Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 52 BP advantage, Swift Swordsman

Chapter 52 -BP advantage, Swift Swordsman

"We will help you kill the enemy, that must be fun!"



Miller's eyes widened instantly, and Changmao beside him was also stunned.

"Clockwork is the mid laner, then Yasuo is the top laner! Yasuo fights Gnar? It seems there is a reason!"

Changmao only thought about it for a while and found something wrong.

Yasuo's Q is longer than Gnar's level 1 basic attack!

"There is a reason, it can be played, Yasuo himself has the displacement of E skill to get close to Gnar, and he is not very afraid of Gnar's kite."

Miller also saw that IG's move was definitely premeditated! !

"IG is still wavering! Their mid and top hero pool is too deep! First it was Ryze, then Ekko, and now there is Yasuo to waver, this..."

Miller didn't know what to say.

Yasuo can be used to waver, the key is that it seems to make some sense!

On the field, the lineups of both sides were officially determined.

"IG Red Side:

Top Lane Yuan: Yasuo

Jungle Kakao: Lee Sin

Mid Lane Rookie: Orianna

Bottom Lane Kid: Sylvie

Support Kitties: Thresh

SS Blue Side:

Top Lane Flandre: Gnar

Jungle Beast: Sejuani

Mid Lane U: Syndra

Bottom Lane Kryst4L: Corki

Support Ella: Annie."

"Team Snake has a good lineup, with front-line tanks, back-line damage, and group control. In the early and mid-term, you can get kills as long as you seize the opportunity. This game depends on who can seize the opportunity in the front."

"No, I got it!! Yasuo has a wind wall!"

Miller suddenly slapped the table.

He realized it!

"Ah?? Yes, if I remember correctly, Gnar's Q skill cooldown is 20 seconds. If you receive Q, 45% of the cooldown will be returned. There are 11 seconds left, but if you can't receive it... Yasuo's wind wall cooldown is 23 seconds. I just hope Yasuo doesn't bring runes that reduce cooldown, otherwise, Gnar will be very uncomfortable."

Changmao closed his notebook and swallowed his saliva.

Yasuo's wind wall confiscates Gnar's boomerang? ?

Which genius came up with this! !

"Yi Jin! How to choose Yasuo's talents!!"

After finally choosing the rune group, Yuan Shen was numb again when looking at the talents.

"Oh, just choose whatever you want, choose both Fury Double Blade, choose Spell Weave, and choose whatever else you want, 21-9-0 will be fine. If you want to be the top laner, you need to choose some defensive talents."

Rookie has become accustomed to Yuan Shen's personality and said unhappily.

On the field, the game between the two sides started soon.

But as soon as the game screen appeared on the big screen, people found something unusual.

"This Yasuo is so irritable!"

"Ignite? Is it really okay without Teleport?"

"If the top laner doesn't bring Teleport, it will be very troublesome for Gnar to carry the defense alone in the later stage, right?"

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room immediately started a discussion.

After all, it is S5 now, and it is no longer the play style of the previous two years where the big red potion is used and the player does not die and does not return to the city.

As the LCK operation concept has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Teleport, a summoner skill that can change the situation of the battle and form a situation of more people fighting fewer people, has become a must-have for the top laner and even the mid laner!

The use and understanding of Teleport is also an important criterion for measuring the strength of a top laner.


Amid the cheers of the audience, this game officially began.

Neither IG nor the Snake team chose to change lanes.

IG wants to ensure that Yasuo faces Gnar.

And the Snake team wants to ensure that the Corki and Annie have an advantage in the lane.

"Flando, can you play in the top lane? This is the first time I have seen Yasuo in the top lane."

Masto asked while chewing gum.

"Don't worry, I can hold on."

Flando looked solemn.

"Go to hell, didn't you just say you can just bully me? How come you can hold on? You've changed too fast."

Masto was dumbfounded.

"Hero restraint, not easy to play."

Flando said nothing more.

Yasuo vs. Gnar, the opponent has a lot of ideas!!

However, it's not absolutely impossible to play.

After all, Gnar is T0 top laner.

