Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 53 Seamless E, the rhythm of the game

Chapter 53 - Seamless E, the rhythm of the game

"First Blood!!!"

The high-pitched and passionate female voice of the system sounded, echoing in the ears of everyone in the Summoner's Rift.


KID's voice was louder than anyone else.

He was used to the days of the top laner flying.

After playing professionally for so many years, he had never been so at ease.

The top laner flew, and he won without giving up!

"Three minutes, this time is too fast!!"

"It's okay, after all, Olaf chased the Centaur and killed him at level 1 last time."

"The jungler didn't even finish clearing the jungle, and the top laner died?"

The audience at the scene burst into earth-shaking shouts. Unlike the IG fans who were happily discussing with each other, the fans of the Snake team were more angry.

Flando, what are you doing!!!

This single kill was keenly captured by the director.

Just 20 seconds ago, Flando was still pushing the line, and even the blood volume was suppressing Yasuo.

But what the hell is this now?

The opponent has ignite, wouldn't you be more careful? ?

Can you die without exchanging blood?

The replay of the single kill was quickly edited out.

After seeing the replay on the big screen, the audience who didn't know what happened before were silent.

"Too fast, this E is so smooth, isn't it said that Yasuo can't do E continuously at level 1?"

Changmao couldn't understand it.

For Yasuo to have a seamless E, you need to keep clicking the mouse to grasp the rhythm to cancel the E skill backswing.

Generally speaking, this can only be done at level 3 E.

And Yuan Shen just changed E to smart casting. As long as the target of the next E is determined in advance, he can use seamless E smoothly.

"The proficiency is a bit high. I thought it was Rookie who was operating this Yasuo when the ID was covered."

Miller also exclaimed.

"Another single kill..."

Changmao sighed unconsciously, making the audience silent.

The regular season of the summer season is almost halfway through, and the king of single kills is this previously unknown top laner in OMG.

IG played sixteen games, Yuan Shen played eleven times, won seven MVPs, and had 19 solo kills...

Basically two solo kills per game!!

Whether it was early laning or late laning, this number of solo kills was a bit too scary.

This also includes the games where Yuan Shen played tools like Treant and Gnar.

If he played offensive top laners in every game, this data might be even more gorgeous.

On the field, he returned to the line again.

Yasuo has taken the absolute initiative.

One reason is that after a high level, Yasuo is easy to fight Gnar, which can be regarded as a hero advantage.

The other reason is...

Flando was scared.

The operation just now is enough to prove the high proficiency of Yuan Shen's Yasuo.

When the hero is countered, it is already a rare thing to be able to maintain stable development.

Stay and develop, leave it to teammates!

Flando's mentality has changed unconsciously.

But the past is the past, and the present is the present.

Some things cannot be compensated by a change of mentality.

Yasuo leads in economy and experience, Gnar can't even fight in the same lane!

If you go forward to last hit, you will be chased and slashed by Yasuo's E face, and the long-distance last hit will be confiscated by the wind wall.

The line of soldiers in the top lane is so long, Yasuo can control it casually, and Gnar can hardly even get experience.

Many people don't understand why they can fight back and forth when they are behind three or four kills in the game, but once they fall behind in the professional arena, it seems to be a one-sided situation.

This is the biggest difference between the professional arena and the passerby rank.

Professional teams really know how to take advantage of the gap caused by one kill.

For example, now, the upper jungle is almost entirely IG's vision. Sejuani has to be careful when brushing the jungle in the jungle, always worried about the invasion of Lee Sin.

Yasuo has the right to the line, whether it is pushing or controlling the line, the Snake team is very uncomfortable.

Controlling the line, it is Gnar who is uncomfortable.

Pushing the line, it is the top, mid and jungle of the Snake team that are uncomfortable.

The top laner is worried about being crossed, and the jungler is worried about being invaded.

Even U in the middle lane had to move down all the time, and didn't dare to push the line across the river, for fear that a blind man would jump out of his blind spot and kick him, and then a Yasuo would fly over from outside the screen.

The chain reaction caused by the first blood is more and more exploited by the top teams.

As an old team, IG really understands this kind of situation.

"The top lane is too difficult..."

Miller couldn't help it.

The experience gap between the top laners of both sides is getting bigger and bigger. Now, in less than seven minutes, Gnar has been suppressed by 18 knives.

Three waves of soldiers are the money for a head.

Although Gnar's record is 0-1, he is already behind by almost a thousand in terms of economic difference.

Although the bottom lane has an advantage, it can't make up for the disadvantage of the top lane.

More importantly, if Yasuo and Lee Sin are both level 6, Gnar will not be safe even under the tower.

These two heroes are a very classic mid-jungle combination.

If it drags on like this, Yasuo will take off, and Gnar will not be far from disconnection.

"We can only find a breakthrough in the bottom lane. Sejuani is about to surround us. Lee Sin is still in the top lane. If we have a chance, should we force our way over the tower?"

Long Mao looked at the situation on the field and couldn't help but sit up straight.

On the field, Beast Q flashed R and hit Thresh directly. With the output of Corki and Annie, Thresh was killed, and then Syndra teleported around and killed KID's Annie.

Although Rookie teleported down and killed the anti-tower Pig Girl, IG still lost one for two.

Both sides continued to develop. At nine minutes, Gnar teleported to the bottom lane to help his teammates take the first dragon.

The result was that the top lane tower was pushed down by Yasuo and Lee Sin, and the middle lane tower was consumed by Rookie.

Although only four heads broke out in the first nine minutes, it was already outrageous.

Today's game rhythm is not fast. Whether it is China, South Korea or the other three major regions, they are all learning South Korea's operation and play. Some games can't even burst out heads in 30 minutes, and people watching are drowsy.

In this case, the comparison is the development ability of the players.

The Corki in the bottom lane had 78 last hits at the moment, while Annie had only 58 last hits, being suppressed by a full 20 hits.

Twenty last hits plus kills equals nearly 1,000 yuan.

Musto's Corki is still good, stable and strong.

If it were normal, this 1,000 yuan would mean a lot, which means Corki can make big items earlier, make his equipment complete earlier, and join the team earlier.

IG must avoid fighting and delay until KID's Annie makes the necessary equipment.

One side has an ADC to join the team, while the other side's ADC cannot develop, which has a great impact on the mid-term team battle, and some team battles cannot be fought at all.

Why do people always say that ADC is the core of the late game?

Because in today's version, ADC must make more than three sets to be combat-effective.

Attack speed, attack power, and critical strike chance are all indispensable.

As a continuous output of combat power, the role of ADC is unparalleled.

This is also the fundamental reason why many teams choose to protect the bottom lane.

But in the early and mid-term, the ratio of economic conversion to combat power in the top position is the highest.

The level difference and equipment difference allow the top laner to hold the pace in the early and mid-game, and delay until the ADC equipment is ready in the late game.

It is good that Musto has an advantage, but this advantage is not enough.

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