Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 56 Hidden Rules, Jack's Debut

Chapter 56 - Hidden rules, Jack’s debut

"Abu is right."

IG base, lying on the chair looking at the ceiling a little dull.

"It's all nonsense. It's not like we don't know these issues."

She Keke angrily turned off Abu's interview video.

They know IG's problems better than anyone else, and it was especially obvious when they played training games with LCK teams.

But it’s not as bad as zero to two.

They still have room to fight back.

It can only be said that it is nothing short of a civil war phantom god.

"Don't think so much. Once you know where the problem is, adjust slowly. Ge Yan, if you continue like this, I'm afraid you will be suppressed by Jack."

He leaned on the sofa and whistled with his hands on his pillow.

He was replaced in the starting lineup by Yuan Shen. It would be false to say that he had nothing else in mind.

Although Yuan Shen has always respected him, he occasionally has the opportunity to play.

But now he is under greater pressure than in the early days of S5.

During that time, he competed with Rookie for the starting spot.

Now, he has to compete with Yuan Shen again.

Can't compete, can't compete at all.

The newcomer JackeyLove is also very fierce, not that he is any better than KID, but his style of daring to fight and fight is really suitable for IG.

The three lines are full of guys who are full of enthusiasm and work hard. It is easy to rely on operations to defeat the teams that blindly defend and want to delay operations in the early stage. However, it is also easier to expose flaws and be found by experienced teams. Operate until death.

This is a double-edged sword.

It's not just him who thinks this way, everyone feels this way.

IG, with Jack playing, somehow feels like OMG in S4, even more intense.

"There is nothing I can do. A new generation replaces an old one. I only hear the new ones laughing. How can I hear the old ones cry..."

KID sighed.

He knows his problem well.

He and Zhizi are the only two old IGs left.

Gesture has become a substitute, and it is only a matter of time before he is replaced by someone new.

Although he is not very old, he always has a feeling of sluggishness.

Compared with Uzi, Deft, and Imp, he is like an old man in his seventies or eighties who is dying.

But this kind of illusory mentality problem cannot be corrected by correcting it. When the thoughts are clear, the knot in the heart will be solved.

During the game, whether it is his teammates, opponents, or even the audience, commentators, and referees, they can always put pressure on him from inexplicable angles, which makes him uncomfortable.

On June 21, IG ushered in its last opponent in the first round of the regular season, LGD.

LGD's results in the summer split were not ideal, and they are currently ranked fifth in the league.

Judging from the points, this team seems to be only in the middle and upper reaches of the LPL.

But as long as they have watched the BO5 in the LPL Spring Finals, no one dares to underestimate this team.

In this year's spring finals, the reason EDG was able to defeat LGD can only be said to be luck.

The most critical decisive game, when you have done everything to the extreme, the key to victory or defeat has shifted from tactics, tactics, strategy, operation awareness, etc. to luck.

Among the ADCs who are both in the Six Gods outfit, whichever side has more critical hits will win the finals and get the ticket to MSI.

True faith crit!

LGD's hard power is not inferior to EDG at the peak of S5.

Facing such a powerful opponent, IG didn't have time to make too many adjustments, so they threw themselves into training as soon as possible.

Everyone is ranking and maintaining touch, while Kakao is carefully studying the enemy's eye positioning habits.

Being beaten up by Ming Kai is actually not a shameful thing.

Many people have been beaten up by Ming Kai.

Although he is not good at operations, his awareness and experience are definitely at the top level in the LPL and even the world.

But Kakao couldn't accept such a failure.

He desperately wants to do something for his teammates.

He hated that feeling of powerlessness.

June 21st is coming soon.

But the game between IG and LGD also made the audience very unhappy.

In the first game, IG and LGD had some back and forth.

Top laner Yuan Shen's Rambo blasted Acorn's Gnar, while bottom laner Imp completely suppressed the fledgling JackeyLove.

In order to deal with LGD, a powerful opponent, IG has made a lot of preparations.

Defends line changes and focuses on midfield.

After considering the team, Yuan Shen chose Rambo.

LGD's midfielder is also not weak.

The linkage between Taobao Quan and Wei Shen was inseparable from Rookie and Kakao in the early and mid-term.

After the mid-term, both sides maintained the core C position and fought fiercely. There were three consecutive waves of team battles, with both sides winning or losing.

Various extreme operations made the audience dizzy and excited.

Finally, in the last wave of team battles, Ah Shui's Big Mouth flashed forward resolutely, relying on his position to twist away the opponent's Titan's hook and Gnar's W. Although he still died in the end, his output was already enough.

With the landing of Clockwork and Rambo's ultimate move, the status of the five LGD players was greatly reduced!

LGD was taken away by a wave.

After 47 minutes of fierce fighting, IG won.

This is the longest game IG has played since the summer split.

However, just when everyone thought that the second game would be so exciting, LGD suddenly withered.

The jungler got lost, made mistakes in the laning phase...

There were too many accidents, which led to the game ending in just 22 minutes.

The head-to-head ratio reached a shocking 17 to 2.

Especially Imp, who was almost like drinking fake wine, was killed by Jack in the laning phase, and he could get face to face with Draven with his skateboard shoes.

"LGD has a problem..."

As soon as he returned to the lounge, Yuan Shen said.

"What do you mean?"

Jack, who was still bragging to KID about how powerful Draven was, looked over blankly.

"They started again."

Rookie frowned. He would never forget the scene when he faced LGD in the spring game. The enchantress who led the whole game was carried away with her chair after just the first game.

Oscar night.

Because of this incident, the LPL official also specially modified the summer game system.

Under the new system, the ranking of the regular season has become more important, and it has become less easy to control the points.

But... for a point control expert like LGD, there are still opportunities.

After all, there are only a few teams that can pose a threat to them, and they can adjust their attitude towards weak teams according to the situation after playing against strong teams.

"Is point control so fun? Do you have to play all the games to win the championship?"

Jack, who just entered the arena, was a little annoyed.

He thought that he had proved his strength by being able to fight with Imp.

But the facts were laid out in front of him.

This was not the professional game he wanted.

"There are still some benefits. You also need to hide things in the regular season, not expose your real playing habits, BP lineup, and some routines. As long as you don't expose them, you won't be studied by a certain team."

Shekeke said.

His presence in IG is not high, but after all, he has been working hard for so many years and is already an old hand.

Newcomers like Jack need him to teach the "unspoken rules" of the professional arena.

"EDG, they said it clearly. When we were winning streaks before, they were studying at what time to place wards and under what circumstances you would aggressively exchange blood..."

Zizi bit his thumb and his cheeks turned red. He had been disgusted by Mingkai many times before.

Playing against EDG, he always felt that he was as pure as a blank sheet of paper.

"Not only EDG, many teams will study their opponents, but they will not use this result in the regular season. Only in the most critical playoffs will they show everything."

Fu Manduo blew the wolfberry water in the thermos cup and smiled at Yuan Shen with a complicated expression and Jack with an indignant face.

Young people, professional competitions are not that easy.

You still have a lot to learn!

Transition to the playoffs as soon as possible. After the Sword Princess and Captain are updated, go to play against EDG and LGD, the two major opponents!

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