One minute and thirty seconds, the two sides officially started laning.

Yuan Shen was still relatively wretched in the early stage, and did not let Gnar gain too much health advantage.

Relying on white shield and Q to exchange blood, Yasuo is not very afraid of Gnar.

With the arrival of the second wave of soldiers, Yuan Shen also gradually became serious.

Level 2 is coming soon.

Gnar's Q is absolutely not to be eaten.

Once it is slowed down and A is out of the three rings, the health will be lost a lot.

Yasuo has an advantage against Gnar, at least from level 3 onwards.

And the key lies in the wind wall.

"Be careful of the opponent's jungler."

Kakao was observing the situation in the three lanes while brushing the jungle.

The Snake team was strong in the bottom lane, and both the heroes and the players were stronger than them.

Without lane control, he had no intention of invading.

In the first three levels, there was almost no friction between the two sides.

After reaching level three, Yuan Shen began to move.

"Let Yasuo reach level 3 and keep close to full health. This laning match is over."

Yuan Shen stared at Gnar, but his men did not slow down at all.

E skill, step forward and slash!

Yasuo, E goes forward!

The first E passed through the melee soldier, and the second E went directly to the ranged soldier on the left.

Seamless E, smooth and flowing!

"Too close!"

Flando was shocked. Gnar's range was not long in the early stage. Yasuo got close to him with two consecutive Es, and he only had time to step back.

At the extreme distance, Yasuo's Q skill Steel Flash accurately hit Gnar.

Then, the effect of Whirlwind Fierce Slash appeared on Yasuo's sword!

Yasuo stored a layer of sword energy in advance!

Looking at Yasuo with the white shield on his body, Flando felt it was difficult.

The Q skill cannot be used casually. Yasuo also has a wind wall. Once it is confiscated, it will be too difficult for him to hit the third ring!

If you can't catch Q, Gnar's boomerang cooldown time is also more than 20 seconds, which is almost the same as Yasuo's wind wall CD.

Besides, Yasuo also has E, which is too flexible in the line of soldiers and is easy to dodge.

You can only use basic attack...

"Yasuo has started to attack! Gnar is so uncomfortable. Now he can only use basic attack, but Yasuo still has white shield and Yasuo is still using E. The passive of the fourth layer of E is about to be fully stacked!!"

Changmao explained quickly. On the field, at the moment when Gnar used basic attack, Yuan Shen reacted very quickly and pressed W.

Wind wall! !

Almost at the next moment when the wind wall appeared, Gnar's Q skill boomerang had already been launched.


Yuan Shen's mouth corners slightly raised. He didn't know how many times he had played against Gnar with Maokai in the spring season! !

Every time Gnar used Q, he would pull up the boomerang from the ground.


The two sides were very close, and it was impossible to dodge this Q by moving. You could only predict W.

Moreover, the attacks of ranged minions and Gnar's general attacks will all be blocked by the wind wall!

It's over!

Flando's heart sank. Gnar's Q skill was blocked, and he no longer had any capital to trade blood.

However, he still had E!

But just when Gnar just jumped, Yasuo's wind followed!


Gnar's E was blown off by the wind!!

At the moment of being knocked away, Yasuo slashed with a knife, and then the full passive E skill directly passed through Gnar.

Block position, go A!

The positions of the two people, shifting.

Gnar's route back to the tower was directly intercepted by Yasuo!!

Ignite is hung, and the healing effect and true damage are constantly popping up.

The killing intention is determined!!

Two golden lights exploded almost at the same time!

Yasuo still stuck to Gnar tightly, and kept going A while blocking position.

This time, Flando was completely panicked.

He knew that Yasuo brought ignite.

But this damage is too high!!

Top lane, it's too long!!

E skill was interrupted, Gnar has no advantage.

Chasing all the way, the moment Gnar entered the tower, Yasuo's Q skill was ready.

Steel Flash!

With the last jump of Ignite, Gnar's health was instantly emptied.

"IG-Yuan (Swift Swordsman) killed SS-Flandre (Lost Fang)!!!"

Single kill!

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