Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 50: Stop contacting me, I’m afraid they will misunderstand me

Chapter 50 -Don’t contact me, I’m afraid they will misunderstand

At twenty-one minutes, IG cleared its field of vision to Rush the Baron without any hesitation in the whole process.

And when OMG reacted and prepared to move over, clearing the field of vision one grass after another, IG had successfully won the baron.

After a wave of team battles, OMG only replaced one person from Titan.

One for five.

IG wins...


There was a long silence among the voices in the OMG team.

"It's clicked, next one."

I don’t want to say any more.

In the current version, there is no provision prohibiting surrender.

If you encounter a disadvantageous game without a comeback point, it is also a common tactic to surrender as soon as possible to avoid affecting your mentality and preserve your physical strength and condition for the next game.

But the current surrender is obviously not a tactic.

The anger and dissatisfaction that had been accumulated in my heart for a long time broke out again.

"My problem wouldn't be like this if Yuan Shen was still here."

Xiyang took the initiative to take the blame, but his words made everyone OMG even more speechless.


Wouldn't it be like this when Yuan Shen was still there?

You don't know how they played in the spring split, right?

Who is apart from this?

Who are you criticizing?

"It has nothing to do with you. Yuan Shen is more suitable for IG. He should be very happy now."

Nuo Xia sighed.

Although Yuan Shen performed very well in this game, he didn't care.

Ike has five heads, three of which belong to Vayne.

The rest of them and Yuan Shen had a good time together.

To talk about conflicts, it is just a personal conflict between Uzi and Yuan Shen.

"Oh, can Yuan Shen get Jace in OMG? Can he get Riven? Will you give him Ekko? I'm afraid someone has already smashed the mouse and keyboard."

"Wayne, the hero, is this version playable?"

"You chose a hero against the meta and thought you were handsome? Did you think you were Yuan Shen?"

Wu State became more and more excited as he spoke, and Uzi's face became redder and redder.

Yes, he does have such little thoughts.

Yuan Shen plays heroes like Riven Jayce in the tank top lane version, and he can also play Vayne in front of brushes like Jinx's Big Mouth Wheel Mom.

What’s the point of playing ADC if you can’t resist pressure and develop in the early stage but delay teamwork in the later stage?

The weak should be destroyed in the lane and severely humiliated by the strong.

But this time it was him who was humiliated.

"Stop arguing, protect me in the next game, I can really do it."

"CJB, hehe."

Wu State and Uzi are still arguing.

At the end of the first game, the barrage in the live broadcast room has changed the direction of the game again.

"My teammates lost to the puppy but not to the puppy. It's already very difficult for Vayne to do the last hit in the reverse version and still suppress the wheel mother."

"What does the gap between pure top laners and puppies have to do with it?"

"Sunset is such a loser. Why does this kind of top laner still have a job? It would be great if the opposite top laner is in OMG."

"If you don't understand, just ask, which team is the top laner on the opposite side originally from? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Who has the blind eye to see Mount Tai and let this giant Buddha go?"

"OMG is still kind-hearted. If I had a one-card contract, I wouldn't have been beaten so badly today."


Washing dogs and sailing dogs abound.

But no matter what, the result of this game has been decided.

IG wins.

The MVP was given to Ike in the top lane position.

With a perfect record of 6-0-7, the output ratio and injury ratio are both above 30%.

"You played well! Take a break now. What are you planning to play in the next game?"

"Want the whole pool party skin? Make him sick again."

Back in the lounge, everyone on IG seemed a little excited.

Especially Kid, he feels that his dog phobia has improved a bit.

What can you do about lane pressure on me?

My teammates are better than you! !

"What's going on? I feel like you're not in very good shape. How about I play in the next game?"

Looking at Yuan Shen's somewhat pale face, Zhi Zhi couldn't help but say.

He had seen that Yuan Shen was not in the right state before.

"You're not sick, are you?"

Rookie quickly came over and put his hand on Yuan Shen's forehead, then put it on his own forehead to feel it.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just a little tired."

Yuan Shen shook his head and looked at the posture.

"You can go up, can you do it, Brother Hao? Don't wait until you get beaten by OMG."

