Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 47: Swinging in the middle and upper parts, crushing the rhythm

Chapter 47 - Mid-to-upper swing, rhythm crushing

After reaching the second level, Ike's rhythm came.

Whenever Gnar wanted to hit the target, Yuan Shen would check the position and distance in advance, and Q together with his troops.

While consuming Gnar's blood, it can also control the line of troops and avoid pushing the line back into the tower.

If Ekko wants to push the line, he will be very fast. Basically, two Qs plus a third-level damage can clear the front row of soldiers.

After only three minutes of laning, Xiyang felt the same treatment as those who had faced Yuan Shen before.

Too thin!

It’s so difficult!

When the second stage Q is recovered, Yuan Shen either moves or uses E to adjust his position, which can always allow the second stage Q to scratch him.

The E skill hit three rings at close range, and Ekko, whose movement speed surged, directly dodged Gnar's backhand boomerang.

Extremely smooth blood exchange without injury!

However, because Gnar is going out with the three red swords, there is no shortage of supplies for the time being, so Ekko's exchange of blood will not have a big impact for the time being.

Two consecutive waves of blood exchanges gained the advantage, but Gnar also successfully grew in size and regained some health.

Seeing this, Yuan Shen couldn't help but sigh again.

The version is like this. Before the juggernaut version of the playoffs and world championships comes, these top lane tank heroes are really easy to mix.

Unless you are suppressed by strength, you can only fight against them.

Otherwise, the top lane tank would not have been popular for so many years and could be played on the top lane from S3 to S5.

"Kakao, come on, jump over the tower!"

Yuan Shen shook people directly.

Gnar immediately becomes smaller. A small Gnar cannot be defended under the tower.


Kakao responded directly.

After playing so many games, he started to like it more and more.

Every time he comes to the top half, the top lane troops are just right.

Whether he wants to invade or directly gank on the road, Yuan Shen can react in time.

This kind of top laner makes him feel even more comfortable than when he was in KTA last year.

Seeing Ike suddenly push the line, Xiyang panicked.

"The other side seems to be overtaking me. Can you come?"

Before the elixir could answer, he heard a stateless voice.

"This Rambo is so disgusting!! Come and help me push the wave line, I have to go back."

When Rambo beats Yasuo, it’s like a father beating his son in the early stage!

He originally wanted to take the elixir, but as soon as Wushu spoke, he immediately changed his direction.

"Be steady, I'll hit it first."

The words of the elixir made Sunset instantly silent.

This is the treatment for top orders.

The troops entered the tower and the excavator drilled a hole. Even though he handed over E and Flash in succession, he was still stuck and pushed up by the excavator.

As EAQ took action and cooperated with the excavator to deal a set of damage, Little Gnar died instantly on the spot.

"What happened on the road? Didn't I tell you to be careful?"

Uzi's cheeks are red. He hit the wheel mother five times on the bottom road. What's going on on the road?

First blood, explosion!


Rookie sent a congratulatory message directly from the center.

The wine barrel kept Yasuo pushing the line, and he didn't have any good ideas in this wave.

However, Rambo smells great!

When Yuan Shen asked him to practice heroes like Rambo and Titan before, he was still a little hesitant.

After all, mid laners have always been either assassins or mages, and even warriors are very rare, let alone tank heroes like Titans.

Even Riven Jayce in the S3 era was played as an assassin who could deal instantaneous damage.

Armor-piercing and blood-drinking Riven is a product of that time.

But after playing a few times in training matches, he wanted to laugh when he saw the opponent's mid laner helplessly facing a big lump of meat.

The ones from Xiba Basket are so fragrant!

The tank hero is the version. Who said tanks can only play on the top lane?

The same goes for the mid laner!

"Ikko got first blood, but he hasn't chosen to return to the city yet. Now OMG is at a disadvantage in the middle and upper ranks."

"This lane change is really smart. Mid laner Rambo is already an advantage when playing against Yasuo, and top laner Ekko is not bad against Gnar. IG's lane change directly revitalized the situation."

Seeing this, even a stupid kid can understand it.

It doesn't matter whether IG planned to put Ike on the order from the beginning, or whether it was a temporary decision.

The important thing is that he has not seen the adaptability that IG has shown in other teams!

"You still have a little money left, Kakao, I will eat you like a stone!"

Yuan Shenqing finished his army line and went directly into his own jungle area.

Kakao came on Super 3, and his jungle area has not been cleared yet.

"When you get tired of eating, you get tired of eating!"

After hearing what Yuan Shen said, Kakao was not angry, but actually very happy.

Whoever takes the resources will carry, this is the concept that Yuan Shen has always instilled in him.

"Brother Bingquan, you have changed."

Rookie sighed.

Previously, he was told by Kakao that he wanted to be an F4 player for a long time, and his treatment from Yuan Shen was completely different.

Having gained an advantage online, Yuan Shen stopped pretending.

As long as the hero Ekko is consumed, he will definitely push the lane.

In this case, it is better to use the third ring to consume blood, push the line, and then roam.

Seeing Ike disappear from sight again, Sunset was really panicked.

The speed at which Ike pushed the line was really too fast.

Unless Gnar's Q is changed to the AOE damage of Ekko's Q, he will never be able to defeat Ekko.

"Ekko is gone, be careful!!"

"Rumble is gone too..."

Uzi's face turned green.

IG's mid-upper swing directly crushed both of their lanes.

Originally, Yasuo and Gragas could cooperate, but without the line rights, they were always consumed by Rumble in the line, so no matter how much they could cooperate, it was fake.

"Be careful in the bottom lane!"

Lingyao gave the signal in time.

But Uzi didn't want to retreat.

He felt that he could operate.

The bottom lane finally gained the advantage in the line, and it was about to cross the tower and kill, and you let me retreat at this time?

"Look at me, Xiyang is ready to teleport, this wave can be fought!"

Uzi's eyes were only on the line and the opposite side's Annie.

Busy consuming the line, who has the time to pay attention to the top lane line and the top lane situation?

However, although the hero Lulu is not strong in the fight, his ability to clear the line and defend the tower is definitely not weak. At least, there is absolutely no problem in dealing with the line of soldiers under the tower.

"OMG should be careful in this wave of bottom lane!! IG has completely mastered the line rights of the middle and top lanes. Whether it is invasion or roaming, they can take the lead, and Yasuo and Gnar are not very fast in pushing the line."

Wawa kept analyzing, although most of it was nonsense, but it also pointed out the dilemma that OMG is facing now.

I roam, you push the line, then your teammates will lose.

Either lose soldiers or lose wild monsters.

I roam, you also roam, then you lose tower soldiers.

Over time, development will naturally be pulled apart.

This is the benefit of mastering the line rights.

But, it's only five minutes! !

In less than five minutes, IG's top, middle and jungle have gained a complete advantage.

Please read~ Thank Xiuxian Yizhu for the 300 starting coins reward~

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