Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 49 Canyon Relativity, Single Kill Uzi

Chapter 49 - Canyon Relativity, single kill Uzi

"Wayne made a mistake!!! This E is too early!"

The doll exclaimed.

When Ekko hits Vayne in E, Ice Fist's slowdown is also triggered at the same time.

EAQ, three-ring explosion.

Ekko's movement speed skyrockets, Vayne's movement speed decreases.

Canyon Relativity!

Vayne's ultimate move was activated, but almost at the same time, a real eye was inserted into the ground.

Vayne's figure reappeared, and Ike continued to follow.

With Ice Fist and Q skills constantly slowing down, Vayne can't run away at all.

Level A continued to play three rings, and Ike just chased from his own tower to the enemy's first tower.

Two three-ring damage burst out, chasing Vayne to death.

"IG-Yuan (Time Assassin) killed OMG-Uzi (Night Hunter)!!!"


"This hero is so disgusting!"

Uzi couldn't stand it anymore.

Ike was far ahead of him in terms of level and equipment.

He didn't even use his W or ultimate move, so he killed him alone.

"This hero is very frank."

Sunset finally found someone with whom she had the same language.

Ekko's tankiness is high, and he has a big move that can restore health and escape the battle. It's no exaggeration to say that Ekko comes with a second life.

The basic damage of the three rings is extremely high, and the crispy skin is basically unable to withstand two sets of three rings, and the cooldown time of the small skills is also very fast.

After triggering the third ring, the movement speed bonus and mobility exceed 95% of top lane heroes.

"Ice Fist is so disgusting!! Why is he so fat??"

Uzi couldn't help but said.

He has only made attack speed shoes now, and he has only finished half of the first big item. How can he still play with it? ?

"Be steady, this one will protect me, I can do it."

Uzi said.

Although Rambo and Digger ganked him several times, his last hit still suppressed Wheel Mom.

Basically all the toads in the bottom lane were eaten by him.

He is indeed qualified to say such things.

But the people at OMG will not tolerate him.

"The bottom lane tower is also going to fall. No one can control this Ekko now."

The game has reached this point, and Wawa is not optimistic about OMG at all.

Even in his opinion, there is no fight now.

Relying on his single advantage, Ike pushed the opponent four and one points and couldn't stop him at all.

The game lasted for 18 minutes. After bringing the top line of troops over, Yuan Shen took advantage of Gnar's teleportation to replenish the line. Yuan Shen teleported around again and cooperated with the excavator and Rambo to encircle and suppress Uzi.

Although the elixir had already been counter-crouched in advance, it was of no use at all.

Even though they were guarding the second tower, IG still chose to jump over the tower without any hesitation.

Ike, who made Ice Fist and Sunfire, is really too meaty!

W's shield and control, and the top tower cooperated with the damage of teammates throughout the whole process to kill all three OMG players.

Use your ultimate move at the last moment and continue to join the battle.

On the surface, this wave is five for three, but Ike can be used as two people.

"There is no need to fight. This Ike completely ignored the defense tower. A set of three rings directly knocked out half of Vayne's health. Vayne's flash and ultimate move to become invisible is useless."

"The economic gap has reached 6,000, and OMG has collapsed."

Miller shook his head.

At this point in the game, it is already garbage time.

It's not because of the huge gap in strength between the two sides, but because starting from BP, IG has crushed OMG.

In the early stage, the lane rights, roaming, and ganking forced the snowball to continue to grow, until now it has formed a one-sided crushing posture.

"Isn't this hero Ike too disgusting?"

"The next one must be banned."

"Why don't you order it first, and we'll call you back next time."

The first tower on the top and bottom lanes was broken, and the OMG team voice said that the three Uenosuke no longer wanted to play.

The disadvantages are too great.

Uzi couldn't help but frown after hearing his teammates' words.

It's only been less than twenty minutes, and you already want to vote?

None of the high ground has been lost!

Seeing Sunset, who was so beaten down by Yuan Shen that his hands were shaking, and then looking at Nosuke, who looked gloomy, Uzi sighed deeply.

Yuan Shen didn't show any talent or potential in OMG. Instead, he was like an old scalper with a good temper, always making contributions silently.

Precisely because he was used to the gentle Yuan Shen, he became angry at Yuan Shen's sudden anger during the spring game, and the two turned against each other.

Although he blamed Yuan Shen for all of OMG's team problems in the post-game interview, but putting the facts aside, is Yuan Shen right?

It's just that he never expected that even though Yuan Shen had been trolled by the entire Internet, there was still a team willing to hire him, and he also achieved pretty good results.

Could it be...

Was he really wrong?



Even if Yuan Shen can gain an advantage, his teammates can delay him to the late stage and let him develop.

There are no heroes who make Shuzi famous.

If he had teammates like Deft and Imp, he would have won many championships.


"After this wave of jumping over the tower, Ike already has four heads in hand. The two-piece Ike is too fat!"

Miller looked at the economic panels of both sides and sighed.

Not only the equipment, but more importantly, Ike's level is too high.

At the game, IG fans had already cheered.

On the contrary, those who were just there for fun were somewhat dissatisfied.

What happened to OMG's handling of the rebel ninja?

How did IG crush them? ?

"Is Yuan so strong? Wasn't he playing a fake match in OMG before? Why don't I have any impression of him?"

"It's so funny, OMG deserves such a top laner? Look at your configuration!"

"With the bathing dog here, which top laner can play well?"

"Wasn't the big brother a very carry last year? Why is OMG like this this year?"

"Control the variables, I don't need to say more about whose problem it is?"

The atmosphere of the barrage in the live broadcast room gradually became a little wrong.

At the beginning, it was the fans of OMG and IG who were fighting each other, and occasionally some sailing dogs were provoking the fight.

But now, as OMG's disadvantage is getting bigger and bigger, OMG's team fans and Uzi's personal fans are fighting instead.

Fans who were originally a little uncomfortable with IG's change in playing style are now very familiar with this scene.

When IG got the advantage, they either split-pushed with four or one, or grouped together to attack the Baron.

In short, within 25 minutes at most, they could definitely win!

This is IG with the advantage!!

The offensiveness in the first 20 minutes is the best in LPL without any problem!!

On the field, the five IG players suddenly gathered together, while the OMG players obviously reacted slower.

Ekko took the lead, and OMG didn't dare to defend the second tower at all, so they could only retreat.

At this time, another disadvantage of OMG's lineup was revealed.

The ability to clear the line is really too poor!

Neither Yasuo nor Vayne has the ability to deal with the line of soldiers.

The health of the highland tower in the middle lane gradually decreased, and the OMG players barely resisted.

"This Ekko's deterrence is really too strong. Why don't OMG find an opportunity to start a wave?"

Wawa explained for OMG, but she felt that there was no chance in her heart.

OMG is too cowardly now.

After the big brother retired, OMG lost its aggressiveness and lacked the bloodiness of last year.

Please read~ This week's third round of recommendations, if Sanjiang and other recommendations are not ranked, the fourth round can be put on the shelves~

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