"Damn! You don't believe me so much? I'll be the next one. It's okay if you sleep here for a while. Don't worry, leave it to me. I'll take it down! I'm very familiar with Sunset."

The posture was stunned, and he patted his chest as he approached and assured.

"Ah? Do you want to hold on a little longer? I feel unsteady in my posture..."

Kid looked sad.

If Yuan Shen is on the court, even if he collapses, the top laner can still guarantee the bottom line, so he is not under great psychological pressure and can actually play better.

But when the posture came into play, he was under great pressure.

"You Ge Yan, what do you say?"

The posture directly hugged Kid's neck, causing Kid to beg for mercy.

The IG lounge was filled with a happy atmosphere for a while.

The fifteen-minute break passed quickly.

OMG everyone looked heavy when they came on stage.

In these fifteen minutes, they have been analyzing IG's play style. This game will be won!

However, they learned a piece of news just after they came on the court.

IG, a player change.

"What the hell? Why is Zzitai on the court, and where is Yuan Shen?"

Lingyao couldn't accept it.

They discussed for a full fifteen minutes how to gank the top lane, but Yuan Shen didn't go on the court at all? ?

What kind of operation is this?

"Then do we still gank the top lane?"

Xiyang asked weakly.

He and Zzitai are both mid-lane players, but his strength is still a little worse than Zzitai.

"Gan fart, what's so good about Zzitai?"

Wu Zi said unhappily.

"Gan mid, and help me restrict Rookie to win this game."

Lingyao nodded. Since Uzi didn't say anything, he had no other choice.


"Don't worry, we still have the strength."

Su Xiaoluo sat next to Yuan Shen and patted Yuan Shen's back gently.

"No, buddy, I'm not a child, why do I have to coax him to sleep..."

Yuan Shen was speechless.

He really didn't get enough rest these days, and even his body after rebirth couldn't bear it.

But after the first game, he felt as if a big stone had fallen from his heart, and he felt much more relaxed.

The current OMG is no longer enough to be his opponent.

His opponents are EDG, LGD, QG, and even strong teams in other regions.

"Well, I'm afraid you'll be too tired. I've been in contact with the two people you recommended. Don't worry, age is not a problem. Jack is a free agent and can join the team at any time. The other one is still in WE's youth training, but he can also be loaned over, or put in the second team next season."

"It's all right, I just think they have potential."

Yuan Shen said, looking at the big screen in the lounge.

Theshy himself is a player he likes very much, whether it is playing style or personality. If possible, he is not opposed to training a future super top laner.

The second game was a bit intense.

However, it seems that OMG has not come out of the last game. Facing IG without Yuan Shen, it only lasted ten more minutes.

In the early 30 minutes, with Zzitai's wave of Tathagata Palm, four OMG players were stuck to the wall.

In the 32nd minute, the OMG base exploded again.

IG won 2-0.

"He doesn't want to shake hands with you..."

Nuo Xia looked at the approaching posture, then looked at the broad back in front of him, and thought silently in his heart.

"His teammates are stronger than us. Yuan Shen's departure is right."

Ling Yao also sighed.

Even without Yuan Shen, they can't beat the IG in front of them.

People strive for higher things. Since Yuan Shen has a better life, they are relieved.

"It's better not to see..."

Uzi's eyes are complicated.


"Nuozi just made a great contribution! Yuan'er, did you see it? Was my Gnar handsome just now?"

Zhizi directly opened the door of the lounge and shouted loudly.

"Okay, okay, I know you are handsome! I haven't heard about Liu Zhihao's deeds of winning an MVP for three minutes. When I go back, I will contact someone to make a banner for you to congratulate you on your successful MVP in the game against OMG."

Yuan Shen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he was also very strange.

I don't know why, but the IG guys just call him "Yuan Er" for no reason. I've forgotten who was the first to call him that, but now everyone calls him that.

"Okay, I'll treat you all today, let's go out and have a good meal."

He looked very happy to win the MVP, and the IG guys were also happy to make a killing.

"Yuan Shen..."

Looking at the WeChat message from Nuo Xia on his phone, Yuan Shen took a deep breath and turned off his phone.

"Don't contact me, brother, I'm afraid they will misunderstand."

Follow up~ Brothers, please support me, thank you~

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