Crocodile, Rambo, and Tree.

“I think it can be done. This series will not expose your true identity. Anyway, it is named after the ID, and there is no loss to you.”

Jack has always been upset that he did not get the title of the first Draven in China. When he heard that Xiaomo was going to give Yuan Shen the title of “The First Crocodile in China”, he couldn’t sit still.

“Okay, I’ll send you some video slices later. I don’t have time to make materials.”

Yuan Shen smiled.

He has been playing professionally for more than half a year, and has never experienced the feeling of being a brother, so he is still very caring towards Jack.

"By the way, didn't Su Xiaoluo ask you to try out?"

Yuan Shen is still quite concerned about this matter.

Kid's strength is hard to describe. If it were Jack, he would be much more relaxed.

Age is not a problem at all. The current LPL does not have an age limit for players.

When Uzi debuted, he was only 15 years old.

He is about the same age as Jack now.

As long as you want to do it, there are still many ways to exploit this loophole.

"You told me, I'm still hesitating."

Jack is very frank.

He also wants to play professionally. Many people in the group are struggling in LPL or secondary leagues, but...

He also has his own concerns.

"IG is not the best choice for you, but I won't let you regret it."

Yuan Shen took a deep breath and continued: "Your talent is the best I have ever seen. If you don't play professionally, it will be a pity..."

"What a pity..."

Jack didn't know how to answer.

Someone said this before when he was on live broadcast.

Instead of becoming famous professionally, just stay here and be a small anchor?

This sentence touched him greatly.

But it wasn't enough for him to make up his mind.

But now that even Yuan Shen said this, he was really shaken.

"Let me think about it."

Jack did not give a positive response in the end.

Yuan Shen was not too anxious about this.

If Jack didn't come, he would just feel a little sorry.

But his goals never changed.

All he has to do is win.

Even if there is no Jack, we must keep winning.

All those who stand in the way of his victory are his opponents.

Time flies and comes to June 19th.

And IG also ushered in its third-to-last opponent in the first round of the regular season.


"Today's game..."

Fu Manduo just started to speak, but was interrupted by Yuan Shen.

"Go all out, I want to win."

Yuan Shen's words cheered up everyone at IG.

Rookie and Kakao don't care. No matter what kind of opponent they encounter, they are both confident to fight.

Kid's face looked a little ugly.

He knew that Yuan Shen had made a big fuss with those people at OMG before.

He also wanted to help Yuan Shen breathe out.


He is going to face Uzi!

His dog phobia is no longer a day or two.

Apart from anything else, Uzi's laning style alone makes him a little overwhelmed.

"Is there any problem with the bottom lane?"

Fumanduo looked at Kid.

" problem."

Kid wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

"Hey, try to be steady, trust your teammates, and leave it to the midfielder."

There is nothing Fumanduo can do.

If the problem of KID is not solved, the future can be said to be bleak.

The psychological quality is too poor.

"What's wrong with you today? You don't seem to be in a good state."

Ge Ge patted Yuan Shen on the shoulder, and everyone on IG also looked over.

"Such heavy dark circles. You didn't sleep last night, did you?"

Rookie also reacted.

"Yes, there are still a lot of bloodshot eyes."

She Keke transformed into a famous detective, came over to take a closer look, and said.

"Well, I didn't sleep well, but it doesn't have much impact."

Yuan Shen smiled.

Fight OMG!

His old club is still the club where he debuted.

His mood was a little complicated.

It is a fact that he and Uzi broke up.

But he still has some feelings for OMG.

After all, this is his first club since his debut.

The eldest brother and Nuo Xia were pretty good to him.

"Hello everyone, welcome to our competition site. I believe everyone has been looking forward to today's competition for a long time."

The ones responsible for commentating today's game are still the old pair of Wawa and Miller.

In e-sports, performance is king.

OMG's performance in last year's S4 World Championship was so popular.

Although the results in the Spring Split are average, OMG's fan base is still ranked in the top three or even higher in the LPL.

Coupled with the joining of Uzi, the name of the All-China Class is still attractive to many viewers.

IG and OMG faced off today, and many people were waiting for the game to start with a fun attitude.

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