Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 48 The bathtub that fell from the sky

Chapter 48 - A bathtub falling from the sky

Being a jungle elixir is very uncomfortable.

All three teams were calling the jungler for help, but Kakao's excavator was also very aggressive and kept invading his jungle area.

It was obviously their own jungle area, but the opponent's support was faster than them.

What else is there to do?

The stateless last hit was okay, but Sunset, in just five minutes, was already fifteen times ahead of Ekko.

What else is there to do?

"Let's go down the road!"

With a hurried shout, the elixir's attention also shifted to the bottom lane.

In the grass on the lower road, a teleportation whirlwind rose into the sky.

In our field of vision, a level 6 Rambo also appeared in the river.

A path of flames lay directly at Vayne's feet.

"Can't leave, fight back!"

Everyone in Uzi was confused.

It's only been a few minutes, how about playing mahjong here?

Mid laner Rambo has appeared, so this teleportation can only be from Ekko.

this? ?

"You can't run away! Rambo is coming too fast!"

The situation on the field is changing rapidly, teammates support is in place, and Ke Ke can directly flash out of the hook.

Originally he just wanted to use Uzi to flash, but what he didn't expect was that the hook actually hit him!

Rambo's outflanking was in place, and Level 4 Vayne and Niutou had no way to escape.

After landing, EAWQ immediately took action, and a huge bathtub fell from the sky.


Doll and Miller looked at each other, where was Vayne's flash? ?

Don't pay any of this? ?

Titan's QA control connection, combined with Rambo's Q skill and Wheel Mom's QW set of output, Vayne's blood volume dropped sharply in an instant.

But it wasn't over yet, Ike's W landed directly on Uzi and Noxia's head.

Niutou and Vayne are enveloped in the same bathtub!

"It's over..."

Uzi saw that he was surrounded and didn't even want to flash.

As for treatment, I can't survive without it anyway, so I'll just skip it.

But he didn't notice that Nuo Xia's bull head actually had a chance to escape because it was not the target of IG's immediate output.

"Why don't you give me treatment!!"

Nuo Xia's head almost exploded after being chased to the tower by the IG crowd and beaten to death.

Vayne is bound to die, so forget it if she doesn't flash.

But why not hand over the treatment?

Faced with Nuo Xia's question, Uzi did not answer.

Why should he explain to others?

In the past, he was in C for Royal Family, and now OMG is here too.

These useless teammates can't even understand how to lie down. If they can be beaten by IG with a four-pack and two in five minutes, what else is there to do?

"This wave of IG is very profitable. Rambo teleports to the road, and Ekko can also go to the middle to make up for the line. Kakao has no chance to join the team and can only control Xiaolong..."

The doll no longer knew what to say.

Before this game, everyone felt that IG and OMG were teams of the same level.

Because although IG currently ranks first in the standings, the previous opponents except QG are not very powerful.

The reference significance is actually not big.

But today's game ended like this, which made all of them a little surprised.

Is OMG too good?

Of course not.

But IG, when did you become so strong?

"A world-class top, middle and jungle combination."

Miller commented.

In his opinion, IG's top, midfield and jungle combination is not inferior to EDG and LGD, nor is it inferior to any previous team that has performed well in the World Championship.

Ten minutes into the game, the economic gap between the two sides has been stretched to 3,000.

This is just the difference between the two lines.

OMG's rhythm was completely suppressed.

“It’s not over yet!!”

Looking at Rambo appearing in the bottom lane again, Uzi really broke through the defense.

In ten minutes, Rambo came to the bottom lane four times!

He almost rushed over as soon as his ultimate move was ready, without any hesitation at all.

"What's it called? It's not like you don't know that Rambo pushes the lane quickly. If you don't push the lane in the bottom lane, will you die? If you keep pushing the lane, you will kill someone?"

No status and no compromise.

Originally he was angry when he faced Rambo, but now Uzi is still going crazy.

Who can stand a teammate like this, who has a bad temper and can't fight well?

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, I'll just send it in the worst case."

Listening to the voice in the team's voice, Xiyang's whole body seemed to explode.

So annoying!

He was being suppressed by Ike, which was already annoying.

But his teammates kept putting pressure on him.

What can he do?

How could Gnar push the line better than Ike!

The hero Ekko is considered a version hero. He became popular all over the world as soon as he went online.

After hitting the third ring, the damage is frighteningly high, and the stun time of W is very long.

The ultimate move also has a high fault tolerance rate. I heard that the next few versions will be weakened. From the AP bonus of the skill, the burst damage of the third ring to the movement speed bonus, and the control duration of the W skill, everything will be reduced.

However, Yuan Shen's top laner Ike is completely different.

In twelve minutes, Ike had already made his first big piece.

Ice fist, Bambi's slag, straw sandals.

"Ice Fist? I thought it was to combine three phases. What do you mean by Ice Fist?"

Miller was curious.

In today's version, there are not many options for top lane warriors to fight tanks.

Because the tank's stats are too high, and the equipment is cheap, a casual mix can make the warrior unable to start.

Even for Irelia, the full-level W only adds 45 points of true damage.

It's okay to fight squishy, ​​but it's difficult to fight tanks.

The only exception is AD Fizz.

Although AD Fizz's burst damage is not as high as AP Fizz, after completing the three phases, its ability to fight tanks is absolutely second to none.

The mixed damage of Q can be combined with the radiant special effect that can be triggered, plus the additional damage of W based on the opponent's lost health, even heroes like Maokai dare not be too arrogant when facing Fizz.

But the top single Ekko that Yuan Shen took out this time actually built an ice fist. This kind of equipment is the first in major regions around the world.

"This wave of Ekko teleports... to the bottom lane? Is this to defend the tower? Vayne still has the ultimate in hand, and the distance of Minotaur is not far."

Miller was a little confused.

In this game, Gnar, Vayne, and Ekko are all three-ring heroes. I don't know what Riot designers think, so obsessed with three.

"We should defend the tower, after all, Vayne is still developing... Eh? No way? Can this be used?"

Wawa's eyes widened instantly.

On the field, after Ekko teleported to the ground, he rushed directly towards Vayne!

Yuan Shen's mood was very complicated.

Ignorance is fearless, he really didn't know what the opponent was thinking.

Phase dive!

Uzi reacted quickly and handed over the E skill, trying to interrupt Ekko's E.

But, it was useless! !

Ekko's body staggered in the air and was knocked back hundreds of yards, but the next moment, he rushed directly to Vayne's face!

The deceleration effect of the ice fist and the additional damage of the radiance were instantly triggered.

Ekko's E cannot be avoided after it is released.

This technique allows Ekko to easily catch up with those heroes with displacement.

I'm going to Inner Mongolia for a trip today~ I'm typing on my phone, and I'll update normally~

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